
924 lines
48 KiB

package de.anomic.kelondro;
// a collectionIndex is an index to kelondroRowCollection objects
// such a collection ist defined by the following parameters
// - chunksize
// - chunkcount
// each of such a collection is stored in a byte[] which may or may not have space for more chunks
// than already exists in such an array. To store these arrays, we reserve entries in kelondroArray
// database files. There will be a set of array files for different sizes of the collection arrays.
// the 1st file has space for <loadfactor> chunks, the 2nd file for <loadfactor> * <loadfactor> chunks,
// the 3rd file for <loadfactor>^^3 chunks, and the n-th file for <loadfactor>^^n chunks.
// if the loadfactor is 4, then we have the following capacities:
// file 0: 4
// file 1: 16
// file 2: 64
// file 3: 256
// file 4: 1024
// file 5: 4096
// file 6:16384
// file 7:65536
// the maximum number of such files is called the partitions number.
// we don't want that these files grow too big, an kelondroOutOfLimitsException is throws if they
// are oversized.
// the collection arrays may be migration to another size during run-time, which means that not only the
// partitions as mentioned above are maintained, but also a set of "shadow-partitions", that represent old
// partitions and where data is read only and slowly migrated to the default partitions.
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import de.anomic.index.indexContainer;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroRow.EntryIndex;
import de.anomic.server.serverCodings;
import de.anomic.server.serverFileUtils;
import de.anomic.server.serverMemory;
import de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyURL;
public class kelondroCollectionIndex {
private static final int serialNumber = 0;
private static final long minimumRAM4Eco = 20 * 1024 * 1024;
private static final int EcoFSBufferSize = 1000;
private static final int errorLimit = 500; // if the index exceeds this number of errors, it is re-built next time the application starts
private kelondroIndex index;
private final int keylength;
private final File path;
private final String filenameStub;
private final File commonsPath;
private final int loadfactor;
private Map<String, kelondroFixedWidthArray> arrays; // Map of (partitionNumber"-"chunksize)/kelondroFixedWidthArray - Objects
private final kelondroRow payloadrow; // definition of the payload (chunks inside the collections)
private final int maxPartitions; // this is the maxmimum number of array files
private int indexErrors; // counter for exceptions when index returned wrong value
private static final int idx_col_key = 0; // the index
private static final int idx_col_chunksize = 1; // chunksize (number of bytes in a single chunk, needed for migration option)
private static final int idx_col_chunkcount = 2; // chunkcount (number of chunks in this collection)
private static final int idx_col_clusteridx = 3; // selector for right cluster file, must be >= arrayIndex(chunkcount)
private static final int idx_col_flags = 4; // flags (for future use)
private static final int idx_col_indexpos = 5; // indexpos (position in array file)
private static final int idx_col_lastread = 6; // a time stamp, update time in days since 1.1.2000
private static final int idx_col_lastwrote = 7; // a time stamp, update time in days since 1.1.2000
private static kelondroRow indexRow(final int keylength, final kelondroByteOrder payloadOrder) {
return new kelondroRow(
"byte[] key-" + keylength + "," +
"int chunksize-4 {b256}," +
"int chunkcount-4 {b256}," +
"byte clusteridx-1 {b256}," +
"byte flags-1 {b256}," +
"int indexpos-4 {b256}," +
"short lastread-2 {b256}, " +
"short lastwrote-2 {b256}",
payloadOrder, 0
public kelondroRow payloadRow() {
return this.payloadrow;
private static String fillZ(String s, final int len) {
while (s.length() < len) s = "0" + s;
return s;
private static File arrayFile(final File path, final String filenameStub, final int loadfactor, final int chunksize, final int partitionNumber, final int serialNumber) {
final String lf = fillZ(Integer.toHexString(loadfactor).toUpperCase(), 2);
final String cs = fillZ(Integer.toHexString(chunksize).toUpperCase(), 4);
final String pn = fillZ(Integer.toHexString(partitionNumber).toUpperCase(), 2);
final String sn = fillZ(Integer.toHexString(serialNumber).toUpperCase(), 2);
return new File(path, filenameStub + "." + lf + "." + cs + "." + pn + "." + sn + ".kca"); // kelondro collection array
private static File propertyFile(final File path, final String filenameStub, final int loadfactor, final int chunksize) {
final String lf = fillZ(Integer.toHexString(loadfactor).toUpperCase(), 2);
final String cs = fillZ(Integer.toHexString(chunksize).toUpperCase(), 4);
return new File(path, filenameStub + "." + lf + "." + cs + ".properties");
