// wikiParser.java // --------- // part of YaCy // (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net // first published on http://www.anomic.de // Frankfurt, Germany, 2007 // Created 22.02.2007 // // This file is contributed by Franz Brausze // // $LastChangedDate: $ // $LastChangedRevision: $ // $LastChangedBy: $ // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA package de.anomic.data.wiki; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import de.anomic.data.wiki.tokens.DefinitionListToken; import de.anomic.data.wiki.tokens.LinkToken; import de.anomic.data.wiki.tokens.ListToken; import de.anomic.data.wiki.tokens.SimpleToken; import de.anomic.data.wiki.tokens.TableToken; import de.anomic.data.wiki.tokens.Token; import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSwitchboard; public class knwikiParser implements wikiParser { public Token[] tokens; private String[] BEs; private final plasmaSwitchboard sb; public knwikiParser(final plasmaSwitchboard sb) { this.sb = sb; } public static void main(final String[] args) { final String text = "===T<pre>itle===\n" + "==blubb== was ==ein '''shice'''==...och.bla\n" + "* ein \n" + "*==test=</pre>=\n" + "** doppelt\n" + "* ''tess*sst''\n" + "*** xyz\n" + "=]*** huch\n" + "* ehehe***\n" + "* blubb\n" + "bliblablo\n\n\n" + "* blubb\n" + "{|border=-1\n" + "|-\n" + "||bla|| blubb\n" + "|-\n" + "||align center|och||huch||\n" + "|}\n" + "\n" + "# bla\n" + "# blubb\n" + "'''''ehehehe''''', ne?!\n" + "[http://www/index.html,ne?!] -\n" + "[[Image:blubb|BLA]] ---- och\n" + " blubb1\n" + " blubb2\n" + ":doppel-blubb[= huch =]\n" + ";hier:da\n" + ";dort:und so\n" + ";;und:doppelt\n\n\n\n" + "[[Image:blubb|BLA]]"; // text = "[=\n=]* bla"; String t = "[=] ein fucking [= test =]-text[=,ne?!=] joa, [=alles=]wunderbar," + "[=denk ich=] mal =]"; final long l = System.currentTimeMillis(); t = new knwikiParser(null).parse((args.length > 0) ? args[0] : text, "localhost:8080"); System.out.println("parsing time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - l) + " ms"); System.out.println("--- --- ---"); System.out.println(t); } public String transform(final String content) { return parse(content, null); } public String transform(final String content, final plasmaSwitchboard sb) { return parse(content, null); } public String transform(final byte[] content) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { return parse(new String(content, "UTF-8"), null); } public String transform( final byte[] content, final String encoding, final plasmaSwitchboard switchboard) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { return parse(new String(content, encoding), null); } public String transform(final byte[] content, final String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { return parse(new String(content, encoding), null); } public String transform(final byte[] text, final String encoding, final String publicAddress) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { return parse(new String(text, encoding), publicAddress); } public String transform(final String text, final String publicAddress) { return parse(text, publicAddress); } public String parse(String text, final String publicAddress) { tokens = new Token[] { new SimpleToken('=', '=', new String[][] { null, { "h2" }, { "h3" }, { "h4" } }, true), new SimpleToken('\'', '\'', new String[][] { null, { "i" }, { "b" }, null, { "b", "i" } }, false), new LinkToken((publicAddress == null) ? sb.webIndex.peers().mySeed().getPublicAddress() : publicAddress, "Wiki.html?page=", sb), new ListToken('*', "ul"), new ListToken('#', "ol"), new ListToken(':', "blockquote", null), new ListToken(' ', null, "tt", false), new DefinitionListToken(), new TableToken() }; final ArrayList<String> r = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0, k, j; i < tokens.length; i++) if (tokens[i].getBlockElementNames() != null) for (j = 0; j < tokens[i].getBlockElementNames().length; j++) { if (tokens[i].getBlockElementNames()[j] == null) continue; if ((k = tokens[i].getBlockElementNames()[j].indexOf(' ')) > 1) { r.add(tokens[i].getBlockElementNames()[j].substring(0, k)); } else { r.add(tokens[i].getBlockElementNames()[j]); } } r.add("hr"); BEs = r.toArray(new String[r.size()]); Text[] tt = Text.split2Texts(text, "[=", "=]"); for (int i=0; i<tt.length; i+=2) tt[i].setText(parseUnescaped(tt[i].getText())); text = Text.mergeTexts(tt); tt = Text.split2Texts(text, "<pre>", "</pre>"); for (int i=0; i<tt.length; i+=2) tt[i].setText(replaceBRs(tt[i].getText())); return Text.mergeTexts(tt); } public String parseUnescaped(String text) { Token st; Matcher m; StringBuffer sb; for (int i=0; i<tokens.length; i++) { st = tokens[i]; for (int j=0; j<st.getRegex().length; j++) { m = st.getRegex()[j].matcher(text); sb = new StringBuffer(); while (m.find()) try { //System.out.print("found " + st.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + // m.group().replaceAll("\n", "\\\\n").replaceAll("\t", " ") + ", "); if (!st.setText(m.group(), j)) { // System.out.println("not usable"); continue; //} else { // System.out.println("usable"); } m.appendReplacement(sb, (st.getMarkup() == null) ? m.group() : st.getMarkup()); } catch (final wikiParserException e) { m.appendReplacement(sb, st.getText()); } text = new String(m.appendTail(sb)); } } return text.replaceAll("----", "<hr />"); } private String replaceBRs(final String text) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(text.length()); final String[] tt = text.split("\n"); boolean replace; for (int i=0, j; i<tt.length; i++) { replace = true; for (j=0; j<BEs.length; j++) if (tt[i].endsWith(BEs[j] + ">")) { replace = false; break; } sb.append(tt[i]); if (i < tt.length - 1) { if (replace) sb.append("<br />"); sb.append("\n"); } } return new String(sb); } private static class Text { public static final String escapeNewLine = "@"; private String text; private final boolean escaped; private final boolean nl; public Text(final String text, final boolean escaped, final boolean newLineBefore) { this.text = text; this.escaped = escaped; this.nl = newLineBefore; } public String setTextPlain(final String text) { return this.text = text; } public String setText(final String text) { if (this.nl) this.text = text.substring(escapeNewLine.length()); else this.text = text; return this.text; } public String getTextPlain() { return this.text; } public String getText() { if (this.nl) return escapeNewLine + this.text; return this.text; } public String toString() { return this.text; } public boolean isEscaped() { return this.escaped; } public boolean isNewLineBefore() { return this.nl; } static Text[] split2Texts(final String text, final String escapeBegin, final String escapeEnd) { if (text == null) return null; if (text.length() < 2) return new Text[] { new Text(text, false, true) }; final int startLen = escapeBegin.length(); final int endLen = escapeEnd.length(); final ArrayList<Text> r = new ArrayList<Text>(); boolean escaped = text.startsWith(escapeBegin); if (escaped) r.add(new Text("", false, true)); int i, j = 0; while ((i = text.indexOf((escaped) ? escapeEnd : escapeBegin, j)) > -1) { r.add(resolve2Text(text, escaped, (j > 0) ? j + ((escaped) ? startLen : endLen) : 0, i, escapeEnd)); j = i; escaped = !escaped; } r.add(resolve2Text(text, escaped, (escaped) ? j : (j > 0) ? j + endLen : 0, -1, escapeEnd)); return r.toArray(new Text[r.size()]); } private static Text resolve2Text(final String text, final boolean escaped, final int from, int to, final String escapeEnd) { if (to == -1) to = text.length(); return new Text( text.substring(from, to), escaped, from < escapeEnd.length() + 2 || (!escaped && text.charAt(from - escapeEnd.length() - 1) == '\n')); } static String mergeTexts(final Text[] texts) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(2000); for (int n=0; n < texts.length; n++) sb.append(texts[n].getTextPlain()); return new String(sb); } } }