parent 8536cb45a5
commit f1b11adc66

@ -3,15 +3,14 @@
A much smaller and more efficient serial library than Arduinos Serial.
Use one include file to replace the Serial.print from Arduino library.
##### Table of Contents
[What is the problem with Arduino Serial.print ?](#arduino_serial_problems)
[Example comparison between Didel TerSer and Arduino Serial](#example_comparison)
[Using tabular data](#using_tabular_data)
[TerSer Limitations](#terser_limitations)
[Code size and timing comparison](#code_size_timing_comparison)
**Table of Contents**
[What is the problem with Arduino Serial.print ?](#what-is-the-problem-with-arduino-serialprint-)
[Example comparison between Didel TerSer and Arduino Serial](#example-comparison-between-didel-terser-and-arduino-serial)
[Using tabular data](#using-tabular-data)
[TerSer Limitations](#terser-limitations)
[Code size and timing comparison](#code-size-and-timing-comparison)
<a name="arduino_serial_problems"/>
### What is the problem with Arduino Serial.print ?
Serial.print is is most of the time used as a debugging tool, and with limited resources it is even more important to have the most lighweight solution for this task.
@ -38,7 +37,6 @@ It is admittedly very convenient to just use Serial.print(var); since it doesn't
*uint16_t v16=1120; uint16_t v16b=20; int16_t v16s=20;*
<a name="using_tabular_data"/>
### Using tabular data
Filling the non significative digits with zero or space is a general options, named ShowZ(); and HideZ();
@ -56,7 +54,6 @@ HideZ();Dec8s(3); SetTab(15);
It is up to you to add functions like TextNL();
if you need to keep your Serial.println() habits.
<a name="terser_limitations"/>
### TerSer Limitations
TerSer does not print floating point numbers.
The may happen some day with one more file to import, e.g. names TerFloat.h.
@ -65,7 +62,6 @@ Dec8(); and Dec16(); use a tricky macro to recognize the signed or unsigned data
Code will be shorter and there will be no limitation if you use Dec8u(any unsigned expr); and
Dec8s(any signed expr);, same of course Dec16u(); and Dec16s();
<a name="code_size_timing_comparison"/>
### Code size and timing comparison
Code size has been obtained by calling one function at a time, compiler under the usual -0s mode. Size is the difference with the empty file size. TerSer.h can of course be used with setup() and loop(). It add the ~300 bytes Arduino initializations.
Execution time has been measured with a Nop replacing the SendCar function. The time depends on the baud rate, ~1 ms per character displayed at 9600 bits/s.
