diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 2670b30..05ae87f 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ One just uses a bad but widely available tool, and is not willing to find or inv We propose to use a compact C portable library. Compatibility with an Oled display is a further plus. The SerTerm.h and OledTerm.h are demonstrated on the popular Arduino environment, but it is just plain C. It is admittedly very convenient to just use Serial.print(var); since it doesn't require you to specify the type of variable. Though when trying for example to output data in tabular style the processor needs to know the data type used so that it can reserve the adequate space for it in its output. It might seem like a big inconvenience to specify the data type with any statement that outputs data over serial but then again for debugging purposes it makes perfectly sense in terms of speed AND size of the resulting code. By the same reasons we also do not use a buffer as it is needed only in specific situations. + The TerSer.h offer the choice of 4 print format for numbers. Signed variables have a + or – sign in front. | Normal (moz=0) | Spaces (moz=1) | Zeros (moz=2) | Compact (moz=3) | Serial.print | | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- | -------------- | - | ![moz0](docs/images/tab_moz0.png?raw=true "Example moz=0") | ![moz1](docs/images/tab_moz1.png?raw=true "Example moz=1") | ![moz2](docs/images/tab_moz2.png?raw=true "Example moz=2") | ![moz3](docs/images/tab_moz3.png?raw=true "Example moz=3") | ![Aserial](docs/images/tab_arduino_serial.png?raw=true "Example Arduino Serial.print") |