
536 lines
32 KiB

//part of YACY
//(C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net
//first published on http://www.anomic.de
//Frankfurt, Germany, 2004
//This file is contributed by Matthias Soehnholz
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
//This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
//it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
//(at your option) any later version.
//This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//GNU General Public License for more details.
//You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package net.yacy.kelondro.logging;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public final class LogParser {
/** the version of the LogParser - <strong>Double</strong>*/
private static final String PARSER_VERSION = "version";
/** the amount of URLs received during DHT - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String URLS_RECEIVED = "urlSum";
/** the amount of URLs requested during DHT - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String URLS_REQUESTED = "urlReqSum";
/** the amount of URLs blocked during DHT because they match the peer's blacklist - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String URLS_BLOCKED = "blockedURLSum";
/** the amount of words received during DHT - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String WORDS_RECEIVED = "wordsSum";
/** the amount of RWIs received during DHT - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String RWIS_RECEIVED = "rwiSum";
/** the amount of RWIs blocked during DHT because their entries match the peer's blacklist - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String RWIS_BLOCKED = "blockedRWISum";
/** total time receiving RWIs during DHT in milli seconds - <strong>Long</strong> */
private static final String RWIS_RECEIVED_TIME = "rwiTimeSum";
/** total time receiving URLs during DHT in milli seconds - <strong>Long</strong> */
private static final String URLS_RECEIVED_TIME = "urlTimeSum";
/** the traffic sent during DHT in bytes - <strong>Long</strong> */
private static final String DHT_TRAFFIC_SENT = "DHTSendTraffic";
/** the amount of URLs requested by other peers and sent by this one - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String DHT_URLS_SENT = "DHTSendURLs";
/** the amount of rejected DHT transfers from other peers (i.e. because this peer was busy) - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String DHT_REJECTED = "RWIRejectCount";
/** the peer-names from whose DHT transfers were rejected - <strong>HasSet</strong> */
private static final String DHT_REJECTED_PEERS_NAME = "DHTRejectPeerNames";
/** the peer-hashes from whose DHT transfers were rejected - <strong>HasSet</strong> */
private static final String DHT_REJECTED_PEERS_HASH = "DHTRejectPeerHashs";
/** the peer-names this peer sent DHT chunks to - <strong>HasSet</strong> */
private static final String DHT_SENT_PEERS_NAME = "DHTPeerNames";
/** the peer-hashes this peer sent DHT chunks to - <strong>HasSet</strong> */
private static final String DHT_SENT_PEERS_HASH = "DHTPeerHashs";
/** total amount of selected peers for index distribution - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String DHT_SELECTED = "DHTSelectionTargetCount";
/** total amount of words selected for index distribution - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String DHT_WORDS_SELECTED = "DHTSelectionWordsCount";
/** total time selecting words for index distribution - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String DHT_WORDS_SELECTED_TIME = "DHTSelectionWordsTimeCount";
/** the minimal DHT distance during peer-selection for index distribution - <strong>Long</strong> */
private static final String DHT_DISTANCE_MIN = "minDHTDist";
