
248 lines
12 KiB

function xmlhttpPost() {
var searchform = document.forms['searchform'];
var rsslink = document.getElementById("rsslink");
if (rsslink != null) rsslink.href="yacysearch.rss?query=" + searchform.query.value;
search(searchform.query.value, searchform.maximumRecords.value, searchform.startRecord.value);
// static variables
var start = new Date();
var query = "";
var maximumRecords = "1000";
var startRecord = "0";
var searchresult;
var totalResults = 0;
var filetypes;
var topics;
var script = "";
var modifier = "";
var modifiertype = "";
function search(search, count, offset) {
var navhtml = document.getElementById("searchnavigation");
if (navhtml != null) navhtml.innerHTML = "<div>loading from local index...</div>";
query = search;
maximumRecords = count;
if (count == "") maximumRecords = 100;
startRecord = offset;
if (offset == "") startRecord = 0;
start = new Date();
if (query == null || query == "") {
var self = this;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla/Safari
self.xmlHttpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE
self.xmlHttpReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
//self.xmlHttpReq.open('GET', "yacysearch.json?verify=false&resource=local&nav=all&contentdom=all&maximumRecords=" + maximumRecords + "&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&query=" + query, true);
self.xmlHttpReq.open('GET', "/solr/select?hl=false&wt=yjson&facet=true&facet.mincount=1&facet.field=url_file_ext_s&start=" + startRecord + "&rows=" + maximumRecords + "&query=" + query, true);
self.xmlHttpReq.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
self.xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (self.xmlHttpReq.readyState == 4) {
function navget(list, name) {
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
if (list[i].facetname == name) return list[i];
function preparepage(str) {
document.getElementById("searchnavigation").innerHTML = "<div>parsing result...</div>";
var raw = document.getElementById("raw");
if (raw != null) raw.innerHTML = str;
var rsp = eval("(" + str + ")");
var firstChannel = rsp.channels[0];
searchresult = firstChannel.items;
totalResults = firstChannel.totalResults.replace(/[,.]/,"");
topics = navget(firstChannel.navigation, "topics");
filetypefacet = navget(firstChannel.navigation, "filetypes");
filetypes = {};
if (filetypefacet) {
var elements = filetypefacet.elements;
for (var fc = 0; fc < elements.length; fc++) {
filetypes[elements[fc].name] = elements[fc].count;
script = "";
if (query.length >= 13 && query.substring(query.length - 13, query.length - 3) == " filetype:") {
modifier = query.substring(query.length - 12);
if (modifier != "") modifiertype = modifier.substring(modifier.length - 3)
if (modifiertype == "png" || modifiertype == "gif" || modifiertype == "jpg" || modifiertype == "PNG" || modifiertype == "GIF" || modifiertype == "JPG") {
var tt = resultImages();
document.getElementById("searchresults").innerHTML = tt;
} else {
var tt = resultList();
document.getElementById("searchresults").innerHTML = tt;
var tt = resultNavigation();
document.getElementById("searchnavigation").innerHTML = tt;
document.getElementById("serverlist").innerHTML = "";
function makeDownloadScript() {
document.getElementById("downloadscript").innerHTML = "<div><pre>" + script + "</pre><br/></div>";
document.getElementById("downloadbutton").innerHTML = "<input id=\"downloadbutton\" type=\"button\" value=\"hide the download script\" onClick=\"hideDownloadScript();\"/>";
function hideDownloadScript() {
document.getElementById("downloadscript").innerHTML = "";
var dlb = document.getElementById("downloadbutton");
if (dlb) dlb.innerHTML = "<input type=\"button\" value=\"create a download script\" onClick=\"makeDownloadScript();\"/>";
function resultNavigation() {
var html = "";
