package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.ASCII; import; import net.yacy.cora.federate.yacy.CacheStrategy; import net.yacy.cora.protocol.Domains; import net.yacy.cora.util.CommonPattern; import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog; import; import; import; import; public class TextSnippetTest { // declare some required parameter final CacheStrategy cacheStrategy = CacheStrategy.CACHEONLY; final boolean pre = true; final int snippetMaxLength = SearchEvent.SNIPPET_MAX_LENGTH; final boolean reindexing = false; SolrDocument doc; public TextSnippetTest() { } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { // prepare a empty test document doc = new SolrDocument(); DigestURL url = new DigestURL("http://localhost/page.html"); doc.addField(, ASCII.String(url.hash())); doc.addField(, url.toNormalform(false)); // for testcases add other fields // fields involved in snippet extraction: // url, title, keywords, author, text_t } @Test public void testTextSnippet() throws MalformedURLException { URIMetadataNode testpage = new URIMetadataNode(doc); testpage.addField(, "New test case"); testpage.addField(, "junit"); testpage.addField(, "test author"); testpage.addField(, "A new testcase has been introduced. " + "It includes a few test lines and one line that should match."); String querywords = "testcase line"; QueryGoal qg = new QueryGoal(querywords); TextSnippet ts = new TextSnippet( null, testpage, qg.getIncludeWordsSet(), qg.getIncludeHashes(), cacheStrategy, pre, snippetMaxLength, reindexing ); String rstr = ts.getError(); assertEquals("testTextSnippet Error Code: ", "", rstr); String[] wordlist = CommonPattern.SPACE.split(querywords); rstr = ts.toString(); System.out.println("testTextSnippet: query=" + querywords); System.out.println("testTextSnippet: snippet=" + rstr); // check words included in snippet for (String word : wordlist) { assertTrue("testTextSnippet word included " + word, rstr.contains(word)); } } /** * Test of getLineMarked method, of class TextSnippet. */ @Test public void testGetLineMarked() throws MalformedURLException { URIMetadataNode testpage = new URIMetadataNode(doc); testpage.addField(, "New test case"); testpage.addField(, "junit"); testpage.addField(, "test author"); testpage.addField(, "A new testcase has been introduced. " + "It includes a few test lines and one line that should match."); String querywords = "testcase line"; QueryGoal qg = new QueryGoal(querywords); TextSnippet ts = new TextSnippet( null, testpage, qg.getIncludeWordsSet(), qg.getIncludeHashes(), cacheStrategy, pre, snippetMaxLength, reindexing ); String rstr = ts.getError(); assertEquals("testGetLineMarked Error Code: ", "", rstr); // check words marked in snippet rstr = ts.getLineMarked(qg); System.out.println("testGetLineMarked: query=" + querywords); System.out.println("testGetLineMarked: snippet=" + rstr); String[] wordlist = CommonPattern.SPACE.split(querywords); for (String wordstr : wordlist) { assertTrue("testGetLineMarked marked word " + wordstr, rstr.contains("" + wordstr + "")); } } /** * Test of descriptionline method, of class TextSnippet. * checking poper encoding of remaining html in raw snippet line. */ @Test public void testDescriptionline() throws MalformedURLException { String rawtestline = "Über großer test case

"; // test line with html, risk of snippet format issue DigestURL url = new DigestURL("http://localhost/page.html"); QueryGoal qg = new QueryGoal("test"); // test with raw line (no marking added by YaCy) TextSnippet ts = new TextSnippet( url, rawtestline, true, // isMarked, TextSnippet.ResultClass.SOURCE_METADATA, ""); String sniptxt = ts.descriptionline(qg); // snippet text for display System.out.println("testDescriptionline: snippet=" + sniptxt); assertFalse ("HTML code not allowed in snippet text",sniptxt.contains("
")); // display text not to include unwanted html

        // test with marking of query word
         ts = new TextSnippet(
            false, // isMarked,
            TextSnippet.ResultClass.SOURCE_METADATA, "");

        sniptxt = ts.descriptionline(qg);
        System.out.println("testDescriptionline: snippet=" + sniptxt);
        assertFalse ("HTML code not allowed in snippet text",sniptxt.contains("
")); // display text not to include unwanted html
        assertTrue ("Query word not marked", sniptxt.contains("test")); // query word to be marked

        // test text with some numbers (english/german format)
        rawtestline = "Test Version 1.83 calculates pi to 3,14 always";
        ts = new TextSnippet(
            false, // isMarked,
            TextSnippet.ResultClass.SOURCE_METADATA, "");
        sniptxt = ts.descriptionline(qg);
        System.out.println("testDescriptionline: (with numbers) snippet="+sniptxt);
        assertTrue ("number (.) broken up",sniptxt.contains("1.83"));
        assertTrue ("number (,) broken up",sniptxt.contains("3,14"));
	 * Run text snippet extraction from a given plain text file.
	 * @param args 
  1. first element : the plain text file path. When not specified, "test/parsertest/umlaute_linux.txt" is used as default.
  2. *
  3. other elements : the search terms. When not specified, "Maßkrügen" is used as default
  4. *
* @throws IOException when a read/write error occurred */ public static void main(final String args[]) throws IOException { try { final SolrDocument doc = new SolrDocument(); final DigestURL url = new DigestURL("http://localhost/page.html"); doc.addField(, ASCII.String(url.hash())); doc.addField(, url.toNormalform(false)); final URIMetadataNode urlEntry = new URIMetadataNode(doc); urlEntry.addField(, "New test case"); urlEntry.addField(, "junit"); urlEntry.addField(, "test author"); final Path testFilePath; if(args.length > 0) { testFilePath = Paths.get(args[0]); } else { testFilePath = Paths.get("test/parsertest/umlaute_linux.txt"); } urlEntry.addField(, new String(Files.readAllBytes(testFilePath), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); final StringBuilder queryWords = new StringBuilder(); if(args.length > 1) { for(int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { if(queryWords.length() > 0) { queryWords.append(" "); } queryWords.append(args[i]); } } else { queryWords.append("Maßkrügen"); } final QueryGoal goal = new QueryGoal(queryWords.toString()); System.out.println("Extracting text snippet for terms \"" + queryWords + "\" from file " + testFilePath); TextSnippet.statistics.setEnabled(true); final TextSnippet snippet = new TextSnippet(null, urlEntry, goal.getIncludeWordsSet(), goal.getIncludeHashes(), CacheStrategy.CACHEONLY, false, SearchEvent.SNIPPET_MAX_LENGTH, false); System.out.println("Snippet initialized in " + TextSnippet.statistics.getMaxInitTime() + "ms"); System.out.println("Snippet status : " + snippet.getErrorCode()); System.out.println("Snippet : " + snippet.descriptionline(goal)); } finally { /* Shutdown running threads */ try { Domains.close(); } finally { ConcurrentLog.shutdown(); } } } }