/** the maximal DHT distance during peer-selection for index distribution - <strong>Long</strong> */
private static final String DHT_DISTANCE_MAX = "maxDHTDist";
/** the average DHT distance during peer-selection for index distribution - <strong>Long</strong> */
private static final String DHT_DISTANCE_AVERAGE = "avgDHTDist";
/** how many times remote peers were too busy to accept the index transfer - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String PEERS_BUSY = "busyPeerCount";
/** how many times not enough peers for index distribution were found - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String PEERS_TOO_LESS = "notEnoughDHTPeers";
/** how many times the index distribution failed (i.e. due to time-out or other reasons) - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String DHT_SENT_FAILED = "failedIndexDistributionCount";
/** how many times the error "<code>tried to create left child-node twice</code>" occured - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String ERROR_CHILD_TWICE_LEFT = "leftChildTwiceCount";
/** how many times the error "<code>tried to create right child-node twice</code>" occured - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String ERROR_CHILD_TWICE_RIGHT = "rightChildTwiceCount";
/** how many ranking distributions were executed successfully - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String RANKING_DIST = "rankingDistributionCount";
/** total time the ranking distributions took - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String RANKING_DIST_TIME = "rankingDistributionTime";
/** how many ranking distributions failed - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String RANKING_DIST_FAILED = "rankingDistributionFailCount";
/** how many times the error "<code>Malformed URL</code>" occured - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String ERROR_MALFORMED_URL = "malformedURLCount";
/** the amount of indexed sites - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String INDEXED_SITES = "indexedSites";
/** total amount of indexed words - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String INDEXED_WORDS = "indexedWords";
/** total size of all indexed sites - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String INDEXED_SITES_SIZE = "indexedSiteSizeSum";
/** total amount of indexed anchors - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String INDEXED_ANCHORS = "indexedAnchors";
// /** total time needed for stacking the site of an indexing - <strong>Integer</strong> */
// public static final String INDEXED_STACK_TIME = "indexedStackingTime";
// /** total time needed for parsing during indexing - <strong>Integer</strong> */
// public static final String INDEXED_PARSE_TIME = "indexedParsingTime";
// /** total time needed for the actual indexing during indexing - <strong>Integer</strong> */
// public static final String INDEXED_INDEX_TIME = "indexedIndexingTime";
// /** total time needed for storing the results of an indexing - <strong>Integer</strong> */
// public static final String INDEXED_STORE_TIME = "indexedStorageTime";
/** total time needed for storing the results of a link indexing - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String INDEXED_LINKSTORE_TIME = "indexedLinkStorageTime";
/** total time needed for storing the results of a word indexing - <strong>Integer</strong> */
private static final String INDEXED_INDEXSTORE_TIME = "indexedIndexStorageTime";
/** accumulated time needed to parse the log entries up to now (in ms)*/
private static final String TOTAL_PARSER_TIME = "totalParserTime";
/** times the parser was called, respectively amount of independent log-lines */
private static final String TOTAL_PARSER_RUNS = "totalParserRuns";
private static final float parserVersion = 0.1f;
private static final String parserType = "PLASMA";
//RegExp for LogLevel I
