# sk.lng # ----------------------- # part of YaCy, (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de # first published on http://www.anomic.de # Frankfurt, Germany, 2005, 2006 # # This file is written by Rostislav Svoboda # If you find any mistakes in this file please don't hesitate to email them to the author # If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface do so, too. #English=German #DO _NOT_ USE THIS FILE AS TEMPLATE FOR YOUR OWN TRANSLATIONS, INSTEAD GET THE STRINGS DIRECTLY OUT OF THE HTML-FILES #------------------------------------------------------- #File: ConfigLanguage_p.html #Only part 1. #Contributors are in chronological ordern, not how much they did absolutely. #Thank you for your help! default\(english\)==Slovensky ==Rostislav Svoboda ==<Rostislav.Svoboda@gmail.com> #----------------------------------------------------------- #File: Blacklist_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Blacklist Manager==Spravca blacklistu Blacklist==Blacklist This function provides an URL filter to the proxy; any blacklisted URL is blocked==Tato funkcia poskytuje URL filter pre proxy: URL adresa z blacklistu je blokovana from being loaded. You can define several blacklists and activate them separately.==a nebude nahravana. Mozete definovat a nezavisle aktivovat niekolko blacklistov. You may also provide your blacklist to other peers by sharing them; in return you may==Vas blacklist mozete takisto poskytnut inemu peerovy na stiahnutie a naopak collect blacklist entries from other peers.==zaznamy z blacklistov inych peerov mozete zhromazdovat. Edit list:==Edituj zoznam: \(active\)\#not active::active\#\(/active\)\# \#\(shared\)\#not shared::shared\#\(/shared\)==\(aktivny\)\#neaktivny::aktivny\#\(/aktivny\)\# \#\(zdielany\)\#nezdielany::zdielany\#\(/zdielany\) "select"=="vyber" New list:==Novy zoznam: "create"==vytvor Enable/disable this list==Aktivuj/deaktivuj zoznam Share/don't share this list==Povol/zakaz zdielanie zoznamu Change==Zmen Delete this list==Vymaz tento zoznam />active==/>aktivny />shared==/>zdielany Active list:==Aktivny zoznam: These are the domain name / path patterns in this blacklist:==Toto su nazvy domen/ciest nachadzajucich sa v blackliste: You can select them here for deletion==Mozu byt jednotlivo vybrane na zmazanie Delete URL pattern==Vymaz masku URL adresy/adries zo zoznamu Enter new domain name / path pattern in the form:==Zadaj novu domenu/cestu v nasledovnom tvare: Add URL pattern==Pridaj URL masku Import blacklist items from other YaCy peers:==Importuj blacklist ineho peera: Host:==Host: "Load new blacklist items"==Nahraj novy blacklist Import blacklist items from URL:==Importuj blacklist z URL adresy: URL:==URL: "Load new blacklist items"==Nahraj novy blacklist Import blacklist items from file:==Importuj blacklist zo suboru: "Load new blacklist items"==Nahraj novy blacklist was removed from blacklist==bol z blacklistu vymazany was added to the blacklist==bol do blacklistu pridany File:==Subor: #----------------------------------------------------------- #File: Blog.html >by==>od >edit==>edituj >delete==>zmaz show more entries==zobraz dalsie zaznamy new entry==Novy zaznam Blog-Home==Blog-Domovska stranka Author:==Autor: Subject:==Titul: "Submit">=="Odosli"> "Preview">=="Nahlad"> "Discard">=="Zrus"> >Preview==>Nahlad No changes have been submitted so far!==Ziadne zmeny este neboli vytvorene! Access denied==Pristup zakazany To edit or create blog-entries you need to be logged in as Admin or User who has Blog rights.==Na editaciu alebo vytvorenie blogu musite byt prihlaseny ako Admin alebo ako User s blog-pravami. Are you sure==Ste si isty that you want to delete \#\[subject\]\# by \#\[author\]\#?==ze chcete zmazat #[subject]# od #[author]#? Yes, delete it.==Ano zmazat. No, leave it.==Nein, ponechat. #----------------------------------------------------------- #File: Bookmarks.html YaCy \'\#\[clientname\]\#\': Bookmarks==YaCy '#[clientname]#': Zálozky




Add Bookmark==Pridaj zálozku Import XML Bookmarks==Importuj XML zálozku Edit Bookmark==Edituj zálozky #URL:==URL: Title:==Titul: Description:==Popis: Tags \(comma separated\):==Tags (oddelené ciarkou): Public:==Verejné: yes==áno no==nie "create"=="vytvorit" "edit"=="editovat" File:==Súbor: import as Public==importuj ako verejné "private bookmark"=="Súkromné zálozky" "public bookmark"=="Verejné zálozky" Tagged with==Klúcové slová: Edit==Edituj Delete==Zmaz Bookmark List==Zoznam záloziek previous page==predošlá stránka next page==dalšia stránka All==Všetky Show==Zobraz Bookmarks per page.==záloziek na stránku. #----------------------------------------------------------- #File: CacheAdmin_p.html Local Cache Management==Sprava lokalnej cache >Local Cache>==Lokalna cache The current cache size is==Aktualna velkost cache je The maximum cache size is==Maximalna velkost cache je #----------------------------------------------------------- #File: Config_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Advanced Config==Pokrocile nastavenia Here are all configuration options from YaCy.==Tu sa nachadzaju vsetky konfiguracne nastavenia YaCy. You can change anything, but some options need a restart, and some options can crash YaCy, if wrong values are used.==Vsetky konfiguracne nastavenia mozu byt zmenene, avsak niektore volby vyzaduju restart a niektore mozu sposobit pad YaCy v pripade zadnia nespravnych hodnot. For explanation please look into yacy.init==Vysvetlenie najdete v subore yacy.init "Save"==Uloz #----------------------------------------------------------- #File: ConfigAdvanced_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Advanced Config==Pokrocile nastavenia Here are all configuration options from YaCy.==Tu sa nachadzaju vsetky konfiguracne nastavenia YaCy. You can change anything, but some options need a restart, and some options can crash YaCy, if wrong values are used.==Vsetky konfiguracne nastavenia mozu byt zmenene, avsak niektore volby vyzaduju restart a niektore mozu sposobit pad YaCy v pripade zadnia nespravnych hodnot. For explanation please look into yacy.init==Vysvetlenie najdete v subore yacy.init "Save"==Uloz #----------------------------------------------------------- #File: ConfigBasic.html Select a language for the interface==Zvolte jazyk web rozhrania Basic Configuration==Zakladne nastavenia Your YaCy Peer needs some basic information to operate properly==Vase YaCy vyzaduje pre spravne fungovanie niekolko zakladnych udajov Your peer name has not been customized==Meno Vaseho peera nebolo zvolene please set your own peer name==zvolte prosim nazov Vaseho vlastneho peera You have a nice peer name==Mate pekne meno peera Peer Name:==Nazov peera: Please set a password for your peer to protect your settings==Prosim zvolte heslo na ochranu Vasich nastaveni > 3 characters==viac ako 3 znaky if this is successful you will be asked to log in with these values immediately==budete okamzite vyzvany prihlasit sa s novym heslo (ak zvolite vyhovujuce heslo) Password is set==Heslo bolo nastavene Peer User:==Peer User: Peer Password:==Peer Heslo: repeat same password==zopakujte heslo Your peer cannot be reached from outside==Vas peer nemoze byt z vonka dosiahnuty please open your firewall for this port and/or set a virtual server option in your router to allow connections on this port==Prosim otvorte firewall pre tento port a/alebo vytvorte virtualny server vo Vasom routeri na povolenie spojeni cez tento port Your peer can be reached by other peers==Ihr Peer kann von anderen Peers erreicht werden Peer Port:==Peer Port: Set Configuration==Uloz konfiguraciu What you should do next:==Co mozete urobit v nasledovnych krokoch: Your basic configuration is complete! You can now \(for example\)== Konfiguracia zaklanych nastaveny je hotova. Teraz mozete (napriklad) just <==jednoducho < start an uncensored search==odstartovat necenzurovane vyhladavanie start your own crawl and contribute to the global index, or create your own private web index== odstartovat vlastny crawl na prispievanie do globalneho indexu, alebo vytvorit vlastny web index set a personal peer profile \(optional settings\)==vytvorit vlastny profil peera (nepovinne nastavenia) monitor at the network page what the other peers are doing==na stranke siete pozorovat comu sa prave venuju ostatni peeri Your Peer name is a default name; please set another peer name.==Vas peer pouziva standarte predzvolene meno. Prosim zvolte si ine meno. If this does not work, the name is probably taken by someone else.==Ak to nepojde tak je toto meno uz pravdepodobne pouzite niekym inym. Please try to choose another one.==Prosim skuste nejake ine meno. You did not set a user name and/or a password.==Nezvolili ste ziadne meno pouzivatela a/alebo heslo. Some pages are protected by passwords.==Niektore stranky su chranene heslom. You should set a password here to secure your YaCy peer.==Mali by ste si zvolit heslo na ochranu Vaseho YaCy peera You did not open a port in your firewall or your router does not forward the server port to your peer.==Neotvorili ste ziaden port vo Vasom firewalle, alebo Vas router nepreposiela (neforwarduje) port servera Vasemu peeru. This is needed if you want to fully participate in the YaCy network.==Toto je nutne ak sa chcete plne ucastnit a podielat na praci siete YaCy. You can also use your peer without opening it, but this is not recomended.==Taktisto mozete pouzivat Vaseho peera bez jeho otvorenia, avsak toto sa nedoporucuje. #------------------------------------------------------- #File: ConfigLanguage_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Language selection==Výber jazyka Language selection==Výber jazyka You can change the language of the YaCy-webinterface with translation files.==Jazyk YaCy web rozhrania môzete zmenit pomocou prekladových súborov. Vyberte zvolený jazyk zo zoznamu. Current language:==Aktuálny jazyk default\(english\)==Slovensky Languagefile Author\(s\) \(chronological\)\:==Autor\(y\) jazykových súborov \(chronologicky\): Send additions to maintainer:==Prosím pošlite zmeny maintainerovy na: Available Languages:==Podporované jazyky: Install new language from URL:==Nainštaluj nový jazyk z URL adresy: Use this language==Tento jazyk ihned pouzit "Use"==Pouzi "Delete"==Zmaz "Install"==Inštaluj Unable to get URL:==Nie je mozné nainštalovat súbor z tejto URL adresy:: Error saving the language file.==Pri nahrávaní súboru došlo k chybe. #------------------------------------------------------- #File: ConfigProfile_p.html Your Personal Profile==Váš osobný profil. You can create a personal profile here. Other YaCy users can view these information using a link on the network page.==Na tomto mieste môzete vytvorit váš osobný profil. Ostatný uzívatelia YaCy uvidia tieto informácie pomocou odkazu na stránke siete. You do not need to provide any personal data here, but if you want to distribute your contact information, you can do that here.==Vaše osobné údaje nemusíte udávat, ak však chcete distribuovat vaše kontaktné údaje, môzete tak urobit tu. #Name==Meno #Nick Name==Prezývka #Homepage==Domovská stránka #eMail==email #ICQ==ICQ #Jabber==Jabber #Yahoo!==Yahoo! #MSN=MSN Comment==Komentár "Save"==Ulozit #------------------------------------------------------- #File: ConfigSkins_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Skin Selection==Vyber skinov You can change the appearance of YaCy with skins. Select one of the default skins, download new skins, or create your own skin.==Vzhlad YaCy mozete zmenit pomocou skinov. Zvolte jeden z predvytvorenych skinov, stiahnite si nove, alebo vytvorte vlastne skiny. Current skin:==Pouzity skin: Available Skins:==Verfügbare Skins: "Use"==Pouzi "Delete"==Zmaz Install new Skin from URL:==Nainstaluj novy skin z URL adresy: Use this skin==Pouzi tento skin "install"==Nainstaluj Unable to get URL:==Nie je mozne nainstalovat pozadovany subor z URL adresy: Error saving the skin.==Chyba pri stahovani skinu. #----------------------------------------------------------- #File: Connections_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Connection Tracking==Stav spojenia Incoming Connections==Prichadzajuce spojenia Showing \#\[numActiveRunning\]\# active, \#\[numActivePending\]\# pending connections from a max. of \#\[numMax\]\# allowed incoming connections.== Zobrazenych je #[numActiveRunning]# aktivnych a #[numActivePending]# cakajuci spojeni z max. #[numMax]# povolenych prichadzajucich spojeni. Protocol==Protokol Duration==Trvanie Source IP\[:Port\]==Zdrojova-IP[:Port] Dest. IP\[:Port\]==Zielova-IP[:Port] Command==Prikaz Used==Pouzity Close==Zatvor Waiting for new request nr.==Caka sa na poziadavku cislo. #------------------------------------------------------- #File: CookieMonitorIncoming_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to YaCy: Incoming Cookies Monitor==YaCy: Sledovanie prichadzajucich cookies Cookie Monitor: Incoming Cookies==Sledovanie cookies: Prichadzajuce cookies This is a list of Cookies that a web server has sent to clients of the YaCy Proxy:==Toto je zoznam vsetkych cookies, ktore web server poslal klientom YaCy proxy: Showing==Zobrazovanie entries from a total of==zaznamov z celkoveho poctu Cookies==Cookies #------------------------------------------------------- #File: CookieMonitorOutgoing_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to YaCy: Outgoing Cookies Monitor==YaCy: Sledovanie odchadzajucich cookies Cookie Monitor: Outgoing Cookies==Sledovanie cookies: Odchadzajuce cookies This is a list of Cookies that a browser using the YaCy Proxy has sent to a web server:==Toto je zoznam vsetkych cookies, ktore Vas web prehliadac pouzivajuci YaCy proxy poslal web serverom: Showing==Zobrazovanie entries from a total of==zaznamov z celkoveho poctu Cookies==Cookies #----------------------------------------------------------- #File: Help.html YaCy: Help==YaCy: Pomoc >Help==>Pomoc This is a distributed web crawler and also a caching HTTP proxy. You are using the online-interface of the application. You can use this interface to configure your personal settings, proxy settings, access control and crawling properties. You can also use this interface to start crawls, send messages to other peers and monitor your index, cache status and crawling processes. Most important, you can use the search page to search either your own or the global index.