665 lines
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665 lines
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// yacyVersion.java
// ----------------
// (C) 2007 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 27.04.2007 on http://yacy.net
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package de.anomic.yacy;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import de.anomic.crawler.HTTPLoader;
import de.anomic.htmlFilter.htmlFilterContentScraper;
import de.anomic.http.httpClient;
import de.anomic.http.httpResponse;
import de.anomic.http.httpResponseHeader;
import de.anomic.http.httpRequestHeader;
import de.anomic.kelondro.util.Log;
import de.anomic.kelondro.util.FileUtils;
import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSwitchboard;
import de.anomic.server.serverCore;
import de.anomic.server.serverSystem;
import de.anomic.tools.tarTools;
public final class yacyVersion implements Comparator<yacyVersion>, Comparable<yacyVersion> {
// general release info
public static final float YACY_SUPPORTS_PORT_FORWARDING = (float) 0.383;
public static final float YACY_SUPPORTS_GZIP_POST_REQUESTS_CHUNKED = (float) 0.58204761;
public static final float YACY_ACCEPTS_RANKING_TRANSMISSION = (float) 0.414;
public static final float YACY_HANDLES_COLLECTION_INDEX = (float) 0.486;
public static final float YACY_POVIDES_REMOTECRAWL_LISTS = (float) 0.550;
public static final float YACY_STANDARDREL_IS_PRO = (float) 0.557;
// information about latest release, retrieved by other peers release version
public static double latestRelease = 0.1; // this value is overwritten when a peer with later version appears
// information about latest release, retrieved from download pages
// this static information should be overwritten by network-specific locations
// for details see defaults/yacy.network.freeworld.unit
private static HashMap<yacyURL, DevMain> latestReleases = new HashMap<yacyURL, DevMain>();
public final static ArrayList<yacyURL> latestReleaseLocations = new ArrayList<yacyURL>(); // will be initialized with value in defaults/yacy.network.freeworld.unit
// private static release info about this release; is generated only once and can be retrieved by thisVersion()
private static yacyVersion thisVersion = null;
// class variables
public float releaseNr;
public String dateStamp;
public int svn;
public boolean mainRelease;
public yacyURL url;
public String name;
public yacyVersion(final yacyURL url) {
this.url = url;
public yacyVersion(String release) {
// parse a release file name
// the have the following form:
// yacy_dev_v${releaseVersion}_${DSTAMP}_${releaseNr}.tar.gz
// yacy_v${releaseVersion}_${DSTAMP}_${releaseNr}.tar.gz
// i.e. yacy_v0.51_20070321_3501.tar.gz
this.url = null;
this.name = release;
if ((release == null) || (!((release.endsWith(".tar.gz") || (release.endsWith(".tar")))))) {
throw new RuntimeException("release file name '" + release + "' is not valid, no tar.gz");
// cut off tail
release = release.substring(0, release.length() - ((release.endsWith(".gz")) ? 7 : 4));
if (release.startsWith("yacy_pro_v")) {
release = release.substring(10);
} else if (release.startsWith("yacy_emb_v")) {
throw new RuntimeException("release file name '" + release + "' is not valid, no support for emb");
} else if (release.startsWith("yacy_v")) {
release = release.substring(6);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("release file name '" + release + "' is not valid, wrong prefix");
// now all release names have the form
// ${releaseVersion}_${DSTAMP}_${releaseNr}
final String[] comp = release.split("_"); // should be 3 parts
if (comp.length != 3) {
throw new RuntimeException("release file name '" + release + "' is not valid, 3 information parts expected");
try {
this.releaseNr = Float.parseFloat(comp[0]);
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("release file name '" + release + "' is not valid, '" + comp[0] + "' should be a float number");