private static final Pattern i1 = Pattern.compile("Received (\\d*) URLs from peer [\\w-_]{12}:[\\w-_]*/[\\w.-]* in (\\d*) ms, blocked (\\d*) URLs");
private static final Pattern i2 = Pattern.compile("Received (\\d*) Entries (\\d*) Words \\[[\\w-_]{12} .. [\\w-_]{12}\\]/[\\w.-]* from [\\w-_]{12}:[\\w-_]*/[\\w.-]*, processed in (\\d*) milliseconds, requesting (\\d*)/(\\d*) URLs, blocked (\\d*) RWIs");
private static final Pattern i2_2 = Pattern.compile("Received (\\d*) Entries (\\d*) Words \\[[\\w-_]{12} .. [\\w-_]{12}\\]/[\\w.-]* from [\\w-_]{12}:[\\w-_]*, processed in (\\d*) milliseconds, requesting (\\d*)/(\\d*) URLs, blocked (\\d*) RWIs");
private static final Pattern i3 = Pattern.compile("Index transfer of (\\d*) words \\[[\\w-_]{12} .. [\\w-_]{12}\\] to peer ([\\w-_]*):([\\w-_]{12}) in (\\d*) seconds successful \\((\\d*) words/s, (\\d*) Bytes\\)");
private static final Pattern i4 = Pattern.compile("Index transfer of (\\d*) entries (\\d*) words \\[[\\w-_]{12} .. [\\w-_]{12}\\] and (\\d*) URLs to peer ([\\w-_]*):([\\w-_]{12}) in (\\d*) seconds successful \\((\\d*) words/s, (\\d*) Bytes\\)");
private static final Pattern i5 = Pattern.compile("Selected DHT target peer ([\\w-_]*):([\\w-_]{12}), distance2first = ([\\d]*), distance2last = ([\\d]*)");
private static final Pattern i6 = Pattern.compile("Rejecting RWIs from peer ([\\w-_]{12}):([\\w-_]*)/([\\w.]*). ([\\w. ]*)");
private static final Pattern i7 = Pattern.compile("DHT distribution: transfer to peer [\\w-]* finished.");
private static final Pattern i8 = Pattern.compile("Index selection of (\\d*) words \\[[\\w-_]{12} .. [\\w-_]{12}\\] in (\\d*) seconds");
private static final Pattern i9 = Pattern.compile("RankingDistribution - transmitted file [\\w\\s-:.\\\\]* to [\\w.]*:\\d* successfully in (\\d)* seconds");
private static final Pattern i10 = Pattern.compile("RankingDistribution - error transmitting file");
private static final Pattern i11 = Pattern.compile("Peer [\\w-_]*:[\\w-_]{12} is busy\\. Waiting \\d* ms\\.");
//private static Pattern i12 = Pattern.compile("\\*Indexed \\d* words in URL [\\w:.&/%-~$\u00A7@=]* \\[[\\w-_]{12}\\]");
private static final Pattern i13 = Pattern.compile("WROTE HEADER for |LOCALCRAWL\\[\\d*, \\d*, \\d*, \\d*\\]|REJECTED WRONG STATUS TYPE");
//RegExp for LogLevel W
private static final Pattern w1 = Pattern.compile("found not enough \\(\\d*\\) peers for distribution");
private static final Pattern w2 = Pattern.compile("Transfer to peer ([\\w-_]*):([\\w-_]{12}) failed:'(\\w*)'");
//RegExp for LogLevel E
private static final Pattern e1 = Pattern.compile("INTERNAL ERROR AT plasmaCrawlLURL:store:de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroException: tried to create (\\w*) node twice in db");
private static final Pattern e2 = Pattern.compile("INTERNAL ERROR [\\w./: ]* java.net.MalformedURLException");
private Matcher m;
//RegExp for advancedParser
//private Pattern adv1 = Pattern.compile("\\*Indexed (\\d*) words in URL [\\w:.&?/%-=]* \\[[\\w-_]{12}\\]\\n\\tDescription: ([\\w- ]*)\\n\\tMimeType: ([\\w-_/]*) \\| Size: (\\d*) bytes \\| Anchors: (\\d*)\\n\\tStackingTime: (\\d*) ms \\| ParsingTime: (\\d*) ms \\| IndexingTime: (\\d*) ms \\| StorageTime: (\\d*) ms");
private final static Pattern adv1 = Pattern.compile(
"\\*Indexed (\\d+) words in URL [\\w:.&/%-~;$\u00A7@=]* \\[[\\w_-]{12}\\]\\r?\\n?" +
"\\tDescription: +([\\w-\\.,:!='\"|/+@\\(\\) \\t]*)\\r?\\n?" +
"\\tMimeType: ([\\w_~/-]*) \\| Charset: ([\\w-]*) \\| Size: (\\d+) bytes \\| Anchors: (\\d+)\\r?\\n?" +
"\\tLinkStorageTime: (\\d+) ms \\| indexStorageTime: (\\d+) ms");
//"\\tStackingTime:[ ]*(\\d+) ms \\| ParsingTime:[ ]*(\\d+) ms \\| IndexingTime: (\\d+) ms \\| StorageTime: (\\d+) ms");
private int urlSum=0;
private int urlReqSum=0;
private int blockedURLSum=0;
private int wordsSum=0;