public kelondroCollectionIndex(final File path, final String filenameStub, final int keyLength, final kelondroByteOrder indexOrder,
final int loadfactor, final int maxpartitions, final kelondroRow rowdef) throws IOException {
// the buffersize is number of bytes that are only used if the kelondroFlexTable is backed up with a kelondroTree
indexErrors = 0;
this.path = path;
this.filenameStub = filenameStub;
this.keylength = keyLength;
this.payloadrow = rowdef;
this.loadfactor = loadfactor;
this.maxPartitions = maxpartitions;
this.commonsPath = new File(path, filenameStub + "." + fillZ(Integer.toHexString(rowdef.objectsize).toUpperCase(), 4) + ".commons");
final File f = new File(path, filenameStub + ".index");
if (f.exists()) {
// open index and array files
this.arrays = new HashMap<String, kelondroFixedWidthArray>(); // all entries will be dynamically created with getArray()
index = openIndexFile(path, filenameStub, indexOrder, loadfactor, rowdef, 0);
openAllArrayFiles(false, indexOrder);
} else {
// calculate initialSpace
final String[] list = this.path.list();
kelondroFixedWidthArray array;
int initialSpace = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) if (list[i].endsWith(".kca")) {
// open array
final int pos = list[i].indexOf('.');
if (pos < 0) continue;
final int partitionNumber = Integer.parseInt(list[i].substring(pos + 9, pos + 11), 16);
final int serialNumber = Integer.parseInt(list[i].substring(pos + 12, pos + 14), 16);
try {
array = openArrayFile(partitionNumber, serialNumber, indexOrder, true);
initialSpace += array.size();
} catch (final IOException e) {
serverLog.logFine("STARTUP", "STARTED INITIALIZATION OF NEW COLLECTION INDEX WITH " + initialSpace + " ENTRIES. THIS WILL TAKE SOME TIME. " + (serverMemory.available() / 1024 / 1024) + "MB AVAILABLE.");
final kelondroRow indexRowdef = indexRow(keyLength, indexOrder);
final long necessaryRAM4fullTable = minimumRAM4Eco + (indexRowdef.objectsize + 4) * initialSpace * 3 / 2;
final long necessaryRAM4fullIndex = minimumRAM4Eco + (indexRowdef.primaryKeyLength + 4) * initialSpace * 3 / 2;
// initialize (new generation) index table from file
if (serverMemory.request(necessaryRAM4fullTable, false)) {
index = new kelondroEcoTable(f, indexRowdef, kelondroEcoTable.tailCacheUsageAuto, EcoFSBufferSize, initialSpace);
} else if (serverMemory.request(necessaryRAM4fullIndex, false)) {
index = new kelondroEcoTable(f, indexRowdef, kelondroEcoTable.tailCacheDenyUsage, EcoFSBufferSize, initialSpace);
} else {
index = new kelondroFlexTable(path, filenameStub + ".index", indexRowdef, initialSpace, true);
// open array files
this.arrays = new HashMap<String, kelondroFixedWidthArray>(); // all entries will be dynamically created with getArray()
openAllArrayFiles(true, indexOrder);
public void clear() throws IOException {
for (final kelondroFixedWidthArray array: arrays.values()) {
public void deleteIndexOnExit() {
// will be rebuilt on next start
private void openAllArrayFiles(final boolean indexGeneration, final kelondroByteOrder indexOrder) throws IOException {
final String[] list = this.path.list();
kelondroFixedWidthArray array;
final kelondroRow irow = indexRow(keylength, indexOrder);
final int t = kelondroRowCollection.daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis());
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) if (list[i].endsWith(".kca")) {
// open array
final int pos = list[i].indexOf('.');
if (pos < 0) continue;
final int chunksize = Integer.parseInt(list[i].substring(pos + 4, pos + 8), 16);
final int partitionNumber = Integer.parseInt(list[i].substring(pos + 9, pos + 11), 16);
final int serialNumber = Integer.parseInt(list[i].substring(pos + 12, pos + 14), 16);
try {
array = openArrayFile(partitionNumber, serialNumber, indexOrder, true);
} catch (final IOException e) {
// remember that we opened the array
arrays.put(partitionNumber + "-" + chunksize, array);
if ((index != null) && (indexGeneration)) {
// loop over all elements in array and create index entry for each row
kelondroRow.EntryIndex aentry;
kelondroRow.Entry ientry;
final Iterator<EntryIndex> ei = array.contentRows(-1);
byte[] key;
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
long lastlog = start;
int count = 0;
while (ei.hasNext()) {
aentry = ei.next();
key = aentry.getColBytes(0);
assert (key != null);
if (key == null) continue; // skip deleted entries
ientry = irow.newEntry();
ientry.setCol(idx_col_key, key);
ientry.setCol(idx_col_chunksize, chunksize);
ientry.setCol(idx_col_chunkcount, kelondroRowCollection.sizeOfExportedCollectionRows(aentry, 1));
ientry.setCol(idx_col_clusteridx, (byte) partitionNumber);
ientry.setCol(idx_col_flags, (byte) 0);
ientry.setCol(idx_col_indexpos, aentry.index());
ientry.setCol(idx_col_lastread, t);
ientry.setCol(idx_col_lastwrote, t);
