These are the dependencies currently used by Bitcoin Core. You can find instructions for installing them in the `build-*.md` file for your platform.
| Dependency | Version used | Minimum required | CVEs | Shared | [Bundled Qt library ]( ) |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Berkeley DB | [4.8.30 ]( ) | 4.8.x | No | | |
| Boost | [1.71.0 ]( ) | [1.64.0 ]( ) | No | | |
| Clang< sup > [ \* ](#note1)</ sup > | | [7.0 ]( ) (C++17 & std::filesystem support) | | | |
| Expat | [2.2.7 ]( ) | | No | Yes | |
| fontconfig | [2.12.1 ]( ) | | No | Yes | |
| FreeType | [2.7.1 ]( ) | | No | | [Yes ]( ) (Android only) |
| GCC | | [8.1 ]( ) (C++17 & std::filesystem support) | | | |
| glibc | | [2.18 ]( ) | | | | |
| HarfBuzz-NG | | | | | [Yes ]( ) |
| libevent | [2.1.12-stable ]( ) | [2.0.21 ]( ) | No | | |
| libnatpmp | git commit [4536032... ]( ) | | No | | |
| libpng | | | | | [Yes ]( ) |
| librsvg | | | | | |
| MiniUPnPc | [2.2.2 ]( ) | | No | | |
| PCRE | | | | | [Yes ]( ) |
| Python (tests) | | [3.6 ]( ) | | | |
| qrencode | [3.4.4 ]( ) | | No | | |
| Qt | [5.12.11 ]( ) | [5.9.5 ]( ) | No | | |
| SQLite | [3.32.1 ]( ) | [3.7.17 ]( ) | | | |
| XCB | | | | | [Yes ]( ) (Linux only) |
| systemtap ([tracing](| | | | | |
| xkbcommon | | | | | [Yes ]( ) (Linux only) |
| ZeroMQ | [4.3.1 ]( ) | 4.0.0 | No | | |
| zlib | | | | | [Yes ]( ) |
< a name = "note1" > Note \*</ a > : When compiling with `-stdlib=libc++` , the minimum supported libc++ version is 7.0.
Controlling dependencies
Some dependencies are not needed in all configurations. The following are some factors that affect the dependency list.
#### Options passed to `./configure`
* MiniUPnPc is not needed with `--without-miniupnpc` .
* libnatpmp is not needed with `--without-natpmp` .
* Berkeley DB is not needed with `--disable-wallet` or `--without-bdb` .
* SQLite is not needed with `--disable-wallet` or `--without-sqlite` .
* Qt is not needed with `--without-gui` .
* If the qrencode dependency is absent, QR support won't be added. To force an error when that happens, pass `--with-qrencode` .
* If the systemtap dependency is absent, USDT support won't compiled in.
* ZeroMQ is needed only with the `--with-zmq` option.
#### Other
* librsvg is only needed if you need to run `make deploy` on (cross-compilation to) macOS.
* Not-Qt-bundled zlib is required to build the [DMG tool ](../contrib/macdeploy/ ) from the libdmg-hfsplus project.