private int rwiSum=0;
private int blockedRWISum=0;
private long urlTimeSum=0;
private long rwiTimeSum=0;
private long DHTSendTraffic=0;
private int DHTSendURLs=0;
private int RWIRejectCount=0;
private final Set<String> RWIRejectPeerNames = new HashSet<String>();
private final Set<String> RWIRejectPeerHashs = new HashSet<String>();
private final Set<String> DHTPeerNames = new HashSet<String>();
private final Set<String> DHTPeerHashs = new HashSet<String>();
private int DHTSelectionTargetCount = 1;
private int DHTSelectionWordsCount = 0;
private int DHTSelectionWordsTimeCount = 0;
private long minDHTDist = Long.MAX_VALUE;
private long maxDHTDist = 0;
private long avgDHTDist = 0;
private int busyPeerCount = 0;
private int notEnoughDHTPeers = 0;
private int failedIndexDistributionCount = 0;
private int leftChildTwiceCount = 0;
private int rightChildTwiceCount = 0;
private int rankingDistributionCount = 0;
private int rankingDistributionTime = 0;
private int rankingDistributionFailCount = 0;
private int malformedURLCount = 0;
private int indexedSites = 0;
private int indexedWordSum = 0;
private int indexedSiteSizeSum = 0;
private int indexedAnchorsCount = 0;
private int indexedLinkStorageTime = 0;
private int indexedIndexStorageTime = 0;
// private int indexedStackingTime = 0;
// private int indexedParsingTime = 0;
// private int indexedIndexingTime = 0;
// private int indexedStorageTime = 0;
private long totalParserTime = 0;
private int totalParserRuns = 0;
public final int parse(final String logLevel, final String logLine) {
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
if ("INFO".equals(logLevel)){
this.m = i1.matcher (logLine);
if (this.m.find () && this.m.groupCount() >= 3) {
this.urlSum += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(1));
this.urlTimeSum += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(2));
this.blockedURLSum += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(3));
this.totalParserTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return 0;
this.m = i2.matcher (logLine);
if (this.m.find () && this.m.groupCount() >= 6) {
this.rwiSum += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(1));
this.wordsSum += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(2));
this.rwiTimeSum += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(3));
this.urlReqSum += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(4));
this.blockedRWISum += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(6));
this.totalParserTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return 0;
this.m = i2_2.matcher (logLine);
if (this.m.find () && this.m.groupCount() >= 6) {
this.rwiSum += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(1));
this.wordsSum += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(2));
this.rwiTimeSum += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(3));
this.urlReqSum += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(4));
this.blockedRWISum += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(6));
this.totalParserTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return 0;
this.m = i3.matcher (logLine);
if (this.m.find () && this.m.groupCount() >= 6) {
this.DHTSendTraffic += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(6));
this.totalParserTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return 0;
this.m = i4.matcher (logLine);
if (this.m.find () && this.m.groupCount() >= 8) {
this.DHTSendTraffic += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(8));
this.DHTSendURLs += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(3));
this.totalParserTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return 0;
this.m = i5.matcher (logLine);
if (this.m.find () && this.m.groupCount() >= 4) {
this.minDHTDist = Math.min(this.minDHTDist, Math.min(Long.parseLong(this.m.group(3)), Long.parseLong(this.m.group(4))));