index.addUnique(ientry); // FIXME: this should avoid doubles
// write a log
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastlog > 30000) {
serverLog.logFine("STARTUP", "created " + count + " RWI index entries. " + (((System.currentTimeMillis() - start) * (array.size() + array.free() - count) / count) / 60000) + " minutes remaining for this array");
lastlog = System.currentTimeMillis();
// care for double entries
Iterator<kelondroRow.Entry> rowiter;
int partition, maxpartition;
kelondroRow.Entry entry, maxentry;
int doublecount = 0;
for (final kelondroRowCollection doubleset: index.removeDoubles()) {
// for each entry in doubleset choose one which we want to keep
rowiter = doubleset.rows();
maxentry = null;
maxpartition = -1;
while (rowiter.hasNext()) {
entry = rowiter.next();
partition = (int) entry.getColLong(idx_col_clusteridx);
if (partition > maxpartition) {
maxpartition = partition;
maxentry = entry;
if (maxentry != null) {
// put back a single entry to the index, which is then not double to any other entry
if (doublecount > 0) serverLog.logWarning("STARTUP", "found " + doublecount + " RWI entries with references to several collections. All have been fixed (zombies still exists).");
private kelondroIndex openIndexFile(final File path, final String filenameStub, final kelondroByteOrder indexOrder,
final int loadfactor, final kelondroRow rowdef, final int initialSpace) throws IOException {
// open/create index table
final File f = new File(path, filenameStub + ".index");
final kelondroRow indexRowdef = indexRow(keylength, indexOrder);
kelondroIndex theindex;
if (f.isDirectory()) {
// use a flextable
theindex = new kelondroCache(new kelondroFlexTable(path, filenameStub + ".index", indexRowdef, initialSpace, true));
// save/check property file for this array
final File propfile = propertyFile(path, filenameStub, loadfactor, rowdef.objectsize);
Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>();
if (propfile.exists()) {
props = serverFileUtils.loadHashMap(propfile);
final String stored_rowdef = props.get("rowdef");
if ((rowdef != null) && (!(rowdef.subsumes(new kelondroRow(stored_rowdef, rowdef.objectOrder, 0))))) {
System.out.println("FATAL ERROR: stored rowdef '" + stored_rowdef + "' does not match with new rowdef '" +
rowdef + "' for array cluster '" + path + "/" + filenameStub + "'");
props.put("rowdef", rowdef.toString());
serverFileUtils.saveMap(propfile, props, "CollectionIndex properties");
} else {
// open a ecotable
final long records = f.length() / indexRowdef.objectsize;
final long necessaryRAM4fullTable = minimumRAM4Eco + (indexRowdef.objectsize + 4) * records * 3 / 2;
final boolean fullCache = serverMemory.request(necessaryRAM4fullTable, false);
if (fullCache) {
theindex = new kelondroEcoTable(f, indexRowdef, kelondroEcoTable.tailCacheUsageAuto, EcoFSBufferSize, initialSpace);
//if (!((kelondroEcoTable) theindex).usesFullCopy()) theindex = new kelondroCache(theindex);
} else {
//theindex = new kelondroCache(new kelondroEcoTable(f, indexRowdef, kelondroEcoTable.tailCacheDenyUsage, EcoFSBufferSize, initialSpace));
theindex = new kelondroEcoTable(f, indexRowdef, kelondroEcoTable.tailCacheDenyUsage, EcoFSBufferSize, initialSpace);
return theindex;
private kelondroFixedWidthArray openArrayFile(final int partitionNumber, final int serialNumber, final kelondroByteOrder indexOrder, final boolean create) throws IOException {
final File f = arrayFile(path, filenameStub, loadfactor, payloadrow.objectsize, partitionNumber, serialNumber);
final int load = arrayCapacity(partitionNumber);
final kelondroRow rowdef = new kelondroRow(
"byte[] key-" + keylength + "," +
"byte[] collection-" + (kelondroRowCollection.exportOverheadSize + load * this.payloadrow.objectsize),
if ((!(f.exists())) && (!create)) return null;
final kelondroFixedWidthArray a = new kelondroFixedWidthArray(f, rowdef, 0);
serverLog.logFine("STARTUP", "opened array file " + f + " with " + a.size() + " RWIs");
return a;
private kelondroFixedWidthArray getArray(final int partitionNumber, final int serialNumber, final kelondroByteOrder indexOrder, final int chunksize) {
final String accessKey = partitionNumber + "-" + chunksize;
kelondroFixedWidthArray array = arrays.get(accessKey);
if (array != null) return array;
try {
array = openArrayFile(partitionNumber, serialNumber, indexOrder, true);
} catch (final IOException e) {
return null;
arrays.put(accessKey, array);
return array;
private int arrayCapacity(final int arrayCounter) {
if (arrayCounter < 0) return 0;
int load = this.loadfactor;
for (int i = 0; i < arrayCounter; i++) load = load * this.loadfactor;
return load;
private int arrayIndex(final int requestedCapacity) throws kelondroOutOfLimitsException{
// the requestedCapacity is the number of wanted chunks
int load = 1, i = 0;
while (true) {
load = load * this.loadfactor;
