You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
2321 lines
123 KiB
2321 lines
123 KiB
// (C) 2004-2007 by Michael Peter Christen;, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
// first published 2004 on
// This is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine
// $LastChangedDate$
// $LastChangedRevision$
// $LastChangedBy$
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
This class holds the run-time environment of the plasma
Search Engine. It's data forms a blackboard which can be used
to organize running jobs around the indexing algorithm.
The blackboard consist of the following entities:
- storage: one plasmaStore object with the url-based database
- configuration: initialized by properties once, then by external functions
- job queues: for parsing, condensing, indexing
- black/blue/whitelists: controls input and output to the index
this class is also the core of the http crawling.
There are some items that need to be respected when crawling the web:
1) respect robots.txt
2) do not access one domain too frequently, wait between accesses
3) remember crawled URL's and do not access again too early
4) priorization of specific links should be possible (hot-lists)
5) attributes for crawling (depth, filters, hot/black-lists, priority)
6) different crawling jobs with different attributes ('Orders') simultanoulsy
We implement some specific tasks and use different database to archieve these goals:
- a database 'crawlerDisallow.db' contains all url's that shall not be crawled
- a database 'crawlerDomain.db' holds all domains and access times, where we loaded the disallow tables
this table contains the following entities:
<flag: robotes exist/not exist, last access of robots.txt, last access of domain (for access scheduling)>
- four databases for scheduled access: crawlerScheduledHotText.db, crawlerScheduledColdText.db,
crawlerScheduledHotMedia.db and crawlerScheduledColdMedia.db
- two stacks for new URLS: newText.stack and newMedia.stack
- two databases for URL double-check: knownText.db and knownMedia.db
- one database with crawling orders: crawlerOrders.db
The Information flow of a single URL that is crawled is as follows:
- a html file is loaded from a specific URL within the module httpdProxyServlet as
a process of the proxy.
- the file is passed to httpdProxyCache. Here it's processing is delayed until the proxy is idle.
- The cache entry is passed on to the plasmaSwitchboard. There the URL is stored into plasmaLURL where
the URL is stored under a specific hash. The URL's from the content are stripped off, stored in plasmaLURL
with a 'wrong' date (the date of the URL's are not known at this time, only after fetching) and stacked with
plasmaCrawlerTextStack. The content is read and splitted into rated words in plasmaCondenser.
The splitted words are then integrated into the index with plasmaSearch.
- In plasmaSearch the words are indexed by reversing the relation between URL and words: one URL points
to many words, the words within the document at the URL. After reversing, one word points
to many URL's, all the URL's where the word occurrs. One single word->URL-hash relation is stored in
plasmaIndexEntry. A set of plasmaIndexEntries is a reverse word index.
This reverse word index is stored temporarly in plasmaIndexCache.
- In plasmaIndexCache the single plasmaIndexEntry'ies are collected and stored into a plasmaIndex - entry
These plasmaIndex - Objects are the true reverse words indexes.
- in plasmaIndex the plasmaIndexEntry - objects are stored in a kelondroTree; an indexed file in the file system.
The information flow of a search request is as follows:
- in httpdFileServlet the user enters a search query, which is passed to plasmaSwitchboard
- in plasmaSwitchboard, the query is passed to plasmaSearch.
- in plasmaSearch, the plasmaSearch.result object is generated by simultanous enumeration of
URL hases in the reverse word indexes plasmaIndex
- (future: the plasmaSearch.result - object is used to identify more key words for a new search)
package de.anomic.plasma;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import de.anomic.crawler.CrawlEntry;
import de.anomic.crawler.CrawlProfile;
import de.anomic.crawler.CrawlQueues;
import de.anomic.crawler.CrawlStacker;
import de.anomic.crawler.ErrorURL;
import de.anomic.crawler.HTTPLoader;
import de.anomic.crawler.ImporterManager;
import de.anomic.crawler.IndexingStack;
import de.anomic.crawler.NoticedURL;
import de.anomic.crawler.ResourceObserver;
import de.anomic.crawler.ResultImages;
import de.anomic.crawler.ResultURLs;
import de.anomic.crawler.RobotsTxt;
import de.anomic.crawler.ZURL;
import de.anomic.crawler.CrawlProfile.entry;
import de.anomic.http.HttpClient;
import de.anomic.http.JakartaCommonsHttpClient;
import de.anomic.http.httpRemoteProxyConfig;
import de.anomic.http.httpRequestHeader;
import de.anomic.http.httpResponseHeader;
import de.anomic.http.httpd;
import de.anomic.http.httpdRobotsTxtConfig;
import de.anomic.index.indexDocumentMetadata;
import de.anomic.index.indexReferenceBlacklist;
import de.anomic.index.indexURLReference;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroCache;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroCachedRecords;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroMSetTools;
import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroNaturalOrder;
import de.anomic.plasma.parser.ParserException;
import de.anomic.server.serverAbstractSwitch;
import de.anomic.server.serverBusyThread;
import de.anomic.server.serverCodings;
import de.anomic.server.serverCore;
import de.anomic.server.serverDate;
import de.anomic.server.serverDomains;
import de.anomic.server.serverFileUtils;
import de.anomic.server.serverInstantBusyThread;
import de.anomic.server.serverMemory;
import de.anomic.server.serverObjects;
import de.anomic.server.serverProcessor;
import de.anomic.server.serverProcessorJob;
import de.anomic.server.serverProfiling;
import de.anomic.server.serverSemaphore;
import de.anomic.server.serverSwitch;
import de.anomic.server.serverThread;
import de.anomic.server.logging.serverLog;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyClient;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyCore;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyNewsPool;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyNewsRecord;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacySeed;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyTray;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyURL;
import de.anomic.yacy.yacyVersion;
public final class plasmaSwitchboard extends serverAbstractSwitch<IndexingStack.QueueEntry> implements serverSwitch<IndexingStack.QueueEntry> {
// load slots
public static int xstackCrawlSlots = 2000;
private int dhtTransferIndexCount = 100;
public static long lastPPMUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis()- 30000;
// colored list management
public static TreeSet<String> badwords = null;
public static TreeSet<String> blueList = null;
public static TreeSet<String> stopwords = null;
public static indexReferenceBlacklist urlBlacklist = null;
public static wikiParser wikiParser = null;
// storage management
public File htCachePath;
public File plasmaPath;
public File listsPath;
public File htDocsPath;
public File rankingPath;
public File workPath;
public File releasePath;
public Map<String, String> rankingPermissions;
public plasmaWordIndex webIndex;
public CrawlQueues crawlQueues;
public ResultURLs crawlResults;
public CrawlStacker crawlStacker;
public messageBoard messageDB;
public wikiBoard wikiDB;
public blogBoard blogDB;
public blogBoardComments blogCommentDB;
public RobotsTxt robots;
public boolean rankingOn;
public plasmaRankingDistribution rankingOwnDistribution;
public plasmaRankingDistribution rankingOtherDistribution;
public HashMap<String, Object[]> outgoingCookies, incomingCookies;
public plasmaParser parser;
public volatile long proxyLastAccess, localSearchLastAccess, remoteSearchLastAccess;
public yacyCore yc;
public ResourceObserver observer;
public userDB userDB;
public bookmarksDB bookmarksDB;
public plasmaWebStructure webStructure;
public ImporterManager dbImportManager;
public plasmaDHTFlush transferIdxThread = null;
private plasmaDHTChunk dhtTransferChunk = null;
public ArrayList<plasmaSearchQuery> localSearches; // array of search result properties as HashMaps
public ArrayList<plasmaSearchQuery> remoteSearches; // array of search result properties as HashMaps
public HashMap<String, TreeSet<Long>> localSearchTracker, remoteSearchTracker; // mappings from requesting host to a TreeSet of Long(access time)
public long lastseedcheckuptime = -1;
public long indexedPages = 0;
public long lastindexedPages = 0;
public double requestedQueries = 0d;
public double lastrequestedQueries = 0d;
public int totalPPM = 0;
public double totalQPM = 0d;
public TreeMap<String, String> clusterhashes; // map of peerhash(String)/alternative-local-address as ip:port or only ip (String) or null if address in seed should be used
public boolean acceptLocalURLs, acceptGlobalURLs;
public URLLicense licensedURLs;
public Timer moreMemory;
public serverProcessor<indexingQueueEntry> indexingDocumentProcessor;
public serverProcessor<indexingQueueEntry> indexingCondensementProcessor;
public serverProcessor<indexingQueueEntry> indexingAnalysisProcessor;
public serverProcessor<indexingQueueEntry> indexingStorageProcessor;
public httpdRobotsTxtConfig robotstxtConfig = null;
private final serverSemaphore shutdownSync = new serverSemaphore(0);
private boolean terminate = false;
//private Object crawlingPausedSync = new Object();
//private boolean crawlingIsPaused = false;
public Hashtable<String, Object[]> crawlJobsStatus = new Hashtable<String, Object[]>();
private static plasmaSwitchboard sb = null;
public plasmaSwitchboard(final File rootPath, final String initPath, final String configPath, final boolean applyPro) {
super(rootPath, initPath, configPath, applyPro);
// set loglevel and log
setLog(new serverLog("PLASMA"));
if (applyPro) this.log.logInfo("This is the pro-version of YaCy");
// init TrayIcon if possible
// remote proxy configuration
// load values from configs
this.plasmaPath = getConfigPath(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PLASMA_PATH, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PLASMA_PATH_DEFAULT);
this.log.logConfig("Plasma DB Path: " + this.plasmaPath.toString());
final File indexPrimaryPath = getConfigPath(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_PRIMARY_PATH, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_PATH_DEFAULT);
this.log.logConfig("Index Primary Path: " + indexPrimaryPath.toString());
final File indexSecondaryPath = (getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_SECONDARY_PATH, "").length() == 0) ? indexPrimaryPath : new File(getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_SECONDARY_PATH, ""));
this.log.logConfig("Index Secondary Path: " + indexSecondaryPath.toString());
this.listsPath = getConfigPath(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.LISTS_PATH, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.LISTS_PATH_DEFAULT);
this.log.logConfig("Lists Path: " + this.listsPath.toString());
this.htDocsPath = getConfigPath(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.HTDOCS_PATH, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.HTDOCS_PATH_DEFAULT);
this.log.logConfig("HTDOCS Path: " + this.htDocsPath.toString());
this.rankingPath = getConfigPath(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.RANKING_PATH, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.RANKING_PATH_DEFAULT);
this.log.logConfig("Ranking Path: " + this.rankingPath.toString());
this.rankingPermissions = new HashMap<String, String>(); // mapping of permission - to filename.