this.maxDHTDist = Math.max(this.maxDHTDist, Math.max(Long.parseLong(this.m.group(3)), Long.parseLong(this.m.group(4))));
this.avgDHTDist += Long.parseLong(this.m.group(3));
this.totalParserTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return 0;
this.m = i6.matcher (logLine);
if (this.m.find () && this.m.groupCount() >= 2) {
this.totalParserTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return 0;
this.m = i7.matcher (logLine);
if (this.m.find ()) {
this.totalParserTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return 0;
this.m = i8.matcher (logLine);
if (this.m.find () && this.m.groupCount() >= 2) {
this.DHTSelectionWordsCount += Float.parseFloat(this.m.group(1));
this.DHTSelectionWordsTimeCount += Float.parseFloat(this.m.group(2));
this.totalParserTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return 0;
this.m = i9.matcher (logLine);
if (this.m.find () && this.m.groupCount() >= 1) {
this.rankingDistributionTime += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(1));
this.totalParserTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return 0;
this.m = i10.matcher (logLine);
if (this.m.find ()) {
this.totalParserTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return 0;
this.m = i11.matcher (logLine);
if (this.m.find ()) {
this.totalParserTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return 0;
// m = i12.matcher (logLine);
// if (m.find ()) {
// return 3;
// }
this.m = i13.matcher (logLine);
if (this.m.find ()) {
this.totalParserTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return 0;
this.m = adv1.matcher (logLine);
if (this.m.find() && this.m.groupCount() >= 8) {
this.indexedWordSum += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(1));
this.indexedSiteSizeSum += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(5));
this.indexedAnchorsCount += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(6));
this.indexedLinkStorageTime += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(7));
this.indexedIndexStorageTime += Integer.parseInt(this.m.group(8));
// indexedStackingTime += Integer.parseInt(m.group(7));
// indexedParsingTime += Integer.parseInt(m.group(8));
// indexedIndexingTime += Integer.parseInt(m.group(9));
// indexedStorageTime += Integer.parseInt(m.group(10));
this.totalParserTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return 0;
} else if ("WARNING".equals(logLevel)){
this.m = w1.matcher (logLine);
if (this.m.find ()) {
this.totalParserTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return 0;
this.m = w2.matcher (logLine);
if (this.m.find ()) {
this.totalParserTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return 0;
} else if ("SEVERE".equals(logLevel)){
this.m = e1.matcher (logLine);
if (this.m.find () && this.m.groupCount() >= 1) {
if ("leftchild".equals(this.m.group(1))) this.leftChildTwiceCount++;
else if ("rightchild".equals(this.m.group(1))) this.rightChildTwiceCount++;
this.totalParserTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return 0;
this.m = e2.matcher (logLine);
if (this.m.find ()) {
this.totalParserTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return 0;
this.totalParserTime += (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return -1;
public final Map<String, Object> getResults() {
final Map<String, Object> results = new HashMap<String, Object>();
results.put(PARSER_VERSION , Float.valueOf(parserVersion));
results.put(URLS_RECEIVED , Integer.valueOf(this.urlSum));
results.put(URLS_REQUESTED , Integer.valueOf(this.urlReqSum));
results.put(URLS_BLOCKED , Integer.valueOf(this.blockedURLSum));
results.put(WORDS_RECEIVED , Integer.valueOf(this.wordsSum));
results.put(RWIS_RECEIVED , Integer.valueOf(this.rwiSum));
results.put(RWIS_BLOCKED , Integer.valueOf(this.blockedRWISum));
