You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
588 lines
36 KiB
588 lines
36 KiB
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" >
<title>YaCy '#[clientname]#': Crawl Start</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/ajax.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/IndexCreate.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
* Set the state of all elements based on other elements state.
* @param {String} cId id of the element that had changed it's state
function setStates(cId) {
// order matters!
// crawl start points
if ($('#url').isChecked()) {
$('#sitemapURL, #crawlingFile').disable();
if (cId === "url") { $('#crawlingURL').focus(); }
} else if ($('#sitemap').isChecked()) {
$('#crawlingURL, #crawlingFile').disable();
if (cId === "sitemap") { $('#sitemapURL').focus(); }
} else if ($('#file').isChecked()) {
$('#crawlingURL, #sitemapURL').disable();
if (cId === "file") { $('#crawlingFile').focus(); }
// Load Filters
if (cId === "rangeDomain" || cId === "rangeSubpath" ||
cId === "rangeWide" || typeof cId === 'undefined') {
if ($('#rangeDomain').isChecked() ||
$('#rangeSubpath').isChecked()) {
// restrict to sub-path / domain
// skip these on initial load
if (typeof cId !== 'undefined') {
$('#deleteoldoff, #deleteoldage').uncheck();
} else if ($('#rangeWide').isChecked()) {
// use Filter
// skip these on initial load
if (typeof cId !== 'undefined') {
$('#deleteoldon, #deleteoldage').uncheck();
if (cId === "rangeWide") { $('#mustmatch').focus(); }
// crawl start: From File
if ($("#sitelist").isChecked()) {
document.getElementById('rangeDomainDescription').innerHTML ='Restrict to the domains in the link-list';
document.getElementById('rangeSubpathDescription').innerHTML ='Restrict to the subpaths in the link-list';
if ($("#rangeWide").isChecked()) {
// we allow also #rangeSubpath
// Delete only old
if ($('#deleteoldage').isChecked()) {
$('#deleteIfOlderNumber, #deleteIfOlderUnit').enable();
} else {
$('#deleteIfOlderNumber, #deleteIfOlderUnit').disable();
// Reload if old
if ($('#reloadoldage').isChecked()) {
$('#reloadIfOlderNumber, #reloadIfOlderUnit').enable();
} else {
$('#reloadIfOlderNumber, #reloadIfOlderUnit').disable();
// Use Must-Match List for Country Codes?
if ($('#noCountryMustMatchSwitch').isChecked()) {
} else {
if (cId === "countryMustMatchSwitch") {
// Maximum pages per domain
if ($('#crawlingDomMaxCheck').isChecked()) {
if (cId === "crawlingDomMaxCheck") {
} else {
// Remote crawl
if ($('#crawlOrder').isChecked()) {
if (cId === "crawlOrder") { $('#intention').focus(); }
} else {
* Disable element if value matches val.
* @param {String} id element id
* @param {String} val value to comapre to elements value */
function disableIf(id, val) {
var e = $('#'+id);
if (e.val() === val) {
$(document).ready(function() {
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/** Disable a form element. */
$.fn.disable = function() {
return this.each(function() {
$(this).prop('disabled', true);
/** Enable a form element. */
$.fn.enable = function() {
return this.each(function() {
$(this).prop('disabled', false);
/** Check DOM & properties if element is checked. */
$.fn.isChecked = function() {
return $(this).prop("checked");
/** Set checked state for checkoxes/radio buttons. */
$.fn.check = function() {
return this.each(function() {
$(this).attr("checked", "checked").prop("checked", true);
/** Unset checked state for checkoxes/radio buttons. */
$.fn.uncheck = function() {
return this.each(function() {
$(this).removeAttr("checked").prop("checked", false);
* On form submission remove text fields with default values as they
* are set to those by yacy values by yacy, if missing.