this.mainRelease = ((int) (this.releaseNr * 100)) % 10 == 0;
//System.out.println("Release version " + this.releaseNr + " is " + ((this.mainRelease) ? "main" : "std"));
this.dateStamp = comp[1];
if (this.dateStamp.length() != 8) {
throw new RuntimeException("release file name '" + release + "' is not valid, '" + comp[1] + "' should be a 8-digit date string");
try {
this.svn = Integer.parseInt(comp[2]);
} catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("release file name '" + release + "' is not valid, '" + comp[2] + "' should be a integer number");
// finished! we parsed a relase string
public static final class DevMain {
public TreeSet<yacyVersion> dev, main;
public DevMain(final TreeSet<yacyVersion> dev, final TreeSet<yacyVersion> main) {
this.dev = dev;
this.main = main;
public int compareTo(final yacyVersion obj) {
// returns 0 if this object is equal to the obj, -1 if this is smaller than obj and 1 if this is greater than obj
return compare(this, obj);
public int compare(final yacyVersion v0, final yacyVersion v1) {
// compare-operator for two yacyVersion objects
// must be implemented to make it possible to put this object into
// a ordered structure, like TreeSet or TreeMap
return (Integer.valueOf(v0.svn)).compareTo(Integer.valueOf(v1.svn));
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if(obj instanceof yacyVersion) {
final yacyVersion v = (yacyVersion) obj;
return (this.svn == v.svn) && (this.url.toNormalform(true, true).equals(v.url.toNormalform(true, true)));
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return this.url.toNormalform(true, true).hashCode();
public String toAnchor() {
// generates an anchor string that can be used to embed in an html for direct download
return "<a href=" + this.url.toNormalform(true, true) + ">YaCy " + ((this.mainRelease) ? "main release" : "dev release") + " v" + this.releaseNr + ", SVN " + this.svn + "</a>";
// static methods:
public static final yacyVersion thisVersion() {
// construct a virtual release name for this release
if (thisVersion == null) {
final plasmaSwitchboard sb = plasmaSwitchboard.getSwitchboard();
if (sb == null) return null;
final boolean full = new File(sb.getRootPath(), "libx").exists();
thisVersion = new yacyVersion(
"yacy" + ((full) ? "" : "_emb") +
"_v" + sb.getConfig("version", "0.1") + "_" +
sb.getConfig("vdate", "19700101") + "_" +
sb.getConfig("svnRevision", "0") + ".tar.gz");
return thisVersion;
public static final yacyVersion rulebasedUpdateInfo(final boolean manual) {
// according to update properties, decide if we should retrieve update information
// if true, the release that can be obtained is returned.
// if false, null is returned
final plasmaSwitchboard sb = plasmaSwitchboard.getSwitchboard();
// check if update process allows update retrieve
final String process = sb.getConfig("update.process", "manual");
if ((!manual) && (!process.equals("auto"))) {
yacyCore.log.logInfo("rulebasedUpdateInfo: not an automatic update selected");
return null; // no, its a manual or guided process
// check if the last retrieve time is a minimum time ago
final long cycle = Math.max(1, sb.getConfigLong("update.cycle", 168)) * 60 * 60 * 1000; // update.cycle is hours
final long timeLookup = sb.getConfigLong("update.time.lookup", System.currentTimeMillis());
if ((!manual) && (timeLookup + cycle > System.currentTimeMillis())) {
yacyCore.log.logInfo("rulebasedUpdateInfo: too early for a lookup for a new release (timeLookup = " + timeLookup + ", cycle = " + cycle + ", now = " + System.currentTimeMillis() + ")");
return null; // no we have recently made a lookup
// check if we know that there is a release that is more recent than that which we are using
final DevMain releasess = yacyVersion.allReleases(true);
final yacyVersion latestmain = (releasess.main.size() == 0) ? null : releasess.main.last();
final yacyVersion latestdev = (releasess.dev.size() == 0) ? null : releasess.dev.last();
final String concept = sb.getConfig("update.concept", "any");