results.put(URLS_RECEIVED_TIME , Long.valueOf(this.urlTimeSum));
results.put(RWIS_RECEIVED_TIME , Long.valueOf(this.rwiTimeSum));
results.put(DHT_TRAFFIC_SENT , Long.valueOf(this.DHTSendTraffic));
results.put(DHT_URLS_SENT , Integer.valueOf(this.DHTSendURLs));
results.put(DHT_REJECTED , Integer.valueOf(this.RWIRejectCount));
results.put(DHT_REJECTED_PEERS_NAME , this.RWIRejectPeerNames);
results.put(DHT_REJECTED_PEERS_HASH , this.RWIRejectPeerHashs);
results.put(DHT_SENT_PEERS_NAME , this.DHTPeerNames);
results.put(DHT_SENT_PEERS_HASH , this.DHTPeerHashs);
results.put(DHT_SELECTED , Integer.valueOf(this.DHTSelectionTargetCount));
results.put(DHT_WORDS_SELECTED , Integer.valueOf(this.DHTSelectionWordsCount));
results.put(DHT_WORDS_SELECTED_TIME , Integer.valueOf(this.DHTSelectionWordsTimeCount));
results.put(DHT_DISTANCE_MIN , Long.valueOf(this.minDHTDist));
results.put(DHT_DISTANCE_MAX , Long.valueOf(this.maxDHTDist));
results.put(DHT_DISTANCE_AVERAGE , Long.valueOf(this.avgDHTDist / this.DHTSelectionTargetCount / Long.MAX_VALUE)); //FIXME: broken avg
results.put(PEERS_BUSY , Integer.valueOf(this.busyPeerCount));
results.put(PEERS_TOO_LESS , Integer.valueOf(this.notEnoughDHTPeers));
results.put(DHT_SENT_FAILED , Integer.valueOf(this.failedIndexDistributionCount));
results.put(ERROR_CHILD_TWICE_LEFT , Integer.valueOf(this.leftChildTwiceCount));
results.put(ERROR_CHILD_TWICE_RIGHT , Integer.valueOf(this.rightChildTwiceCount));
results.put(RANKING_DIST , Integer.valueOf(this.rankingDistributionCount));
results.put(RANKING_DIST_TIME , Integer.valueOf(this.rankingDistributionTime));
results.put(RANKING_DIST_FAILED , Integer.valueOf(this.rankingDistributionFailCount));
results.put(ERROR_MALFORMED_URL , Integer.valueOf(this.malformedURLCount));
results.put(INDEXED_SITES , Integer.valueOf(this.indexedSites));
results.put(INDEXED_WORDS , Integer.valueOf(this.indexedWordSum));
results.put(INDEXED_SITES_SIZE , Integer.valueOf(this.indexedSiteSizeSum));
results.put(INDEXED_ANCHORS , Integer.valueOf(this.indexedAnchorsCount));
// results.put(INDEXED_STACK_TIME , new Integer(indexedStackingTime));
// results.put(INDEXED_PARSE_TIME , new Integer(indexedParsingTime));
// results.put(INDEXED_INDEX_TIME , new Integer(indexedIndexingTime));
// results.put(INDEXED_STORE_TIME , new Integer(indexedStorageTime));
results.put(INDEXED_LINKSTORE_TIME , Integer.valueOf(this.indexedLinkStorageTime));
results.put(INDEXED_INDEXSTORE_TIME, Integer.valueOf(this.indexedIndexStorageTime));
results.put(TOTAL_PARSER_TIME , Long.valueOf(this.totalParserTime));
results.put(TOTAL_PARSER_RUNS , Integer.valueOf(this.totalParserRuns));
return results;
public final static String getParserType() {
return parserType;
public final static double getParserVersion() {
return parserVersion;
public final void printResults() {
if(this.rankingDistributionCount == 0) this.rankingDistributionCount = 1;
if(this.DHTSelectionWordsTimeCount == 0) this.DHTSelectionWordsTimeCount = 1;
if(this.indexedSites != 0) this.indexedSites++;
System.out.println("INDEXER: Indexed " + this.indexedSites + " sites in " + (this.indexedLinkStorageTime + this.indexedIndexStorageTime) + " milliseconds.");
System.out.println("INDEXER: Indexed " + this.indexedWordSum + " words on " + this.indexedSites + " sites. (avg. words per site: " + (this.indexedWordSum / this.indexedSites) + ").");
System.out.println("INDEXER: Total Size of indexed sites: " + this.indexedSiteSizeSum + " bytes (avg. size per site: " + (this.indexedSiteSizeSum / this.indexedSites) + " bytes).");
System.out.println("INDEXER: Total Number of Anchors found: " + this.indexedAnchorsCount + "(avg. Anchors per site: " + (this.indexedAnchorsCount / this.indexedSites) + ").");