* @param {eventObject} ev */
$('#Crawler').on('submit', function(ev){
var defaultMatchAll = "#[matchAllStr]#";
var defaultMatchNone = "#[matchNoneStr]#";
// remove empty textfields
disableIf('crawlingDepthExtension', '');
disableIf('intention', '');
disableIf('mustnotmatch', defaultMatchNone);
disableIf('ipMustnotmatch', defaultMatchNone);
disableIf('indexmustnotmatch', defaultMatchNone);
disableIf('indexcontentmustnotmatch', defaultMatchNone);
// remove if MATCH_ALL_STRING
disableIf('mustmatch', defaultMatchAll);
disableIf('ipMustmatch', defaultMatchAll);
disableIf('indexmustmatch', defaultMatchAll);
disableIf('indexcontentmustmatch', defaultMatchAll);
// remove default collection name
disableIf('collection', '#[defaultCollection]#');
// add event handlers to all checkoxes & radio buttons
$(document).on('change', 'input:checkbox,input:radio', function() {
// set initial states
if ($('#crawlingURL').val() !== '') { changed(); }
<style type="text/css">
.nobr {
white-space: nowrap;
<body id="IndexCreate">
<div id="api">
<a href="" id="apilink" target="_blank"><img src="env/grafics/api.png" width="60" height="40" alt="API"/></a>
<span>Click on this API button to see a documentation of the POST request parameter for crawl starts.</span>
<h2>Expert Crawl Start</h2>
<p id="startCrawling">
<strong>Start Crawling Job:</strong>
You can define URLs as start points for Web page crawling and start crawling here.
"Crawling" means that YaCy will download the given website, extract all links in it and then download the content behind these links.
This is repeated as long as specified under "Crawling Depth".
A crawl can also be started using wget and the <a href="" target="_blank">post arguments</a> for this web page.
<form id="Crawler" action="Crawler_p.html" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" accept-charset="UTF-8">
<legend>Crawl Job</legend>
<p>A Crawl Job consist of one or more start point, crawl limitations and document freshness rules.</p>
<legend>Start Point</legend>
<dt>One Start URL or a list of URLs:<br/>(must start with http:// https:// ftp:// smb:// file://)</dt>
<span class="info" style="float:right"><img src="env/grafics/i16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="info"/><span style="right:0px;">Define the start-url(s) here. You can submit more than one URL, each line one URL please.
Each of these URLs are the root for a crawl start, existing start URLs are always re-loaded.
Other already visited URLs are sorted out as "double", if they are not allowed using the re-crawl option.
<input type="radio" align="top" name="crawlingMode" id="url" value="url" #(crawlingMode_url)#::checked="checked"#(/crawlingMode_url)# />
<textarea name="crawlingURL" id="crawlingURL" cols="64" rows="3" size="41" onkeypress="changed()">#[starturl]#</textarea>
<span id="robotsOK"></span>
<span id="title"><br/></span>
<img id="ajax" src="env/grafics/empty.gif" alt="empty" />
<input name="bookmarkTitle" id="bookmarkTitle" type="text" size="46" maxlength="256" value="#[bookmarkTitle]#" readonly="readonly" style="background:transparent; border:0px"/>
<dt>From Link-List of URL</dt>
<input type="radio" name="crawlingMode" id="sitelist" value="sitelist" #(has_url)#disabled="disabled"::#(/has_url)# #(crawlingMode_sitelist)#::checked="checked"#(/crawlingMode_sitelist)#/><br />
<div id="sitelistURLs"></div>
<dt>From Sitemap</dt>
<input type="radio" name="crawlingMode" id="sitemap" value="sitemap" #(crawlingMode_sitemap)#::checked="checked"#(/crawlingMode_sitemap)# #(has_sitemapURL)#disabled="disabled"::#(/has_sitemapURL)#/><input name="sitemapURL" id="sitemapURL" type="text" size="71" maxlength="256" value="#[sitemapURL]#"/>
<dt>From File (enter a path<br/>within your local file system)</dt>
<input type="radio" name="crawlingMode" id="file" value="file" #(crawlingMode_file)#::checked="checked"#(/crawlingMode_file)#/><input type="text" name="crawlingFile" id="crawlingFile" value="#[crawlingFile]#" size="71" maxlength="256"/>
<legend>Crawler Filter</legend>
<p>These are limitations on the crawl stacker. The filters will be applied before a web page is loaded.</p>
<dt>Crawling Depth</dt>
<span class="info" style="float:right"><img src="env/grafics/i16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="info"/><span style="right:0px;">
This defines how often the Crawler will follow links (of links..) embedded in websites.
