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<h2>Online Demo</h2>
Since YaCy is a web-application, you can test it also online!
There are 3 options:
<li>Try using a peer in the public search cluster.<br>
The following portal chooses one peer randomly and shows its search page:<br>
<a href="http://www.yacyweb.de/">Random YaCy Peer Portal</a><br><br>
<li>YaCy-Installations can also operate as private search clusters.<br>
Such clusters have a specialized web index.<br>
The following portal lists some topic-oriented search engines<br>
that are all driven by a YaCy installation.<br>
You are welcome to contribute your own topic!<br>
<a href="http://kaskelix.de">Kaskelix - Topic-Oriented Search Portal for YaCy Peers</a><br><br>
<li>Commercial software vendors sometimes provide a free demo of their software.<br>
YaCy is free software and therefore the software is equal to the demo version.<br>
This is probably the best demonstration - run your own installation of YaCy.<br>
<a href="Download.html">Download and run your own demo of YaCY</a><br><br>
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