You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

561 lines
18 KiB

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

// To get required headers, run
// sudo apt-get install libcups2-dev libcupsimage2-dev
#include <cups/cups.h>
#include <cups/ppd.h>
#include <cups/raster.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define DEBUGFILE "/tmp/debugraster.txt"
static inline int min(int a, int b) {
if (a > b)
return b;
return a;
// settings and their stuff
struct settings_ {
int modelNum; // the only setting we get from PPD.
unsigned CashDrawer1;
unsigned CashDrawer2;
unsigned CashDrawer1On;
unsigned CashDrawer1Off;
unsigned CashDrawer2On;
unsigned CashDrawer2Off;
cups_bool_t InsertSheet;
cups_adv_t AdvanceMedia;
cups_cut_t CutMedia;
unsigned int AdvanceDistance;
struct settings_ settings;
static void initializeSettings(char *commandLineOptionSettings, struct settings_ *pSettings) {
ppd_file_t *pPpd = ppdOpenFile(getenv("PPD"));
// char* sDestination = getenv("DestinationPrinterID");
memset(pSettings, 0, sizeof(struct settings_));
pSettings->modelNum = pPpd->model_number;
static void update_settings_from_job (cups_page_header2_t * pHeader)
if (!pHeader)
settings.CashDrawer1 = pHeader->cupsInteger[0];
settings.CashDrawer2 = pHeader->cupsInteger[1];
settings.CashDrawer1On = pHeader->cupsInteger[2];
settings.CashDrawer1Off = pHeader->cupsInteger[3];
settings.CashDrawer2On = pHeader->cupsInteger[4];
settings.CashDrawer2Off = pHeader->cupsInteger[5];
settings.InsertSheet = pHeader->cupsInteger[6];
settings.AdvanceMedia = pHeader->AdvanceMedia;
settings.CutMedia = pHeader->CutMedia;
settings.AdvanceDistance = pHeader->AdvanceDistance;
#ifndef DEBUGP
static inline void mputchar(char c) { putchar(c); }
#define DEBUGPRINT(...)
FILE *lfd = 0;
// putchar with debug wrappers
static inline void mputchar(char c) {
unsigned char m = c;
if (lfd)
fprintf(lfd, "%02x ", m);
// on macos cups filters works in a sandbox and cant write
// filtes everywhere. We'll use $TMPDIR/debugraster.txt for them
static inline void DEBUGSTARTPRINT() {
char * tmpfolder = getenv("TMPDIR");
const char *filename = "/debugraster.txt";
char *dbgpath = (char *)malloc(strlen(tmpfolder) + strlen(filename) + 1);
lfd = fopen(dbgpath,"w");
#define DEBUGSTARTPRINT() lfd = fopen(DEBUGFILE, "w")
if (lfd) \
#define DEBUGPRINT(...) if (lfd) fprintf(lfd, "\n" __VA_ARGS__)
// procedure to output an array
static inline void outputarray(const char *array, int length) {
int i = 0;
for (; i < length; ++i)
// output a command. -1 is because we determine them as string literals,
// so \0 implicitly added at the end, but we don't need it at all
#define SendCommand(COMMAND) outputarray((COMMAND),sizeof((COMMAND))-1)
static inline void mputnum(unsigned int val) {
* zj uses kind of epson ESC/POS dialect code. Here is subset of commands
* initialize - esc @
* cash drawer 1 - esc p 0 @ P
* cash drawer 2 - esc p 1 @ P // @ =0x40 and P=0x50 <N> and <M>
* where <N>*2ms is pulse on time, <M>*2ms is pulse off.