if (load >= requestedCapacity) return i;
public int size() {
return index.size();
public int minMem() {
// calculate a minimum amount of memory that is necessary to use the collection
// during runtime (after the index was initialized)
// caclculate an upper limit (not the correct size) of the maximum number of indexes for a wordHash
// this is computed by the size of the biggest used collection
// this must be multiplied with the payload size
// and doubled for necessary memory transformation during sort operation
return (int) (arrayCapacity(arrays.size() - 1) * this.payloadrow.objectsize * kelondroRowCollection.growfactor);
private void array_remove(
final int oldPartitionNumber, final int serialNumber, final int chunkSize,
final int oldRownumber) throws IOException {
// we need a new slot, that means we must first delete the old entry
// find array file
final kelondroFixedWidthArray array = getArray(oldPartitionNumber, serialNumber, index.row().objectOrder, chunkSize);
// delete old entry
private kelondroRow.Entry array_new(
final byte[] key, final kelondroRowCollection collection) throws IOException {
// the collection is new
final int partitionNumber = arrayIndex(collection.size());
final kelondroRow.Entry indexrow = index.row().newEntry();
final kelondroFixedWidthArray array = getArray(partitionNumber, serialNumber, index.row().objectOrder, this.payloadrow.objectsize);
// define row
final kelondroRow.Entry arrayEntry = array.row().newEntry();
arrayEntry.setCol(0, key);
arrayEntry.setCol(1, collection.exportCollection());
// write a new entry in this array
final int newRowNumber = array.add(arrayEntry);
// store the new row number in the index
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_key, key);
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_chunksize, this.payloadrow.objectsize);
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_chunkcount, collection.size());
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_clusteridx, (byte) partitionNumber);
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_flags, (byte) 0);
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_indexpos, newRowNumber);
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_lastread, kelondroRowCollection.daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis()));
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_lastwrote, kelondroRowCollection.daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis()));
// after calling this method there must be an index.addUnique(indexrow);
return indexrow;
private void array_add(
final byte[] key, final kelondroRowCollection collection, final kelondroRow.Entry indexrow,
final int partitionNumber, final int serialNumber, final int chunkSize) throws IOException {
// write a new entry in the other array
final kelondroFixedWidthArray array = getArray(partitionNumber, serialNumber, index.row().objectOrder, chunkSize);
// define new row
final kelondroRow.Entry arrayEntry = array.row().newEntry();
arrayEntry.setCol(0, key);
arrayEntry.setCol(1, collection.exportCollection());
// write a new entry in this array
final int rowNumber = array.add(arrayEntry);
// store the new row number in the index
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_chunkcount, collection.size());
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_clusteridx, (byte) partitionNumber);
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_indexpos, rowNumber);
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_lastwrote, kelondroRowCollection.daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis()));
// after calling this method there must be a index.put(indexrow);
private void array_replace(
final byte[] key, final kelondroRowCollection collection, final kelondroRow.Entry indexrow,
final int partitionNumber, final int serialNumber, final int chunkSize,
final int rowNumber) throws IOException {
// we don't need a new slot, just write collection into the old one
// find array file
final kelondroFixedWidthArray array = getArray(partitionNumber, serialNumber, index.row().objectOrder, chunkSize);
// define new row
final kelondroRow.Entry arrayEntry = array.row().newEntry();
arrayEntry.setCol(0, key);
arrayEntry.setCol(1, collection.exportCollection());
// overwrite entry in this array
array.set(rowNumber, arrayEntry);
// update the index entry
final int collectionsize = collection.size(); // extra variable for easier debugging
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_chunkcount, collectionsize);
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_clusteridx, (byte) partitionNumber);
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_lastwrote, kelondroRowCollection.daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis()));
// after calling this method there must be a index.put(indexrow);