==Toto je distribuovany vyhladavac a HTTP proxy server fungujuci na podobnom prince ako vykonavanie distribuovanych vypoctov (ako napr. SETI@home). V pripade YaCy ide o "distribuovane vyhladavanie a indexovanie" obsahu Internetu. Momentalne pouzivate YaCy online interface. Tento interface mozete pouzit aj na konfiguraciu osobnych nastaveni, proxy nastaveni, kontrolu pristupu a prehladavania/preliezania webu tzv. web crawling. YaCy online interface moze byt pouzity aj na start preliezania webu (web crawling), posielanie sprav inym YaCy uzivatelom a na kontrolu a sledovanie Vaseho indexu, stavu cache a beziacich procesov web crawling. To najdolezitejsie: Vyhladavacia stranka moze byt pouzita bud na vyhladavanie vo Vasom vlastnom, alebo v globalnom indexe. For more detailed information, visit the==Viac informacii najdete na YaCy homepage==domovskej stranke YaCy Local and Global Search: Options and Functions==Lokalne a globalne vyhladavanie: Nastavenia a funkcie The proxy provides a search interface that accesses your local index, created from web pages that passed the proxy.==Proxy poskytuje vyhladavaci interface, ktory pristupuje k lokalnemu indexu vytvorenemu z web stranok ktore ste navstivili cez proxy server. The search can also be applied globally, by searching other peers. You can use the following options to enhance your search results==Vyhladavat mozete takisto globalne, prehladavanim ostatnych peerov. Na spresnenie vyhladavania mozete pouzit nasledujuce volby Search Word List==Zoznam vyhladavanych slov You can search for several words simultanous. Words must be separated by a single space.==Vyhladavat mozete podla viacerych slov sucasne. Slova musia byt oddelene medzerou. The words are treated conjunctive, that means every must occur in the result, not any.==Vysledok vyhladavania obsahuje odkazy zahrnujuce vsetky hladane slova sucasne ("Slovo_1" a sucasne "Slovo_2") If you do a global search \(see below\) you may get different results each time you do a search.==Pri globalnom vyhladavani (pozri nizsie) mozete obdrzat rozdielne vysledky pre rovnake vyhladavacie kriteria. Maximum Number of Results==Maximalny pocet vysledkov vyhladavania #DAS ist eine Murksübersetzung... bitte ggf. verbessern. Prefer mask\:==Maska preferencii: You can select the number of wanted maximum links. We do not yet support multiple result pages for virtually any possible link.==Mozete zvolit maximalny zobrazovany pocet odkazov. Mnohonasobne stranky vysledkov pre virtualne lubovolny odkaz zatial nie su podporovane. Instead we encourage you to enhance the search result by submitting more search words.==Na zlepsenie vysledkov vyhladavania doporucujeme zadat viacero klucovych slov. Result Order Options==Poradie vysledkov vyhladavania The search engine provides an experimental 'Quality' ranking. In contrast to other known search engines we provide also==YaCy vyhladavac poskytuje experimentalne hodnotenie kvality, tzv. "Quality ranking". Oproti inych vyhladavacom ponukame a result order by date. If you change the order to 'Date-Quality' the most recently updated page from the search results is listed first.==vysledoky vyhladavania zotriedene podla datumu. Pri zmene poradie vysledkov podla "Datum-Kvalita" bude najcerstvejsie aktualizovana stranka v zozname vysledkov ako prva. For pages that have the same date the second order, 'Quality' is applied.==Stranky s rovnakym datumom su zoradene podla kvality. Resource Domain==Zdroj hladania This search engine is constructed to search the web pages that pass the proxy. But the search index is distributed to other peers as well,==YaCy vyhladavac je konstruovany na prehladavanie tych stranok ktore prejdu cez proxy, avsak vyhladavaci index je distribuovany aj inym peerom, so you can search also globally: this function is currently only rudimentary, but can be choosen for test cases. Future releases will==takze mozete vyhladavat tiez globalne: tato funkcia je v sucasnosti zastarala. Moze byt vsak pouzita na testovacie ucely. Buduce verzie budu automatically distribute index information before a search happends to form a performant distributed hash table -- a very fast global search.==automaticky distribuovat index vyhladavania pred tym ako sa udeje prve vyhladavanie, vytvori distribuovanu hash tabulku --- velmi rychle globalbe vyhladavanie. Maximum Search Time==Maximalna doba vyhladavania Searching the local index is extremely fast, it happends within milliseconds, even for a large number \(millions\) of pages. But searching the==Prehladavanie lokalneho indexu je velmi rychle. Uskutocni sa radovo za milisekundy aj pre velke mnozstvo (miliony) stranok. Naproti tomu prehladavanie global index needs more time to find the correct remote peer that contains best search results. This is especially the case while the==globalneho indexu vyzaduje viacej casu na najdenie spravneho vzdialeneho peera, ktory obsahuje najlepsie vysledky vyhladavania. Toto sa deje zvlast v pripade distributed index is in test mode. Search results get more stable \(repeated global search produce more similar results\) the longer==ked je distribuovany index v testovacom mode. Vysledky vyhladavania budu v tomto pripade lepsie a stabilnejsie the search time is.==pri dlhsom case vyhladavania. (Opakovane globalne vyhladavanie prinesie podobnejsie vysledky.) You may want to use accesskeys to navigate through the YaCy webinterface:==Na navigaciu v YaCy web interface mozete pouzivat klavesove skratky: Windows and Internet Explorer: Alt \+ Accesskey \+ Enter==Windows a Internet Explorer: Alt + Klavesa + Enter Windows and Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Alt \+ Accesskey==Windows a Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Alt + Klavesa Windows and Opera: Shift \+ Esc \+ Accesskey==Windows a Opera: Shift + Esc + Klavesa Macintosh and Internet Explorer: Strg \+ Accesskey \+ Enter=Macintosh a Internet Explorer: Ctrl + Klavesa + Enter Macintosh and Safari: Strg \+ Accesskey==Macintosh a Safari: Ctrl + Klavesa Macintosh and Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Strg \+ Accesskey==Macintosh a Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape: Ctrl + Klavesa Macintosh and Opera: Shift \+ Esc \+ Accesskey==Macintosh a Opera: Shift + Esc + Klavesa Linux Mandrake and Galeon/Mozilla: Alt \+ Accesskey==Linux Mandrake a Galeon/Mozilla: Alt + Klavesa All OS and Amaya: Strg \+ Accesskey==Vsetky verzie operacnych systemov a Amaya: Ctrl + Klavesa Search Page==Vyhladavacia stranka Network==Siet Status==Stav YaCy uses Regular Expressions for some functions, for example in the blacklist.