You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
447 lines
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447 lines
12 KiB
## this is a list of all solr keys for the default index 'collection1', the fulltext search index
## this complete list of keys can be changed; the actual schema is stored in:
## DATA/SETTINGS/solr.collection.schema
## the syntax of this file:
## - all lines beginning with '##' are comments
## - all non-empty lines not beginning with '#' are keyword lines
## - all lines beginning with '#' and where the second character is not '#' are commented-out keyword lines
### mandatory values, do not disable them, YaCy won't work without them
## primary key of document, the URL hash, string (mandatory field)
##url of document, string (mandatory field)
## last-modified from http header, date (mandatory field)
## mime-type of document, string (mandatory field)
## content of title tag, text (mandatory field)
## the 64 bit hash of the org.apache.solr.update.processor.Lookup3Signature of title, used to compute title_unique_b
## flag shows if title is unique in the whole index; if yes and another document appears with same title, the unique-flag is set to false, boolean
## id of the host, a 6-byte hash that is part of the document id (mandatory field)
## the md5 of the raw source (mandatory field)
## the 64 bit hash of the org.apache.solr.update.processor.Lookup3Signature of text_t
## flag shows if exact_signature_l is unique at the time of document creation, used for double-check during search
## 64 bit of the Lookup3Signature from EnhancedTextProfileSignature of text_t
## intermediate data produced in EnhancedTextProfileSignature: a list of word frequencies
## flag shows if fuzzy_signature_l is unique at the time of document creation, used for double-check during search
## the size of the raw source (mandatory field)
## fail reason if a page was not loaded. if the page was loaded then this field is empty, string (mandatory field)
## fail type if a page was not loaded. This field is either empty, 'excl' or 'fail'
## html status return code (i.e. "200" for ok), -1 if not loaded (see content of failreason_t for this case), int (mandatory field)
## redirect url if the error code is 299 < httpstatus_i < 310
## number of unique http references, should be equal to references_internal_i + references_external_i
## number of unique http references from same host to referenced url
## number of unique http references from external hosts
## number of external hosts which provide http references
## depth of web page according to number of clicks from the 'main' page, which is the page that appears if only the host is entered as url
## needed (post-)processing steps on this metadata set
### optional but highly recommended values, part of the index distribution process
## time when resource was loaded
## date until resource shall be considered as fresh
## id of the referrer to this document, discovered during crawling
## the name of the publisher of the document
## the language used in the document
## number of links to audio resources
## number of links to video resources
## number of links to application resources
### optional but highly recommended values, not part of the index distribution process
## tags that are attached to crawls/index generation to separate the search result into user-defined subsets
## geospatial point in degrees of latitude,longitude as declared in WSG84, location; this creates two additional subfields, coordinate_p_0_coordinate (latitude) and coordinate_p_1_coordinate (longitude)
## content of author-tag, texgen
## content of description-tag, text
## the 64 bit hash of the org.apache.solr.update.processor.Lookup3Signature of description, used to compute description_unique_b
## flag shows if description is unique in the whole index; if yes and another document appears with same description, the unique-flag is set to false, boolean
## content of keywords tag; words are separated by space
## character encoding, string
## number of words in visible area, int
## total number of inbound links, int
## number of inbound links with nofollow tag, int
## external number of inbound links, int
## number of external links with nofollow tag, int
## number of images, int
## response time of target server in milliseconds, int
## all visible text, text
## additional synonyms to the words in the text
## h1 header
## h2 header
## h3 header
## h4 header
## h5 header
## h6 header
### optional values, not part of standard YaCy handling (but useful for external applications)
## ip of host of url (after DNS lookup), string
## tags of css entries, normalized with absolute URL
## urls of css entries, normalized with absolute URL
## number of css entries, int
## urls of script entries, normalized with absolute URL
## number of entries in scripts_sxt, int
## encoded as binary value into an integer:
## bit 0: "all" contained in html header meta
## bit 1: "index" contained in html header meta
## bit 2: "noindex" contained in html header meta
## bit 3: "nofollow" contained in html header meta
## bit 8: "noarchive" contained in http header properties
## bit 9: "nosnippet" contained in http header properties
## bit 10: "noindex" contained in http header properties
## bit 11: "nofollow" contained in http header properties
## bit 12: "unavailable_after" contained in http header properties
## content of <meta name="robots" content=#content#> tag and the "X-Robots-Tag" HTTP property
## content of <meta name="generator" content=#content#> tag, text
## internal links, only the protocol
## internal links, the url only without the protocol
## external links, only the protocol
## external links, the url only without the protocol
## all image tags, encoded as <img> tag inclusive alt- and title property
## all image links without the protocol and '://'
## all image link protocols
## all image link alt tag
## number of image links with alt tag
## binary pattern for the existance of h1..h6 headlines, int
## url inside the canonical link element, string
## flag shows if the url in canonical_t is equal to sku, boolean
## link from the url property inside the refresh link element, string
## all texts in <li> tags
## number of <li> tags, int
## all texts inside of <b> or <strong> tags. no doubles. listed in the order of number of occurrences in decreasing order
## number of occurrences of texts in bold_txt
## total number of occurrences of <b> or <strong>, int
## all texts inside of <i> tags. no doubles. listed in the order of number of occurrences in decreasing order
## number of occurrences of texts in italic_txt
## total number of occurrences of <i>, int
## all texts inside of <u> tags. no doubles. listed in the order of number of occurrences in decreasing order
## number of occurrences of texts in underline_txt
## total number of occurrences of <u>, int
## flag that shows if a swf file is linked, boolean
## list of all links to frames
## number of attr_frames, int
## list of all links to iframes
## number of attr_iframes, int
## url of the hreflang link tag, see
## country code of the hreflang link tag, see
## page navigation url, see
## page navigation rel property value, can contain one of {top,up,next,prev,first,last}
## publisher url as defined in
## the protocol of the url
## all path elements in the url
## the file name extension
## number of key-value pairs in search part of the url
## the keys from key-value pairs in the search part of the url
## the values from key-value pairs in the search part of the url
## number of all characters in the url == length of sku field
## host of the url, string
## the Domain Class Name, either the TLD or a combination of ccSLD+TLD if a ccSLD is used.
## either the second level domain or, if a ccSLD is used, the third level domain
## the organization and dnc concatenated with '.'
## the remaining part of the host without organizationdnc
## number of documents from the same host; can be used to measure references_internal_i for likelihood computation, integer
## number of titles (counting the 'title' field) in the document
## number of characters for each title
## number of words in each title
## number of descriptions in the document. Its not counting the 'description' field since there is only one. But it counts the number of descriptions that appear in the document (if any)
## number of characters for each description
## number of words in each description
## number of h1..h6 header lines
## breadcrumbs, see; this is a counter how many itemprop="breadcrumb" properties in div tags appears within a page
## Open Graph Metadata field, see
## citation ranking
## the number of documents within a single host
## the chance to click on this page when randomly clicking on links within on one host
## normalization of chance: 0 for lower halve of cr_host_count_i urls, 1 for 1/2 of the remaining and so on. the maximum number is 10
## names of cms attributes; if several are recognized then they are listen in decreasing order of number of matching criterias
## number of attributes that count for a specific cms in attr_cms
## names of ad-servers/ad-services
## number of attributes counts in attr_ads
## names of recognized community functions
## number of attribute counts in attr_community
## names of map services
## number of attribute counts in attr_maps
## names of tracker server
## number of attribute counts in attr_tracker
## names matching title expressions
## number of matching title expressions