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//TestApa.ino ok 190330 1224b 38v
// arc en ciel de 0 à 192 manque de l'orangé
#include "Witty.h"
#define Npix 8 // nombre de LEDs
#define Brt 2 // max 31 brigtness
#include "Apa102.h"
void setup () {
void loop() {
DelMs (2000);
for (byte i=0; i<16; i++) { ApaLogRed (i); DelMs(100);}
for (byte i=16; i>0; i--) { ApaLogRed (i-1); DelMs(100);}
Test ApaRed from 0 to 255 (reduce delay)
Modify Brt value
Modify in the lib parameters of ApaRainbow. Hue etc is explained in doc.