==YaCy pouziva regularne vyrazy pre niektore funkcie, napr. Blacklist. There are some standards for these regexps, YaCy uses the syntax used by Perl 5.==Existuje niekolko standartov pre tieto vyrazy. YaCy pouziva syntax Perlu 5. Here ist a short overview about the functions, which should fir for most cases\:<==Tu najdete strucny prehlad funkcii, ktore by mali pokryvat najcastejsie pripady pouzitia:< arbitrary character==lubovolny znak character x==znak x not x==nie x 0 or more times x==0 alebo viac krat x 0 or 1 time x==0 alebo 1 krat x 1 or more times x==1 alebo viac krat x concatenation of x and y==zretazenie x a y x or y==x alebo y String "foo" or string "bar"==Retazec "foo" alebo retazec "bar" a or b or c \(same as a\|b\|c\)==a alebo b alebo c (to iste ako a|b|c) a or b or c \(same as above\)==a alebo b alebo c (to iste ako vyzsie) exactly n appearances of x==presne n vyskytov x at least n appearances of x==najmenej n vyskytov x at least n, maximum m appearanches of x==minimalne n, maximalne m vyskytov m Modify priority of instructions==Zmen prioritu prikazov Escape-Character, used to escape special characters \(for example "\[" or "\*"\), so that they loose their special meaning==Escape-znak je pouzity na "unik" specialnych znakov (napr. "\[" alebo "\*"\), ktore potom stracaju svoj specialny vyznam Regex follow a special priority \(descending\)\: concatenation, unary operators \(\*,\+,\^,\{\}\), binary operators \(\|\). This can be overridden with brackets.==Operatory regularnych vyrazov maju nasledovnu prioritu (zostupne): operator zretazenia, unarne operatory (*,+,^,{}), binarne operatory (|). Poradie vykonavania operatorov moze byt zmenene pomocou zatvoriek. Example:==Priklad: This matches heise.de/ with a string in front of it, for example "http://www.", followed by any string, then a slash and a number. The dot in "heise.de" is not escaped with "\\", because it represents any character, thus the "." itself, too.==Toto oznacuje heise.de/ s retazcom vpredu, napr. "http://www.", nasledovany lubovolnym retazcom, a po nom lomitkom a cislom. Bodka v "heise.de" nie je escapovana, pretoze predstavuje lubovolny znak, t.j. aj bodku "." samu. A possible URL which would match this regexp is\:==URL adresa ktoru oznacuje tento regularny vyraz je: An URL which would not match is:==URL adresa ktoru neoznacuje tento regularny vyraz je: There is ".html" at the end, which is not included with the Regular Expression.==Tu je na konci retazec ".html" ktory nie je obsiahnutny regularnym vyrazom. #----------------------------------------------------------- #File: index.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to YaCy \'\#\[clientname\]\#\': Search Page==YaCy '#[clientname]#': Vyhladavacia stranka P2P WEB SEARCH==P2P Internetové Vyhladávanie "Search"=="Hladaj" more options...==Rozšírené vyhladávanie... Max. number of results:==Max. pocet výsledkov: order by:==Zorad podla: YBR-Date-Quality==YBR-Dátum-Kvalita YBR-Quality-Date==YBR-Kvalita-Dátum Date-YBR-Quality==Dátum-YBR-Kvalita Quality-YBR-Date==Kvalita-YBR-Dátum Date-Quality-YBR==Dátum-Kvalita-YBR Quality-Date-YBR==Kvalita-Dátum-YBR Resource:==Zdroj: global==globálne local==lokálne Max. search time==Max. doba vyhladávania \(seconds\)==(sekúnd) URL mask:==URL-Filter: restrict on==obmedzenie na show all==zobrazit vsetko The following words are stop-words and had been excluded from the search:==Nasledujuce slova su stop-slova a boli z vyhladavania vylucene No Results.==Ziadne vysledky. length of search words must be at least 3 characters==Vyhladavane slova musia mas aspon 3 znaky If you think this is unsatisfactory then you may consider to support the global index by running your own proxy/peer.==Ziadne vysledky. Zvazte podporu globalneho indexu pomocou proxies/peerov ak to povazujete za nedostatocne. If everybody contributes, the results will get better.==Vysledky vyhladavania sa zlepsia ak bude kazdy prispievat. Other possible reasons for no result:==Dalsie mozne dovody preco ste neobdrzali ziadne vysledku su: The search time was too short. Search again with same query to catch up 'late peers'==Cas vyhladavania bol prilis kratky. Zopakujte vyhladavanie so zvysenym max. casom vyhladavania na ziskanie vysledkov od pomalsich peerov. There is currently no support for german umlaute. Please use ae/oe/ue instead==Diakritika nie je v sucasnosti podporovana. Nahradte prosim znaky s diakritikou zodpovedajucimi znakmi bez diakritiky. Words of length < 3 are not indexed. Please omit such words==Slova s menej ako 3 pismenami nie su indexovane. Prosim vypustite taketo slova. YaCy tries to index singular instead of plural words. Please use the singular form==YaCy indexuje len jednotne cisla slov v indexe. Zadavajte preto prosim slova len v jednotnom cisle. Only complete words are indexed, not parts of words==Len kompletne slova su indexovane, nie casti slov. Don't use stopwords as search words==Prosim nepouzivajte stop-slova vo vyhladavani. During this test phase the reaction time of remote peers is unknown.==Pocas tejto testovacej fazy je reakcny cas vzdialenych peerov neznami. Please repeat your search to see if there are late-responses from remote peers==Prosim opakujte vyhladavanie na ziskanie pripadnej odpovede od pomalych peerov. If you think the information you searched should exist in the global index,==Ak si myslite ze informacie, ktore hladate by sa mali nachadzat v globalnom indexe, then please run your own peer and start a crawl of your wanted information to make it==tak prosim spustite proces preliezania (crawl) zo svojho vlastneho peera, za ucelom spristupnenia available for everyone. Then stay online to support crawls from other peers. Thank you!==tejto informacie aj ostatnym peerom. Zostante prosim online kvoli podpore procesu preliezania (crawls) z ostatnych peerov. Dakujeme! results from==vysledkov z ordered links of a total number of==z celkovo najdenych known.==znamych odkazov. Catch up more links==Zhromazdit viacej odkazov from 'late' peers.==z pomalych peerov. Topwords \(to refine search\):==Top-slova (na zjemnenie vyhladavania): You can enrich the search results by using the 'global' option==Zapnutim nastavenia 'global' mozete zvysit pocet vysledkov This will search also other YaCy peers==takto budu prehladavani aj ostatni YaCy peeri. You cannot get global search results because you are not connected to another YaCy peer.==Nemozete ziskat vysledky globalneho vyhlavania, pretoze nie ste pripojeny k ziadnemu inemu YaCy peerovi. To connect you must first use the proxy.==na pripojenie musite najprv pouzit proxy. See here for an==Tu najdete installation guide==instalacnu prirucku Alternatively, you can run the proxy in permanent online mode, which also grants global search.