this.workPath = getConfigPath(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.WORK_PATH, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.WORK_PATH_DEFAULT);
this.log.logConfig("Work Path: " + this.workPath.toString());
// set a high maximum cache size to current size; this is adopted later automatically
final int wordCacheMaxCount = Math.max((int) getConfigLong(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.WORDCACHE_INIT_COUNT, 30000),
(int) getConfigLong(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.WORDCACHE_MAX_COUNT, 20000));
setConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.WORDCACHE_MAX_COUNT, Integer.toString(wordCacheMaxCount));
// set network-specific performance attributes
if (this.firstInit) {
setRemotecrawlPPM(Math.max(1, (int) getConfigLong("network.unit.remotecrawl.speed", 60)));
// load the network definition
// start indexing management
log.logConfig("Starting Indexing Management");
final String networkName = getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.NETWORK_NAME, "");
webIndex = new plasmaWordIndex(networkName, log, indexPrimaryPath, indexSecondaryPath, wordCacheMaxCount);
crawlResults = new ResultURLs();
// start yacy core
log.logConfig("Starting YaCy Protocol Core");
this.yc = new yacyCore(this);
serverInstantBusyThread.oneTimeJob(this, "loadSeedLists", yacyCore.log, 0);
final long startedSeedListAquisition = System.currentTimeMillis();
// set up local robots.txt
this.robotstxtConfig = httpdRobotsTxtConfig.init(this);
// setting timestamp of last proxy access
this.proxyLastAccess = System.currentTimeMillis() - 10000;
this.localSearchLastAccess = System.currentTimeMillis() - 10000;
this.remoteSearchLastAccess = System.currentTimeMillis() - 10000;
this.webStructure = new plasmaWebStructure(log, rankingPath, "LOCAL/010_cr/", getConfig("CRDist0Path", plasmaRankingDistribution.CR_OWN), new File(plasmaPath, ""));
// configuring list path
if (!(listsPath.exists())) listsPath.mkdirs();
// load coloured lists
if (blueList == null) {
// read only once upon first instantiation of this class
final String f = getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.LIST_BLUE, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.LIST_BLUE_DEFAULT);
final File plasmaBlueListFile = new File(f);
if (f != null) blueList = kelondroMSetTools.loadList(plasmaBlueListFile, kelondroNaturalOrder.naturalComparator); else blueList= new TreeSet<String>();
this.log.logConfig("loaded blue-list from file " + plasmaBlueListFile.getName() + ", " +
blueList.size() + " entries, " +
// load the black-list / inspired by [AS]
final File blacklistsPath = getConfigPath(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.LISTS_PATH, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.LISTS_PATH_DEFAULT);
String blacklistClassName = getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.BLACKLIST_CLASS, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.BLACKLIST_CLASS_DEFAULT);
if (blacklistClassName.equals("de.anomic.plasma.urlPattern.defaultURLPattern")) {
// patch old class location
blacklistClassName = plasmaSwitchboardConstants.BLACKLIST_CLASS_DEFAULT;
setConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.BLACKLIST_CLASS, blacklistClassName);
this.log.logConfig("Starting blacklist engine ...");
try {
final Class<?> blacklistClass = Class.forName(blacklistClassName);
final Constructor<?> blacklistClassConstr = blacklistClass.getConstructor( new Class[] { File.class } );
urlBlacklist = (indexReferenceBlacklist) blacklistClassConstr.newInstance(new Object[] { blacklistsPath });
this.log.logFine("Used blacklist engine class: " + blacklistClassName);
this.log.logConfig("Using blacklist engine: " + urlBlacklist.getEngineInfo());
} catch (final Exception e) {
this.log.logSevere("Unable to load the blacklist engine",e);
} catch (final Error e) {
this.log.logSevere("Unable to load the blacklist engine",e);
this.log.logConfig("Loading backlist data ...");
listManager.switchboard = this;
listManager.listsPath = blacklistsPath;
// load badwords (to filter the topwords)
if (badwords == null) {
final File badwordsFile = new File(rootPath, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.LIST_BADWORDS_DEFAULT);
badwords = kelondroMSetTools.loadList(badwordsFile, kelondroNaturalOrder.naturalComparator);
this.log.logConfig("loaded badwords from file " + badwordsFile.getName() +
", " + badwords.size() + " entries, " +
// load stopwords
if (stopwords == null) {
final File stopwordsFile = new File(rootPath, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.LIST_STOPWORDS_DEFAULT);
stopwords = kelondroMSetTools.loadList(stopwordsFile, kelondroNaturalOrder.naturalComparator);
this.log.logConfig("loaded stopwords from file " + stopwordsFile.getName() + ", " +
stopwords.size() + " entries, " +
// load ranking tables
final File YBRPath = new File(rootPath, "ranking/YBR");
if (YBRPath.exists()) {
plasmaSearchRankingProcess.loadYBR(YBRPath, 15);
// loading the robots.txt db
this.log.logConfig("Initializing robots.txt DB");
final File robotsDBFile = new File(this.plasmaPath, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.DBFILE_CRAWL_ROBOTS);
robots = new RobotsTxt(robotsDBFile);
this.log.logConfig("Loaded robots.txt DB from file " + robotsDBFile.getName() +
", " + robots.size() + " entries" +
", " + ppRamString(robotsDBFile.length()/1024));
// start a cache manager
log.logConfig("Starting HT Cache Manager");
// create the cache directory
htCachePath = getConfigPath(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.HTCACHE_PATH, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.HTCACHE_PATH_DEFAULT);
this.log.logInfo("HTCACHE Path = " + htCachePath.getAbsolutePath());
final long maxCacheSize = 1024 * 1024 * Long.parseLong(getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PROXY_CACHE_SIZE, "2")); // this is megabyte
plasmaHTCache.init(htCachePath, maxCacheSize);
// create the release download directory
releasePath = getConfigPath(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.RELEASE_PATH, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.RELEASE_PATH_DEFAULT);
this.log.logInfo("RELEASE Path = " + releasePath.getAbsolutePath());
// starting message board
// starting wiki
//starting blog
// Init User DB
this.log.logConfig("Loading User DB");
final File userDbFile = new File(getRootPath(), plasmaSwitchboardConstants.DBFILE_USER);
this.userDB = new userDB(userDbFile);
this.log.logConfig("Loaded User DB from file " + userDbFile.getName() +
", " + this.userDB.size() + " entries" +
", " + ppRamString(userDbFile.length()/1024));
//Init bookmarks DB
// set a maximum amount of memory for the caches
// long memprereq = Math.max(getConfigLong(INDEXER_MEMPREREQ, 0), wordIndex.minMem());
// setConfig(INDEXER_MEMPREREQ, memprereq);
// setThreadPerformance(INDEXER, getConfigLong(INDEXER_IDLESLEEP, 0), getConfigLong(INDEXER_BUSYSLEEP, 0), memprereq);
kelondroCachedRecords.setCacheGrowStati(40 * 1024 * 1024, 20 * 1024 * 1024);
kelondroCache.setCacheGrowStati(40 * 1024 * 1024, 20 * 1024 * 1024);
// make parser
log.logConfig("Starting Parser");
this.parser = new plasmaParser();
// define an extension-blacklist
log.logConfig("Parser: Initializing Extension Mappings for Media/Parser");
// define a realtime parsable mimetype list
log.logConfig("Parser: Initializing Mime Types");
plasmaParser.initHTMLParsableMimeTypes(getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PARSER_MIMETYPES_HTML, "application/xhtml+xml,text/html,text/plain"));
plasmaParser.initParseableMimeTypes(plasmaParser.PARSER_MODE_PROXY, getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PARSER_MIMETYPES_PROXY, null));
plasmaParser.initParseableMimeTypes(plasmaParser.PARSER_MODE_CRAWLER, getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PARSER_MIMETYPES_CRAWLER, null));
plasmaParser.initParseableMimeTypes(plasmaParser.PARSER_MODE_ICAP, getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PARSER_MIMETYPES_ICAP, null));
plasmaParser.initParseableMimeTypes(plasmaParser.PARSER_MODE_URLREDIRECTOR, getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PARSER_MIMETYPES_URLREDIRECTOR, null));
plasmaParser.initParseableMimeTypes(plasmaParser.PARSER_MODE_IMAGE, getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PARSER_MIMETYPES_IMAGE, null));
// start a loader
log.logConfig("Starting Crawl Loader");
this.crawlQueues = new CrawlQueues(this, plasmaPath);
this.getConfigLong("minimumLocalDelta", this.crawlQueues.noticeURL.getMinimumLocalDelta()),
this.getConfigLong("minimumGlobalDelta", this.crawlQueues.noticeURL.getMinimumGlobalDelta()));
* Creating sync objects and loading status for the crawl jobs
* a) local crawl
* b) remote triggered crawl
* c) global crawl trigger
this.crawlJobsStatus.put(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL, new Object[]{
new Object(),
Boolean.valueOf(getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL + "_isPaused", "false"))});
this.crawlJobsStatus.put(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_TRIGGERED_CRAWL, new Object[]{
new Object(),
Boolean.valueOf(getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_TRIGGERED_CRAWL + "_isPaused", "false"))});
this.crawlJobsStatus.put(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_CRAWL_LOADER, new Object[]{
new Object(),
Boolean.valueOf(getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_CRAWL_LOADER + "_isPaused", "false"))});
// init cookie-Monitor
this.log.logConfig("Starting Cookie Monitor");
this.outgoingCookies = new HashMap<String, Object[]>();
this.incomingCookies = new HashMap<String, Object[]>();
// init search history trackers
this.localSearchTracker = new HashMap<String, TreeSet<Long>>(); // String:TreeSet - IP:set of Long(accessTime)
this.remoteSearchTracker = new HashMap<String, TreeSet<Long>>();
this.localSearches = new ArrayList<plasmaSearchQuery>(); // contains search result properties as HashMaps
this.remoteSearches = new ArrayList<plasmaSearchQuery>();
// init messages: clean up message symbol
final File notifierSource = new File(getRootPath(), getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.HTROOT_PATH, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.HTROOT_PATH_DEFAULT) + "/env/grafics/empty.gif");
final File notifierDest = new File(getConfigPath(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.HTDOCS_PATH, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.HTDOCS_PATH_DEFAULT), "notifier.gif");
try {
serverFileUtils.copy(notifierSource, notifierDest);
} catch (final IOException e) {
// clean up profiles
this.log.logConfig("Cleaning Profiles");
try { cleanProfiles(); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { /* Ignore this here */ }
// init ranking transmission
CRDistOn = true/false
CRDist0Path = GLOBAL/010_owncr
CRDist0Method = 1
CRDist0Percent = 0
CRDist0Target =
CRDist1Path = GLOBAL/014_othercr/1
CRDist1Method = 9
CRDist1Percent = 30
CRDist1Target =,,
rankingOn = getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.RANKING_DIST_ON, "true").equals("true") && networkName.equals("freeworld");
rankingOwnDistribution = new plasmaRankingDistribution(log, webIndex.seedDB, new File(rankingPath, getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.RANKING_DIST_0_PATH, plasmaRankingDistribution.CR_OWN)), (int) getConfigLong(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.RANKING_DIST_0_METHOD, plasmaRankingDistribution.METHOD_ANYSENIOR), (int) getConfigLong(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.RANKING_DIST_0_METHOD, 0), getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.RANKING_DIST_0_TARGET, ""));
rankingOtherDistribution = new plasmaRankingDistribution(log, webIndex.seedDB, new File(rankingPath, getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.RANKING_DIST_1_PATH, plasmaRankingDistribution.CR_OTHER)), (int) getConfigLong(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.RANKING_DIST_1_METHOD, plasmaRankingDistribution.METHOD_MIXEDSENIOR), (int) getConfigLong(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.RANKING_DIST_1_METHOD, 30), getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.RANKING_DIST_1_TARGET, ","));
// init facility DB
log.logSystem("Starting Facility Database");
File facilityDBpath = new File(getRootPath(), "DATA/SETTINGS/");
facilityDB = new kelondroTables(facilityDBpath);
facilityDB.declareMaps("backlinks", 250, 500, new String[] {"date"}, null);
log.logSystem("..opened backlinks");
facilityDB.declareMaps("zeitgeist", 40, 500);
log.logSystem("..opened zeitgeist");
facilityDB.declareTree("statistik", new int[]{11, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8}, 0x400);
log.logSystem("..opened statistik");
facilityDB.update("statistik", (new serverDate()).toShortString(false).substring(0, 11), new long[]{1,2,3,4,5,6});
long[] testresult = facilityDB.selectLong("statistik", "yyyyMMddHHm");
testresult = facilityDB.selectLong("statistik", (new serverDate()).toShortString(false).substring(0, 11));
// init nameCacheNoCachingList
final String noCachingList = getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.HTTPC_NAME_CACHE_CACHING_PATTERNS_NO,"");
final String[] noCachingEntries = noCachingList.split(",");
for (int i = 0; i < noCachingEntries.length; i++) {
final String entry = noCachingEntries[i].trim();
// generate snippets cache
log.logConfig("Initializing Snippet Cache");
plasmaSnippetCache.init(parser, log);
final String wikiParserClassName = getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.WIKIPARSER_CLASS, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.WIKIPARSER_CLASS_DEFAULT);
this.log.logConfig("Loading wiki parser " + wikiParserClassName + " ...");
try {
final Class<?> wikiParserClass = Class.forName(wikiParserClassName);
final Constructor<?> wikiParserClassConstr = wikiParserClass.getConstructor(new Class[] { plasmaSwitchboard.class });
wikiParser = (wikiParser)wikiParserClassConstr.newInstance(new Object[] { this });
} catch (final Exception e) {
this.log.logSevere("Unable to load wiki parser, the wiki won't work", e);
// initializing the resourceObserver
| = new ResourceObserver(this);
// run the oberver here a first time
// initializing the stackCrawlThread
this.crawlStacker = new CrawlStacker(this, this.plasmaPath, (int) getConfigLong("tableTypeForPreNURL", 0), (((int) getConfigLong("tableTypeForPreNURL", 0) == 0) && (getConfigLong(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLSTACK_BUSYSLEEP, 0) <= 100)));
//this.sbStackCrawlThread = new plasmaStackCrawlThread(this,this.plasmaPath,ramPreNURL);
// initializing dht chunk generation
this.dhtTransferChunk = null;
this.dhtTransferIndexCount = (int) getConfigLong(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST_CHUNK_SIZE_START, 50);
// init robinson cluster
// before we do that, we wait some time until the seed list is loaded.