* start raster - GS v 0 // 0 is full-density, may be also 1, 2, 4
* skip lines - esc J // then N [0..255], each value 1/44 inches (0.176mm)
* // another commands out-of-spec:
* esc 'i' - cutter; xprinter android example shows as GS V \1 (1D 56 01)
* esc '8' - wait{4, cutter also (char[4]){29,'V','A',20}}; GS V 'A' 20
// define printer initialize command
static const char escInit[] = "\x1b@";
// define cashDrawerEjector command
static const char escCashDrawerEject[] = "\x1bp";
// define raster mode start command
static const char escRasterMode[] = "\x1dv0\0";
// define flush command
static const char escFlush[] = "\x1bJ";
// define cut command
//static const char escCut[] = "\x1bi";
static const char escCut[] = "\x1dV\1";
// enter raster mode and set up x and y dimensions
static inline void sendRasterHeader(int xsize, int ysize) {
// outputCommand(rasterModeStartCommand);
static inline void flushLines(unsigned short lines)
mputchar (lines);
// print all unprinted (i.e. flush the buffer)
static inline void flushBuffer() {
// flush, then feed 24 lines
static inline void flushManyLines(int iLines)
DEBUGPRINT("Skip %d empty lines: ", iLines);
while ( iLines )
int iStride = min (iLines, 24);
flushLines ( iStride );
iLines -= iStride;
inline static void CashDrawerEject (unsigned iDrawer, unsigned iOn,
unsigned iOff)
inline static void cutMedia()
// sent on the beginning of print job
void setupJob() {
if (settings.CashDrawer1 == 1)
if (settings.CashDrawer2 == 1)
CashDrawerEject(1, settings.CashDrawer2On, settings.CashDrawer2Off);
// sent at the very end of print job
void finalizeJob() {
if (settings.CashDrawer1 == 2)
CashDrawerEject(0, settings.CashDrawer1On, settings.CashDrawer1Off);
if (settings.CashDrawer2 == 2)
CashDrawerEject(1, settings.CashDrawer2On, settings.CashDrawer2Off);
// SendCommand(escInit);
// sent at the end of every page
#ifndef __sighandler_t
typedef void (*__sighandler_t)(int);
__sighandler_t old_signal;
void finishPage() {
signal(SIGTERM, old_signal);
// sent on job canceling
void cancelJob() {
int i = 0;
for (; i < 0x258; ++i)
// invoked before starting to print a page
void startPage() { old_signal = signal(SIGTERM, cancelJob); }
void DebugPrintHeader (cups_page_header2_t* pHeader)
"MediaClass '%s'\n"
"MediaColor '%s'\n"
"MediaType '%s'\n"
"OutputType '%s'\n"
"AdvanceDistance %d\n"
"AdvanceMedia %d\n"
"Collate %d\n"
"CutMedia %d\n"
"Duplex %d\n"
"HWResolution %d %d\n"
"ImagingBoundingBox %d %d %d %d\n"
"InsertSheet %d\n"
"Jog %d\n"
"LeadingEdge %d\n"
"Margins %d %d\n"
"ManualFeed %d\n"
"MediaPosition %d\n"
"MediaWeight %d\n"
"MirrorPrint %d\n"
"NegativePrint %d\n"
"NumCopies %d\n"
"Orientation %d\n"
"OutputFaceUp %d\n"
"PageSize %d %d\n"
"Separations %d\n"
"TraySwitch %d\n"
"Tumble %d\n"
"cupsWidth %d\n"
"cupsHeight %d\n"
"cupsMediaType %d\n"
"cupsBitsPerColor %d\n"
"cupsBitsPerPixel %d\n"
"cupsBytesPerLine %d\n"
"cupsColorOrder %d\n"
"cupsColorSpace %d\n"
"cupsCompression %d\n"
"cupsRowCount %d\n"
"cupsRowFeed %d\n"
"cupsRowStep %d\n"
"cupsNumColors %d\n"
"cupsBorderlessScalingFactor %f\n"
"cupsPageSize %f %f\n"
"cupsImagingBBox %f %f %f %f\n"
"cupsInteger %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n"
"cupsReal %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n"
"cupsString '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%s'\n"
"cupsMarkerType '%s'\n"
"cupsRenderingIntent '%s'\n"
"cupsPageSizeName '%s'\n",
pHeader->MediaClass, pHeader->MediaColor, pHeader->MediaType,
pHeader->OutputType, pHeader->AdvanceDistance, pHeader->AdvanceMedia,
pHeader->Collate, pHeader->CutMedia, pHeader->Duplex,
pHeader->HWResolution[0], pHeader->HWResolution[1],
pHeader->ImagingBoundingBox[0], pHeader->ImagingBoundingBox[1],
pHeader->ImagingBoundingBox[2], pHeader->ImagingBoundingBox[3],
pHeader->InsertSheet, pHeader->Jog, pHeader->LeadingEdge, pHeader->Margins[0],
pHeader->Margins[1], pHeader->ManualFeed, pHeader->MediaPosition,
pHeader->MediaWeight, pHeader->MirrorPrint, pHeader->NegativePrint,
pHeader->NumCopies, pHeader->Orientation, pHeader->OutputFaceUp,
pHeader->PageSize[0], pHeader->PageSize[1], pHeader->Separations,
pHeader->TraySwitch, pHeader->Tumble, pHeader->cupsWidth, pHeader->cupsHeight,
pHeader->cupsMediaType, pHeader->cupsBitsPerColor, pHeader->cupsBitsPerPixel,