==Alternativne mozete nechat bezat proxy permanentne v online mode. Tento mod garantuje globalne vyhladavanie. To do this, press this button:==Kliknite prosim na nasledujuce tlacitko na prechod do online modu: "go online"==pripoj online you must also switch to online mode==najprv sa vsak musite prepnut do online modu \(by using the proxy\) to contribute to the global index.==(v ktorom pouzivate proxy) aby ste mohli prehladavat globalny index. The global search resulted in \#\[globalresults\]\# link contributions from other YaCy peers.==Globalne vyhladavanie obsahuje #[globalresults]# vysledkov, ktore boli vytvorene za prispenia ostatnych peerov. YaCy is a GPL'ed project==YaCy je GPL projekt with the target of implementing a P2P-based global search engine.==s cielom vytvorenia globalneho, na principoch sieti P2P postaveneho vyhladavaca. Architecture \(C\) by Michael Peter Christen==Architektur (c) vytvoril Michael Peter Christen #------------------------------------------------------- #File: IndexCleaner_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Index Control==Kontrola indexu Index Cleaner==Cistic indexu ThreadAlive: ThreadToString: Total URLs searched:==Celkovo prezrete URL adresy: Blacklisted URLs found:==Z blacklistu najdene URL adresy: Percentage blacklisted:==Percentualne z blacklistu: last searched URL:==osledna prehladana URL adresa: last blacklisted URL found:==posledna najdena URL adresa z blacklistu: RWIs at Start:==RWIs pri starte: RWIs now:==sucasne RWIs: wordHash in Progress:==Hash-slovo v pouziti: last wordHash with deleted URLs:==posledne hash-slovo so zmazanymi URL adresami: Number of deleted URLs in on this Hash:==Pocet zmazanych URL adries v tomto hashi: UrldbCleaner - Clean up the database by deletion of blacklisted urls:==UrlDBCleaner - Vycistite databazu tym ze zmazete URL adresy ktore sa nachadzaju vo vasom blackliste: Start/Resume==Start/Pokracuj Stop==Stop Pause==Pauza RWIDbCleaner - Clean up the database by deletion of words with reference to blacklisted urls:==UrlDBCleaner - Vycistite databazu tym ze zmazete slova ktore su v spojeni s vasim blacklistom: #------------------------------------------------------- #File: IndexControl_p.html Index Control==Kontrola indexu Index Administration==Administrácia indexu The local index currently consists of \(at least\) \#\[wcount\]\# reverse word indexes and \#\[ucount\]\# URL references==Lokálny index pozostáva momentálne z #[wcount]# slov a #[ucount]# URL odkazov. To transfer the whole index to an other peer, click==Na prenos kompletného indexu inému peerov kliknite na To import an index from a file or a foreign peer click==Na import zo súboru iného peera kliknite na "Show URL Entries for Word"=="Zobraz URL záznamy k tomuto slovu" "Generate List"=="Vytvor zoznam" "Show URL Entries for Word-Hash"=="Zobraz URL záznamy k tomuto hash-slovu" "Transfer to other peer"=="Prenos inému peerovy" #URL:==URL: "Show Details for URL"=="Zobraz detaily k URL adrese" #URL-Hash:==Hash-URL: "Show Details for URL-Hash"=="Zobraz detaily k hash-URL adrese" DHT Transmission control:==DHT-kontrola prenosu: The transmission is necessary for the functionality of global search on other peers.==Na to aby fungovalo vyhladávanie u iných peerov je potrebný prenos. If you switch off distribution or receipt of RWIs you will be banned from global search.==Z globálneho vyhladávania budete vylúcený ak vypnete distribúciu alebo obsah RWIsov. Index Distribution:==Distribúcia indexu: This enables automated, DHT-ruled Index Transmission to other peers.==AK aktivované, tak bude vykonávaný automatický, DHT pravidlami kontrolovaný prenos iným peerom. If checked, DHT-Transmission is enabled even during crawling.==AK aktivované, tak DHT prenos je povolený aj pocas crawlovania. Index Receive:==Prijímanie indexu: Accept remote Index Transmissions. This works only if you are a senior peer.==Akceptuj vzdialený prenos indexu, funguje len ak ste senior peer. The DHT-rules do not work without this function.==DHT pravidlá nefungujú bez aktivácie tejto funkcie. If checked, your peer silently ignores transmitted URLs that match your blacklist==Ak aktivované, tak Váš peer bude potichu ignorovat URL adresy z Vašeho blacklistu. "set"=="Uloz" Changes will take effect immediately==Zmeny sú okamzite aktivované. #Let this translation here to avoid errors.- Word:==Slovo: Word-Hash:==Hash-slovo: #------------------------------------------------------- #File: IndexCreate_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Index Creation=Tvorba indexu Start Crawling Job:==Odstartuj crawling: You can define URLs as start points for Web page crawling and start crawling here. \"Crawling\" means that YaCy will download the given website, extract all links in it and then download the content behind these links. This is repeated as long as specified under \"Crawling Depth\".==Tu mozete zadat URL adresy web stranok ktore budu preliezane (crawled) a z ktorych sa preliezanie (crawling) odstartuje. "Crawling" znamena, ze YaCy siahne zvolenu web stranku, extrahuje vsetky odkazy a nasledne stiahne web stranky pod tymito odkazmi. Toto sa opakuje do hlbky zadanej v policku "Hlbka crawlingu". Crawling Depth:==Hlbka crawlingu: This defines how often the Crawler will follow links embedded in websites.==Definuje ako casto crawler nasleduje odkazy zahrnute vo web strankach. A minimum of 1 is recommended and means that the page you enter under \"Starting Point\" will be added to the index, but no linked content is indexed. 2-4 is good for normal indexing.==Doporucuje sa minimum 1, co znamena ze stranka ktoru ste zadali v "Startovacom bode" bude pridana do index avsak zlinkovany obsah indexovany nebude. Hodnoty 2-4 su vhodne pre normalne indexovanie. Be careful with the depth. Consider a branching factor of average 20;==Hlbku crawlovania zvolte opatrne. Uvazte ze pri priemernom faktore vetvenia 20 A prefetch-depth of 8 would index 25.600.000.000 pages, maybe this is the whole WWW.==a hlbke crawlovania 8 bude indexovanych 25.600.000.000 web stranok, co je mozno cely web priestor. Crawling Filter:==Filter crawlingu: This is an emacs-like regular expression that must match with the URLs which are used to be crawled.==Toto je regularny vyraz v style emacs, ktory musi oznacovat URL adresu pouzitu na crawlovanie. Use this i.e. to crawl a single domain. If you set this filter it would make sense to increase==Pouzite ho napr. na crawlovanie v jednej domene. Ak aktivujete tento filter tak ma zmysel the crawling depth.==zvysit hlbku crawlovania. #Re-Crawl Option:==Nastavenia re-crawlovania: Use:==Pouzi: Interval:==Interval: Year\(s\)==Rok(y) Month\(s\)==Mesiac(e) Day\(s\)==Den(Dni) Hour\(s\)==Hodina(y) Minute\(s\)==Minuta(y) If you use this option, web pages that are already existent in your database are crawled and indexed again.==Ak aktivujete tuto volbu, tak web stranky ulozene vo Vasej databaze budu nanovo precrawlovane a indexovane. It depends on the age of the last crawl if this is done or not: if the last crawl is older than the given==Zavisi od veku posledneho crawlu ci tak bude vykonane alebo nie. Ak je posledny crawl starsi ako zadany date, the page is crawled again, othervise it is treaded as 'double' and not loaded or indexed again.