while (((System.currentTimeMillis() - startedSeedListAquisition) < 8000) && (this.webIndex.seedDB.sizeConnected() == 0)) try {Thread.sleep(1000);} catch (final InterruptedException e) {}
try {Thread.sleep(1000);} catch (final InterruptedException e) {}
this.clusterhashes = this.webIndex.seedDB.clusterHashes(getConfig("cluster.peers.yacydomain", ""));
// deploy blocking threads
indexingStorageProcessor = new serverProcessor<indexingQueueEntry>(this, "storeDocumentIndex", 1, null);
indexingAnalysisProcessor = new serverProcessor<indexingQueueEntry>(this, "webStructureAnalysis", serverProcessor.useCPU + 1, indexingStorageProcessor);
indexingCondensementProcessor = new serverProcessor<indexingQueueEntry>(this, "condenseDocument", serverProcessor.useCPU + 1, indexingAnalysisProcessor);
indexingDocumentProcessor = new serverProcessor<indexingQueueEntry>(this, "parseDocument", serverProcessor.useCPU + 1, indexingCondensementProcessor);
// deploy busy threads
log.logConfig("Starting Threads");
serverMemory.gc(1000, "plasmaSwitchboard, help for profiler"); // help for profiler - thq
moreMemory = new Timer(); // init GC Thread - thq
moreMemory.schedule(new MoreMemory(), 300000, 600000);
deployThread(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CLEANUP, "Cleanup", "simple cleaning process for monitoring information", null,
new serverInstantBusyThread(this, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CLEANUP_METHOD_START, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CLEANUP_METHOD_JOBCOUNT, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CLEANUP_METHOD_FREEMEM), 600000); // all 5 Minutes, wait 10 minutes until first run
deployThread(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLSTACK, "Crawl URL Stacker", "process that checks url for double-occurrences and for allowance/disallowance by robots.txt", null,
new serverInstantBusyThread(crawlStacker, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLSTACK_METHOD_START, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLSTACK_METHOD_JOBCOUNT, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLSTACK_METHOD_FREEMEM), 8000);
deployThread(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEXER, "Indexing", "thread that either initiates a parsing/indexing queue, distributes the index into the DHT, stores parsed documents or flushes the index cache", "/IndexCreateIndexingQueue_p.html",
new serverInstantBusyThread(this, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEXER_METHOD_START, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEXER_METHOD_JOBCOUNT, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEXER_METHOD_FREEMEM), 10000);
deployThread(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PROXY_CACHE_ENQUEUE, "Proxy Cache Enqueue", "job takes new input files from RAM stack, stores them, and hands over to the Indexing Stack", null,
new serverInstantBusyThread(this, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PROXY_CACHE_ENQUEUE_METHOD_START, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PROXY_CACHE_ENQUEUE_METHOD_JOBCOUNT, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PROXY_CACHE_ENQUEUE_METHOD_FREEMEM), 10000);
deployThread(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_TRIGGERED_CRAWL, "Remote Crawl Job", "thread that performes a single crawl/indexing step triggered by a remote peer", null,
new serverInstantBusyThread(crawlQueues, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_TRIGGERED_CRAWL_METHOD_START, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_TRIGGERED_CRAWL_METHOD_JOBCOUNT, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_TRIGGERED_CRAWL_METHOD_FREEMEM), 30000);
deployThread(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_CRAWL_LOADER, "Remote Crawl URL Loader", "thread that loads remote crawl lists from other peers", "",
new serverInstantBusyThread(crawlQueues, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_CRAWL_LOADER_METHOD_START, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_CRAWL_LOADER_METHOD_JOBCOUNT, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_CRAWL_LOADER_METHOD_FREEMEM), 30000); // error here?
deployThread(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL, "Local Crawl", "thread that performes a single crawl step from the local crawl queue", "/IndexCreateWWWLocalQueue_p.html",
new serverInstantBusyThread(crawlQueues, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL_METHOD_START, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL_METHOD_JOBCOUNT, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL_METHOD_FREEMEM), 10000);
deployThread(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.SEED_UPLOAD, "Seed-List Upload", "task that a principal peer performes to generate and upload a seed-list to a ftp account", null,
new serverInstantBusyThread(yc, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.SEED_UPLOAD_METHOD_START, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.SEED_UPLOAD_METHOD_JOBCOUNT, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.SEED_UPLOAD_METHOD_FREEMEM), 180000);
deployThread(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PEER_PING, "YaCy Core", "this is the p2p-control and peer-ping task", null,
new serverInstantBusyThread(yc, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PEER_PING_METHOD_START, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PEER_PING_METHOD_JOBCOUNT, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PEER_PING_METHOD_FREEMEM), 2000);
deployThread(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST, "DHT Distribution", "selection, transfer and deletion of index entries that are not searched on your peer, but on others", null,
new serverInstantBusyThread(this, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST_METHOD_START, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST_METHOD_JOBCOUNT, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST_METHOD_FREEMEM), 60000,
Long.parseLong(getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST_IDLESLEEP , "5000")),
Long.parseLong(getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST_BUSYSLEEP , "0")),
Long.parseLong(getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST_MEMPREREQ , "1000000")));
// test routine for snippet fetch
//Set query = new HashSet();
//plasmaSnippetCache.result scr = snippetCache.retrieve(new URL(""), query, true);
//plasmaSnippetCache.result scr = snippetCache.retrieve(new URL(""), query, true);
//plasmaSnippetCache.result scr = snippetCache.retrieve(new URL(""), query, true, 260);
this.dbImportManager = new ImporterManager();
log.logConfig("Finished Switchboard Initialization");
public void overwriteNetworkDefinition() {
// load network configuration into settings
String networkUnitDefinition = getConfig("network.unit.definition", "defaults/");
final String networkGroupDefinition = getConfig("", "");
// patch old values
if (networkUnitDefinition.equals("")) {
networkUnitDefinition = "defaults/";
setConfig("network.unit.definition", networkUnitDefinition);
// remove old release and bootstrap locations
Iterator<String> ki = configKeys();
ArrayList<String> d = new ArrayList<String>();
String k;
while (ki.hasNext()) {
k =;
if (k.startsWith("network.unit.update.location")) d.add(k);
if (k.startsWith("network.unit.bootstrap")) d.add(k);
for (String s:d) this.removeConfig(s); // must be removed afterwards othervise a ki.remove() would not remove the property on file
// include additional network definition properties into our settings
// note that these properties cannot be set in the application because they are
// _always_ overwritten each time with the default values. This is done so on purpose.
// the network definition should be made either consistent for all peers,
// or independently using a bootstrap URL
Map<String, String> initProps;
if (networkUnitDefinition.startsWith("http://")) {
try {
setConfig(plasmaSwitchboard.loadHashMap(new yacyURL(networkUnitDefinition, null)));
} catch (final MalformedURLException e) { }
} else {
final File networkUnitDefinitionFile = (networkUnitDefinition.startsWith("/")) ? new File(networkUnitDefinition) : new File(getRootPath(), networkUnitDefinition);
if (networkUnitDefinitionFile.exists()) {
initProps = serverFileUtils.loadHashMap(networkUnitDefinitionFile);
if (networkGroupDefinition.startsWith("http://")) {
try {
setConfig(plasmaSwitchboard.loadHashMap(new yacyURL(networkGroupDefinition, null)));
} catch (final MalformedURLException e) { }
} else {
final File networkGroupDefinitionFile = new File(getRootPath(), networkGroupDefinition);
if (networkGroupDefinitionFile.exists()) {
initProps = serverFileUtils.loadHashMap(networkGroupDefinitionFile);
// set release locations
int i = 0;
String location;
while (true) {
location = getConfig("network.unit.update.location" + i, "");
if (location.length() == 0) break;
try {
yacyVersion.latestReleaseLocations.add(new yacyURL(location, null));
} catch (final MalformedURLException e) {
// initiate url license object
licensedURLs = new URLLicense(8);
// set URL domain acceptance
acceptGlobalURLs = "global.any".indexOf(getConfig("network.unit.domain", "global")) >= 0;
acceptLocalURLs = "local.any".indexOf(getConfig("network.unit.domain", "global")) >= 0;
// in intranet and portal network set robinson mode
if (networkUnitDefinition.equals("defaults/") ||
networkUnitDefinition.equals("defaults/")) {
// switch to robinson mode
setConfig("crawlResponse", "false");
setConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST_ALLOW, false);
setConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_RECEIVE_ALLOW, false);
// in freeworld network set full p2p mode
if (networkUnitDefinition.equals("defaults/")) {
// switch to robinson mode
setConfig("crawlResponse", "true");
setConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST_ALLOW, true);
setConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_RECEIVE_ALLOW, true);
public void switchNetwork(final String networkDefinition) {
// pause crawls
final boolean lcp = crawlJobIsPaused(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL);
if (!lcp) pauseCrawlJob(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL);
final boolean rcp = crawlJobIsPaused(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_TRIGGERED_CRAWL);
if (!rcp) pauseCrawlJob(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_TRIGGERED_CRAWL);
// trigger online caution
proxyLastAccess = System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000; // at least 10 seconds online caution to prevent unnecessary action on database meanwhile
// clean search events which have cached relations to the old index
// switch the networks
synchronized (this) {
synchronized (this.webIndex) {
setConfig("network.unit.definition", networkDefinition);
final File indexPrimaryPath = getConfigPath(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_PRIMARY_PATH, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_PATH_DEFAULT);
final File indexSecondaryPath = (getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_SECONDARY_PATH, "").length() == 0) ? indexPrimaryPath : new File(getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_SECONDARY_PATH, ""));
final int wordCacheMaxCount = (int) getConfigLong(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.WORDCACHE_MAX_COUNT, 20000);
this.webIndex = new plasmaWordIndex(getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.NETWORK_NAME, ""), getLog(), indexPrimaryPath, indexSecondaryPath, wordCacheMaxCount);
// start up crawl jobs
this.log.logInfo("switched network to " + networkDefinition);
// check status of account configuration: when local url crawling is allowed, it is not allowed
// that an automatic authorization of localhost is done, because in this case crawls from local
// addresses are blocked to prevent attack szenarios where remote pages contain links to localhost
// addresses that can steer a YaCy peer
if ((this.acceptLocalURLs) && (getConfigBool("adminAccountForLocalhost", false))) {
setConfig("adminAccountForLocalhost", false);
if (getConfig(httpd.ADMIN_ACCOUNT_B64MD5, "").startsWith("0000")) {
// the password was set automatically with a random value.