0 means that only the page you enter under "Starting Point" will be added
to the index. 2-4 is good for normal indexing. Values over 8 are not useful, since a depth-8 crawl will
index approximately 25.600.000.000 pages, maybe this is the whole WWW.
<input name="crawlingDepth" id="crawlingDepth" type="text" size="2" maxlength="2" value="#[crawlingDepth]#" />
<input type="checkbox" name="directDocByURL" id="directDocByURL" #(directDocByURLChecked)#::checked="checked"#(/directDocByURLChecked)# />also all linked non-parsable documents
<dt>Unlimited crawl depth for URLs matching with</dt>
<input name="crawlingDepthExtension" id="crawlingDepthExtension" type="text" size="40" maxlength="100" value="#[crawlingDepthExtension]#" />
<dt>Maximum Pages per Domain</dt>
<span class="info" style="float:right"><img src="env/grafics/i16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="info"/><span style="right:0px;">
You can limit the maximum number of pages that are fetched and indexed from a single domain with this option.
You can combine this limitation with the 'Auto-Dom-Filter', so that the limit is applied to all the domains within
the given depth. Domains outside the given depth are then sorted-out anyway.
<label for="crawlingDomMaxCheck">Use</label>:
<input type="checkbox" name="crawlingDomMaxCheck" id="crawlingDomMaxCheck" #(crawlingDomMaxCheck)#::checked="checked"#(/crawlingDomMaxCheck)# />
<label for="crawlingDomMaxPages">Page-Count</label>:
<input name="crawlingDomMaxPages" id="crawlingDomMaxPages" type="text" size="6" maxlength="6" value="#[crawlingDomMaxPages]#" />
<dt><label for="Constraints">misc. Constraints</label></dt>
<span class="info" style="float:right"><img src="env/grafics/i16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="info"/><span style="right:0px;">
A questionmark is usually a hint for a dynamic page. URLs pointing to dynamic content should usually not be crawled.
However, there are sometimes web pages with static content that
is accessed with URLs containing question marks. If you are unsure, do not check this to avoid crawl loops.
Following frames is NOT done by Gxxg1e, but we do by default to have a richer content. 'nofollow' in robots metadata can be overridden; this does not affect obeying of the robots.txt which is never ignored.
Accept URLs with query-part ('?'): <input type="checkbox" name="crawlingQ" id="crawlingQ" #(crawlingQChecked)#::checked="checked"#(/crawlingQChecked)# /><br/>
Obey html-robots-noindex: <input type="checkbox" name="obeyHtmlRobotsNoindex" id="obeyHtmlRobotsNoindex" #(obeyHtmlRobotsNoindexChecked)#::checked="checked"#(/obeyHtmlRobotsNoindexChecked)# /><br/>
Obey html-robots-nofollow: <input type="checkbox" name="obeyHtmlRobotsNofollow" id="obeyHtmlRobotsNofollow" #(obeyHtmlRobotsNofollowChecked)#::checked="checked"#(/obeyHtmlRobotsNofollowChecked)# /><!--<br/>
Follow Frames: <input type="checkbox" name="followFrames" id="followFrames" #(followFramesChecked)#::checked="checked"#(/followFramesChecked)# />-->
<dt>Load Filter on URLs</dt>
<dd><span class="info" style="float:right"><img src="env/grafics/i16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="info"/><span style="right:0px;">
The filter is a <b><a href="" target="_blank">regular expression</a></b>.