==datum, tak budu tieto stranky nanovo precrawlovane. V opacnom pripade budu oznacene ako 'double' a nebudu nanovo nahravane ani indexovane. Auto-Dom-Filter:==Auto-Dom-Filter: Depth:==Hlbka: This option will automatically create a domain-filter which limits the crawl on domains the crawler will find on the given depth. You can use this option i.e. to crawl a page with bookmarks while restricting the crawl on only those domains that appear on the bookmark-page. The adequate depth for this example would be 1.==Tato volba automaticky vytvory domenovy filter ktory obmedzuje crawl na domeny ktore crawler najde v zadanej hlbke. Mozete pouzit tuto volbu t.j. crawlovat stranku zo zalozkami a nasledne obmedzit nasledujuci crawl na tie domeny ktore sa vyskytuje v zozname zaloziek. Primerana hlbka by v tomto pripade bola 1. The default value 0 gives no restrictions.==Prednastavena hodnota 0 znamena ziadne obmedzenie. appear on the given depth during crawling. The domain-list is then used to filter-out all domains, that appear==zobrazia sa vo zvolenej hlbke pocas crawlingu. Zoznam domen je potom pouzity na odfiltrovanie vsetkych domen on depths greater then the given depth, but do not appear in the domain-list. You can use this option i.e.==ktore sa vyskytuju hlbsie ako zvolena hlbka, ale nevyskytu sa na zozname domen. Mozete pouzit tuto volbu t.j. to crawl pages with bookmarks while restricting the crawl on only those domains that appear on the bookmark-page.==crawlovat stranky so zalozkami, pricom crawl je obmedzeny len na domeny ktore sa vyskytuju na stranke zaloziek. Maximum Pages per Domain:==Maximum stranok na domenu: Page-Count:==Pocet stranok: You can limit the maxmimum number of pages that are fetched and indexed from a single domain with this option.==Maximalny pocet stranok vybratych a indexovanych z jednej domeny mozete touto volbou obmedzit. You can combine this limitation with the 'Auto-Dom-Filter', so that the limit is applied to all the domains within==Tuto volbu mozete kombinovat s 'Auto-Dom-Filtrom', takze toto obmedzenie bude aplikovane na vsetky domeny vo the given depth. Domains outside the given depth are then sorted-out anyway.==zvolenej hlbke. Domeny mimo zvolenej hlbky budu v kazdom pripade vytriedene. Accept URLs with '\?' / dynamic URLs:==Akceptuj URL adresy s '?' / dynamicke URL adresy: A questionmark is usually a hint for a dynamic page. URLs pointing to dynamic content should usually not be crawled. However, there are sometimes web pages with static content that==Otaznik sa vacsinou pouziva ako priznak dynamickej stranky. URL adresa odkazujuca na dynamicky obsah by v normalnom pripade nemala byt crawlovana. Niekedy sa vsak stava ze stranky na ktore sa odkazuje URL adresou is accessed with URLs containing question marks. If you are unsure, do not check this to avoid crawl loops.==obsahujucou otaznik maju staticky obsah. Neaktivujte tuto volbu ak ste si nie isty nebezpecenstvom zacyklenia crawlingu. Store to Proxy Cache:==Uloz do proxy cache: This option is used by default for proxy prefetch, but is not needed for explicit crawling.==Tato volba je standartne pouzita na proxy predvyber, avsak pre cisty crawling nie je potrebna. We recommend to leave this switched off unless you want to control the crawl results with the==Odporucame ponechat tuto volbu vypnutu ak nechcete kontrolovat vysledky crawlingu pomocou Cache Monitor==cache monitoru. Do Local Indexing:==Lokalne indexovanie: This enables indexing of the wepages the crawler will download. This should be switched on by default, unless you want to crawl only to fill the==Toto aktivuje indexovanie web stranok, ktore crawler stiahol. Toto by malo byt standartne vypnute, ak nechcete crawlovat Proxy Cache without indexing.==len na vyplnenie proxy cache bez indexovania. Do Remote Indexing:==Indexovanie inych peerov: Describe your intention to start this global crawl \(optional\):==Popiste preco chcete zacat tento globalny crawl (popis je nepovinny): This message will appear in the 'Other Peer Crawl Start' table of other peers.==Tento popis sa u ostatnych peerov objavi v tabulke 'Start crawlingu ineho peera'. If checked, the crawler will contact other peers and use them as remote indexers for your crawl.==Ak aktivovane tak crawler bude kontaktovat inych peerov and bude ich vyuzivat ako vzdialenych indexatorov pre Vas crawl. If you need your crawling results locally, you should switch this off.==Aktivujte tuto volbu, ak potrebujete mat vysledy crawlingu lokalne. Only senior and principal peers can initiate or receive remote crawls.==Len Senior a Principal peeri mozu odstartovat alebo obdrzat vzialene crawly. A YaCyNews message will be created to inform all peers about a global crawl, so they can omit starting a crawl with the same start point.==YaCy sprava bude vytvorena na informovanie ostatnych peerov o globalnom crawle, aby sa zabranilo odstartovaniu crawlu z rovnakeho startovacieho bodu. Exclude static Stop-Words==Vyluc staticke stop slova This can be useful to circumvent that extremely common words are added to the database, i.e. \"the\", \"he\", \"she\", \"it\"... To exclude all words given in the file yacy.stopwords from indexing,==Toto ma zmysel pre zabranenie pridavania velmi casto sa vyskytujucich slov do databazy, ako napr. "a", "alebo", "to" atd. Aktivujte tuto volbu na vylucenie indexovania vsetkych slov uvedenych check this box.==v subore yacy.stopwords. Starting Point:==Startovaci bod: From File:==Zo suboru: From URL:==Z URL adresy: Existing start URLs are re-crawled.==Existjuce start URL adresy sa crawluju nanovo. Other already visited URLs are sorted out as \"double\".==Ine uz navstivene stranky budu ako 'dvojnasobne' vylucene. A complete re-crawl will be available soon.==Kompletny re-crawl bude uz coskoro mozny. "Start New Crawl"=="Odstartuj novy crawl" Distributed Indexing: ==Distribuovane indexovanie: Crawling and indexing can be done by remote peers.==Crawling a indexovanie moze byt vykonane inymi peermi. Your peer can search and index for other peers and they can search for you.==Vas peer moze hladat a indexovat pre inych peerov a ine peeri mozu hladat pre Vas. Accept remote crawling requests and perform crawl at maximum load==Akceptuj poziadavky na vzdialeny crawling a vykonaj crawling s maximalnym moznym vytazenim. Accept remote crawling requests and perform crawl at maximum of==Akceptuj poziadavky na vzdialeny crawling a vykonaj crawling s maximalnym vytazenim Pages Per Minute \(minimum is 1, low system load usually at PPM <= 30\)==stranok za minutu (minimum je 1, pomale systemy nahravaju normalne pod 30 stranok za minutu) Do not accept remote crawling requests \(please set this only if you cannot accept to crawl only one page per minute; see option above\)==Neakceptuj poziadavky na vzdialeny crawling (prosim aktivujte tuto volbu len ak nemozete crawlovat 1 stranku za minut - pozri vyzsie) "set"=="Uloz" Error:==Chyba: Application not yet initialized. Sorry. Please wait some seconds and repeat the request.