pHeader->cupsBytesPerLine, pHeader->cupsColorOrder, pHeader->cupsColorSpace,
pHeader->cupsCompression, pHeader->cupsRowCount, pHeader->cupsRowFeed,
pHeader->cupsRowStep, pHeader->cupsNumColors,
pHeader->cupsBorderlessScalingFactor, pHeader->cupsPageSize[0],
pHeader->cupsPageSize[1], pHeader->cupsImagingBBox[0],
pHeader->cupsImagingBBox[1], pHeader->cupsImagingBBox[2],
pHeader->cupsImagingBBox[3], pHeader->cupsInteger[0],
pHeader->cupsInteger[1], pHeader->cupsInteger[2], pHeader->cupsInteger[3],
pHeader->cupsInteger[4], pHeader->cupsInteger[5], pHeader->cupsInteger[6],
pHeader->cupsInteger[7], pHeader->cupsInteger[8], pHeader->cupsInteger[9],
pHeader->cupsInteger[10], pHeader->cupsInteger[11], pHeader->cupsInteger[12],
pHeader->cupsInteger[13], pHeader->cupsInteger[14], pHeader->cupsInteger[15],
pHeader->cupsReal[0], pHeader->cupsReal[1], pHeader->cupsReal[2],
pHeader->cupsReal[3], pHeader->cupsReal[4], pHeader->cupsReal[5],
pHeader->cupsReal[6], pHeader->cupsReal[7], pHeader->cupsReal[8],
pHeader->cupsReal[9], pHeader->cupsReal[10], pHeader->cupsReal[11],
pHeader->cupsReal[12], pHeader->cupsReal[13], pHeader->cupsReal[14],
pHeader->cupsReal[15], pHeader->cupsString[0], pHeader->cupsString[1],
pHeader->cupsString[2], pHeader->cupsString[3], pHeader->cupsString[4],
pHeader->cupsString[5], pHeader->cupsString[6], pHeader->cupsString[7],
pHeader->cupsString[8], pHeader->cupsString[9], pHeader->cupsString[10],
pHeader->cupsString[11], pHeader->cupsString[12], pHeader->cupsString[13],
pHeader->cupsString[14], pHeader->cupsString[15], pHeader->cupsMarkerType,
pHeader->cupsRenderingIntent, pHeader->cupsPageSizeName);
// rearrange (compress) rows in pBuf, discarding tails of them
static inline unsigned compress_buffer(unsigned char *pBuf, unsigned iSize,
unsigned int iWideStride, unsigned int iStride) {
const unsigned char *pEnd = pBuf + iSize;
unsigned char *pTarget = pBuf;
while (pBuf < pEnd) {
int iBytes = min(pEnd - pBuf, iStride);
memmove(pTarget, pBuf, iBytes);
pTarget += iBytes;
pBuf += iWideStride;
return min(iSize, pTarget - pBuf);
// returns -1 if whole line iz filled by zeros. Otherwise 0.
static inline int line_is_empty(const unsigned char *pBuf, unsigned iSize) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < iSize; ++i)
if (pBuf[i])
return 0;
return -1;
static inline void send_raster(const unsigned char *pBuf, int width8,
int height) {
if (!height)
DEBUGPRINT("Raster block %dx%d pixels\n", width8 * 8, height);
// experimental - output raster according to new ESC/POS specification,
// using graphic function.
// It may work with kind of epson, but zijiang fails, oops...
// download raster - function 112
SendCommand("\x1d(L"); // GS ( L
mputnum(width8 * height + 10); // pL, pH
mputchar ('0'); // m=48
mputchar (112); // fn
mputchar ('0'); // monochrome digital
mputchar ('\1'); // bx
mputchar ('\1'); // by
mputchar ('1'); // с (color)= 1
mputnum(width8*8); // xL, xH
mputnum(height); // yL, yH
outputarray((char *)pBuf, width8 * height);
// print raster - function 50
mputnum (2); // pL, pH
mputchar (48); // m
mputchar (50); // function = 50
sendRasterHeader(width8, height);
outputarray((char *)pBuf, width8 * height);
{ \
if (pRasterSrc) \
cupsRasterClose(pRasterSrc); \
if (pRasterBuf) \
free(pRasterBuf); \
if (fd) \
close(fd); \
return (CODE); \
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc < 6 || argc > 7) {
fputs("ERROR: rastertozj job-id user title copies options [file]\n",
int fd = STDIN_FILENO; // File descriptor providing CUPS raster data
if (argc == 7) {
if ((fd = open(argv[6], O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
perror("ERROR: Unable to open raster file - ");
int iCurrentPage = 0;
// CUPS Page tHeader
cups_page_header2_t tHeader;
unsigned char *pRasterBuf = NULL; // Pointer to raster data from CUPS
// Raster stream for printing
cups_raster_t *pRasterSrc = cupsRasterOpen(fd, CUPS_RASTER_READ);
DEBUGPRINT("ModelNumber from PPD '%d'\n", settings.modelNum);
// set max num of pixels per line depended from model number (from ppd)
int iMaxWidth = settings.modelNum;
if (!iMaxWidth)
iMaxWidth = 0x240;
// postpone start of the job until we parse first header and get necessary values from there.