public synchronized void put(final byte[] key, final kelondroRowCollection collection) throws IOException, kelondroOutOfLimitsException {
assert (key != null);
assert (collection != null);
assert (collection.size() != 0);
// first find an old entry, if one exists
kelondroRow.Entry indexrow = index.get(key);
if (indexrow == null) {
// create new row and index entry
if ((collection != null) && (collection.size() > 0)) {
indexrow = array_new(key, collection); // modifies indexrow
// overwrite the old collection
// read old information
//int oldchunksize = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunksize); // needed only for migration
final int oldchunkcount = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunkcount); // the number if rows in the collection
final int oldrownumber = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_indexpos); // index of the entry in array
final int oldPartitionNumber = indexrow.getColByte(idx_col_clusteridx); // points to array file
assert (oldPartitionNumber >= arrayIndex(oldchunkcount));
final int newPartitionNumber = arrayIndex(collection.size());
// see if we need new space or if we can overwrite the old space
if (oldPartitionNumber == newPartitionNumber) {
key, collection, indexrow,
oldPartitionNumber, serialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize,
oldrownumber); // modifies indexrow
} else {
oldPartitionNumber, serialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize,
key, collection, indexrow,
newPartitionNumber, serialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize); // modifies indexrow
if ((int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunkcount) != collection.size()) {
if (this.indexErrors == errorLimit) deleteIndexOnExit(); // delete index on exit for rebuild
serverLog.logSevere("kelondroCollectionIndex", "UPDATE (put) ERROR: array has different chunkcount than index after merge: index = " + (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunkcount) + ", collection.size() = " + collection.size() + " (error #" + indexErrors + ")");
index.put(indexrow); // write modified indexrow
public synchronized void merge(final indexContainer container) throws IOException, kelondroOutOfLimitsException {
if ((container == null) || (container.size() == 0)) return;
final byte[] key = container.getWordHash().getBytes();
// first find an old entry, if one exists
kelondroRow.Entry indexrow = index.get(key);
if (indexrow == null) {
indexrow = array_new(key, container); // modifies indexrow
index.addUnique(indexrow); // write modified indexrow
} else {
// merge with the old collection
// attention! this modifies the indexrow entry which must be written with index.put(indexrow) afterwards!
final kelondroRowCollection collection = container;
// read old information
final int oldchunksize = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunksize); // needed only for migration
final int oldchunkcount = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunkcount); // the number if rows in the collection
final int oldrownumber = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_indexpos); // index of the entry in array
final int oldPartitionNumber = indexrow.getColByte(idx_col_clusteridx); // points to array file
assert (oldPartitionNumber >= arrayIndex(oldchunkcount)) : "oldPartitionNumber = " + oldPartitionNumber + ", arrayIndex(oldchunkcount) = " + arrayIndex(oldchunkcount);
final int oldSerialNumber = 0;
// load the old collection and join it
try {
collection.addAllUnique(getwithparams(indexrow, oldchunksize, oldchunkcount, oldPartitionNumber, oldrownumber, oldSerialNumber, false));
} catch (kelondroException e) {
// an error like "array does not contain expected row" may appear here. Just go on like if the collection does not exist
collection.uniq(); // FIXME: not clear if it would be better to insert the collection with put to avoid double-entries
// check for size of collection:
// if necessary shrink the collection and dump a part of that collection
// to avoid that this grows too big
if (arrayIndex(collection.size()) > maxPartitions) {
shrinkCollection(key, collection, arrayCapacity(maxPartitions));
// determine new partition location
final int newPartitionNumber = arrayIndex(collection.size());
// see if we need new space or if we can overwrite the old space
if (oldPartitionNumber == newPartitionNumber) {
key, collection, indexrow,
oldPartitionNumber, oldSerialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize,
oldrownumber); // modifies indexrow
} else {
oldPartitionNumber, oldSerialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize,
key, collection, indexrow,
newPartitionNumber, oldSerialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize); // modifies indexrow
final int collectionsize = collection.size(); // extra variable for easier debugging