String blacklist = sb.getConfig("update.blacklist", "...[123]");
if (blacklist.equals("....[123]")) {
// patch the blacklist because of a release strategy change from 0.7 and up
blacklist = "...[123]";
sb.setConfig("update.blacklist", blacklist);
if ((manual) || (concept.equals("any"))) {
// return a dev-release or a main-release
if ((latestdev != null) &&
((latestmain == null) || (latestdev.compareTo(latestmain) > 0)) &&
(!(Float.toString(latestdev.releaseNr).matches(blacklist)))) {
// consider a dev-release
if (latestdev.compareTo(thisVersion()) <= 0) {
"rulebasedUpdateInfo: latest dev " + latestdev.name +
" is not more recent than installed release " + thisVersion().name);
return null;
return latestdev;
if (latestmain != null) {
// consider a main release
if ((Float.toString(latestmain.releaseNr).matches(blacklist))) {
"rulebasedUpdateInfo: latest dev " + (latestdev == null ? "null" : latestdev.name) +
" matches with blacklist '" + blacklist + "'");
return null;
if (latestmain.compareTo(thisVersion()) <= 0) {
"rulebasedUpdateInfo: latest main " + latestmain.name +
" is not more recent than installed release (1) " + thisVersion().name);
return null;
return latestmain;
if ((concept.equals("main")) && (latestmain != null)) {
// return a main-release
if ((Float.toString(latestmain.releaseNr).matches(blacklist))) {
"rulebasedUpdateInfo: latest main " + latestmain.name +
" matches with blacklist'" + blacklist + "'");
return null;
if (latestmain.compareTo(thisVersion()) <= 0) {
"rulebasedUpdateInfo: latest main " + latestmain.name +
" is not more recent than installed release (2) " + thisVersion().name);
return null;
return latestmain;
yacyCore.log.logInfo("rulebasedUpdateInfo: failed to find more recent release");
return null;
public static DevMain allReleases(final boolean force) {
// join the release infos
final DevMain[] a = new DevMain[latestReleaseLocations.size()];
for (int j = 0; j < latestReleaseLocations.size(); j++) {
a[j] = getReleases(latestReleaseLocations.get(j), force);
final TreeSet<yacyVersion> alldev = new TreeSet<yacyVersion>();
final TreeSet<yacyVersion> allmain = new TreeSet<yacyVersion>();
for (int j = 0; j < a.length; j++) if ((a[j] != null) && (a[j].dev != null)) alldev.addAll(a[j].dev);
for (int j = 0; j < a.length; j++) if ((a[j] != null) && (a[j].main != null)) allmain.addAll(a[j].main);
return new DevMain(alldev, allmain);
private static DevMain getReleases(final yacyURL location, final boolean force) {
// get release info from a internet resource
DevMain locLatestRelease = latestReleases.get(location);
if (force ||
(locLatestRelease == null) /*||
((latestRelease[0].size() == 0) &&
(latestRelease[1].size() == 0) &&
(latestRelease[2].size() == 0) &&
(latestRelease[3].size() == 0) )*/) {
locLatestRelease = allReleaseFrom(location);
latestReleases.put(location, locLatestRelease);
return locLatestRelease;
private static DevMain allReleaseFrom(yacyURL url) {
// retrieves the latest info about releases
// this is done by contacting a release location,
// parsing the content and filtering+parsing links
// returns the version info if successful, null otherwise
htmlFilterContentScraper scraper;
try {
scraper = htmlFilterContentScraper.parseResource(url);
} catch (final IOException e) {
return null;
// analyse links in scraper resource, and find link to latest release in it
final Map<yacyURL, String> anchors = scraper.getAnchors(); // a url (String) / name (String) relation
final Iterator<yacyURL> i = anchors.keySet().iterator();
final TreeSet<yacyVersion> devreleases = new TreeSet<yacyVersion>();
final TreeSet<yacyVersion> mainreleases = new TreeSet<yacyVersion>();
yacyVersion release;
while (i.hasNext()) {
url = i.next();
try {
release = new yacyVersion(url);
//System.out.println("r " + release.toAnchor());
if ( release.mainRelease) mainreleases.add(release);
if (!release.mainRelease) devreleases.add(release);
} catch (final RuntimeException e) {
// the release string was not well-formed.
