289 lines
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289 lines
14 KiB
// ImageReferenceRow.java
// (C) 2010 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 21.01.2010 on http://yacy.net
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package net.yacy.kelondro.data.image;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.Word;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.Column;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.Row;
import net.yacy.kelondro.index.Row.Entry;
import net.yacy.kelondro.order.Base64Order;
import net.yacy.kelondro.order.Bitfield;
import net.yacy.kelondro.order.MicroDate;
import net.yacy.kelondro.rwi.AbstractReference;
import net.yacy.kelondro.rwi.Reference;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.ByteArray;
* this object stores attributes to URL references inside RWI collections
public final class ImageReferenceRow extends AbstractReference implements /*ImageReference,*/ Cloneable {
* object for termination of concurrent blocking queue processing
public static final ImageReferenceRow poison = new ImageReferenceRow((Row.Entry) null);
public static final Row urlEntryRow = new Row(new Column[]{
new Column("h", Column.celltype_string, Column.encoder_bytes, Word.commonHashLength, "urlhash"),
new Column("f", Column.celltype_cardinal, Column.encoder_b256, 4, "created"),
new Column("m", Column.celltype_cardinal, Column.encoder_b256, 4, "modified"),
new Column("s", Column.celltype_cardinal, Column.encoder_bytes, 4, "size-bytes"),
new Column("d", Column.celltype_binary, Column.encoder_bytes, 1, "doctype"),
new Column("q", Column.celltype_binary, Column.encoder_bytes, 1, "quality"),
new Column("w", Column.celltype_cardinal, Column.encoder_b256, 2, "width"), // pixels
new Column("i", Column.celltype_cardinal, Column.encoder_b256, 2, "height"), // pixels
new Column("i", Column.celltype_cardinal, Column.encoder_b256, 2, "iso"), // iso number
new Column("i", Column.celltype_cardinal, Column.encoder_b256, 2, "verschlusszeit"), // the x in 1/x
new Column("i", Column.celltype_cardinal, Column.encoder_b256, 2, "blende"),
new Column("i", Column.celltype_cardinal, Column.encoder_b256, 4, "distance"),
new Column("o", Column.celltype_cardinal, Column.encoder_b256, 4, "author-id"), // author, creator, operator, camera-number
new Column("o", Column.celltype_cardinal, Column.encoder_b256, 4, "group-id"), // may be also a crawl start identifier
new Column("o", Column.celltype_cardinal, Column.encoder_b256, 4, "subgroupgroup-id"), // may be also a pages-in-crawl identifier
new Column("o", Column.celltype_cardinal, Column.encoder_b256, 4, "counter-in-subgroup"), // may be also a counter of images on a page
new Column("o", Column.celltype_cardinal, Column.encoder_b256, 4, "location-lon-x"),
new Column("a", Column.celltype_cardinal, Column.encoder_b256, 4, "location-lat-y"),
new Column("l", Column.celltype_cardinal, Column.encoder_b256, 4, "location-alt-h"),
new Column("t", Column.celltype_string, Column.encoder_bytes, 4, "typeOfImage"), // a 4-stage taxonomy
new Column("z", Column.celltype_bitfield, Column.encoder_bytes, 4, "flags"),
new Column("r", Column.celltype_binary, Column.encoder_bytes, 3, "RGBAverage"),
new Column("k", Column.celltype_cardinal, Column.encoder_b256, 1, "reserve")
// available chars: b,e,j,q
// static properties
private static final int col_urlhash = 0; // h 12 the url hash b64-encoded
private static final int col_lastModified = 1; // a 2 last-modified time of the document where word appears
private static final int col_freshUntil = 2; // s 2 TTL for the word, so it can be removed easily if the TTL is short
private static final int col_doctype = 6; // d 1 type of document
private static final int col_urlLength = 10; // m 1 byte-length of complete URL
private static final int col_urlComps = 11; // n 1 number of path components
// dynamic properties
private static final int col_rgbaverage = 12; // g 6 an average of the RGB values
private static final int col_typeofimage = 12; // g 4 classification
private static final int col_flags = 13; // z 4 b64-encoded appearance flags (24 bit, see definition below)
private static final int col_hitcount = 14; // c 1 number of occurrences of this word in text
private static final int col_posintext = 15; // t 2 first appearance of word in text
private static final int col_posinphrase = 16; // r 1 position of word in its phrase
private static final int col_posofphrase = 17; // o 1 number of the phrase where word appears
private static final int col_reserve1 = 18; // i 1 reserve1
private static final int col_reserve2 = 19; // k 1 reserve2
// ideas for the classification bytes
// 0 : content-type (person-portrait, persons-group, landscape, buildings, technical, artistical)
// 1 : content-situation (a categorization of the type, like: person/standing, building/factory, artistical/cubistic)
// 2 : content-category (a classification that is taken from the text environment by text analysis)
// 3 :
private final Row.Entry entry;
public ImageReferenceRow(final byte[] urlHash,
final int urlLength, // byte-length of complete URL
final int urlComps, // number of path components
final int titleLength, // length of description/length (longer are better?)