final int indexrowcount = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunkcount);
if (indexrowcount != collectionsize) {
if (this.indexErrors == errorLimit) deleteIndexOnExit(); // delete index on exit for rebuild
serverLog.logSevere("kelondroCollectionIndex", "UPDATE (merge) ERROR: array has different chunkcount than index after merge: index = " + indexrowcount + ", collection.size() = " + collectionsize + " (error #" + indexErrors + ")");
index.put(indexrow); // write modified indexrow
private void shrinkCollection(final byte[] key, final kelondroRowCollection collection, final int targetSize) {
//TODO Remove timing before release
// removes entries from collection
// the removed entries are stored in a 'commons' dump file
if (key.length != 12) return;
// check if the collection is already small enough
final int oldsize = collection.size();
if (oldsize <= targetSize) return;
final kelondroRowSet newcommon = new kelondroRowSet(collection.rowdef, 0);
long sadd1 = 0, srem1 = 0, sadd2 = 0, srem2 = 0, tot1 = 0, tot2 = 0;
long t1 = 0, t2 = 0;
// delete some entries, which are bad rated
Iterator<kelondroRow.Entry> i = collection.rows();
kelondroRow.Entry entry;
byte[] ref;
t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (i.hasNext()) {
entry = i.next();
ref = entry.getColBytes(0);
if ((ref.length != 12) || (!yacyURL.probablyRootURL(new String(ref)))) {
t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
sadd1 += System.currentTimeMillis() - t2;
t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
srem1 += System.currentTimeMillis() - t2;
final int firstnewcommon = newcommon.size();
tot1 = System.currentTimeMillis() - t1;
// check if we shrinked enough
final Random rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (collection.size() > targetSize) {
// now delete randomly more entries from the survival collection
i = collection.rows();
while (i.hasNext()) {
entry = i.next();
ref = entry.getColBytes(0);
if (rand.nextInt() % 4 != 0) {
t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
sadd2 += System.currentTimeMillis() - t2;
t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
srem2 += System.currentTimeMillis() - t2;
tot2 = System.currentTimeMillis() - t1;
serverLog.logFine("kelondroCollectionIndex", "tot= "+tot1+'/'+tot2+" # add/rem(1)= "+sadd1+'/'+srem1+" # add/rem(2)= "+sadd2+'/'+srem2);
serverLog.logInfo("kelondroCollectionIndex", "shrinked common word " + new String(key) + "; old size = " + oldsize + ", new size = " + collection.size() + ", maximum size = " + targetSize + ", newcommon size = " + newcommon.size() + ", first newcommon = " + firstnewcommon);
// finally dump the removed entries to a file
final SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
final String filename = serverCodings.encodeHex(kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.decode(new String(key), "de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroCollectionIndex.shrinkCollection(...)")) + "_" + formatter.format(new Date()) + ".collection";
final File storagePath = new File(commonsPath, filename.substring(0, 2)); // make a subpath
final File file = new File(storagePath, filename);
try {
serverLog.logInfo("kelondroCollectionIndex", "dumped common word " + new String(key) + " to " + file.toString() + "; size = " + newcommon.size());
} catch (final IOException e) {
serverLog.logWarning("kelondroCollectionIndex", "failed to dump common word " + new String(key) + " to " + file.toString() + "; size = " + newcommon.size());
public synchronized int remove(final byte[] key, final Set<String> removekeys) throws IOException, kelondroOutOfLimitsException {
if ((removekeys == null) || (removekeys.size() == 0)) return 0;
// first find an old entry, if one exists
final kelondroRow.Entry indexrow = index.get(key);
if (indexrow == null) return 0;
// overwrite the old collection
// read old information
final int oldchunksize = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunksize); // needed only for migration
final int oldchunkcount = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunkcount); // the number if rows in the collection
final int oldrownumber = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_indexpos); // index of the entry in array
final int oldPartitionNumber = indexrow.getColByte(idx_col_clusteridx); // points to array file
assert (oldPartitionNumber >= arrayIndex(oldchunkcount));
int removed = 0;
assert (removekeys != null);
// load the old collection and remove keys
kelondroRowSet oldcollection = null;
try {
oldcollection = getwithparams(indexrow, oldchunksize, oldchunkcount, oldPartitionNumber, oldrownumber, serialNumber, false);
} catch (kelondroException e) {
// some internal problems occurred. however, go on like there was no old collection
// the oldcollection may be null here!
