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orbiter 49e5ca579f
added new configuration property "crawler.embedLinksAsDocuments". If this is switched on (this is default now), the all embedded image, audio and video links from all parsed documents are added to the search index as individual document. This will increase the search index size dramatically but will also enable us to create a much faster image, audio and video search. If the flag is switched on, the index entries are also stored to a solr index, if this is also enabled.
14 years ago
.. migrated all my LGPL 3 -licensed files to the LGPL 2.1 because LGPL 3 is not compatible to the GPL 2 15 years ago added new configuration property "crawler.embedLinksAsDocuments". If this is switched on (this is default now), the all embedded image, audio and video links from all parsed documents are added to the search index as individual document. This will increase the search index size dramatically but will also enable us to create a much faster image, audio and video search. If the flag is switched on, the index entries are also stored to a solr index, if this is also enabled. 14 years ago stop loading via http at defined maximum of bytes - even size is unknown before loading 14 years ago continuing the fight against deadlocks during time formatting: better caching. 14 years ago stop loading via http at defined maximum of bytes - even size is unknown before loading 14 years ago replaced all 'new String' with default encoding (missing) or UTF-8 encoding with a String generation method that uses a pre-defined Charset constant for UTF-8. This avoids a cache-lookup for the Charset object using String hashing of the String 'UTF-8'. 14 years ago