// We must remove that here to prevent that a user cannot log in any more
setConfig(httpd.ADMIN_ACCOUNT_B64MD5, "");
// after this a message must be generated to alert the user to set a new password
log.logInfo("RANDOM PASSWORD REMOVED! User must set a new password");
// set the network-specific remote crawl ppm
setRemotecrawlPPM(Math.max(1, (int) getConfigLong("network.unit.remotecrawl.speed", 60)));
public void setRemotecrawlPPM(int ppm) {
setConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_TRIGGERED_CRAWL_BUSYSLEEP, 60000 / ppm);
setConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_TRIGGERED_CRAWL_IDLESLEEP, Math.max(10000, 180000 / ppm));
setConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_CRAWL_LOADER_BUSYSLEEP, Math.max(15000, 1800000 / ppm));
setConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_REMOTE_CRAWL_LOADER_IDLESLEEP, Math.max(30000, 3600000 / ppm));
public void initMessages() {
this.log.logConfig("Starting Message Board");
final File messageDbFile = new File(workPath, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.DBFILE_MESSAGE);
this.messageDB = new messageBoard(messageDbFile);
this.log.logConfig("Loaded Message Board DB from file " + messageDbFile.getName() +
", " + this.messageDB.size() + " entries" +
", " + ppRamString(messageDbFile.length()/1024));
public void initWiki() {
this.log.logConfig("Starting Wiki Board");
final File wikiDbFile = new File(workPath, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.DBFILE_WIKI);
this.wikiDB = new wikiBoard(wikiDbFile, new File(workPath, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.DBFILE_WIKI_BKP));
this.log.logConfig("Loaded Wiki Board DB from file " + wikiDbFile.getName() +
", " + this.wikiDB.size() + " entries" +
", " + ppRamString(wikiDbFile.length()/1024));
public void initBlog() {
this.log.logConfig("Starting Blog");
final File blogDbFile = new File(workPath, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.DBFILE_BLOG);
this.blogDB = new blogBoard(blogDbFile);
this.log.logConfig("Loaded Blog DB from file " + blogDbFile.getName() +
", " + this.blogDB.size() + " entries" +
", " + ppRamString(blogDbFile.length()/1024));
final File blogCommentDbFile = new File(workPath, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.DBFILE_BLOGCOMMENTS);
this.blogCommentDB = new blogBoardComments(blogCommentDbFile);
this.log.logConfig("Loaded Blog-Comment DB from file " + blogCommentDbFile.getName() +
", " + this.blogCommentDB.size() + " entries" +
", " + ppRamString(blogCommentDbFile.length()/1024));
public void initBookmarks(){
this.log.logConfig("Loading Bookmarks DB");
final File bookmarksFile = new File(workPath, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.DBFILE_BOOKMARKS);
final File tagsFile = new File(workPath, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.DBFILE_BOOKMARKS_TAGS);
final File datesFile = new File(workPath, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.DBFILE_BOOKMARKS_DATES);
this.bookmarksDB = new bookmarksDB(bookmarksFile, tagsFile, datesFile);
this.log.logConfig("Loaded Bookmarks DB from files "+ bookmarksFile.getName()+ ", "+tagsFile.getName());
this.log.logConfig(this.bookmarksDB.tagsSize()+" Tag, "+this.bookmarksDB.bookmarksSize()+" Bookmarks");
public static plasmaSwitchboard getSwitchboard(){
return sb;
public boolean isRobinsonMode() {
// we are in robinson mode, if we do not exchange index by dht distribution
// we need to take care that search requests and remote indexing requests go only
// to the peers in the same cluster, if we run a robinson cluster.
return !getConfigBool(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST_ALLOW, false) && !getConfigBool(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_RECEIVE_ALLOW, false);
public boolean isPublicRobinson() {
// robinson peers may be member of robinson clusters, which can be public or private
// this does not check the robinson attribute, only the specific subtype of the cluster
final String clustermode = getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CLUSTER_MODE, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CLUSTER_MODE_PUBLIC_PEER);
return (clustermode.equals(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CLUSTER_MODE_PUBLIC_CLUSTER)) || (clustermode.equals(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CLUSTER_MODE_PUBLIC_PEER));
public boolean isInMyCluster(final String peer) {
// check if the given peer is in the own network, if this is a robinson cluster
// depending on the robinson cluster type, the peer String may be a peerhash (b64-hash)
// or a ip:port String or simply a ip String
// if this robinson mode does not define a cluster membership, false is returned
if (peer == null) return false;
if (!isRobinsonMode()) return false;
final String clustermode = getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CLUSTER_MODE, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CLUSTER_MODE_PUBLIC_PEER);
if (clustermode.equals(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CLUSTER_MODE_PRIVATE_CLUSTER)) {
// check if we got the request from a peer in the private cluster
final String network = getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CLUSTER_PEERS_IPPORT, "");
return network.indexOf(peer) >= 0;
} else if (clustermode.equals(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CLUSTER_MODE_PUBLIC_CLUSTER)) {
// check if we got the request from a peer in the public cluster
return this.clusterhashes.containsKey(peer);
} else {
return false;
public boolean isInMyCluster(final yacySeed seed) {
// check if the given peer is in the own network, if this is a robinson cluster
// if this robinson mode does not define a cluster membership, false is returned
if (seed == null) return false;
if (!isRobinsonMode()) return false;
final String clustermode = getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CLUSTER_MODE, plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CLUSTER_MODE_PUBLIC_PEER);
if (clustermode.equals(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CLUSTER_MODE_PRIVATE_CLUSTER)) {
// check if we got the request from a peer in the private cluster
final String network = getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CLUSTER_PEERS_IPPORT, "");
return network.indexOf(seed.getPublicAddress()) >= 0;
} else if (clustermode.equals(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CLUSTER_MODE_PUBLIC_CLUSTER)) {
// check if we got the request from a peer in the public cluster
return this.clusterhashes.containsKey(seed.hash);
} else {
return false;
* Test a url if it can be used for crawling/indexing
* This mainly checks if the url is in the declared domain (local/global)
* @param url
* @return null if the url can be accepted, a string containing a rejection reason if the url cannot be accepted
public String acceptURL(final yacyURL url) {
// returns true if the url can be accepted accoring to network.unit.domain
if (url == null) return "url is null";
final String host = url.getHost();
if (host == null) return " is null";
if (this.acceptGlobalURLs && this.acceptLocalURLs) return null; // fast shortcut to avoid dnsResolve
InetAddress hostAddress = serverDomains.dnsResolve(host);
// if we don't know the host, we cannot load that resource anyway.
// But in case we use a proxy, it is possible that we dont have a DNS service.
final httpRemoteProxyConfig remoteProxyConfig = httpdProxyHandler.getRemoteProxyConfig();
if (hostAddress == null) {
if ((remoteProxyConfig != null) && (remoteProxyConfig.useProxy())) return null; else return "the dns of the host '" + host + "' cannot be resolved";
// check if this is a local address and we are allowed to index local pages:
//boolean local = hostAddress.isSiteLocalAddress() || hostAddress.isLoopbackAddress();
final boolean local = url.isLocal();
//assert local == yacyURL.isLocalDomain(url.hash()); // TODO: remove the dnsResolve above!
if ((this.acceptGlobalURLs && !local) || (this.acceptLocalURLs && local)) return null;
return (local) ?
("the host '" + host + "' is local, but local addresses are not accepted") :
("the host '" + host + "' is global, but global addresses are not accepted");
public String urlExists(final String hash) {
// tests if hash occurrs in any database
// if it exists, the name of the database is returned,
// if it not exists, null is returned
if (webIndex.existsURL(hash)) return "loaded";
return this.crawlQueues.urlExists(hash);
public void urlRemove(final String hash) {
public yacyURL getURL(final String urlhash) {
if (urlhash == null) return null;
if (urlhash.length() == 0) return null;
final yacyURL ne = crawlQueues.getURL(urlhash);
if (ne != null) return ne;
final indexURLReference le = webIndex.getURL(urlhash, null, 0);
if (le != null) return le.comp().url();
return null;
public plasmaSearchRankingProfile getRanking() {
return (getConfig("rankingProfile", "").length() == 0) ?
new plasmaSearchRankingProfile(plasmaSearchQuery.CONTENTDOM_TEXT) :
new plasmaSearchRankingProfile("", crypt.simpleDecode(sb.getConfig("rankingProfile", ""), null));
* This method changes the HTCache size.<br>
* @param newCacheSize in MB
public final void setCacheSize(final long newCacheSize) {
plasmaHTCache.setCacheSize(1048576 * newCacheSize);
public boolean onlineCaution() {
(System.currentTimeMillis() - this.proxyLastAccess < Integer.parseInt(getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PROXY_ONLINE_CAUTION_DELAY, "30000"))) ||
(System.currentTimeMillis() - this.localSearchLastAccess < Integer.parseInt(getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.LOCALSEACH_ONLINE_CAUTION_DELAY, "30000"))) ||
(System.currentTimeMillis() - this.remoteSearchLastAccess < Integer.parseInt(getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.REMOTESEARCH_ONLINE_CAUTION_DELAY, "30000")));
private static String ppRamString(long bytes) {
if (bytes < 1024) return bytes + " KByte";
bytes = bytes / 1024;
if (bytes < 1024) return bytes + " MByte";
bytes = bytes / 1024;
if (bytes < 1024) return bytes + " GByte";
return (bytes / 1024) + "TByte";
* {@link CrawlProfile Crawl Profiles} are saved independantly from the queues themselves
* and therefore have to be cleaned up from time to time. This method only performs the clean-up
* if - and only if - the {@link IndexingStack switchboard},
* {@link ProtocolLoader loader} and {@link plasmaCrawlNURL local crawl} queues are all empty.
* <p>
* Then it iterates through all existing {@link CrawlProfile crawl profiles} and removes
* all profiles which are not hardcoded.