if (oldcollection != null && oldcollection.size() > 0) {
// remove the keys from the set
final Iterator<String> i = removekeys.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
if (oldcollection.remove(i.next().getBytes()) != null) removed++;
// in case of an error or an empty collection, remove the collection:
if (oldcollection == null || oldcollection.size() == 0) {
// delete the index entry and the array
oldPartitionNumber, serialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize,
return removed;
// now write to a new partition (which may be the same partition as the old one)
final int newPartitionNumber = arrayIndex(oldcollection.size());
// see if we need new space or if we can overwrite the old space
if (oldPartitionNumber == newPartitionNumber) {
key, oldcollection, indexrow,
oldPartitionNumber, serialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize,
oldrownumber); // modifies indexrow
} else {
oldPartitionNumber, serialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize,
key, oldcollection, indexrow,
newPartitionNumber, serialNumber, this.payloadrow.objectsize); // modifies indexrow
index.put(indexrow); // write modified indexrow
return removed;
public synchronized int indexSize(final byte[] key) throws IOException {
final kelondroRow.Entry indexrow = index.get(key);
if (indexrow == null) return 0;
return (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunkcount);
public synchronized boolean has(final byte[] key) {
return index.has(key);
public synchronized kelondroRowSet get(final byte[] key) throws IOException {
// find an entry, if one exists
final kelondroRow.Entry indexrow = index.get(key);
if (indexrow == null) return null;
final kelondroRowSet col = getdelete(indexrow, false);
assert (col != null);
return col;
public synchronized kelondroRowSet delete(final byte[] key) throws IOException {
// find an entry, if one exists
final kelondroRow.Entry indexrow = index.remove(key);
if (indexrow == null) return null;
final kelondroRowSet removedCollection = getdelete(indexrow, true);
assert (removedCollection != null);
return removedCollection;
protected kelondroRowSet getdelete(final kelondroRow.Entry indexrow, final boolean remove) throws IOException {
// call this only within a synchronized(index) environment
// read values
final int chunksize = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunksize);
final int chunkcount = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_chunkcount);
final int rownumber = (int) indexrow.getColLong(idx_col_indexpos);
final int partitionnumber = indexrow.getColByte(idx_col_clusteridx);
assert(partitionnumber >= arrayIndex(chunkcount)) : "partitionnumber = " + partitionnumber + ", arrayIndex(chunkcount) = " + arrayIndex(chunkcount);
final int serialnumber = 0;
return getwithparams(indexrow, chunksize, chunkcount, partitionnumber, rownumber, serialnumber, remove);
private synchronized kelondroRowSet getwithparams(final kelondroRow.Entry indexrow, final int chunksize, final int chunkcount, final int clusteridx, final int rownumber, final int serialnumber, final boolean remove) throws IOException {
// open array entry
final kelondroFixedWidthArray array = getArray(clusteridx, serialnumber, index.row().objectOrder, chunksize);
final kelondroRow.Entry arrayrow = array.get(rownumber);
if (arrayrow == null) {
// the index appears to be corrupted
if (this.indexErrors == errorLimit) deleteIndexOnExit(); // delete index on exit for rebuild
serverLog.logWarning("kelondroCollectionIndex", "array " + arrayFile(this.path, this.filenameStub, this.loadfactor, chunksize, clusteridx, serialnumber).toString() + " does not contain expected row (error #" + indexErrors + ")");
return new kelondroRowSet(this.payloadrow, 0);
// read the row and define a collection
final byte[] indexkey = indexrow.getColBytes(idx_col_key);
final byte[] arraykey = arrayrow.getColBytes(0);
if (!(index.row().objectOrder.wellformed(arraykey))) {
// cleanup for a bad bug that corrupted the database
index.remove(indexkey); // the RowCollection must be considered lost
array.remove(rownumber); // loose the RowCollection (we don't know how much is lost)
if (this.indexErrors == errorLimit) deleteIndexOnExit(); // delete index on exit for rebuild
serverLog.logSevere("kelondroCollectionIndex." + array.filename, "lost a RowCollection because of a bad arraykey (error #" + indexErrors + ")");
return new kelondroRowSet(this.payloadrow, 0);
final kelondroRowSet collection = new kelondroRowSet(this.payloadrow, arrayrow, 1); // FIXME: this does not yet work with different rowdef in case of several rowdef.objectsize()
if ((!(index.row().objectOrder.wellformed(indexkey))) || (index.row().objectOrder.compare(arraykey, indexkey) != 0)) {