// that might have been another link
// just dont care
plasmaSwitchboard.getSwitchboard().setConfig("update.time.lookup", System.currentTimeMillis());
return new DevMain(devreleases, mainreleases);
public static File downloadRelease(final yacyVersion release) {
final File storagePath = plasmaSwitchboard.getSwitchboard().releasePath;
// load file
File download = null;
final httpRequestHeader header = new httpRequestHeader();
header.put(httpResponseHeader.USER_AGENT, HTTPLoader.yacyUserAgent);
final httpClient client = new httpClient(120000, header);
httpResponse res = null;
final String name = release.url.getFileName();
try {
res = client.GET(release.url.toString());
final boolean unzipped = res.getResponseHeader().gzip() && (res.getResponseHeader().mime().toLowerCase().equals("application/x-tar")); // if true, then the httpc has unzipped the file
if ((unzipped) && (name.endsWith(".tar.gz"))) {
download = new File(storagePath, name.substring(0, name.length() - 3));
} else {
download = new File(storagePath, name);
try {
FileUtils.copyToStream(new BufferedInputStream(res.getDataAsStream()), new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(download)));
} catch(IOException ie) {
// Saving file failed, abort download
throw ie;
} finally {
if ((!download.exists()) || (download.length() == 0)) throw new IOException("wget of url " + release.url + " failed");
} catch (final IOException e) {
Log.logSevere("yacyVersion", "download of " + release.name + " failed: " + e.getMessage());
if (download != null && download.exists()) {
if (download.exists())
Log.logWarning("yacyVersion", "could not delete file "+ download);
download = null;
} finally {
if (res != null) {
// release connection
plasmaSwitchboard.getSwitchboard().setConfig("update.time.download", System.currentTimeMillis());
return ((download != null) && (download.exists())) ? download : null;
public static void restart() {
final plasmaSwitchboard sb = plasmaSwitchboard.getSwitchboard();
final String apphome = sb.getRootPath().toString();
if (serverSystem.isWindows) {
final File startType = new File(sb.getRootPath(), "DATA/yacy.noconsole".replace("/", File.separator));
String starterFile = "startYACY_debug.bat";
if (startType.exists()) starterFile = "startYACY.bat"; // startType noconsole
Log.logInfo("RESTART", "INITIATED");
final String script =
"@echo off" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"title YaCy restarter" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"set loading=YACY RESTARTER" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"echo %loading%" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"cd \"" + apphome + "/DATA/RELEASE/".replace("/", File.separator) + "\"" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
":WAIT" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"set loading=%loading%." + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"cls" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"echo %loading%" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"ping -n 2 >nul" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"IF exist ..\\yacy.running goto WAIT" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"cd \"" + apphome + "\"" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"start /MIN CMD /C " + starterFile + serverCore.LF_STRING;
final File scriptFile = new File(sb.getRootPath(), "DATA/RELEASE/restart.bat".replace("/", File.separator));
serverSystem.deployScript(scriptFile, script);
Log.logInfo("RESTART", "wrote restart-script to " + scriptFile.getAbsolutePath());
Log.logInfo("RESTART", "script is running");
} catch (final IOException e) {
Log.logSevere("RESTART", "restart failed", e);
// create yacy.restart file which is used in Windows startscript
/* final File yacyRestart = new File(sb.getRootPath(), "DATA/yacy.restart");
if (!yacyRestart.exists()) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
serverLog.logSevere("SHUTDOWN", "restart failed", e);
if (serverSystem.canExecUnix) {
// start a re-start daemon
try {
Log.logInfo("RESTART", "INITIATED");
final String script =