* </p>
* <p>
* <i>If this method encounters DB-failures, the profile DB will be resetted and</i>
* <code>true</code><i> will be returned</i>
* </p>
* @see #CRAWL_PROFILE_PROXY hardcoded
* @see #CRAWL_PROFILE_REMOTE hardcoded
* @return whether this method has done something or not (i.e. because the queues have been filled
* or there are no profiles left to clean up)
* @throws <b>InterruptedException</b> if the current thread has been interrupted, i.e. by the
* shutdown procedure
public boolean cleanProfiles() throws InterruptedException {
if ((crawlQueues.size() > 0) ||
(crawlStacker != null && crawlStacker.size() > 0) ||
return false;
return this.webIndex.cleanProfiles();
public boolean htEntryStoreProcess(final indexDocumentMetadata entry) {
if (entry == null) return false;
/* =========================================================================
* Testing if the content type is supported by the available parsers
* ========================================================================= */
final boolean isSupportedContent = plasmaParser.supportedContent(entry.url(),entry.getMimeType());
if (log.isFinest()) log.logFinest("STORE "+ entry.url() +" content of type "+ entry.getMimeType() +" is supported: "+ isSupportedContent);
/* =========================================================================
* With the X-YACY-Index-Control header set to "no-index" a client could disallow
* yacy to index the response returned as answer to a request
* ========================================================================= */
boolean doIndexing = true;
if (entry.requestProhibitsIndexing()) {
doIndexing = false;
if (this.log.isFine()) this.log.logFine("Crawling of " + entry.url() + " prohibited by request.");
/* =========================================================================
* check if ip is local ip address // TODO: remove this procotol specific code here
* ========================================================================= */
final String urlRejectReason = acceptURL(entry.url());
if (urlRejectReason != null) {
if (this.log.isFine()) this.log.logFine("Rejected URL '" + entry.url() + "': " + urlRejectReason);
doIndexing = false;
synchronized (webIndex.queuePreStack) {
/* =========================================================================
* Now we store the response header and response content if
* a) the user has configured to use the htcache or
* b) the content should be indexed
* ========================================================================= */
if (((entry.profile() != null) && (entry.profile().storeHTCache())) || (doIndexing && isSupportedContent)) {
// store response header
if (entry.writeResourceInfo()) {
this.log.logInfo("WROTE HEADER for " + entry.cacheFile());
// work off unwritten files
if (entry.cacheArray() != null) {
final String error = entry.shallStoreCacheForProxy();
if (error == null) {
plasmaHTCache.writeResourceContent(entry.url(), entry.cacheArray());
if (this.log.isFine()) this.log.logFine("WROTE FILE (" + entry.cacheArray().length + " bytes) for " + entry.cacheFile());
} else {
if (this.log.isFine()) this.log.logFine("WRITE OF FILE " + entry.cacheFile() + " FORBIDDEN: " + error);
//} else {
//this.log.logFine("EXISTING FILE (" + entry.cacheFile.length() + " bytes) for " + entry.cacheFile);
/* =========================================================================
* ========================================================================= */
if (doIndexing && isSupportedContent) {
// enqueue for further crawling
(entry.referrerURL() == null) ? null : entry.referrerURL().hash(),
} else {
if (!entry.profile().storeHTCache() && entry.cacheFile().exists()) {
plasmaHTCache.deleteURLfromCache(entry.url(), false);
return true;
public boolean htEntryStoreJob() {
if (plasmaHTCache.empty()) return false;
return htEntryStoreProcess(plasmaHTCache.pop());
public int htEntrySize() {
return plasmaHTCache.size();
public void close() {
log.logConfig("SWITCHBOARD SHUTDOWN STEP 1: sending termination signal to managed threads:");
if (transferIdxThread != null) stopTransferWholeIndex(false);
log.logConfig("SWITCHBOARD SHUTDOWN STEP 2: sending termination signal to threaded indexing");
// closing all still running db importer jobs
log.logConfig("SWITCHBOARD SHUTDOWN STEP 3: sending termination signal to database manager (stand by...)");
public int queueSize() {
return webIndex.queuePreStack.size();
public void enQueue(final IndexingStack.QueueEntry job) {
assert job != null;
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {
log.logSevere("IOError in plasmaSwitchboard.enQueue: " + e.getMessage(), e);
public void deQueueFreeMem() {
// flush some entries from the RAM cache
// empty some caches
// adopt maximum cache size to current size to prevent that further OutOfMemoryErrors occur
/* int newMaxCount = Math.max(1200, Math.min((int) getConfigLong(WORDCACHE_MAX_COUNT, 1200), wordIndex.dhtOutCacheSize()));
setConfig(WORDCACHE_MAX_COUNT, Integer.toString(newMaxCount));
wordIndex.setMaxWordCount(newMaxCount); */
public IndexingStack.QueueEntry deQueue() {
// getting the next entry from the indexing queue
IndexingStack.QueueEntry nextentry = null;
synchronized (webIndex.queuePreStack) {
// do one processing step
if (this.log.isFine()) log.logFine("DEQUEUE: sbQueueSize=" + webIndex.queuePreStack.size() +
", coreStackSize=" + crawlQueues.noticeURL.stackSize(NoticedURL.STACK_TYPE_CORE) +
", limitStackSize=" + crawlQueues.noticeURL.stackSize(NoticedURL.STACK_TYPE_LIMIT) +
", overhangStackSize=" + crawlQueues.noticeURL.stackSize(NoticedURL.STACK_TYPE_OVERHANG) +
", remoteStackSize=" + crawlQueues.noticeURL.stackSize(NoticedURL.STACK_TYPE_REMOTE));
try {
final int sizeBefore = webIndex.queuePreStack.size();
nextentry = webIndex.queuePreStack.pop();
if (nextentry == null) {
log.logWarning("deQueue: null entry on queue stack.");
if (webIndex.queuePreStack.size() == sizeBefore) {
// this is a severe problem: because this time a null is returned, it means that this status will last forever
// to re-enable use of the sbQueue, it must be emptied completely
log.logSevere("deQueue: does not shrink after pop() == null. Emergency reset.");
return null;
} catch (final IOException e) {
log.logSevere("IOError in plasmaSwitchboard.deQueue: " + e.getMessage(), e);
return null;
return nextentry;
public boolean deQueueProcess() {
try {
// work off fresh entries from the proxy or from the crawler
if (onlineCaution()) {
if (this.log.isFine()) log.logFine("deQueue: online caution, omitting resource stack processing");
return false;
boolean doneSomething = false;
// flush some entries from the RAM cache
if (webIndex.queuePreStack.size() == 0) {
doneSomething = webIndex.flushCacheSome() > 0; // permanent flushing only if we are not busy
// possibly delete entries from last chunk
if ((this.dhtTransferChunk != null) && (this.dhtTransferChunk.getStatus() == plasmaDHTChunk.chunkStatus_COMPLETE)) {
final String deletedURLs = this.dhtTransferChunk.deleteTransferIndexes();
if (this.log.isFine()) this.log.logFine("Deleted from " + this.dhtTransferChunk.containers().length + " transferred RWIs locally, removed " + deletedURLs + " URL references");
this.dhtTransferChunk = null;
// generate a dht chunk
if ((dhtShallTransfer() == null) && (
(this.dhtTransferChunk == null) ||
(this.dhtTransferChunk.getStatus() == plasmaDHTChunk.chunkStatus_UNDEFINED) ||
// (this.dhtTransferChunk.getStatus() == plasmaDHTChunk.chunkStatus_COMPLETE) ||
(this.dhtTransferChunk.getStatus() == plasmaDHTChunk.chunkStatus_FAILED)
)) {
// generate new chunk
final int minChunkSize = (int) getConfigLong(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST_CHUNK_SIZE_MIN, 30);
dhtTransferChunk = new plasmaDHTChunk(this.log, webIndex, minChunkSize, dhtTransferIndexCount, 5000);
doneSomething = true;
// check for interruption
// getting the next entry from the indexing queue
if (webIndex.queuePreStack.size() == 0) {
//log.logFine("deQueue: nothing to do, queue is emtpy");
return doneSomething; // nothing to do
if (crawlStacker.size() >= getConfigLong(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLSTACK_SLOTS, 2000)) {
if (this.log.isFine()) log.logFine("deQueue: too many processes in stack crawl thread queue (" + "stackCrawlQueue=" + crawlStacker.size() + ")");
return doneSomething;
// if we were interrupted we should return now
if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
if (this.log.isFine()) log.logFine("deQueue: thread was interrupted");
return false;
// get next queue entry and start a queue processing
final IndexingStack.QueueEntry queueEntry = deQueue();
assert queueEntry != null;
if (queueEntry == null) return true;
if (queueEntry.profile() == null) {
return true;
// check if the document should be indexed
if (queueEntry.processCase() == plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PROCESSCASE_4_PROXY_LOAD) {
// proxy-load
noIndexReason = queueEntry.shallIndexCacheForProxy();
} else {
// normal crawling
noIndexReason = queueEntry.shallIndexCacheForCrawler();
if (noIndexReason != null) {
// this document should not be indexed. log cause and close queue
final yacyURL referrerURL = queueEntry.referrerURL();
log.logFine("Not indexed any word in URL " + queueEntry.url() + "; cause: " + noIndexReason);
addURLtoErrorDB(queueEntry.url(), (referrerURL == null) ? "" : referrerURL.hash(), queueEntry.initiator(), queueEntry.anchorName(), noIndexReason);
// finish this entry
return true;
// put document into the concurrent processing queue
// check for interruption
this.indexingDocumentProcessor.enQueue(new indexingQueueEntry(queueEntry, null, null));
// parse and index the resource
indexingQueueEntry document = parseDocument(new indexingQueueEntry(queueEntry, null, null));
// do condensing
indexingQueueEntry condensement = condenseDocument(document);
// do a web structure analysis
indexingQueueEntry analysis = webStructureAnalysis(condensement);
// store the result
return true;
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
log.logInfo("DEQUEUE: Shutdown detected.");
return false;
public static class indexingQueueEntry extends serverProcessorJob {
public IndexingStack.QueueEntry queueEntry;
public plasmaParserDocument document;
public plasmaCondenser condenser;
public indexingQueueEntry(
final IndexingStack.QueueEntry queueEntry,
final plasmaParserDocument document,
final plasmaCondenser condenser) {
this.queueEntry = queueEntry;
this.document = document;
this.condenser = condenser;
public int cleanupJobSize() {
int c = 0;
if ((crawlQueues.delegatedURL.stackSize() > 1000)) c++;
if ((crawlQueues.errorURL.stackSize() > 1000)) c++;
for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
if (crawlResults.getStackSize(i) > 1000) c++;
return c;
public boolean cleanupJob() {
try {
boolean hasDoneSomething = false;
// clear caches if necessary
if (!serverMemory.request(8000000L, false)) {
// set a random password if no password is configured
if (!this.acceptLocalURLs && getConfigBool("adminAccountForLocalhost", false) && getConfig(httpd.ADMIN_ACCOUNT_B64MD5, "").length() == 0) {
// make a 'random' password
setConfig(httpd.ADMIN_ACCOUNT_B64MD5, "0000" + serverCodings.encodeMD5Hex(System.getProperties().toString() + System.currentTimeMillis()));
setConfig("adminAccount", "");
// refresh recrawl dates
Iterator<CrawlProfile.entry> it = webIndex.profilesActiveCrawls.profiles(true);
entry selentry;
while (it.hasNext()) {
selentry =;
if (
webIndex.profilesActiveCrawls.changeEntry(selentry, CrawlProfile.entry.RECRAWL_IF_OLDER,
// if (;
if (
webIndex.profilesActiveCrawls.changeEntry(selentry, CrawlProfile.entry.RECRAWL_IF_OLDER,
if (
webIndex.profilesActiveCrawls.changeEntry(selentry, CrawlProfile.entry.RECRAWL_IF_OLDER,
if (
webIndex.profilesActiveCrawls.changeEntry(selentry, CrawlProfile.entry.RECRAWL_IF_OLDER,
if (
webIndex.profilesActiveCrawls.changeEntry(selentry, CrawlProfile.entry.RECRAWL_IF_OLDER,
} catch (final IOException e) {};
// close unused connections
// clean up too old connection information
super.cleanupAccessTracker(1000 * 60 * 60);
// do transmission of CR-files
int count = rankingOwnDistribution.size() / 100;
if (count == 0) count = 1;
if (count > 5) count = 5;
if (rankingOn) {
// clean up delegated stack
if ((crawlQueues.delegatedURL.stackSize() > 1000)) {
if (this.log.isFine()) log.logFine("Cleaning Delegated-URLs report stack, " + crawlQueues.delegatedURL.stackSize() + " entries on stack");
hasDoneSomething = true;
// clean up error stack
if ((crawlQueues.errorURL.stackSize() > 1000)) {
if (this.log.isFine()) log.logFine("Cleaning Error-URLs report stack, " + crawlQueues.errorURL.stackSize() + " entries on stack");
hasDoneSomething = true;
// clean up loadedURL stack
for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
if (crawlResults.getStackSize(i) > 1000) {
if (this.log.isFine()) log.logFine("Cleaning Loaded-URLs report stack, " + crawlResults.getStackSize(i) + " entries on stack " + i);