Example: to allow only urls that contain the word 'science', set the must-match filter to '.*science.*'.
You can also use an automatic domain-restriction to fully crawl a single domain.
Attention: you can test the functionality of your regular expressions using the <a href="RegexTest.html">Regular Expression Tester</a> within YaCy</a>.
<table border="0">
<tr><td width="110"><img src="env/grafics/plus.gif"> must-match</td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2"><input type="radio" name="range" id="rangeDomain" value="domain" #(range_domain)#::checked="checked"#(/range_domain)#/><div id="rangeDomainDescription" style="display:inline">Restrict to start domain(s)</div></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2"><input type="radio" name="range" id="rangeSubpath" value="subpath" #(range_subpath)#::checked="checked"#(/range_subpath)#/><div id="rangeSubpathDescription" style="display:inline">Restrict to sub-path(s)</div></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="radio" name="range" id="rangeWide" value="wide" #(range_wide)#::checked="checked"#(/range_wide)#/>Use filter</td>
<td valign="bottom"><input name="mustmatch" id="mustmatch" type="text" size="55" maxlength="100000" value="#[mustmatch]#" onblur="if (this.value=='') this.value='.*';"/></td><td>(must not be empty)</td></tr>
<tr><td><img src="env/grafics/minus.gif"> must-not-match</td><td><input name="mustnotmatch" id="mustnotmatch" type="text" size="55" maxlength="100000" value="#[mustnotmatch]#" /></td></tr>
<dt>Load Filter on IPs</dt>
<table border="0">
<tr><td width="110"><img src="env/grafics/plus.gif"> must-match</td><td><input name="ipMustmatch" id="ipMustmatch" type="text" size="55" maxlength="100000" value="#[ipMustmatch]#" onblur="if (this.value=='') this.value='.*';"/></td><td>(must not be empty)</td></tr>
<tr><td><img src="env/grafics/minus.gif"> must-not-match</td><td><input name="ipMustnotmatch" id="ipMustnotmatch" type="text" size="55" maxlength="100000" value="#[ipMustnotmatch]#" /></td></tr>
<dt><label for="crawlingCountryMustMatch">Must-Match List for Country Codes</label>
<dd><span class="info" style="float:right"><img src="env/grafics/i16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="info"/><span style="right:0px;">
Crawls can be restricted to specific countries. This uses the country code that can be computed from
the IP of the server that hosts the page. The filter is not a regular expressions but a list of country codes, separated by comma.
<input type="radio" name="countryMustMatchSwitch" id="noCountryMustMatchSwitch" value="0" #(countryMustMatchSwitchChecked)#checked="checked"::#(/countryMustMatchSwitchChecked)# />no country code restriction<br />
<input type="radio" name="countryMustMatchSwitch" id="countryMustMatchSwitch" value="1" #(countryMustMatchSwitchChecked)#::checked="checked"#(/countryMustMatchSwitchChecked)# />Use filter
<input name="countryMustMatchList" id="countryMustMatchList" type="text" size="60" maxlength="256" value="#[countryMustMatch]#" />
<legend>Document Filter</legend>
<p>These are limitations on index feeder. The filters will be applied after a web page was loaded.</p>
<dt>Filter on URLs</dt>
<span class="info" style="float:right"><img src="env/grafics/i16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="info"/><span style="right:0px;">
The filter is a <b><a href="" target="_blank">regular expression</a></b>
that <b>must not match</b> with the URLs to allow that the content of the url is indexed.
Attention: you can test the functionality of your regular expressions using the <a href="RegexTest.html">Regular Expression Tester</a> within YaCy</a>.