final int hitcount, // how often appears this word in the text
final int wordcount, // total number of words
final int phrasecount, // total number of phrases
final int posintext, // position of word in all words
final int posinphrase, // position of word in its phrase
final int posofphrase, // number of the phrase where word appears
final long lastmodified, // last-modified time of the document where word appears
final long updatetime, // update time; this is needed to compute a TTL for the word, so it can be removed easily if the TTL is short
final String language, // (guessed) language of document
final char doctype, // type of document
final int outlinksSame, // outlinks to same domain
final int outlinksOther, // outlinks to other domain
final Bitfield flags // attributes to the url and to the word according the url
) {
assert (urlHash.length == 12) : "urlhash = " + urlHash;
this.entry = urlEntryRow.newEntry();
final int mddlm = MicroDate.microDateDays(lastmodified);
final int mddct = MicroDate.microDateDays(updatetime);
this.entry.setCol(col_urlhash, urlHash);
this.entry.setCol(col_lastModified, mddlm);
this.entry.setCol(col_freshUntil, Math.max(0, mddlm + (mddct - mddlm) * 2)); // TTL computation
this.entry.setCol(col_doctype, new byte[]{(byte) doctype});
this.entry.setCol(col_urlLength, urlLength);
this.entry.setCol(col_urlComps, urlComps);
this.entry.setCol(col_flags, flags.bytes());
this.entry.setCol(col_hitcount, hitcount);
this.entry.setCol(col_posintext, posintext);
this.entry.setCol(col_posinphrase, posinphrase);
this.entry.setCol(col_posofphrase, posofphrase);
this.entry.setCol(col_reserve1, 0);
this.entry.setCol(col_reserve2, 0);
public ImageReferenceRow(final String urlHash,
final int urlLength, // byte-length of complete URL
final int urlComps, // number of path components
final int titleLength, // length of description/length (longer are better?)
final int wordcount, // total number of words
final int phrasecount, // total number of phrases
final long lastmodified, // last-modified time of the document where word appears
final long updatetime, // update time; this is needed to compute a TTL for the word, so it can be removed easily if the TTL is short
final String language, // (guessed) language of document
final char doctype, // type of document
final int outlinksSame, // outlinks to same domain
final int outlinksOther // outlinks to other domain
) {
assert (urlHash.length() == 12) : "urlhash = " + urlHash;
this.entry = urlEntryRow.newEntry();
final int mddlm = MicroDate.microDateDays(lastmodified);
final int mddct = MicroDate.microDateDays(updatetime);
this.entry.setCol(col_urlhash, urlHash, null);
this.entry.setCol(col_lastModified, mddlm);
this.entry.setCol(col_freshUntil, Math.max(0, mddlm + (mddct - mddlm) * 2)); // TTL computation
this.entry.setCol(col_doctype, new byte[]{(byte) doctype});
this.entry.setCol(col_urlLength, urlLength);
this.entry.setCol(col_urlComps, urlComps);
this.entry.setCol(col_reserve1, 0);
this.entry.setCol(col_reserve2, 0);
public ImageReferenceRow(final String urlHash, final String code) {
// the code is the external form of the row minus the leading urlHash entry
this.entry = urlEntryRow.newEntry((urlHash + code).getBytes());
public ImageReferenceRow(final String external) {
this.entry = urlEntryRow.newEntry(external, true);
public ImageReferenceRow(final byte[] row) {
this.entry = urlEntryRow.newEntry(row);
public ImageReferenceRow(final byte[] row, final int offset, final boolean clone) {
this.entry = urlEntryRow.newEntry(row, offset, clone);
public ImageReferenceRow(final Row.Entry rentry) {
// FIXME: see if cloning is necessary
this.entry = rentry;
public ImageReferenceRow clone() {
final byte[] b = new byte[urlEntryRow.objectsize];
System.arraycopy(entry.bytes(), 0, b, 0, urlEntryRow.objectsize);
return new ImageReferenceRow(b);
public String toPropertyForm() {
return entry.toPropertyForm(true, true, false);
public Entry toKelondroEntry() {
return this.entry;
public byte[] metadataHash() {
return this.entry.getColBytes(col_urlhash, true);
public int virtualAge() {
return (int) this.entry.getColLong(col_lastModified); // this is the time in MicoDateDays format
public long lastModified() {
return MicroDate.reverseMicroDateDays((int) this.entry.getColLong(col_lastModified));
public long freshUntil() {
return MicroDate.reverseMicroDateDays((int) this.entry.getColLong(col_freshUntil));
public int hitcount() {
return (int) this.entry.getColLong(col_hitcount);
public Collection<Integer> positions() {
return new ArrayList<Integer>(0);
public int position(int p) {
assert p == 0 : "p = " + p;
return (int) this.entry.getColLong(col_posintext);
public int posinphrase() {
return (int) this.entry.getColLong(col_posinphrase);
public int posofphrase() {
return (int) this.entry.getColLong(col_posofphrase);
public char getType() {
return (char) this.entry.getColByte(col_doctype);
public int urllength() {
return (int) this.entry.getColLong(col_urlLength);
public int urlcomps() {
return (int) this.entry.getColLong(col_urlComps);
public Bitfield flags() {
return new Bitfield(this.entry.getColBytes(col_flags, true));
public String toString() {
return toPropertyForm();
public boolean isOlder(final Reference other) {
if (other == null) return false;
if (this.lastModified() < other.lastModified()) return true;
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return ByteArray.hashCode(this.metadataHash());
public void join(Reference oe) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("");