hasDoneSomething = true;
// clean up image stack
// clean up profiles
if (cleanProfiles()) hasDoneSomething = true;
// clean up news
try {
if (this.log.isFine()) log.logFine("Cleaning Incoming News, " + this.webIndex.newsPool.size(yacyNewsPool.INCOMING_DB) + " entries on stack");
if (this.webIndex.newsPool.automaticProcess(webIndex.seedDB) > 0) hasDoneSomething = true;
} catch (final IOException e) {}
if (getConfigBool("cleanup.deletionProcessedNews", true)) {
if (getConfigBool("cleanup.deletionPublishedNews", true)) {
// clean up seed-dbs
if(getConfigBool("routing.deleteOldSeeds.permission",true)) {
final long deleteOldSeedsTime = getConfigLong("routing.deleteOldSeeds.time",7)*24*3600000;
Iterator<yacySeed> e = this.webIndex.seedDB.seedsSortedDisconnected(true,yacySeed.LASTSEEN);
yacySeed seed = null;
final ArrayList<String> deleteQueue = new ArrayList<String>();
//clean passive seeds
while(e.hasNext()) {
seed =;
if(seed != null) {
//list is sorted -> break when peers are too young to delete
if(seed.getLastSeenUTC() > (System.currentTimeMillis()-deleteOldSeedsTime))
for(int i=0;i<deleteQueue.size();++i) this.webIndex.seedDB.removeDisconnected(deleteQueue.get(i));
e = this.webIndex.seedDB.seedsSortedPotential(true,yacySeed.LASTSEEN);
//clean potential seeds
while(e.hasNext()) {
seed =;
if(seed != null) {
//list is sorted -> break when peers are too young to delete
if(seed.getLastSeenUTC() > (System.currentTimeMillis()-deleteOldSeedsTime))
for (int i = 0; i < deleteQueue.size(); ++i) this.webIndex.seedDB.removePotential(deleteQueue.get(i));
// check if update is available and
// if auto-update is activated perform an automatic installation and restart
final yacyVersion updateVersion = yacyVersion.rulebasedUpdateInfo(false);
if (updateVersion != null) {
// there is a version that is more recent. Load it and re-start with it
log.logInfo("AUTO-UPDATE: downloading more recent release " + updateVersion.url);
final File downloaded = yacyVersion.downloadRelease(updateVersion);
final boolean devenvironment = yacyVersion.combined2prettyVersion(sb.getConfig("version","0.1")).startsWith("dev");
if (devenvironment) {
log.logInfo("AUTO-UPDATE: omiting update because this is a development environment");
} else if ((downloaded == null) || (!downloaded.exists()) || (downloaded.length() == 0)) {
log.logInfo("AUTO-UPDATE: omiting update because download failed (file cannot be found or is too small)");
} else {
log.logInfo("AUTO-UPDATE: deploy and restart initiated");
// initiate broadcast about peer startup to spread supporter url
if (this.webIndex.newsPool.size(yacyNewsPool.OUTGOING_DB) == 0) {
// read profile
final Properties profile = new Properties();
FileInputStream fileIn = null;
try {
fileIn = new FileInputStream(new File("DATA/SETTINGS/profile.txt"));
} catch(final IOException e) {
} finally {
if (fileIn != null) try { fileIn.close(); } catch (final Exception e) {}
final String homepage = (String) profile.get("homepage");
if ((homepage != null) && (homepage.length() > 10)) {
final Properties news = new Properties();
news.put("homepage", profile.get("homepage"));
this.webIndex.newsPool.publishMyNews(yacyNewsRecord.newRecord(webIndex.seedDB.mySeed(), yacyNewsPool.CATEGORY_PROFILE_BROADCAST, news));
// update the cluster set
this.clusterhashes = this.webIndex.seedDB.clusterHashes(getConfig("cluster.peers.yacydomain", ""));
// after all clean up is done, check the resource usage
return hasDoneSomething;
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
this.log.logInfo("cleanupJob: Shutdown detected");
return false;
* With this function the crawling process can be paused
* @param jobType
public void pauseCrawlJob(final String jobType) {
final Object[] status = this.crawlJobsStatus.get(jobType);
synchronized(status[plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_SYNC]) {
status[plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_STATUS] = Boolean.TRUE;
setConfig(jobType + "_isPaused", "true");
* Continue the previously paused crawling
* @param jobType
public void continueCrawlJob(final String jobType) {
final Object[] status = this.crawlJobsStatus.get(jobType);
synchronized(status[plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_SYNC]) {
if (((Boolean)status[plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_STATUS]).booleanValue()) {
status[plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_STATUS] = Boolean.FALSE;
setConfig(jobType + "_isPaused", "false");
* @param jobType
* @return <code>true</code> if crawling was paused or <code>false</code> otherwise
public boolean crawlJobIsPaused(final String jobType) {
final Object[] status = this.crawlJobsStatus.get(jobType);
synchronized(status[plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_SYNC]) {
return ((Boolean)status[plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_STATUS]).booleanValue();
public indexingQueueEntry parseDocument(final indexingQueueEntry in) {
// debug
if (log.isFinest()) log.logFinest("PARSE "+ in.queueEntry.toString());
plasmaParserDocument document = null;
try {
document = parseDocument(in.queueEntry);
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
document = null;
} catch (final Exception e) {
document = null;
if (document == null) {
return null;
return new indexingQueueEntry(in.queueEntry, document, null);
private plasmaParserDocument parseDocument(final IndexingStack.QueueEntry entry) throws InterruptedException {
plasmaParserDocument document = null;
final int processCase = entry.processCase();
if (this.log.isFine()) log.logFine("processResourceStack processCase=" + processCase +
", depth=" + entry.depth() +
", maxDepth=" + ((entry.profile() == null) ? "null" : Integer.toString(entry.profile().generalDepth())) +
", filter=" + ((entry.profile() == null) ? "null" : entry.profile().generalFilter()) +
", initiatorHash=" + entry.initiator() +
//", responseHeader=" + ((entry.responseHeader() == null) ? "null" : entry.responseHeader().toString()) +
", url=" + entry.url()); // DEBUG
final long parsingStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
// parse the document
document = parser.parseSource(entry.url(), entry.getMimeType(), entry.getCharacterEncoding(), entry.cacheFile());
assert(document != null) : "Unexpected error. Parser returned null.";
if (document == null) return null;
} catch (final ParserException e) {
this.log.logInfo("Unable to parse the resource '" + entry.url() + "'. " + e.getMessage());
addURLtoErrorDB(entry.url(), entry.referrerHash(), entry.initiator(), entry.anchorName(), e.getErrorCode());
if (document != null) {
document = null;
return null;
final long parsingEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// get the document date
final Date docDate = entry.getModificationDate();
// put anchors on crawl stack
final long stackStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (
((processCase == plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PROCESSCASE_4_PROXY_LOAD) || (processCase == plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PROCESSCASE_5_LOCAL_CRAWLING)) &&
((entry.profile() == null) || (entry.depth() < entry.profile().generalDepth()))
) {
final Map<yacyURL, String> hl = document.getHyperlinks();
final Iterator<Map.Entry<yacyURL, String>> i = hl.entrySet().iterator();
yacyURL nextUrl;
Map.Entry<yacyURL, String> nextEntry;
while (i.hasNext()) {
// check for interruption
// fetching the next hyperlink
nextEntry =;
nextUrl = nextEntry.getKey();
// enqueue the hyperlink into the pre-notice-url db
crawlStacker.enqueueEntry(nextUrl, entry.urlHash(), entry.initiator(), nextEntry.getValue(), docDate, entry.depth() + 1, entry.profile());
final long stackEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (log.isInfo()) log.logInfo("CRAWL: ADDED " + hl.size() + " LINKS FROM " + entry.url().toNormalform(false, true) +
", NEW CRAWL STACK SIZE IS " + crawlQueues.noticeURL.stackSize(NoticedURL.STACK_TYPE_CORE) +
", STACKING TIME = " + (stackEndTime-stackStartTime) +
", PARSING TIME = " + (parsingEndTime-parsingStartTime));
return document;
public indexingQueueEntry condenseDocument(final indexingQueueEntry in) {
// debug
if (log.isFinest()) log.logFinest("CONDENSE "+ in.queueEntry.toString());
// strip out words and generate statistics
if (this.log.isFine()) log.logFine("Condensing for '" + in.queueEntry.url().toNormalform(false, true) + "'");
try {
plasmaCondenser condenser = new plasmaCondenser(in.document, in.queueEntry.profile().indexText(), in.queueEntry.profile().indexMedia());
// update image result list statistics
// its good to do this concurrently here, because it needs a DNS lookup
// to compute a URL hash which is necessary for a double-check
final CrawlProfile.entry profile = in.queueEntry.profile();
ResultImages.registerImages(in.document, (profile == null) ? true : !profile.remoteIndexing());
return new indexingQueueEntry(in.queueEntry, in.document, condenser);
} catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return null;
public indexingQueueEntry webStructureAnalysis(final indexingQueueEntry in) {
in.document.notifyWebStructure(webStructure, in.condenser, in.queueEntry.getModificationDate());
return in;
public void storeDocumentIndex(final indexingQueueEntry in) {
storeDocumentIndex(in.queueEntry, in.document, in.condenser);
private void storeDocumentIndex(final IndexingStack.QueueEntry queueEntry, final plasmaParserDocument document, final plasmaCondenser condenser) {
final String dc_title = document.dc_title();
final yacyURL referrerURL = queueEntry.referrerURL();
final int processCase = queueEntry.processCase();
// remove stopwords
log.logInfo("Excluded " + condenser.excludeWords(stopwords) + " words in URL " + queueEntry.url());
indexURLReference newEntry = null;
try {
newEntry = webIndex.storeDocument(queueEntry, document, condenser);
} catch (final IOException e) {
if (this.log.isFine()) log.logFine("Not Indexed Resource '" + queueEntry.url().toNormalform(false, true) + "': process case=" + processCase);
addURLtoErrorDB(queueEntry.url(), referrerURL.hash(), queueEntry.initiator(), dc_title, "error storing url: " + e.getMessage());
// update url result list statistics
newEntry, // loaded url db entry
queueEntry.initiator(), // initiator peer hash
this.webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().hash, // executor peer hash
processCase // process case
if ((!queueEntry.profile().indexText()) && (!queueEntry.profile().indexMedia())) {
if (this.log.isFine()) log.logFine("Not Indexed Resource '" + queueEntry.url().toNormalform(false, true) + "': process case=" + processCase);
addURLtoErrorDB(queueEntry.url(), referrerURL.hash(), queueEntry.initiator(), dc_title, ErrorURL.DENIED_UNKNOWN_INDEXING_PROCESS_CASE);
// increment number of indexed urls
// update profiling info
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastPPMUpdate > 30000) {
// we don't want to do this too often
serverProfiling.update("ppm", Long.valueOf(currentPPM()));
lastPPMUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis();
serverProfiling.update("indexed", queueEntry.url().toNormalform(true, false));
// if this was performed for a remote crawl request, notify requester
final yacySeed initiatorPeer = queueEntry.initiatorPeer();
if ((processCase == plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PROCESSCASE_6_GLOBAL_CRAWLING) && (initiatorPeer != null)) {
log.logInfo("Sending crawl receipt for '" + queueEntry.url().toNormalform(false, true) + "' to " + initiatorPeer.getName());
if (clusterhashes != null) initiatorPeer.setAlternativeAddress(clusterhashes.get(initiatorPeer.hash));
// start a thread for receipt sending to avoid a blocking here
new Thread(new receiptSending(initiatorPeer, newEntry)).start();
public class receiptSending implements Runnable {
yacySeed initiatorPeer;
indexURLReference reference;
public receiptSending(final yacySeed initiatorPeer, final indexURLReference reference) {
this.initiatorPeer = initiatorPeer;
this.reference = reference;
public void run() {
yacyClient.crawlReceipt(webIndex.seedDB.mySeed(), initiatorPeer, "crawl", "fill", "indexed", reference, "");
private static SimpleDateFormat DateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy");
public static String dateString(final Date date) {
if (date == null) return "";
return DateFormatter.format(date);
// we need locale independent RFC-822 dates at some places
private static SimpleDateFormat DateFormatter822 = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z", Locale.US);
public static String dateString822(final Date date) {
if (date == null) return "";
return DateFormatter822.format(date);
public serverObjects action(final String actionName, final serverObjects actionInput) {
// perform an action. (not used)
return null;
public String toString() {
// it is possible to use this method in the cgi pages.