System.out.println("INDEXER: Total LinkStorageTime: " + this.indexedLinkStorageTime + " milliseconds (avg. StorageTime: " + (this.indexedLinkStorageTime / this.indexedSites) + " milliseconds).");
System.out.println("INDEXER: Total indexStorageTime: " + this.indexedIndexStorageTime + " milliseconds (avg. StorageTime: " + (this.indexedIndexStorageTime / this.indexedSites) + " milliseconds).");
// System.out.println("INDEXER: Total StackingTime: " + indexedStackingTime + " milliseconds (avg. StackingTime: " + (indexedStackingTime / indexedSites) + " milliseconds).");
// System.out.println("INDEXER: Total ParsingTime: " + indexedParsingTime + " milliseconds (avg. ParsingTime: " + (indexedParsingTime / indexedSites) + " milliseconds).");
// System.out.println("INDEXER: Total IndexingTime: " + indexedIndexingTime + " milliseconds (avg. IndexingTime: " + (indexedIndexingTime / indexedSites) + " milliseconds).");
// System.out.println("INDEXER: Total StorageTime: " + indexedStorageTime + " milliseconds (avg. StorageTime: " + (indexedStorageTime / indexedSites) + " milliseconds).");
if(this.urlSum != 0) this.urlSum++;
System.out.println("DHT: Recieved " + this.urlSum + " Urls in " + this.urlTimeSum + " ms. Blocked " + this.blockedURLSum + " URLs.");
System.out.println("DHT: " + this.urlTimeSum / this.urlSum + " milliseconds per URL.");
if(this.rwiSum != 0) this.rwiSum++;
System.out.println("DHT: Recieved " + this.rwiSum + " RWIs from " + this.wordsSum + " Words in " + this.rwiTimeSum + " ms. " + this.urlReqSum + " requested URLs.");
System.out.println("DHT: Blocked " + this.blockedRWISum + " RWIs before requesting URLs, because URL-Hash was blacklisted.");
System.out.println("DHT: " + this.rwiTimeSum / this.rwiSum + " milliseconds per RWI.");
System.out.println("DHT: Rejected " + this.RWIRejectCount + " Indextransfers from " + this.RWIRejectPeerNames.size() + " PeerNames with " + this.RWIRejectPeerHashs.size() + " PeerHashs.");
System.out.println("DHT: " + this.DHTSendTraffic/(1024*1024l) + " MegaBytes (" + this.DHTSendTraffic + " Bytes) of DHT-Transfertraffic.");
System.out.println("DHT: Sended " + this.DHTSendURLs + " URLs via DHT.");
System.out.println("DHT: DHT Transfers send to " + this.DHTPeerNames.size() + " Peernames with " + this.DHTPeerHashs.size() + " Peerhashs.");
System.out.println("DHT: Totally selected " + this.DHTSelectionWordsCount + " words in " + this.DHTSelectionWordsTimeCount + " seconds (" + (float)this.DHTSelectionWordsCount/this.DHTSelectionWordsTimeCount + " words/s)");
System.out.println("DHT: Selected " + this.DHTSelectionTargetCount + " possible DHT Targets (min. Distance: " + this.minDHTDist + " max. Distance: " + this.maxDHTDist + " avg. Distance: " + (this.avgDHTDist/this.DHTSelectionTargetCount));
System.out.println("DHT: " + this.busyPeerCount + " times a targetpeer was too busy to accept a transfer.");
System.out.println("DHT: " + this.notEnoughDHTPeers + " times there were not enought targetpeers for the selected DHTChunk");
System.out.println("DHT: IndexDistribution failed " + this.failedIndexDistributionCount + " times.");
System.out.println("RANKING: Transmitted " + this.rankingDistributionCount + " Rankingfiles in " + this.rankingDistributionTime + " seconds (" + this.rankingDistributionTime/this.rankingDistributionCount + " seconds/file)");
System.out.println("RANKING: RankingDistribution failed " + this.rankingDistributionFailCount + " times.");
if (this.leftChildTwiceCount != 0)
System.out.println("ERRORS: tried " + this.leftChildTwiceCount + " times to create leftchild node twice in db");
if (this.rightChildTwiceCount != 0)
System.out.println("ERRORS: tried " + this.rightChildTwiceCount + " times to create rightchild node twice in db");
if (this.malformedURLCount != 0)
System.out.println("ERRORS: " + this.malformedURLCount + " MalformedURLExceptions accord.");