// check if we got the right row; this row is wrong. Fix it:
index.remove(indexkey); // the wrong row cannot be fixed
// store the row number in the index; this may be a double-entry, but better than nothing
final kelondroRow.Entry indexEntry = index.row().newEntry();
indexEntry.setCol(idx_col_key, arrayrow.getColBytes(0));
indexEntry.setCol(idx_col_chunksize, this.payloadrow.objectsize);
indexEntry.setCol(idx_col_chunkcount, collection.size());
indexEntry.setCol(idx_col_clusteridx, (byte) clusteridx);
indexEntry.setCol(idx_col_flags, (byte) 0);
indexEntry.setCol(idx_col_indexpos, rownumber);
indexEntry.setCol(idx_col_lastread, kelondroRowCollection.daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis()));
indexEntry.setCol(idx_col_lastwrote, kelondroRowCollection.daysSince2000(System.currentTimeMillis()));
if (this.indexErrors == errorLimit) deleteIndexOnExit(); // delete index on exit for rebuild
serverLog.logSevere("kelondroCollectionIndex." + array.filename, "array contains wrong row '" + new String(arrayrow.getColBytes(0)) + "', expected is '" + new String(indexrow.getColBytes(idx_col_key)) + "', the row has been fixed (error #" + indexErrors + ")");
final int chunkcountInArray = collection.size();
if (chunkcountInArray != chunkcount) {
// fix the entry in index
indexrow.setCol(idx_col_chunkcount, chunkcountInArray);
if (this.indexErrors == errorLimit) deleteIndexOnExit(); // delete index on exit for rebuild
array.logFailure("INCONSISTENCY (get) in " + arrayFile(this.path, this.filenameStub, this.loadfactor, chunksize, clusteridx, serialnumber).toString() + ": array has different chunkcount than index: index = " + chunkcount + ", array = " + chunkcountInArray + "; the index has been auto-fixed (error #" + indexErrors + ")");
if (remove) array.remove(rownumber); // index is removed in calling method
return collection;
public synchronized Iterator<Object[]> keycollections(final byte[] startKey, final byte[] secondKey, final boolean rot) {
// returns an iteration of {byte[], kelondroRowSet} Objects
try {
return new keycollectionIterator(startKey, secondKey, rot);
} catch (final IOException e) {
return null;
public class keycollectionIterator implements Iterator<Object[]> {
Iterator<kelondroRow.Entry> indexRowIterator;
public keycollectionIterator(final byte[] startKey, final byte[] secondKey, final boolean rot) throws IOException {
// iterator of {byte[], kelondroRowSet} Objects
final kelondroCloneableIterator<kelondroRow.Entry> i = index.rows(true, startKey);
indexRowIterator = (rot) ? new kelondroRotateIterator<kelondroRow.Entry>(i, secondKey, index.size()) : i;
public boolean hasNext() {
return indexRowIterator.hasNext();
public Object[] next() {
final kelondroRow.Entry indexrow = indexRowIterator.next();
assert (indexrow != null);
if (indexrow == null) return null;
try {
return new Object[]{indexrow.getColBytes(0), getdelete(indexrow, false)};
} catch (final Exception e) {
return null;
public void remove() {
public synchronized void close() {
final Iterator<kelondroFixedWidthArray> i = arrays.values().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) i.next().close();
public static void main(final String[] args) {
// define payload structure
final kelondroRow rowdef = new kelondroRow("byte[] a-10, byte[] b-80", kelondroNaturalOrder.naturalOrder, 0);
final File path = new File(args[0]);
final String filenameStub = args[1];
try {
// initialize collection index
final kelondroCollectionIndex collectionIndex = new kelondroCollectionIndex(
path, filenameStub, 9 /*keyLength*/,
4 /*loadfactor*/, 7, rowdef);
// fill index with values
kelondroRowSet collection = new kelondroRowSet(rowdef, 0);
collection.addUnique(rowdef.newEntry(new byte[][]{"abc".getBytes(), "efg".getBytes()}));
collectionIndex.put("erstes".getBytes(), collection);
for (int i = 1; i <= 170; i++) {
collection = new kelondroRowSet(rowdef, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
collection.addUnique(rowdef.newEntry(new byte[][]{("abc" + j).getBytes(), "xxx".getBytes()}));
System.out.println("put key-" + i + ": " + collection.toString());
collectionIndex.put(("key-" + i).getBytes(), collection);
// extend collections with more values
for (int i = 0; i <= 170; i++) {
collection = new kelondroRowSet(rowdef, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
collection.addUnique(rowdef.newEntry(new byte[][]{("def" + j).getBytes(), "xxx".getBytes()}));
collectionIndex.merge(new indexContainer("key-" + i, collection));
// printout of index
final kelondroFlexTable index = new kelondroFlexTable(path, filenameStub + ".index", kelondroCollectionIndex.indexRow(9, kelondroNaturalOrder.naturalOrder), 0, true);
} catch (final IOException e) {