// actually it is used there for testing purpose
return "PROPS: " + super.toString() + "; QUEUE: " + webIndex.queuePreStack.toString();
// method for index deletion
public int removeAllUrlReferences(final yacyURL url, final boolean fetchOnline) {
return removeAllUrlReferences(url.hash(), fetchOnline);
public int removeAllUrlReferences(final String urlhash, final boolean fetchOnline) {
// find all the words in a specific resource and remove the url reference from every word index
// finally, delete the url entry
if (urlhash == null) return 0;
// determine the url string
final indexURLReference entry = webIndex.getURL(urlhash, null, 0);
if (entry == null) return 0;
final indexURLReference.Components comp = entry.comp();
if (comp.url() == null) return 0;
InputStream resourceContent = null;
try {
// get the resource content
final Object[] resource = plasmaSnippetCache.getResource(comp.url(), fetchOnline, 10000, true, false);
if (resource == null) {
// delete just the url entry
return 0;
} else {
resourceContent = (InputStream) resource[0];
final Long resourceContentLength = (Long) resource[1];
// parse the resource
final plasmaParserDocument document = plasmaSnippetCache.parseDocument(comp.url(), resourceContentLength.longValue(), resourceContent);
// get the word set
Set<String> words = null;
try {
words = new plasmaCondenser(document, true, true).words().keySet();
} catch (final UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// delete all word references
int count = 0;
if (words != null) count = webIndex.removeWordReferences(words, urlhash);
// finally delete the url entry itself
return count;
} catch (final ParserException e) {
return 0;
} finally {
if (resourceContent != null) try { resourceContent.close(); } catch (final Exception e) {/* ignore this */}
public int adminAuthenticated(final httpRequestHeader requestHeader) {
// authorization for localhost, only if flag is set to grant localhost access as admin
final String clientIP = (String) requestHeader.get(httpRequestHeader.CONNECTION_PROP_CLIENTIP, "");
final String refererHost = requestHeader.refererHost();
final boolean accessFromLocalhost = serverCore.isLocalhost(clientIP) && (refererHost.length() == 0 || serverCore.isLocalhost(refererHost));
if (getConfigBool("adminAccountForLocalhost", false) && accessFromLocalhost) return 3; // soft-authenticated for localhost
// get the authorization string from the header
final String authorization = ((String) requestHeader.get(httpRequestHeader.AUTHORIZATION, "xxxxxx")).trim().substring(6);
// security check against too long authorization strings
if (authorization.length() > 256) return 0;
// authorization by encoded password, only for localhost access
final String adminAccountBase64MD5 = getConfig(httpd.ADMIN_ACCOUNT_B64MD5, "");
if (accessFromLocalhost && (adminAccountBase64MD5.equals(authorization))) return 3; // soft-authenticated for localhost
// authorization by hit in userDB
if (userDB.hasAdminRight((String) requestHeader.get(httpRequestHeader.AUTHORIZATION, "xxxxxx"), ((String) requestHeader.get(httpRequestHeader.CONNECTION_PROP_CLIENTIP, "")), requestHeader.getHeaderCookies())) return 4; //return, because 4=max
// authorization with admin keyword in configuration
return httpd.staticAdminAuthenticated(authorization, this);
public boolean verifyAuthentication(final httpRequestHeader header, final boolean strict) {
// handle access rights
switch (adminAuthenticated(header)) {
case 0: // wrong password given
try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { } // prevent brute-force
return false;
case 1: // no password given
return false;
case 2: // no password stored
return !strict;
case 3: // soft-authenticated for localhost only
return true;
case 4: // hard-authenticated, all ok
return true;
return false;
public void setPerformance(int wantedPPM) {
// we consider 3 cases here
// wantedPPM <= 10: low performance
// 10 < wantedPPM < 1000: custom performance
// 1000 <= wantedPPM : maximum performance
if (wantedPPM <= 10) wantedPPM = 10;
if (wantedPPM >= 6000) wantedPPM = 6000;
final int newBusySleep = 60000 / wantedPPM; // for wantedPPM = 10: 6000; for wantedPPM = 1000: 60
serverBusyThread thread;
thread = getThread(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST);
if (thread != null) {
setConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST_BUSYSLEEP , thread.setBusySleep(Math.max(2000, thread.setBusySleep(newBusySleep * 2))));
thread = getThread(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL);
if (thread != null) {
setConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.CRAWLJOB_LOCAL_CRAWL_BUSYSLEEP , thread.setBusySleep(newBusySleep));
thread = getThread(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PROXY_CACHE_ENQUEUE);
if (thread != null) {
setConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.PROXY_CACHE_ENQUEUE_BUSYSLEEP , thread.setBusySleep(0));
thread = getThread(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEXER);
if (thread != null) {
setConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEXER_BUSYSLEEP , thread.setBusySleep(newBusySleep / 8));
public static int accessFrequency(final HashMap<String, TreeSet<Long>> tracker, final String host) {
// returns the access frequency in queries per hour for a given host and a specific tracker
final long timeInterval = 1000 * 60 * 60;
final TreeSet<Long> accessSet = tracker.get(host);
if (accessSet == null) return 0;
return accessSet.tailSet(Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - timeInterval)).size();
public void startTransferWholeIndex(final yacySeed seed, final boolean delete) {
if (transferIdxThread == null) {
this.transferIdxThread = new plasmaDHTFlush(this.log, this.webIndex, seed, delete,
"true".equalsIgnoreCase(getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_TRANSFER_GZIP_BODY, "false")),
(int) getConfigLong(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT, 60000));
public void stopTransferWholeIndex(final boolean wait) {
if ((transferIdxThread != null) && (transferIdxThread.isAlive()) && (!transferIdxThread.isFinished())) {
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException e) { }
public void abortTransferWholeIndex(final boolean wait) {
if (transferIdxThread != null) {
if (!transferIdxThread.isFinished())
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException e) { }
transferIdxThread = null;
public String dhtShallTransfer() {
if (this.webIndex.seedDB == null) {
return "no DHT distribution: seedDB == null";
if (this.webIndex.seedDB.mySeed() == null) {
return "no DHT distribution: mySeed == null";
if (this.webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().isVirgin()) {
return "no DHT distribution: status is virgin";
if (this.webIndex.seedDB.noDHTActivity()) {
return "no DHT distribution: network too small";
if (!this.getConfigBool("network.unit.dht", true)) {
return "no DHT distribution: disabled by network.unit.dht";
if (getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST_ALLOW, "false").equalsIgnoreCase("false")) {
return "no DHT distribution: not enabled (ser setting)";
if (webIndex.countURL() < 10) {
return "no DHT distribution: loadedURL.size() = " + webIndex.countURL();
if (webIndex.size() < 100) {
return "no DHT distribution: not enough words - wordIndex.size() = " + webIndex.size();
if ((getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST_ALLOW_WHILE_CRAWLING, "false").equalsIgnoreCase("false")) && (crawlQueues.noticeURL.notEmpty())) {
return "no DHT distribution: crawl in progress: noticeURL.stackSize() = " + crawlQueues.noticeURL.size() + ", sbQueue.size() = " + webIndex.queuePreStack.size();
if ((getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST_ALLOW_WHILE_INDEXING, "false").equalsIgnoreCase("false")) && (webIndex.queuePreStack.size() > 1)) {
return "no DHT distribution: indexing in progress: noticeURL.stackSize() = " + crawlQueues.noticeURL.size() + ", sbQueue.size() = " + webIndex.queuePreStack.size();
return null; // this means; yes, please do dht transfer
public boolean dhtTransferJob() {
final String rejectReason = dhtShallTransfer();
if (rejectReason != null) {
if (this.log.isFine()) log.logFine(rejectReason);
return false;
if (this.dhtTransferChunk == null) {
if (this.log.isFine()) log.logFine("no DHT distribution: no transfer chunk defined");
return false;
if ((this.dhtTransferChunk != null) && (this.dhtTransferChunk.getStatus() != plasmaDHTChunk.chunkStatus_FILLED)) {
if (this.log.isFine()) log.logFine("no DHT distribution: index distribution is in progress, status=" + this.dhtTransferChunk.getStatus());
return false;
// do the transfer
final int peerCount = Math.max(1, (this.webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().isJunior()) ?