if (searchresult.length > totalResults) totalResults = searchresult.length;
if (totalResults > 0) {
html += "<div>" + searchresult.length + " results from a total of " + totalResults + " docs in index; search time: " + ((new Date()).getTime() - start.getTime()) + " milliseconds.&nbsp;";
html += "<div style=\"clear:left\">";
html += "<div style=\"display:inline\" id=\"downloadbutton\"></div>";
if (maximumRecords != 10 && totalResults >= 10) html += "<input type=\"button\" value=\"10 results\" onClick=\"window.location.href='/yacyinteractive.html?query=" + query + "&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&maximumRecords=10'\"/>";
if (maximumRecords != 100 && totalResults >= 100) html += "<input type=\"button\" value=\"100 results\" onClick=\"window.location.href='/yacyinteractive.html?query=" + query + "&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&maximumRecords=100'\"/>";
if (maximumRecords != 1000 && totalResults >= 1000) html += "<input type=\"button\" value=\"1000 results\" onClick=\"window.location.href='/yacyinteractive.html?query=" + query + "&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&maximumRecords=1000'\"/>";
if (totalResults <= 10000 && maximumRecords < totalResults) html += "<input type=\"button\" value=\"all results\" onClick=\"window.location.href='/yacyinteractive.html?query=" + query + "&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&maximumRecords=" + Math.max(100,totalResults) + "'\"/>";
html += "</div>"; // for inline
html += "</div>"; // for result statistic wrapper
} else {
if (query == "") {
html += "please enter some search words<br\>or use the following predefined search queries:<br\>";
html += "find images: ";
html += "(<a style=\"text-decoration:underline\" href=\"/yacyinteractive.html?query=png+filetype:png&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&maximumRecords=" + maximumRecords + "\">png</a>),";
html += "(<a style=\"text-decoration:underline\" href=\"/yacyinteractive.html?query=gif+filetype:gif&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&maximumRecords=" + maximumRecords + "\">gif</a>),";
html += "(<a style=\"text-decoration:underline\" href=\"/yacyinteractive.html?query=jpg+filetype:jpg&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&maximumRecords=" + maximumRecords + "\">jpg</a>)<br>";
html += "list: ";
html += "<a style=\"text-decoration:underline\" href=\"/yacyinteractive.html?query=pdf+/date+filetype:pdf&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&maximumRecords=" + maximumRecords + "\">recent pdf</a><br>";
//html += "<iframe src=\"rssTerminal.html?set=LOCALINDEXING&amp;width=600px&amp;height=180px&amp;maxlines=20&amp;maxwidth=120\" ";
//html += "style=\"width:600px;height:180px;margin:0px;\" scrolling=\"no\" name=\"newsframe\"></iframe>";
} else {
html += "no results";
// add extension navigation
var extnav = "";
for (var key in filetypes) {
if (filetypes[key] > 0) {
extnav += "<a style=\"text-decoration:underline\" href=\"/yacyinteractive.html?query=" + query + "+filetype:" + key + "&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&maximumRecords=" + maximumRecords + "\">" + key + "</a>(" + filetypes[key] + ")&nbsp;&nbsp;";
if (extnav.length > 0) {
html += "<div style=\"display:block\">apply a <b>filter</b> by filetype:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + extnav + "</div>";
} else {
// check if there is a filetype constraint and offer a removal
if (modifier != "") {
html += "<span style=\"display:block\"><a style=\"text-decoration:underline\" href=\"/yacyinteractive.html?query=" + query.substring(0, query.length - 13) + "&startRecord=" + startRecord + "&maximumRecords=" + maximumRecords + "\">remove the filter '" + modifier + "'</a></span>";
return html;
function resultList() {
var html = "";