int iJobStarted = 0;
// loop over the whole raster, page by page
while (cupsRasterReadHeader2(pRasterSrc, &tHeader)) {
if ((!tHeader.cupsHeight) || (!tHeader.cupsBytesPerLine))
update_settings_from_job( &tHeader );
if (!iJobStarted)
iJobStarted = 1;
DebugPrintHeader ( &tHeader );
if (!pRasterBuf) {
pRasterBuf = malloc(tHeader.cupsBytesPerLine * 24);
if (!pRasterBuf) // hope it never goes here...
fprintf(stderr, "PAGE: %d %d\n", ++iCurrentPage, tHeader.NumCopies);
// calculate num of bytes to print given width having 1 bit per pixel.
int foo = min(tHeader.cupsWidth, iMaxWidth); // 0x240 for 80mm (72mm printable)
foo = (foo + 7) & 0xFFFFFFF8;
int width_bytes = foo >> 3; // in bytes, [0..0x30]
DEBUGPRINT("cupsWidth=%d, cupsBytesPerLine=%d; foo=%d, width_bytes=%d",
tHeader.cupsWidth, tHeader.cupsBytesPerLine, foo, width_bytes );
int iRowsToPrint = tHeader.cupsHeight;
int zeroy = 0;
// loop over one page, top to bottom by blocks of most 24 scan lines
while (iRowsToPrint) {
fprintf(stderr, "INFO: Printing iCurrentPage %d, %d%% complete...\n",
(100 * (tHeader.cupsHeight - iRowsToPrint) / tHeader.cupsHeight));
int iBlockHeight = min(iRowsToPrint, 24);
DEBUGPRINT("--------Processing block of %d, starting from %d lines",
iBlockHeight, tHeader.cupsHeight - iRowsToPrint);
iRowsToPrint -= iBlockHeight;
unsigned iBytesChunk = 0;
// first, fetch whole block from the image
if (iBlockHeight)
iBytesChunk = cupsRasterReadPixels(
pRasterSrc, pRasterBuf, tHeader.cupsBytesPerLine * iBlockHeight);
DEBUGPRINT("--------Got %d from %d requested bytes",
tHeader.cupsBytesPerLine *
// if original image is wider - rearrange buffer so that our calculated
// lines come one-by-one without extra gaps
if (width_bytes < tHeader.cupsBytesPerLine) {
DEBUGPRINT("--------Compress line from %d to %d bytes", tHeader.cupsBytesPerLine, width_bytes);
iBytesChunk = compress_buffer(pRasterBuf, iBytesChunk,
tHeader.cupsBytesPerLine, width_bytes);
// runaround for sometimes truncated output of cupsRasterReadPixels
if (iBytesChunk < width_bytes * iBlockHeight) {
DEBUGPRINT("--------Restore truncated gap of %d bytes",
width_bytes * iBlockHeight - iBytesChunk);
memset(pRasterBuf + iBytesChunk, 0,
width_bytes * iBlockHeight - iBytesChunk);
iBytesChunk = width_bytes * iBlockHeight;
// lazy output of current raster. First check current line if it is zero.
// if there were many zeroes and met non-zero - flush zeros by 'feed' cmd
// if opposite - send non-zero chunk as raster.
unsigned char *pBuf = pRasterBuf;
unsigned char *pChunk = pBuf;
const unsigned char *pEnd = pBuf + iBytesChunk;
int nonzerolines = 0;
while ( pBuf<pEnd ) {
if (line_is_empty(pBuf, width_bytes)) {
if (nonzerolines) { // met zero, need to flush collected raster
send_raster(pChunk, width_bytes, nonzerolines);
nonzerolines = 0;
} else {
if (zeroy) { // met non-zero, need to feed calculated num of zero lines
if (!nonzerolines)
pChunk = pBuf;
pBuf += width_bytes;
send_raster(pChunk, width_bytes, nonzerolines);
} // loop over page
// page is finished.
// m.b. we have to print empty tail at the end
if (settings.InsertSheet)
flushManyLines (zeroy);
if (settings.AdvanceMedia == CUPS_ADVANCE_PAGE)
if (settings.CutMedia == CUPS_CUT_PAGE)
} // loop over all pages pages
if (settings.AdvanceMedia==CUPS_ADVANCE_JOB)
if (settings.CutMedia == CUPS_CUT_JOB)
fputs(iCurrentPage ? "INFO: Ready to print.\n" : "ERROR: No pages found!\n",
// end of rastertozj.c