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// SerNum.h Formats avec zéros enlever
//Dans PP #include "SerNum.h" SetupSerNum();
void SetupSerNum() {
UBRR0=F_CPU/(9600*16L)-1; // set speed
UCSR0B=0x18; // -- -- -- rxe txe -- -- --
UCSR0C=0x06; // set mode: 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
//Rx S1 est toujours en sortie
//Tx S2 aussi, sous controle du 328 si TerOn (S2 ignoré);
#define TerOn UBRR0=F_CPU/(9600*16L)-1; UCSR0C=0x06; UCSR0B=0x08
#define TerOff DelMs(3); UCSR0C=0x06; UCSR0B=0
void TerCar( byte dd) { // write bloquant Ok initial
while(!(UCSR0A&0x20));// wait
UDR0=dd; // OK, send it now!
void TerCR() {
void TerText(const char str[]) {
for (byte i=0; i< strlen(str); i++) {
void TerBin8 (byte bb) {
for (byte i=0;i<8;i++) {
if (bb&0x80) TerCar('1');
else TerCar('0');
bb <<= 1;
TerCar(' ');
char TerConvNibble (byte nn) { // converti 4 bit hexa en Ascii
byte cc;
if (nn<10) {cc = nn + '0';}
else {cc = nn-10 + 'A';}
return cc;
void TerHex8 (byte hh) {
byte cc;
cc = TerConvNibble (hh >> 4) ; // ne modifie pas hh
cc = TerConvNibble (hh & 0x0F) ;
TerCar(' '); // space
void TerHex16 (uint16_t hh) {
byte cc;
cc = TerConvNibble (hh >> 12) ; TerCar(cc);
cc = TerConvNibble ((hh >> 8)&0x0F) ; TerCar(cc);
cc = TerConvNibble ((hh >> 4)&0x0F) ; TerCar(cc);
cc = TerConvNibble ((hh )&0x0F) ; TerCar(cc);
TerCar(' ');
void TerHex12 (uint16_t hh) {
byte cc=0;
cc = TerConvNibble ((hh >> 8)&0x0F) ; TerCar(cc);
cc = TerConvNibble ((hh >> 4)&0x0F) ; TerCar(cc);
cc = TerConvNibble (hh & 0x0F) ; TerCar(cc);
TerCar(' ');
void TerHex20 (uint32_t hh) {
byte cc;
cc = TerConvNibble ((hh >> 16)&0x0F) ; TerCar(cc);
cc = TerConvNibble ((hh >> 12)&0x0F) ; TerCar(cc);
cc = TerConvNibble ((hh >> 8 )&0x0F) ; TerCar(cc);
cc = TerConvNibble ((hh >> 4 )&0x0F) ; TerCar(cc);
cc = TerConvNibble (hh & 0x0F) ; TerCar(cc);
TerCar(' ');
void TerHex32 (uint32_t hh) {
byte cc;
cc = TerConvNibble ((hh >> 28)&0x0F) ; TerCar(cc);
cc = TerConvNibble ((hh >> 24)&0x0F) ; TerCar(cc);
cc = TerConvNibble ((hh >> 20)&0x0F) ; TerCar(cc);
cc = TerConvNibble ((hh >> 16)&0x0F) ; TerCar(cc);
cc = TerConvNibble ((hh >> 12)&0x0F) ; TerCar(cc);
cc = TerConvNibble ((hh >> 8)&0x0F) ; TerCar(cc);
cc = TerConvNibble ((hh >> 4)&0x0F) ; TerCar(cc);
cc = TerConvNibble ((hh )&0x0F) ; TerCar(cc);
TerCar(' ');
uint16_t TerBinDec8 (uint8_t bb) {
uint16_t dd=0;
for (byte i=0; i<8; i++) {
if ((dd & 0x0F)>0x04) {dd += 0x03;}
if ((dd & 0xF0)>0x40) {dd += 0x30;}
if ((bb & 0x80)) {dd += 1;} //inject bit
bb=bb<<1; // prepare next bit
return dd;
/*#define TerDec8(v) \
do { const int8_t vv = (v); \
if(vv<0) { TerDec8S(vv); } \
else { TerDec8U(vv); } \
} while(0)
void TerDec8 (uint8_t hh) {
void TerDec8S (int8_t hh) {
if (hh<0) { // négatif
TerCar('-'); hh = -hh;
} else {
uint16_t BinDec9999 (uint16_t bb) { //0x270F max
uint32_t dd=0;
for (byte i=0; i<16; i++) {
if ((dd & 0x000F)>0x0004) {dd += 0x0003;}
if ((dd & 0x00F0)>0x0040) {dd += 0x0030;}
if ((dd & 0x0F00)>0x0400) {dd += 0x0300;}
if ((dd & 0xF000)>0x4000) {dd += 0x3000;}
if ((bb & 0x8000)) {dd += 1; } //inject bit
bb<<=1; // prepare next bit
return dd;
uint32_t BinDec16 (uint16_t bb) {
uint32_t dd=0;
for (byte i=0; i<16 ; i++) {
if ((dd & 0x000F)>0x0004) {dd += 0x0003;}
if ((dd & 0x00F0)>0x0040) {dd += 0x0030;}
if ((dd & 0x0F00)>0x0400) {dd += 0x0300;}
if ((dd & 0xF000)>0x4000) {dd += 0x3000;}
if ((bb & 0x8000)) {dd += 1; } //inject bit
bb<<=1; // prepare next bit
return dd;
void TerDec9999 (uint16_t hh) { // limité à 0x2703
if (hh>9999) { TerText("over "); }
else TerHex16(BinDec9999(hh));
void TerDec16 (uint32_t hh) { //
void TerDec16S (int16_t hh) { // signé
if (hh<0) { // negatif
TerCar('-'); hh = -hh;
} else {