if (searchresult.length > 0) {
document.getElementById("searchnavigation").innerHTML = "<div>found " + searchresult.length + " documents, preparing table...</div>";
html += "<table class=\"sortable\" id=\"sortable\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"99%\">";
html += "<tr class=\"TableHeader\" valign=\"bottom\"><td width=\"10\">Count</td><td width=\"40\">Protocol</td><td width=\"60\">Host</td><td width=\"140\">Path</td><td width=\"360\">URL</td><td width=\"60\">Size</td><td width=\"120\">Date</td></tr>";
for (var i = 0; i < searchresult.length; i++) { html += resultLine("row", searchresult[i], i + 1); }
html += "</table>";
return html;
function resultImages() {
var html = "";
document.getElementById("searchnavigation").innerHTML = "<div>found " + searchresult.length + " images, preparing...</div>";
for (var i = 0; i < searchresult.length; i++) { html += resultLine("image", searchresult[i]); }
return html;
function resultLine(type, item, linenumber) {
// evaluate item
if (item == null) return "";
if (item.link == null) return "";
protocol = "";
host = "";
path = item.link;
file = "";
p = item.link.indexOf("//");
if (p > 0) {
protocol = item.link.substring(0, p - 1);
q = item.link.indexOf("/", p + 2);
if (q > 0) {
host = item.link.substring(p + 2, q);
path = item.link.substring(q);
} else {
host = item.link.substring(p + 2);
path = "/";
title = item.title;
q = path.lastIndexOf("/");
if (q > 0) {
file = path.substring(q + 1);
path = path.substring(0, q + 1);
} else {
file = path;
path = "/";
path = unescape(path);
if (path.length >= 40) path = path.substring(0, 18) + "..." + path.substring(path.length - 19);
if (title == "") title = path;
if (title.length >= 60) title = title.substring(0, 28) + "..." + title.substring(title.length - 29);
pd = item.pubDate;
if (pd == undefined) pd = "";
if (pd.substring(pd.length - 6) == " +0000") pd = pd.substring(0, pd.length - 6);
if (pd.substring(pd.length - 9) == " 00:00:00") pd = pd.substring(0, pd.length - 9);
if (pd.substring(pd.length - 5) == " 2010") pd = pd.substring(0, pd.length - 5);
// update navigation
for (var key in filetypes) {
if (query.indexOf("filetype:" + key) >= 0) delete filetypes[key];
// update download script
if (item.link.indexOf("smb://") >= 0) script += "smbget -n -a -r \"" + item.link + "\"\n"; else script += "curl -OL \"" + item.link + "\"\n";
// make table row
var html = "";
if (type == "row") {
html += "<tr class=\"TableCellLight\">";
html += "<td align=\"left\">" + linenumber + "</td>"; // Count
html += "<td align=\"left\">" + protocol + "</td>"; // Protocol
html += "<td align=\"left\"><a href=\"" + protocol + "://" + host + "/" + "\">" + host + "</a></td>"; // Host
html += "<td align=\"left\"><a href=\"" + protocol + "://" + host + path + "\">" + path + "</a></td>"; // Path
html += "<td align=\"left\"><a href=\"" + item.link + "\">" + unescape(item.link) + "</a></td>"; // URL
if (item.sizename == "-1 bytes") html += "<td></td>"; else html += "<td align=\"right\">" + item.sizename + "</td>"; // Size
html += "<td align=\"right\">" + pd + "</td>"; // Date
html += "</tr>";
if (type == "image") {
html += "<div style=\"float:left\">";
html += "<a href=\"" + item.link + "\" class=\"thumblink\" onclick=\"return hs.expand(this)\">";
html += "<img src=\"/ViewImage.png?maxwidth=96&amp;maxheight=96&amp;code=" + item.guid + " + &amp;url=" + item.link + "\" alt=\"" + title + "\" />";
//html += "<img src=\"" + item.link + "\" width=\"96\" height=\"96\" alt=\"" + title + "\" />";
html += "</a>";
var name = title;
while ((p = name.indexOf("/")) >= 0) { name = name.substring(p + 1); }
html += "<div class=\"highslide-caption\"><a href=\"" + item.link + "\">" + name + "</a><br /><a href=\"" + protocol + "://" + host + "/" + "\">" + host + "</a></div>";
html += "</div>";
// return entry
return html;