<table border="0">
<tr><td width="110"><img src="env/grafics/plus.gif"> must-match</td><td><input name="indexmustmatch" id="indexmustmatch" type="text" size="55" maxlength="100000" value="#[indexmustmatch]#" onblur="if (this.value=='') this.value='.*';"/></td><td>(must not be empty)</td></tr>
<tr><td><img src="env/grafics/minus.gif"> must-not-match</td><td><input name="indexmustnotmatch" id="indexmustnotmatch" type="text" size="55" maxlength="100000" value="#[indexmustnotmatch]#" /></td></tr>
<dt>Filter on Content of Document<br/>(all visible text, including camel-case-tokenized url and title)</dt>
<table border="0">
<tr><td width="110"><img src="env/grafics/plus.gif"> must-match</td><td><input name="indexcontentmustmatch" id="indexcontentmustmatch" type="text" size="55" maxlength="100000" value="#[indexcontentmustmatch]#" onblur="if (this.value=='') this.value='.*';"/></td><td>(must not be empty)</td></tr>
<tr><td><img src="env/grafics/minus.gif"> must-not-match</td><td><input name="indexcontentmustnotmatch" id="indexcontentmustnotmatch" type="text" size="55" maxlength="100000" value="#[indexcontentmustnotmatch]#" /></td></tr>
<legend>Clean-Up before Crawl Start</legend>
<dt>No Deletion</dt>
<dd><span class="info" style="float:right"><img src="env/grafics/i16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="info"/><span style="right:0px;">
After a crawl was done in the past, document may become stale and eventually they are also deleted on the target host.
To remove old files from the search index it is not sufficient to just consider them for re-load but it may be necessary
to delete them because they simply do not exist any more. Use this in combination with re-crawl while this time should be longer.
</span></span><input type="radio" name="deleteold" id="deleteoldoff" value="off" #(deleteold_off)#::checked="checked"#(/deleteold_off)#/>Do not delete any document before the crawl is started.</dd>
<dt>Delete sub-path</dt>
<dd><input type="radio" name="deleteold" id="deleteoldon" value="on" #(deleteold_on)#::checked="checked"#(/deleteold_on)#/>For each host in the start url list, delete all documents (in the given subpath) from that host.</dd>
<dt>Delete only old</dt>
<dd><input type="radio" name="deleteold" id="deleteoldage" value="age" #(deleteold_age)#::checked="checked"#(/deleteold_age)#/>Treat documents that are loaded
<select name="deleteIfOlderNumber" id="deleteIfOlderNumber">
#{list}#<option value="#[name]#" #(default)#::selected="selected"#(/default)#>#[name]#</option>#{/list}#
<select name="deleteIfOlderUnit" id="deleteIfOlderUnit">
#{list}#<option value="#[value]#" #(default)#::selected="selected"#(/default)#>#[name]#</option>#{/list}#
</select> ago as stale and delete them before the crawl is started.
<legend>Double-Check Rules</legend>
<dt>No Doubles</dt>
<dd><span class="info" style="float:right"><img src="env/grafics/i16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="info"/><span style="right:0px;">
A web crawl performs a double-check on all links found in the internet against the internal database. If the same url is found again,
then the url is treated as double when you check the 'no doubles' option. A url may be loaded again when it has reached a specific age,
to use that check the 're-load' option.
</span></span><input type="radio" name="recrawl" id="reloadoldoff" value="nodoubles" #(recrawl_nodoubles)#::checked="checked"#(/recrawl_nodoubles)#/>Never load any page that is already known. Only the start-url may be loaded again.</dd>
<dd><input type="radio" name="recrawl" id="reloadoldage" value="reload" #(recrawl_reload)#::checked="checked"#(/recrawl_reload)#/>Treat documents that are loaded
<select name="reloadIfOlderNumber" id="reloadIfOlderNumber">
#{list}#<option value="#[name]#" #(default)#::selected="selected"#(/default)#>#[name]#</option>#{/list}#
<select name="reloadIfOlderUnit" id="reloadIfOlderUnit">
#{list}#<option value="#[value]#" #(default)#::selected="selected"#(/default)#>#[name]#</option>#{/list}#
</select> ago as stale and load them again. If they are younger, they are ignored.
