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//Witty.h 190331 ref voir
//Dans PP #include "Witty.h" SetupWitty();
#define bLed 1 // PORTC
#define bPush 0 // actif à zero
#define PushOn (!(PINC&(1<<bPush))) // pull-up int
#define LedOn bitSet (PORTC,bLed)
#define LedOff bitClear (PORTC,bLed)
#define LedToggle (PORTC^=(1<<bLed))
//Module IR - voir Telec.h et
#define bIrm 2 // on PORTD int
#define IrmOn !(PIND&(1<<bIrm))
#define bAvD 6
#define bRecD 7
#define AvD bitSet (PORTD,bAvD); bitClear (PORTD,bRecD)
#define RecD bitClear (PORTD,bAvD); bitSet (PORTD,bRecD)
#define FreeD bitClear (PORTD,bAvD); bitClear (PORTD,bRecD)
#define BlockD bitSet (PORTD,bAvD); bitSet (PORTD,bRecD)
#define bAvG 5
#define bRecG 4
#define AvG bitSet (PORTD,bAvG); bitClear (PORTD,bRecG)
#define RecG bitClear (PORTD,bAvG); bitSet (PORTD,bRecG)
#define FreeG bitClear (PORTD,bAvG); bitClear (PORTD,bRecG) // TEST
#define BlockG bitSet (PORTD,bAvG); bitSet (PORTD,bRecG)
#define StopG BlockG
#define StopD BlockD
#define bIrm 2 // on PORTD int
#define IrmOn !(PIND&(1<<bIrm))
#define bLed 1 // PORTC
#define bPous 0 // actif à zero
#define PousOn (!(PINC&(1<<bPous))) // pull-up
#define LedOn bitSet (PORTC,bLed)
#define LedOff bitClear (PORTC,bLed)
#define LedToggle (PORTC^=(1<<bLed))
void SetupWitty() {
DDRD = 0b11111000; // rien sur pd3?
DDRC = 0 ;
PORTC = 0b000001; // pullup pous
DDRB= 0x03; // PB0 1 sur connecteur pour Apa102
#define nop asm ("nop")
void DelMs (uint16_t dm) { //172-152
for (uint16_t i=0; i<dm; i++) {
for (uint16_t j=0; j<3200; j++) {nop;}
void Delus (uint16_t dm) { // 182-152
for (uint16_t i=0; i<dm; i++) {nop;nop;nop;nop;}
for (uint16_t i=0; i<dm; i++) {nop;nop;nop;}
void Cligno(byte nn,int dd) {
for (byte i=0; i<2*nn; i++) { LedToggle, DelMs(dd);}
void CliErr (byte ct,int dd, int ww) {
while(1) {
Cligno (ct,dd);
DelMs (ww);