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<title>YaCy: Download</title>
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<p>A first alpha version is available. Please consider that the application may behave not yet really performant, nor always correct. The basic functionality is available, but may contain bugs. Please see also the releases' 'wishlist.txt' with the list of all not-yet implemented features and known bugs.
<p>download steps:</p><br>
<h3>1st Step: Agree With License</h3>
<p>If you download the software, you must agree to the applications GPL-based <a href="License.html">license</a>.</p><br>
<h3>2nd Step: Install Java</h3>
<p>To run YaCy, you need an installation and/or support for Java2.
You can <a href="">download the Java Runtime Environment "JRE"</a> from the <a href="">Sun Microsystems Java Page</a></p><br>
<h3>3rd Step: Download YaCy</h3>
<p>The Release comes in different flavours: a general one with application wrappers for Unix/Linux, Macintosh OS X and Windows, and a specialized Windows version with Windows installer. Please choose from either one.
<p><b>Latest Release:</b>
The latest YaCy release version is @REPL_VERSION@<br>
Download the <a href="">generic (all platforms with J2SE 1.4: Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Solaris) YaCy @REPL_VERSION@</a> here.<br>
If you want to install YaCy on Windows, you can use the convenient <a href="">Windows-Installer-Version of YaCy 0.37</a>.
<p>YaCy is also hosted on <a href="">yacy@BerliOS</a> and <a href=""></a>.
<p><table bgcolor="#EEEEEE" width="100%"><tr><td>
<fieldset><legend><b>All current and historic releases:</b></legend>
<font size="1">Please use one of the latest release for production.</font><br>
<object classid="f" data="/cgi-bin/sitexplorer.cgi?/yacy/release/" type="text/html" width="100%" height="160" border="2">
<h3>4th Step: Proceed With Installation</h3>
<p>Please go to the <a href="Installation.html">installation page</a>.
<b>If you upgrade from a previous version of YaCy, please migrate your data</b>
(simply move the DATA directory to your new application directory).</p><br>
<h3>Final Step: Your Contribution is Appreciated</h3>
<p>Open-Source/Freeware needs your contribution!<ul></ul>
Even if you are a non-programmer or first-time user of this software, <b>you</b> can help to
<li>improve and extend functionality,</li>
<li>ease-of-use and
of this distribution by
<li>giving feed-back,</li>
<li>report bugs,</li>
<li>suggest new functions or</li>
<li>even get your hands on the source code or documentation.</li>
When you find a bug, please help to further improve the application by sending me a bug-report.
The report should describe a complete set of actions that are necessary to reproduce the error.
Please contact me <a href="Contact.html">here</a>. Thank you!</p>
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