You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

129 lines
4.3 KiB

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
public class HyperlinkEdges implements Iterable<HyperlinkEdge> {
public static class Targets {
public Set<HyperlinkEdge.Target> targets;
public int depth;
public Targets(int depth) {
this.targets = new LinkedHashSet<HyperlinkEdge.Target>();
this.depth = depth;
private final Map<MultiProtocolURL, Targets> edges;
private final Map<MultiProtocolURL, Integer> singletonDepth;
public HyperlinkEdges() {
this.edges = new LinkedHashMap<MultiProtocolURL, Targets>();
this.singletonDepth = new HashMap<MultiProtocolURL, Integer>();
public void add(final HyperlinkEdge edge) {
public void addEdge(final MultiProtocolURL source, final HyperlinkEdge.Target target) {
Targets targets = this.edges.get(source);
Integer d = this.singletonDepth.get(source);
if (d == null) d = -1; else this.singletonDepth.remove(source);
if (target.type == HyperlinkType.Inbound) {
Integer e = this.singletonDepth.remove(target);
if (e != null && d.intValue() == -1) d = e.intValue() - 1;
if (targets == null) {
targets = new Targets(d.intValue());
this.edges.put(source, targets);
public int size() {
int s = 0;
for (Targets t: edges.values()) s += t.targets.size();
return s;
public void addAll(final HyperlinkEdges oe) {
for (Map.Entry<MultiProtocolURL, Targets> edges: oe.edges.entrySet()) {
for (HyperlinkEdge.Target t: edges.getValue().targets) {
this.addEdge(edges.getKey(), t);
public void updateDepth(final MultiProtocolURL url, final int newdepth) {
Targets targets = this.edges.get(url);
if (targets == null) {
singletonDepth.put(url, newdepth);
if (targets.depth == -1) {
targets.depth = newdepth;
} else {
targets.depth = Math.min(targets.depth, newdepth);
public int getDepth(final MultiProtocolURL url) {
Targets targets = this.edges.get(url);
if (targets != null) return targets.depth;
Integer d = this.singletonDepth.get(url);
if (d != null) return d.intValue();
// now search in targets
String targetHost = url.getHost();
for (Map.Entry<MultiProtocolURL, Targets> e: this.edges.entrySet()) {
if (e.getValue().targets.contains(url)) {
String sourceHost = e.getKey().getHost();
// check if this is an inbound match
if ((sourceHost == null && targetHost == null) || (sourceHost != null && targetHost != null && sourceHost.equals(targetHost))) return e.getValue().depth + 1;
return -1;
public Iterator<HyperlinkEdge> iterator() {
final Iterator<Map.Entry<MultiProtocolURL, Targets>> i = this.edges.entrySet().iterator();
final Iterator<HyperlinkEdge.Target>[] tc = new Iterator[1];
tc[0] = null;
final MultiProtocolURL[] su = new MultiProtocolURL[1];
su[0] = null;
return new Iterator<HyperlinkEdge>() {
public boolean hasNext() {
return i.hasNext() || (tc[0] != null && tc[0].hasNext());
public HyperlinkEdge next() {
while (tc[0] == null || !tc[0].hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<MultiProtocolURL, Targets> entry =;
tc[0] = entry.getValue().targets.iterator();
su[0] = entry.getKey();
if (!tc[0].hasNext()) return null;
return new HyperlinkEdge(su[0], tc[0].next());
public void remove() {