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Building Bitcoin Core with Visual Studio
Solution and project files to build the Bitcoin Core applications (except Qt dependent ones) with Visual Studio 2017 can be found in the build_msvc directory.
Building with Visual Studio is an alternative to the Linux based [cross-compiler build](
A number of [open source libraries]( are required in order to be able to build Bitcoin.
Options for installing the dependencies in a Visual Studio compatible manner are:
- Use Microsoft's [vcpkg]( to download the source packages and build locally. This is the recommended approach.
- Download the source code, build each dependency, add the required include paths, link libraries and binary tools to the Visual Studio project files.
- Use [nuget]( packages with the understanding that any binary files have been compiled by an untrusted third party.
The external dependencies required for the Visual Studio build are (see the [dependencies doc]( for versions):
- Berkeley DB,
- OpenSSL,
- Boost,
- libevent,
- ZeroMQ
Additional dependencies required from the [bitcoin-core]( github repository are:
- SECP256K1,
- LevelDB
The instructions below use vcpkg to install the dependencies.
- Clone and vcpkg from the [github repository]( and install as per the instructions in the main
- Install the required packages (replace x64 with x86 as required):
- Install the required dependencies with vcpkg:
PS >.\vcpkg install boost:x64-windows-static `
libevent:x64-windows-static `
openssl:x64-windows-static `
zeromq:x64-windows-static `
berkeleydb:x64-windows-static `
secp256k1:x64-windows-static `
- Use Python to generate *.vcxproj from Makefile
PS >python
- Build in Visual Studio.