==Nespravna inicializacia. Sorry. Prosim cakajte niekolko sekund a zopakujte Vasu poziadavku. Crawling of "\#\[crawlingURL\]\#" failed. Reason:==Crawling URL adresy "#[crawlingURL]#" skoncil s chybou. Dovod: Error with file input==Chyba vstupneho suboru Set new prefetch depth to==Nastav novu hlbku crawlingu na Crawling of "\#\[crawlingURL\]\#" started.==Crawling URL adresy "#[crawlingURL]#" bol odstartovany. You can monitor the crawling progress either by watching the URL queues==Crawling proces mozete monitorovat pomocou jedneho al. viacerych z nasledovnych URL cakacich listin: Sie können den Crawling Prozess auch sehen, indem Sie auf einer der folgenden URLs nachsehen: local queue==lokalna cakacia listina global queue==globalna cakacia listina loader queue==nahravacia cakacia listina indexing queue==indexovacia cakacia listina or see the fill/process count of all queues on the==alebo sa pozrite na proces vyplnania vsetkych cakacich listin na >performance page.==>stranke vykonu. Index Monitor-page.==stranke Monitor indexu. It will take at least 30 seconds until the first result appears there. Please be patient, the crawling will pause each time you use the proxy or web server to ensure maximum availability.==Bude trvat priblizne 30 sekund pokym sa zobrazi prvy vysledok. Budte prosim trpezlivy. Kvoli zabezpeceniu maximalnej dostupnosti bude crawling pozastaveny pri kazdom pouziti proxy alebo web servera na If you crawl any un-wanted pages, you can delete them==Ak crawlujete stranky ktore ste povodne nechceli crawlovat tak ich mozete here.==na tomto mieste zmazat. Removed \#\[numEntries\]\# entries from crawl queue. This queue may fill again if the loading and indexing queue is not empty==#[numEntries]# zaznamov bolo zmazanych z crawl cakacej listiny. Tato cakacia listina sa nanovo naplni ak nahravacia al. indexovacia listina nie je prazdna. Crawling paused successfully.==Crawling bol uspesne pozastaveny (pauzaa). Continue crawling.==Pokracuj v crawlingu. "refresh"=="aktualizuj" "continue crawling"=="pokracuj v crawlingu" "pause crawling"=="pozastav crawling" Crawl Profile List:==Profil crawl zoznamu: Crawl Thread==Vlakno crawlu Start URL==Startovacia URL Depth==Hlbka Filter==Filter Fill Proxy Cache==Vypln proxy cache Local Indexing==Lokalne indexovanie Remote Indexing==Indexovanie na inych peeroch Recently started remote crawls in progress:==Posledne odstartovane a spracovavane indexovania na inych peeroch: Start Time==Startovaci cas Peer Name==Meno peera Start URL==Startovacia URL adresa Intention/Description==Umysel/Popis Recently started remote crawls, finished:==Posledne odstartovane a ukoncene indexovania na inych peeroch: Remote Crawling Peers:==Peeri na vzdialeny crawl: No remote crawl peers availible.==Ziadny peer na vzdialeny crawling nie je dostupny. peers available for remote crawling.==Peeri dostupni na vzialeny crawling. Idle Peers==Necinni peeri Accept \'\?\' URLs==Akceptuj URL adresy s '?' Busy Peers==Vytazeni peeri \#\(withQuery\)\#no::yes\#\(/withQuery\)\#==#(withQuery)#nie::ano#(/withQuery)# \#\(storeCache\)\#no::yes\#\(/storeCache\)\#==#(storeCache)#nie::ano#(/storeCache)# \#\(localIndexing\)\#no::yes\#\(/localIndexing\)\#==#(localIndexing)#nie::ano#(/localIndexing)# \#\(remoteIndexing\)\#no::yes\#\(/remoteIndexing\)\#==#(remoteIndexing)#nie::ano#(/remoteIndexing)# \#\(crawlingQ\)\#no::yes\#\(/crawlingQ\)\#==#(crawlingQ)#nie::ano#(/crawlingQ)# \#\{available\}\#\#\[name\]\# \(\#\[due\]\# seconds due\)   \#\{/available\}\#==#{available}##[name]# (#[due]# sekund)   #{/available}# \#\{busy\}\#\#\[name\]\# \(\#\[due\]\# seconds due\)  \#\{/busy\}\#==#{busy}##[name]# (#[due]# sekund)  #{/busy}# #------------------------------------------------------- #File: IndexCreateIndexingQueue_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Index Creation/Indexing Queue==Vytvorenie indexu/Cakacia listina indexu Index Creation: Indexing Queue==Vytvorenie indexu: Cakacia listina indexu The indexing queue is empty==Cakacia listina indexu je prazdna. "clear indexing queue"=="Zmaz cakaciu listinu indexu" There are \#\[num\]\# entries in the indexing queue. Showing \#\[show\]\# entries with a total size of \#\[totalSize\]\#.==V cakacej listine indexu sa nachadza #[num]# zaznamov. Zobrazuje sa #[show]# zaznamov s celkovou velkostou \#\[totalSize\]\#. Show last==Zobraz posledne entries.== zaznami Initiator==Iniciator Depth==Hlbka Modified Date==Posledna zmena Anchor Name==Nazov kotvy #URL==URL Size==Velkost Delete==Zmazat Rejected URL List: There are \#\[num\]\# entries in the rejected-urls list.==Zoznam odmietnutych URL adries:  V zozname odmietnutych URL adries sa nachadza #[num]# zaznamov. Showing latest \#\[num\]\# entries.==Zobrazuju sa #[num]# posledne zaznami. "show more"=="zobraz ostatne" "clear list"=="vymaz zoznam" There are \#\[num\]\# entries in the rejected-queue:==V cakacej listine odmietnutych sa nachadza #[num]# zaznamov: Executor==Vykonavatel Fail-Reason==Dovod zlyhania #------------------------------------------------------- #File: IndexCreateLoaderQueue_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Index Creation / Loader Queue==Vytvorenie indexu / Cakacia listina nahravaca Index Creation: Loader Queue==Vytvorenie indexu: Cakacia listina nahravaca The loader set is empty==Cakacia listina nahravaca je prazdna. There are \#\[num\]\# entries in the loader set:==V cakacej listine nahravaca sa nachadza #[num]# zaznamov: Initiator==Iniciator Depth==Hlbka #URL==URL #------------------------------------------------------- #File: IndexCreateWWWGlobalQueue_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to YaCy '\#\[clientname\]\#': Index Creation / WWW Global Crawl Crawl Queue==YaCy '#[clientname]#': Vytvorenie indexu / Globalna WWW cakacia listina Index Creation: WWW Global Crawl Queue==Vytvorenie indexu: Globalna WWW cakacia listina This queue stores the urls that shall be sent to other peers to perform a remote crawl.==Tato cakacia listi naobsahuje URL adresy ktore by sa mali poslat inym peerom na vykonanie vzdialeneho crawlu. If there is no peer for remote crawling available, the links are crawled locally.==Ak nie je dostupny ziaden peer na vzdialeny crawl, tak budu tieto linky crawlovane lokalne. The global crawler queue is empty==Globalna cakacia listina crawleru je prazdna. "clear global crawl queue"=="Zmaz globalnu cakaciu listinu crawleru" There are \#\[num\]\# entries in the global crawler queue. Showing \#\[show-num\]\# most recent entries.==V globalnej cakacej listine crawleru sa nachadza #[num]# zaznamov. Zobrazuje sa #[show-num]# poslednych zaznamov. Show last==Zobraz posledne entries.