You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

332 lines
14 KiB

package net.yacy.document.parser;
import static net.yacy.document.parser.htmlParser.parseToScraper;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.junit.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import net.yacy.document.Document;
import net.yacy.document.Parser;
import net.yacy.document.VocabularyScraper;
import net.yacy.document.parser.html.ContentScraper;
import net.yacy.document.parser.html.ImageEntry;
public class htmlParserTest extends TestCase {
public void testGetRealCharsetEncoding() {
String[][] testStrings = new String[][] {
new String[]{null,null},
new String[]{"windows1250","windows-1250"},
new String[]{"windows_1250","windows-1250"},
new String[]{"ISO-8859-1",},
new String[]{"ISO8859-1",},
new String[]{"ISO-88591",},
new String[]{"ISO88591",},
new String[]{"iso_8859_1",},
new String[]{"cp-1252","windows-1252"},
new String[]{"gb_2312","gb2312"}, // was: x-EUC-CN
new String[]{"gb_2312-80","gb2312"}, // was: x-EUC-CN
new String[]{"UTF-8;",}
for (int i=0; i < testStrings.length; i++) {
// desired conversion result
String shouldBe = testStrings[i][1];
shouldBe = shouldBe!=null ? shouldBe.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) : null;
// conversion result
String charset = htmlParser.patchCharsetEncoding(testStrings[i][0]);
// test if equal
assertEquals(shouldBe, charset!=null ? charset.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) : null);
System.out.println("testGetRealCharsetEncoding: " + (testStrings[i][0]!=null?testStrings[i][0]:"null") + " -> " + (charset!=null?charset:"null") + " | Supported: " + (charset!=null?Charset.isSupported(charset):false));
* Test of parse method, of class htmlParser.
* - test getCharset
* @throws IOException
public void testParse() throws Parser.Failure, InterruptedException, IOException {
String[] testFiles = {
final String mimetype = "text/html";
//final String resulttxt = "In München steht ein Hofbräuhaus. Dort gibt es Bier aus Maßkrügen.";
for (String testfile : testFiles) {
final String filename = "test/parsertest/" + testfile;
final File file = new File(filename);
final AnchorURL url = new AnchorURL("http://localhost/" + filename);
System.out.println("parse file: " + filename);
htmlParser p = new htmlParser();
FileInputStream inStream = null;
try {
inStream = new FileInputStream(file);
final Document[] docs = p.parse(url, mimetype, null, new VocabularyScraper(), 0, inStream);
Document doc = docs[0];
String txt = doc.getCharset();
assertTrue("get Charset", txt != null);
System.out.println("detected charset = " + txt);
} finally {
if(inStream != null) {
* Test the htmlParser.parseWithLimits() method with test content within bounds.
* @throws Exception when an unexpected error occurred
public void testParseWithLimitsUnreached() throws Exception {
String[] testFiles = {
final String mimetype = "text/html";
//final String resulttxt = "In München steht ein Hofbräuhaus. Dort gibt es Bier aus Maßkrügen.";
htmlParser parser = new htmlParser();
for (final String testfile : testFiles) {
final String fileName = "test" + File.separator + "parsertest" + File.separator + testfile;
final File file = new File(fileName);
final AnchorURL url = new AnchorURL("http://localhost/" + fileName);
try (final FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(file);) {
final Document[] docs = parser.parseWithLimits(url, mimetype, null, new VocabularyScraper(), 0, inStream, 1000, 10000);
final Document doc = docs[0];
assertNotNull("Parser result must not be null for file " + fileName, docs);
final String parsedText = doc.getTextString();
assertNotNull("Parsed text must not be empty for file " + fileName, parsedText);
assertTrue("Parsed text must contain test word with umlaut char in file " + fileName,
assertEquals("Test anchor must have been parsed for file " + fileName, 1, doc.getAnchors().size());
assertFalse("Parsed document should not be marked as partially parsed for file " + fileName, doc.isPartiallyParsed());
* Test the htmlParser.parseWithLimits() method, with various maxLinks values
* ranging from zero to the exact anchors number contained in the test content.
* @throws Exception
* when an unexpected error occurred
public void testParseWithLimitsOnAnchors() throws Exception {
final AnchorURL url = new AnchorURL("http://localhost/test.html");
final String mimetype = "text/html";
final String charset =;
final StringBuilder testHtml = new StringBuilder("<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><p>");
testHtml.append("<a href=\"http://localhost/doc1.html\">First link</a>");
testHtml.append("<a href=\"http://localhost/doc2.html\">Second link</a>");
testHtml.append("<a href=\"http://localhost/doc3.html\">Third link</a>");
final htmlParser parser = new htmlParser();
for (int maxLinks = 0; maxLinks <= 3; maxLinks++) {
try (InputStream sourceStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(
testHtml.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));) {
final Document[] docs = parser.parseWithLimits(url, mimetype, charset, new VocabularyScraper(), 0,
sourceStream, maxLinks, Long.MAX_VALUE);
final Document doc = docs[0];
assertEquals(maxLinks, doc.getAnchors().size());
assertEquals("The parsed document should be marked as partially parsed only when the limit is exceeded",
maxLinks < 3, doc.isPartiallyParsed());
* Test the htmlParser.parseWithLimits() method, with various maxLinks values
* ranging from zero the exact RSS feed links number contained in the test
* content.