"#!/bin/sh" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"cd " + sb.getRootPath() + "/DATA/RELEASE/" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"while [ -f ../yacy.running ]; do" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"sleep 1" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"done" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"cd ../../" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"nohup ./startYACY.sh > /dev/null" + serverCore.LF_STRING;
final File scriptFile = new File(sb.getRootPath(), "DATA/RELEASE/restart.sh");
serverSystem.deployScript(scriptFile, script);
Log.logInfo("RESTART", "wrote restart-script to " + scriptFile.getAbsolutePath());
Log.logInfo("RESTART", "script is running");
} catch (final IOException e) {
Log.logSevere("RESTART", "restart failed", e);
public static void deployRelease(final File releaseFile) {
//byte[] script = ("cd " + plasmaSwitchboard.getSwitchboard().getRootPath() + ";while [ -e ../yacy.running ]; do sleep 1;done;tar xfz " + release + ";cp -Rf yacy/* ../../;rm -Rf yacy;cd ../../;startYACY.sh").getBytes();
try {
final plasmaSwitchboard sb = plasmaSwitchboard.getSwitchboard();
final String apphome = sb.getRootPath().toString();
Log.logInfo("UPDATE", "INITIATED");
tarTools.unTar(tarTools.getInputStream(releaseFile), sb.getRootPath() + "/DATA/RELEASE/".replace("/", File.separator));
} catch (final Exception e){
Log.logSevere("UNTAR", "failed", e);
String script = null;
String scriptFileName = null;
final File startType = new File(sb.getRootPath(), "DATA/yacy.noconsole".replace("/", File.separator));
String starterFile = "startYACY_debug.bat";
if (startType.exists()) starterFile = "startYACY.bat"; // startType noconsole
script =
"@echo off" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"title YaCy updater" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"set loading=YACY UPDATER" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"echo %loading%" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"cd \"" + apphome + "/DATA/RELEASE/".replace("/", File.separator) + "\"" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
":WAIT" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"set loading=%loading%." + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"cls" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"echo %loading%" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"ping -n 2 >nul" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"IF exist ..\\yacy.running goto WAIT" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"IF not exist yacy goto NODATA" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"cd yacy" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"xcopy *.* \"" + apphome + "\" /E /Y >nul" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
// /E - all subdirectories
// /Y - don't ask
"cd .." + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"rd yacy /S /Q" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
// /S delete tree
// /Q don't ask
"goto END" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
":NODATA" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"pause" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
":END" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"cd \"" + apphome + "\"" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"start /MIN CMD /C " + starterFile + serverCore.LF_STRING;
scriptFileName = "update.bat";
} else { // unix/linux
script =
"#!/bin/sh" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"cd " + sb.getRootPath() + "/DATA/RELEASE/" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
/* ((releaseFile.getName().endsWith(".gz")) ?
// test gz-file for integrity and tar xfz then
("if gunzip -t " + releaseFile.getAbsolutePath() + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"then" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"gunzip -c " + releaseFile.getAbsolutePath() + " | tar xf -" + serverCore.LF_STRING) :
// just tar xf the file, no integrity test possible?
("tar xf " + releaseFile.getAbsolutePath() + serverCore.LF_STRING)
) +*/
"while [ -f ../yacy.running ]; do" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"sleep 1" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"done" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"cp -Rf yacy/* " + apphome + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"rm -Rf yacy" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
/* ((releaseFile.getName().endsWith(".gz")) ?