(int) getConfigLong("network.unit.dhtredundancy.junior", 1) :
(int) getConfigLong("network.unit.dhtredundancy.senior", 1)); // set redundancy factor
final long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis();
final boolean ok = dhtTransferProcess(dhtTransferChunk, peerCount);
final boolean success;
if (ok) {
if (this.log.isFine()) log.logFine("DHT distribution: transfer COMPLETE");
// adopt transfer count
if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime) > (10000 * peerCount)) {
} else {
if (dhtTransferChunk.indexCount() >= dhtTransferIndexCount) dhtTransferIndexCount++;
final int minChunkSize = (int) getConfigLong(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST_CHUNK_SIZE_MIN, 30);
final int maxChunkSize = (int) getConfigLong(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST_CHUNK_SIZE_MAX, 3000);
if (dhtTransferIndexCount < minChunkSize) dhtTransferIndexCount = minChunkSize;
if (dhtTransferIndexCount > maxChunkSize) dhtTransferIndexCount = maxChunkSize;
// show success
success = true;
} else {
final int maxChunkFails = (int) getConfigLong(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST_CHUNK_FAILS_MAX, 1);
if (dhtTransferChunk.getTransferFailedCounter() >= maxChunkFails) {
//System.out.println("DEBUG: " + dhtTransferChunk.getTransferFailedCounter() + " of " + maxChunkFails + " sendings failed for this chunk, aborting!");
if (this.log.isFine()) log.logFine("DHT distribution: transfer FAILED");
else {
//System.out.println("DEBUG: " + dhtTransferChunk.getTransferFailedCounter() + " of " + maxChunkFails + " sendings failed for this chunk, retrying!");
if (this.log.isFine()) log.logFine("DHT distribution: transfer FAILED, sending this chunk again");
success = false;
return success;
public boolean dhtTransferProcess(final plasmaDHTChunk dhtChunk, final int peerCount) {
if ((this.webIndex.seedDB == null) || (this.webIndex.seedDB.sizeConnected() == 0)) return false;
try {
// find a list of DHT-peers
final double maxDist = 0.3;
final ArrayList<yacySeed> seeds = webIndex.peerActions.dhtAction.getDHTTargets(webIndex.seedDB, log, peerCount, Math.min(8, (int) (this.webIndex.seedDB.sizeConnected() * maxDist)), dhtChunk.firstContainer().getWordHash(), dhtChunk.lastContainer().getWordHash(), maxDist);
if (seeds.size() < peerCount) {
log.logWarning("found not enough (" + seeds.size() + ") peers for distribution for dhtchunk [" + dhtChunk.firstContainer().getWordHash() + " .. " + dhtChunk.lastContainer().getWordHash() + "]");
return false;
// send away the indexes to all these peers
int hc1 = 0;
// getting distribution configuration values
final boolean gzipBody = getConfig(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST_GZIP_BODY, "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true");
final int timeout = (int)getConfigLong(plasmaSwitchboardConstants.INDEX_DIST_TIMEOUT, 60000);
final int retries = 0;
// starting up multiple DHT transfer threads
final Iterator<yacySeed> seedIter = seeds.iterator();
final ArrayList<plasmaDHTTransfer> transfer = new ArrayList<plasmaDHTTransfer>(peerCount);
while (hc1 < peerCount && (transfer.size() > 0 || seedIter.hasNext())) {
// starting up some transfer threads
final int transferThreadCount = transfer.size();
for (int i=0; i < peerCount-hc1-transferThreadCount; i++) {
// check for interruption
if (seedIter.hasNext()) {
final plasmaDHTTransfer t = new plasmaDHTTransfer(log, webIndex.seedDB, webIndex.peerActions,, dhtChunk,gzipBody,timeout,retries);
} else {
// waiting for the transfer threads to finish
final Iterator<plasmaDHTTransfer> transferIter = transfer.iterator();
while (transferIter.hasNext()) {
// check for interruption
final plasmaDHTTransfer t =;
if (!t.isAlive()) {
// remove finished thread from the list
// count successful transfers
if (t.getStatus() == plasmaDHTChunk.chunkStatus_COMPLETE) {
this.log.logInfo("DHT distribution: transfer to peer " + t.getSeed().getName() + " finished.");
if (hc1 < peerCount) Thread.sleep(100);
// clean up and finish with deletion of indexes
if (hc1 >= peerCount) {
// success
return true;
this.log.logSevere("Index distribution failed. Too few peers (" + hc1 + ") received the index, not deleted locally.");
return false;
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
return false;
private void addURLtoErrorDB(
final yacyURL url,
final String referrerHash,
final String initiator,
final String name,
final String failreason
) {
assert initiator != null;
// create a new errorURL DB entry
final CrawlEntry bentry = new CrawlEntry(
(name == null) ? "" : name,
new Date(),
final ZURL.Entry ee = crawlQueues.errorURL.newEntry(
bentry, initiator, new Date(),
0, failreason);
// store the entry
// push it onto the stack
public int currentPPM() {
final long uptime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - serverCore.startupTime) / 1000;
final long uptimediff = uptime - lastseedcheckuptime;
final long indexedcdiff = indexedPages - lastindexedPages;
totalPPM = (int) (indexedPages * 60 / Math.max(uptime, 1));
return Math.round(Math.max(indexedcdiff, 0f) * 60f / Math.max(uptimediff, 1f));
public void updateMySeed() {
if (getConfig("peerName", "anomic").equals("anomic")) {
// generate new peer name
setConfig("peerName", yacySeed.makeDefaultPeerName());
webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().put(yacySeed.NAME, getConfig("peerName", "nameless"));
webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().put(yacySeed.PORT, Integer.toString(serverCore.getPortNr(getConfig("port", "8080"))));
final long uptime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - serverCore.startupTime) / 1000;
final long uptimediff = uptime - lastseedcheckuptime;
final long indexedcdiff = indexedPages - lastindexedPages;
//double requestcdiff = requestedQueries - lastrequestedQueries;
if (uptimediff > 300 || uptimediff <= 0 || lastseedcheckuptime == -1 ) {
lastseedcheckuptime = uptime;
lastindexedPages = indexedPages;
lastrequestedQueries = requestedQueries;
//the speed of indexing (pages/minute) of the peer
totalPPM = (int) (indexedPages * 60 / Math.max(uptime, 1));
webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().put(yacySeed.ISPEED, Long.toString(Math.round(Math.max(indexedcdiff, 0f) * 60f / Math.max(uptimediff, 1f))));
totalQPM = requestedQueries * 60d / Math.max(uptime, 1d);
webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().put(yacySeed.RSPEED, Double.toString(totalQPM /*Math.max((float) requestcdiff, 0f) * 60f / Math.max((float) uptimediff, 1f)*/ ));
webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().put(yacySeed.UPTIME, Long.toString(uptime/60)); // the number of minutes that the peer is up in minutes/day (moving average MA30)
webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().put(yacySeed.LCOUNT, Integer.toString(webIndex.countURL())); // the number of links that the peer has stored (LURL's)
webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().put(yacySeed.NCOUNT, Integer.toString(crawlQueues.noticeURL.size())); // the number of links that the peer has noticed, but not loaded (NURL's)
webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().put(yacySeed.RCOUNT, Integer.toString(crawlQueues.noticeURL.stackSize(NoticedURL.STACK_TYPE_LIMIT))); // the number of links that the peer provides for remote crawling (ZURL's)
webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().put(yacySeed.ICOUNT, Integer.toString(webIndex.size())); // the minimum number of words that the peer has indexed (as it says)
webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().put(yacySeed.SCOUNT, Integer.toString(webIndex.seedDB.sizeConnected())); // the number of seeds that the peer has stored
webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().put(yacySeed.CCOUNT, Double.toString(((int) ((webIndex.seedDB.sizeConnected() + webIndex.seedDB.sizeDisconnected() + webIndex.seedDB.sizePotential()) * 60.0 / (uptime + 1.01)) * 100) / 100.0)); // the number of clients that the peer connects (as connects/hour)
webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().put(yacySeed.VERSION, getConfig("version", ""));
webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().put(yacySeed.UTC, serverDate.UTCDiffString());
webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().setFlagAcceptRemoteCrawl(getConfig("crawlResponse", "").equals("true"));
webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().setFlagAcceptRemoteIndex(getConfig("allowReceiveIndex", "").equals("true"));
public void loadSeedLists() {
// uses the superseed to initialize the database with known seeds
yacySeed ys;
String seedListFileURL;
yacyURL url;
ArrayList<String> seedList;
Iterator<String> enu;
int lc;
final int sc = webIndex.seedDB.sizeConnected();
httpResponseHeader header;
yacyCore.log.logInfo("BOOTSTRAP: " + sc + " seeds known from previous run");
// - use the superseed to further fill up the seedDB
int ssc = 0, c = 0;
while (true) {
if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) break;
seedListFileURL = sb.getConfig("network.unit.bootstrap.seedlist" + c, "");
if (seedListFileURL.length() == 0) break;
if (
seedListFileURL.startsWith("http://") ||
) {
// load the seed list
try {
final httpRequestHeader reqHeader = new httpRequestHeader();
reqHeader.put(httpRequestHeader.PRAGMA, "no-cache");
reqHeader.put(httpRequestHeader.CACHE_CONTROL, "no-cache");
reqHeader.put(httpRequestHeader.USER_AGENT, HTTPLoader.yacyUserAgent);
url = new yacyURL(seedListFileURL, null);
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
header = HttpClient.whead(url.toString(), reqHeader);
final long loadtime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
if (header == null) {
if (loadtime > getConfigLong("bootstrapLoadTimeout", 6000)) {
yacyCore.log.logWarning("BOOTSTRAP: seed-list URL " + seedListFileURL + " not available, time-out after " + loadtime + " milliseconds");
} else {
yacyCore.log.logWarning("BOOTSTRAP: seed-list URL " + seedListFileURL + " not available, no content");
} else if (header.lastModified() == null) {
yacyCore.log.logWarning("BOOTSTRAP: seed-list URL " + seedListFileURL + " not usable, last-modified is missing");
} else if ((header.age() > 86400000) && (ssc > 0)) {
yacyCore.log.logInfo("BOOTSTRAP: seed-list URL " + seedListFileURL + " too old (" + (header.age() / 86400000) + " days)");
} else {
final byte[] content = HttpClient.wget(url.toString(), reqHeader, (int) getConfigLong("bootstrapLoadTimeout", 20000));
seedList = nxTools.strings(content, "UTF-8");
enu = seedList.iterator();
lc = 0;
while (enu.hasNext()) {
ys = yacySeed.genRemoteSeed(, null, false);
if ((ys != null) &&
((!webIndex.seedDB.mySeedIsDefined()) || !webIndex.seedDB.mySeed().hash.equals(ys.hash))) {
if (webIndex.peerActions.connectPeer(ys, false)) lc++;
//seedDB.writeMap(ys.hash, ys.getMap(), "init");
//System.out.println("BOOTSTRAP: received peer " + ys.get(yacySeed.NAME, "anonymous") + "/" + ys.getAddress());
yacyCore.log.logInfo("BOOTSTRAP: " + lc + " seeds from seed-list URL " + seedListFileURL + ", AGE=" + (header.age() / 3600000) + "h");
} catch (final IOException e) {
// this is when wget fails, commonly because of timeout
yacyCore.log.logWarning("BOOTSTRAP: failed (1) to load seeds from seed-list URL " + seedListFileURL + ": " + e.getMessage());
} catch (final Exception e) {
// this is when wget fails; may be because of missing internet connection
yacyCore.log.logSevere("BOOTSTRAP: failed (2) to load seeds from seed-list URL " + seedListFileURL + ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
yacyCore.log.logInfo("BOOTSTRAP: " + (webIndex.seedDB.sizeConnected() - sc) + " new seeds while bootstraping.");
public void checkInterruption() throws InterruptedException {
final Thread curThread = Thread.currentThread();
if ((curThread instanceof serverThread) && ((serverThread)curThread).shutdownInProgress()) throw new InterruptedException("Shutdown in progress ...");
else if (this.terminate || curThread.isInterrupted()) throw new InterruptedException("Shutdown in progress ...");
public void terminate(final long delay) {
if (delay <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The shutdown delay must be greater than 0.");
(new delayedShutdown(this,delay)).start();
public void terminate() {
this.terminate = true;
public boolean isTerminated() {
return this.terminate;
public boolean waitForShutdown() throws InterruptedException {
return this.terminate;
* loads the url as Map
* Strings like abc=123 are parsed as pair: abc => 123
* @param url
* @return
public static Map<String, String> loadHashMap(final yacyURL url) {
try {
// sending request
final httpRequestHeader reqHeader = new httpRequestHeader();
reqHeader.put(httpRequestHeader.USER_AGENT, HTTPLoader.yacyUserAgent);
final HashMap<String, String> result = nxTools.table(HttpClient.wget(url.toString(), reqHeader, 10000), "UTF-8");
if (result == null) return new HashMap<String, String>();
return result;
} catch (final Exception e) {
return new HashMap<String, String>();
class MoreMemory extends TimerTask {
public final void run() {
serverMemory.gc(10000, "MoreMemory()");
class delayedShutdown extends Thread {
private final plasmaSwitchboard sb;
private final long delay;
public delayedShutdown(final plasmaSwitchboard sb, final long delay) {
| = sb;
this.delay = delay;
public void run() {
try {
} catch (final InterruptedException e) {
sb.getLog().logInfo("interrupted delayed shutdown");