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9 years ago | |
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Dockerfile.alpine | ||
Readme.md | 9 years ago | |
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Yacy Docker image from latest sources
Supported tags and respective Dockerfiles
- latest (Dockerfile)
- lastet-alpine (Dockerfile.alpine)
Getting built image from Docker Hub
docker pull luccioman/yacy
Repository URL : (https://hub.docker.com/r/luccioman/yacy/)
Building image yourself
Using yacy_search_server/docker/Dockerfile :
cd yacy_search_server/docker
docker build .
Image variants
This image is based on latest stable official Debian java image provided by Docker. Embed Yacy compiled from latest git repository sources.
This image is based on latest stable official Alpine Linux java image provided by Docker. Embed Yacy compiled from latest git repository sources.
Default admin account
login : admin
password : docker
You should modify this default password with page /ConfigAccounts_p.html when exposing publicly your YaCy container.
First start
Most basic
docker run luccioman/yacy
YaCy web interface is then exposed at http://[container_ip]:8090.
You can retrieve the container IP address with docker inspect
Easier to handle
docker run --name yacy -p 8090:8090 --log-opt max-size=100m --log-opt max-file=2 luccioman/yacy
Options detail
- --name : allow easier management of your container (without it, docker automatically generate a new name at each startup).
- -p : map host port and container port, allowing web interface access through the usual http://localhost:8090.
- --log-opt max-size : limit maximum docker log file size for this container
- --log-opt max-file : limit number of docker rotated log files for this container
Note : if you do not specify the log related options, when running a YaCy container 24hour a day with default log level, your Docker container log file will grow up to some giga bytes in a few days!
Handle persistent data volume
As configured in the Dockerfile, by default yacy data (in /opt/yacy_search_server/DATA) will persist after container stop or deletion, in a volume with an automatically generated id.
But you may map a host directory to hold yacy data in container :
docker run -v [/your_host/data/directory]:/opt/yacy_search_server/DATA luccioman/yacy
Or just use a volume label to help identify it later
docker run -v yacy_volume:/opt/yacy_search_server/DATA luccioman/yacy
Note that you can list all docker volumes with :
docker volume ls
As background process
docker run -d luccioman/yacy
Next starts
As attached process
docker start -a yacy
As background process
docker start yacy
Use "Shutdown" button in administration web interface
OR run :
docker exec [your_container_name] /opt/yacy_search_server/stopYACY.sh
You can upgrade your YaCy container the Docker way with the following commands sequence.
Get latest Docker image :
docker pull luccioman/yacy:latest
OR docker pull luccioman/yacy:latest-alpine
Create new container based on pulled image, using volume data from old container :
docker create --name [tmp-container_name] -p 8090:8090 --volumes-from=[container_name] luccioman/yacy:latest
Stop old container :
docker exec [container_name] /opt/yacy_search_server/stopYACY.sh
Start new container :
docker start [tmp-container_name]
Check everything works fine, then you can delete old container :
docker rm [container_name]
Rename new container to reuse same container name :
docker rename [tmp-container_name] [container_name]
View license information for the software contained in this image.