<legend>Document Cache</legend>
<dl><dt><label for="storeHTCache">Store to Web Cache</label></dt>
<span class="info" style="float:right"><img src="env/grafics/i16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="info"/><span style="right:0px;">
This option is used by default for proxy prefetch, but is not needed for explicit crawling.
<input type="checkbox" name="storeHTCache" id="storeHTCache" #(storeHTCacheChecked)#::checked="checked"#(/storeHTCacheChecked)# />
<dt><label for="mustmatch">Policy for usage of Web Cache</label></dt>
<span class="info" style="float:right"><img src="env/grafics/i16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="info"/><span style="right:0px;">
The caching policy states when to use the cache during crawling:
<b>no cache</b>: never use the cache, all content from fresh internet source;
<b>if fresh</b>: use the cache if the cache exists and is fresh using the proxy-fresh rules;
<b>if exist</b>: use the cache if the cache exist. Do no check freshness. Otherwise use online source;
<b>cache only</b>: never go online, use all content from cache. If no cache exist, treat content as unavailable
<input type="radio" name="cachePolicy" value="nocache" #(cachePolicy_nocache)#::checked="checked"#(/cachePolicy_nocache)#/>no cache
<input type="radio" name="cachePolicy" value="iffresh" #(cachePolicy_iffresh)#::checked="checked"#(/cachePolicy_iffresh)# />if fresh
<input type="radio" name="cachePolicy" value="ifexist" #(cachePolicy_ifexist)#::checked="checked"#(/cachePolicy_ifexist)#/>if exist
<input type="radio" name="cachePolicy" value="cacheonly" #(cachePolicy_cacheonly)#::checked="checked"#(/cachePolicy_cacheonly)#/>cache only
#(agentSelect)#<input type="hidden" name="agentName" id="agentName" value="#[defaultAgentName]#" />::
<legend>Robot Behaviour</legend>
<dt><label>Use Special User Agent and robot identification</label></dt>
<span class="info" style="float:right"><img src="env/grafics/i16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="info"/><span style="right:0px;">
You are running YaCy in non-p2p mode and because YaCy can be used as replacement for commercial search appliances
(like the GSA) the user must be able to crawl all web pages that are granted to such commercial plattforms.
Not having this option would be a strong handicap for professional usage of this software. Therefore you are able to select
alternative user agents here which have different crawl timings and also identify itself with another user agent and obey the corresponding robots rule.
<select name="agentName" id="agentName">
<option value="#[name]#" #(default)#::selected="selected"#(/default)#>#[name]#</option>
<legend>Enrich Vocabulary</legend>
<dt><label>Scraping Fields</label></dt>
<span class="info" style="float:right"><img src="env/grafics/i16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="info"/><span style="right:0px;">
You can use class names to enrich the terms of a vocabulary based on the text content that appears on web pages. Please write the names of classes into the matrix.
<table class="table table-condensed">
<td><input name="vocabulary_#[name]#_class" id="vocabulary_#[name]#_class" type="text" size="55" maxlength="1028" value="#[value]#" /></td>
<legend>Snapshot Creation</legend>
<dt><label for="snapshotMaxdepth">Max Depth for Snapshots</label></dt>
<span class="info" style="float:right"><img src="env/grafics/i16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="info"/><span style="right:0px;">
Snapshots are xml metadata and pictures of web pages that can be created during crawling time.
The xml data is stored in the same way as a Solr search result with one hit and the pictures will be stored as pdf into subdirectories
of HTCACHE/snapshots/. From the pdfs the jpg thumbnails are computed. Snapshot generation can be controlled using a depth parameter; that
means a snapshot is only be generated if the crawl depth of a document is smaller or equal to the given number here. If the number is set to -1,
no snapshots are generated.