* @throws Exception
* when an unexpected error occurred
public void testParseWithLimitsOnRSSFeeds() throws Exception {
final AnchorURL url = new AnchorURL("http://localhost/test.html");
final String mimetype = "text/html";
final String charset =;
final StringBuilder testHtml = new StringBuilder("<!DOCTYPE html><html>");
"<link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"Feed1\" href=\"http://localhost/rss1.xml\" />");
"<link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"Feed2\" href=\"http://localhost/rss2.xml\" />");
"<link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"Feed3\" href=\"http://localhost/rss3.xml\" />");
testHtml.append("<body><p>HTML test content</p></body></html>");
final htmlParser parser = new htmlParser();
for (int maxLinks = 0; maxLinks <= 3; maxLinks++) {
try (InputStream sourceStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(
testHtml.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));) {
final Document[] docs = parser.parseWithLimits(url, mimetype, charset, new VocabularyScraper(), 0,
sourceStream, maxLinks, Long.MAX_VALUE);
final Document doc = docs[0];
assertEquals(maxLinks, doc.getRSS().size());
assertEquals("The parsed document should be marked as partially parsed only when the limit is exceeded",
maxLinks < 3, doc.isPartiallyParsed());
* Test of parseToScraper method, of class htmlParser.
public void testParseToScraper_4args() throws Exception {
// test link with inline html in text
// expectation to deliver pure text as it is possibly indexed in outboundlinks_anchortext_txt/inboundlinks_anchortext_txt
final AnchorURL url = new AnchorURL("http://localhost/");
final String charset =;
final String testhtml = "<html><body>"
+ "<a href='x1.html'><span>testtext</span></a>" // "testtext"
+ "<a href=\"http://localhost/x2.html\"> <i id=\"home-icon\" class=\"img-sprite\"></i>Start</a>" // "Start"
+ "<a href='x1.html'><span class='button'><img src='pic.gif'/></span></a>" // "" + image
+ "<figure><img width=\"550px\" title=\"image as exemple\" alt=\"image as exemple\" src=\"./img/my_image.png\"></figrue>" // + img width 550 (+html5 figure)
+ "</body></html>";
ContentScraper scraper = parseToScraper(url, charset, new VocabularyScraper(), 0, testhtml, 10, 10);
List<AnchorURL> anchorlist = scraper.getAnchors();
String linktxt = anchorlist.get(0).getTextProperty();
assertEquals("testtext", linktxt);
linktxt = anchorlist.get(1).getTextProperty();
assertEquals("Start", linktxt);
linktxt = anchorlist.get(2).getTextProperty();
assertEquals("", linktxt);
int cnt = scraper.getImages().size();
ImageEntry img = scraper.getImages().get(1);
* Test parser resistance against nested anchors pattern
* (<a> tag embedding other <a> tags : invalid HTML, but occasionally encountered in some real-world Internet resources.
* See case reported at
* The parser must be able to terminate in a finite time.
* @throws IOException when an unexpected error occurred
public void testParseToScraperNestedAnchors() throws IOException {
final AnchorURL url = new AnchorURL("http://localhost/");
final String charset =;
final StringBuilder testHtml = new StringBuilder("<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><p>");
/* With prior recursive processing implementation and an average 2017 desktop computer,
* computing time started to be problematic over a nesting depth of 21 */
final int nestingDepth = 30;
for (int count = 0; count < nestingDepth; count++) {
testHtml.append("<a href=\"http://localhost/doc" + count + ".html\">");
testHtml.append("<img src=\"./img/my_image.png\">");
for (int count = 0; count < nestingDepth; count++) {
ContentScraper scraper = parseToScraper(url, charset, new VocabularyScraper(), 0, testHtml.toString(), Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
assertEquals(nestingDepth, scraper.getAnchors().size());
assertEquals(1, scraper.getImages().size());
* Test of parseToScraper method, of class htmlParser
* for scraping tag content from text (special test to verify <style> not counted as text
public void testParseToScraper_TagTest() throws Exception {
final AnchorURL url = new AnchorURL("http://localhost/");
final String charset =;
final String textSource = "test text";
final String testhtml = "<html>"
+ "<head><style type=\"text/css\"> h1 { color: #ffffff; }</style></head>"
+ "<body>"
+ "<p>" + textSource + "</p>"
+ "</body></html>";
ContentScraper scraper = parseToScraper(url, charset, new VocabularyScraper(), 0, testhtml, 10, 10);
String txt = scraper.getText();
System.out.println("ScraperTagTest: [" + textSource + "] = [" + txt + "]");
assertEquals(txt, textSource);
* Test for parseToScraper of class htmlParser for scraping html with a
* <script> tag which contains code with similar to other opening tag
* like "<a " see
public void testParseToScraper_ScriptTag() throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
final AnchorURL url = new AnchorURL("http://localhost/");
final String charset =;
final String textSource = "test text";
// extract from test case provided by
String testhtml = "<!doctype html>"
+ "<html class=\"a-no-js\" data-19ax5a9jf=\"dingo\">"
+ "<head><script>var aPageStart = (new Date()).getTime();</script><meta charset=\"utf-8\"><!-- emit CSM JS -->\n"
+ "<script>\n"
+ "function D(){if(E){var a=f.innerWidth?{w:f.innerWidth,h:f.innerHeight}:{w:k.clientWidth,h:k.clientHeight};5<Math.abs(a.w-\n"
// the 50<a is a possible error case
+ "P.w)||50<a.h-P.h?(P=a,Q=4,(||l.tablet?450<a.w&&a.w>a.h:1250==a.w)?C(k,\"a-ws\"):ca(k,\"a-ws\")):Q--&&(ea=setTimeout(D,16))}}function na(a){(E=void 0===a?!E:!!a)&&D()}"
+ "</script>\n"
+ "</head>\n"
+ "<body>" + textSource + "</body>\n"
+ "</html>";
ContentScraper scraper = parseToScraper(url, charset, new VocabularyScraper(), 0, testhtml, 10, 10);
String txt = scraper.getText();
System.out.println("ScraperScriptTagTest: [" + textSource + "] = [" + txt + "]");
assertEquals(txt, textSource);