This is intended for peers who want to participate in the P2P network but don't wish to load/fill-up their index with metadata of every received search result.
The DHT transfer is not effected by this option (and will work as usual, so that a peer disabling the new store to index switch still receives and holds the metadata according to DHT rules).
Downside for the local peer is that search speed will not improve if search terms are only avail. remote or by quick hits in local index.
To be able to improve the local index a Click-Servlet option was added additionally.
If switched on, all search result links point to this servlet, which forwards the users browser (by html header) to the desired page and feeds the page to the fulltext-index.
The servlet accepts a parameter defining the action to perform (see defaults/web.xml, index, crawl, crawllinks)
The option check-boxes are placed in ConfigPortal.html