<input type="text" name="snapshotsMaxDepth" id="snapshotsMaxDepth" size="2" maxlength="2" value="#[snapshotsMaxDepth]#" />
<dt><label for="snapshotVersion">Multiple Snapshot Versions</label></dt>
<input type="radio" name="snapshotsReplaceOld" value="on" checked="checked"/> replace old snapshots with new one
<input type="radio" name="snapshotsReplaceOld" value="off" /> add new versions for each crawl
<dt><label for="<label for="snapshotVersion">must-not-match filter for snapshot generation</label></dt>
<dd><input name="snapshotsMustnotmatch" id="snapshotsMustnotmatch" type="text" size="55" maxlength="100000" value="#[snapshotsMustnotmatch]#" /></dd>
<input type="hidden" name="snapshotsLoadImage" id="snapshotsLoadImage" value="false"/>::
<dt><label for="snapshotImage">Image Creation</label></dt>
<input type="checkbox" name="snapshotsLoadImage" id="snapshotsLoadImage"#(snapshotsLoadImageChecked)#:: checked="checked"#(/snapshotsLoadImageChecked)#/>
<legend>Index Attributes</legend>
<span class="info" style="float:right"><img src="env/grafics/i16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="info"/><span style="right:0px;">
This enables indexing of the webpages the crawler will download. This should be switched on by default, unless you want to crawl only to fill the
Document Cache without indexing.
<label for="indexText">index text</label>:
<input type="checkbox" name="indexText" id="indexText" #(indexingTextChecked)#::checked="checked"#(/indexingTextChecked)# />
<label for="indexMedia">index media</label>:
<input type="checkbox" name="indexMedia" id="indexMedia" #(indexingMediaChecked)#::checked="checked"#(/indexingMediaChecked)# />
<dt><label for="crawlOrder">Do Remote Indexing</label></dt>
<span class="info" style="float:right"><img src="env/grafics/i16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="info"/><span style="right:0px;">
If checked, the crawler will contact other peers and use them as remote indexers for your crawl.
If you need your crawling results locally, you should switch this off.
Only senior and principal peers can initiate or receive remote crawls.
<strong>A YaCyNews message will be created to inform all peers about a global crawl</strong>,
so they can omit starting a crawl with the same start point.
<table border="0">
<input type="checkbox" name="crawlOrder" id="crawlOrder" #(crawlOrderChecked)#::checked="checked"#(/crawlOrderChecked)# />
<label for="intention">Describe your intention to start this global crawl (optional)</label>:<br />
<input name="intention" id="intention" type="text" size="40" maxlength="100" value="#[intention]#" /><br />
This message will appear in the 'Other Peer Crawl Start' table of other peers.
<dt><label for="collection">Add Crawl result to collection(s)</label></dt>
<span class="info" style="float:right"><img src="env/grafics/i16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="info"/><span style="right:0px;">
A crawl result can be tagged with names which are candidates for a collection request.
These tags can be selected with the <a href="gsa/search?q=www&site=#[collection]#">GSA interface</a> using the 'site' operator.
To use this option, the 'collection_sxt'-field must be switched on in the <a href="IndexFederated_p.html">Solr Schema</a>
<input name="collection" id="collection" type="text" size="60" maxlength="100" value="#[collection]#" #(collectionEnabled)#disabled="disabled"::#(/collectionEnabled)# />
<dt><label for="collection">Time Zone Offset</label></dt>
<span class="info" style="float:right"><img src="env/grafics/i16.gif" width="16" height="16" alt="info"/><span style="right:0px;">
The time zone is required when the parser detects a date in the crawled web page. Content can be searched with the on: - modifier which
requires also a time zone when a query is made. To normalize all given dates, the date is stored in UTC time zone. To get the right offset
from dates without time zones to UTC, this offset must be given here. The offset is given in minutes;
Time zone offsets for locations east of UTC must be negative; offsets for zones west of UTC must be positve.
<input id="timezoneOffset" type="text" size="4" maxlength="4" name="timezoneOffset" value=""><script>document.getElementById("timezoneOffset").value = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();</script>
<dt><input type="hidden" name="crawlingstart" value="1"/><input type="submit" value="Start New Crawl Job" class="btn btn-primary"/></dt><dd></dd>