// else-case of gunzip -t test: if failed, just restart
("else" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"while [ -f ../yacy.running ]; do" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"sleep 1" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"done" + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"fi" + serverCore.LF_STRING) :
// in case that we did not made the integrity test, there is no else case
) +*/
"cd " + apphome + serverCore.LF_STRING +
"nohup ./startYACY.sh > /dev/null" + serverCore.LF_STRING;
scriptFileName = "update.sh";
final File scriptFile = new File(sb.getRootPath(), "DATA/RELEASE/".replace("/", File.separator) + scriptFileName);
serverSystem.deployScript(scriptFile, script);
Log.logInfo("UPDATE", "wrote update-script to " + scriptFile.getAbsolutePath());
Log.logInfo("UPDATE", "script is running");
sb.setConfig("update.time.deploy", System.currentTimeMillis());
} catch (final IOException e) {
Log.logSevere("UPDATE", "update failed", e);
* Converts combined version-string to a pretty string, e.g. "0.435/01818" or "dev/01818" (development version) or "dev/00000" (in case of wrong input)
* @param ver Combined version string matching regular expression: "\A(\d+\.\d{3})(\d{4}|\d{5})\z" <br>
* (i.e.: start of input, 1 or more digits in front of decimal point, decimal point followed by 3 digits as major version, 4 or 5 digits for SVN-Version, end of input)
* @return If the major version is < 0.11 - major version is separated from SVN-version by '/', e.g. "0.435/01818" <br>
* If the major version is >= 0.11 - major version is replaced by "dev" and separated SVN-version by '/', e.g."dev/01818" <br>
* "dev/00000" - If the input does not matcht the regular expression above
public static String combined2prettyVersion(final String ver) {
return combined2prettyVersion(ver, "");
public static String combined2prettyVersion(final String ver, final String computerName) {
final Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("\\A(\\d+\\.\\d{1,3})(\\d{0,5})\\z").matcher(ver);
if (!matcher.find()) {
Log.logWarning("STARTUP", "Peer '"+computerName+"': wrong format of version-string: '" + ver + "'. Using default string 'dev/00000' instead");
return "dev/00000";
final String mainversion = (Double.parseDouble(matcher.group(1)) < 0.11 ? "dev" : matcher.group(1));
String revision = matcher.group(2);
for(int i=revision.length();i<5;++i) revision += "0";
return mainversion+"/"+revision;
* Combines the version of YaCy with the versionnumber from SVN to a
* combined version
* @param version Current given version.
* @param svn Current version given from SVN.
* @return String with the combined version.
public static double versvn2combinedVersion(final double version, final int svn) {
return (Math.rint((version*100000000.0) + (svn))/100000000);
public static void main(final String[] args) {
final float base = (float) 0.53;
final String blacklist = "....[123]";
String test;
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
test = Float.toString(base + (((float) i) / 1000));
System.out.println(test + " is " + ((test.matches(blacklist)) ? "blacklisted" : " not blacklisted"));
* keep only releases of last month (minimum latest and 1 main (maybe the same))
* @param filesPath where all downloaded files reside
* @param deleteAfterDays
public static void deleteOldDownloads(final File filesPath, final int deleteAfterDays) {
// list downloaded releases
yacyVersion release;
final String[] downloaded = filesPath.list();
// parse all filenames and put them in a sorted set
final SortedSet<yacyVersion> downloadedreleases = new TreeSet<yacyVersion>();
for (int j = 0; j < downloaded.length; j++) {
try {
release = new yacyVersion(downloaded[j]);
} catch (final RuntimeException e) {
// not a valid release
// if we have some files
if(downloadedreleases.size() > 0) {
Log.logFine("STARTUP", "deleting downloaded releases older than "+ deleteAfterDays +" days");
// keep latest version
final yacyVersion latest = downloadedreleases.last();
// if latest is a developer release, we also keep a main release
final boolean keepMain = !latest.mainRelease;
// remove old files
final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
final long deleteAfterMillis = deleteAfterDays * 24L * 60 * 60000;
String lastMain = null;
String filename;
for (final yacyVersion aRelease : downloadedreleases) {
filename = aRelease.name;
if (keepMain && aRelease.mainRelease) {
// keep this one, delete last remembered main release file
if (lastMain != null) {
filename = lastMain;
lastMain = aRelease.name;
// check file age
final File downloadedFile = new File(filesPath + File.separator + filename);
if (now - downloadedFile.lastModified() > deleteAfterMillis) {
// delete file
if (downloadedFile.exists()) {
Log.logWarning("STARTUP", "cannot delete old release " + downloadedFile.getAbsolutePath());