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<p>The following persons are involved (alphabetical order):
<li><b>Michael Christen/Orbiter</b> is project founder; designed and implemented the overall architecture, is chief software architect, release management, kelondro database, yacy core protocol, indexing technique and database structure, search and ranking functionality, http client/server architecture, admin of yacy.net</li>
<li><b>Natali Christen</b> designed the YaCy logo.</li>
<li><b>Daburna</b> provided some german translation. He also made bittorrent-releases</li>
<li><b>Stephan Hermens</b> has made some important bugfixes.</li>
<li><b>Matthias Kempka</b> provided a linux-init start/stop - script</li>
<li><b>Timo Leise</b> suggested and implemented an extension to the blacklist feature: part-of-domain matching.</li>
<li><b>Marc Nause</b> made many major enhancements to the YaCyWiki, the Message- and User-Profile menues and functions.</li>
<li><b>Thomas Quella</b> designed the Kaskelix mascot. He also made a large number of bug fixes.</li>
<li><b>Roland Ramthun</b> owns and administrates the <a href="http://www.yacy-forum.de/">German YaCy-Forum</a>. He publishes a monthly YaCy newsletter, cares for correct English spelling and a German translation of the YaCy user interface. Roland and other forum participants extended the PHPForum code to make it usable as bug- and feature-tracking system..</li>
<li><b>Wolfgang Sander-Beuermann</b>, executive board member of the German search-engine association <a href="http://www.suma-ev.de/">SuMa-eV</a>
and manager of the meta-search-engine <a href="http://www.metager.de">metaGer</a> provided computing resources for a <a href="http://www.suma-lab.de:8080">demo peer</a>. He also pushed the project by arranging promotional events.</li>
<li><b>Alexander Schier</b> did much alpha-testing from beginning of project, and suggested many features; implemented the blacklist feature, bookmarks, log-menu, user-db, skin-feature, windows-installer and provided first implementation of the yacybar Firefox extension; admin of yacy-websuche.de and the media-wiki at yacy-websuche.de/wiki.</li>
<li><b>Matthias Söhnholz</b> added the offline-browsing feature</li>
<li><b>slick</b> helps as packager (.rpm, .deb etc)</li>
<li><b>Martin Thelian</b> made system-wide performance enhancement by introducing thread pools; he added ICAP and SOAP support, most of external parser integration, maintains the http protocol implementation, added squid compatibility, robots protocol, better logging and many index protocol, import/export and transfer enhancements. He created a YaCy screensaver and coded major parts of the yacybar Firefox extension.</li>
<p>Further volunteers are very welcome.
Please <a href="Contact.html">contact</a> me if you have something that you are willing to do for this project. In any case: before you start something to do, please ask me in advance if I would like to integrate it later. Thank You!</p>
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