== zaznamy. Initiator==Iniciator Profile==Profil Depth==Hlbka Modified Date==Datum poslednej zmeny Anchor Name==Meno kotvy #URL==URL #------------------------------------------------------- #File: IndexCreateWWWLocalQueue_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to YaCy '\#\[clientname\]\#': Index Creation / WWW Local Crawl Queue==YaCy '#[clientname]#': Vytvorenie indexu / Lokalna WWW cakacia listina Index Creation: WWW Local Crawl Queue==Vytvorenie indexu: Lokalna WWW cakacia listina This queue stores the urls that shall be crawled localy by this peer.==Tato cakacia listi naobsahuje URL adresy ktore by sa mali byt crawlovane lokalne Vasom peeri. It may also contain urls that are computed by the proxy-prefetch.==Obsahuje tiez URL adresy vytvorene pomocou proxy predvyberu. The local crawler queue is empty==Lokalna cakacia listina crawleru je prazdna. "clear local crawl queue"=="Zmaz lokalnu cakaciu listinu crawleru" There are \#\[num\]\# entries in the local crawler queue. Showing \#\[show-num\]\# most recent entries.==V lokalnej cakacej listine crawleru sa nachadza #[num]# zaznamov. Zobrazuje sa #[show-num]# poslednych zaznamov. Show last==Zobraz posledne entries.== zaznamy. Initiator==Iniciator Profile==Profil Depth==Hlbka Modified Date==Datum poslednej zmeny Anchor Name==Meno kotvy URL==URL \[Delete\]==[Zmaz] Delete Entries:==Zmaz zaznami: "Delete"=="Zmaz" This may take a quite long time.==Toto moze chvilku trvat. #------------------------------------------------------- #File: IndexImport_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to YaCy \'\#\[clientname\]\#\': Index Import==YaCy '#[clientname]#': Import indexu Index DB Import==Import databazoveho indexu The local index currently consists of \(at least\) \#\[wcount\]\# reverse word indexes and \#\[ucount\]\# URL references.== Lokalny index pozostava aktualne z (najmenej) #[wcount]# slov a #[ucount]# URL adries. Import Job with the same path already started.==Import z rovnakou cestou uz bol odstartovany. Starting new Job==Odstartuj novy import Import Type:==Typ importu: Cache Size==Velkost cache: Usage Examples==Priklady pouzitia "Path to the PLASMADB directory of the foreign peer"=="Cesta k PLASMADB adresaru cudzieho peera" Import Path:==Cesta importu: "Start Import"=="Odstartuj import" Attention:==Pozor: Always do a backup of your source and destination database before starting to use this import function.==Urobte si vzdy zalohu Vasej zdrojovej a cielovej databazy predtym ako spustite import-funkciu. Currently running jobs==Prave vykonavane ulohy Job Type==Typ ulohy >Path==>Cesta Status==Stav Elapsed
Time==Uplynuly cas Time
cas Abort Import==Prerus import Pause Import==Pozastav import Finished::Running::Paused==Ukoncene::Beziace::Pozastavene Continue Import==Pokracuj v importe Finished jobs==Ukoncene importy "Clear List"=="Zmaz zoznam" Last Refresh:==Posledna aktualizacia: Example Path:==Priklad cesty: Requirements:==Poziadavky: You need to have at least the following directories and files in this path:==V tejto ceste musite mat aspon nasledovne subory a cesty: >Type==>Typ >Writeable==>Zapisovatelne >Description==>Popis >File==>Subor >Directory==>Adresar >Yes<==>Ano< >No<==>Nie< The LoadedURL Database containing all loaded and indexed URLs==Databaza 'nahratych URL adries' obsahuje vsetky nahrate a zaindexovane URL adresy The assortment directory containing parts of the word index.==Adresar Assortment, obsahuje casti indexu slov. The words directory containing parts of the word index.==Adresar slov, obsahuje casti indexu slov. The assortment file that should be imported.==Assortment subor na import. The assortment file must have the postfix==Assortment subor musi mat priponu .db".==.db". If you would like to import an assortment file from the PLASMADB\\ACLUSTER\\ABKP==Ak chcete importovat Assortment subor z PLASMADB\\ACLUSTER\\ABKP, you have to rename it first.==tak ho musite najprv premenovat. >Notes:==>Poznamky: Please note that the imported words are useless if the destination peer doesn't know==Nezabudnite prosim, ze importovane slova su nepouzitelne ak cielovy peer nevie the URLs the imported words belongs to.==ku ktorym URL adresam tieto slova patria. Crawling Queue Import:==Import cakacej listiny crawleru: Contains data about the crawljob an URL belongs to==Obsahuje data o crawl-ulohe ku ktorej prislucha URL adresa The crawling queue==Cakacia listina crawleru Various stack files that belong to the crawling queue==Rozdielne stack subory patriace cakacej listine crawlingu #------------------------------------------------------- #File: IndexMonitor.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to #YaCy '#[clientname]#': Index Monitor Index Monitor Menu==Menu monitoringu indexu Index Monitor Overview==Monitoring indexu - prehlad Receipts==Odpovede Queries==Vyhladávacie dotazy DHT Transfer==DHT prenos Proxy Use==Vyuzitie proxy Local Crawling==Lokálny crawling Global Crawling==Globálny crawling Indexing Queues Monitor Overview==Prehlad monitoringu indexovacích variant These are monitoring pages for the different indexing queues.==Toto sú monitorovacie stránky pre rozdielne indexovacie varianty. YaCy knows 5 different ways to acquire web indexes. The details of these processes \(1-5\) are described within the submenu's listed==YaCy rozpoznáva 5 rozdielnych spôsobov indexácie webu. Detaily k tymto procesom \(1-5\) sú popísané v submenu vyzšie. above which also will show you a table with indexing results so far. The information in these tables is considered as private,==Tu sa dá takisto vidiet tabulka výsledkov indexovania. Informácie v týchto tabulkách sa hodnotia ako súkromné. so you need to log-in with your administration password.==Na ich zobrazenie sa musíte prihlásit heslom administrátora. Case \(6\) is a monitor of the local receipt-generator, the opposed case of \(1\). It contains also an indexing result monitor but is not considered private==Prípad \(6\) je monitor lokálneho prijímacieho generátora, v protiklade k \(1\). Obsahuje okrem iného monitor výsledku indexovania avšak nie je povazovaný za súkromný, since it shows crawl requests from other peers.==pretoze zobrazuje crawl dotazy iných peerov. The image above illustrates the data flow initiated by web index acquisition.==Obrázok hore zobrazuje dátový tok pozostávajúci z prírastku web indexu. Some processes occur double to document the complex index migration structure.==Niektoré procesy sa kvôli redukcii komplexnej štruktúry indexu vyskytujú viacnásobne. \(1\) Index Monitor of Remote Crawl Receipts==\(1\) Monitorovanie indexu pre hlásenia zo vzdialeného crawlingu This is the list of web pages that this peer initiated to crawl==Toto je zoznam web stránok ktoré zacal crawlovat Váš peer but had been crawled by other peers.==avšak ktoré boli precrawlované iným peerom. This is the 'mirror'-case of process \(6\).==Toto je opacný príklad k procesu \(6\). Use Case: You get entries here, if you start a local crawl on the 'Index Creation'-Page and check the==Prípadová štúdia: Tu obdrzíte záznami, ak zacnete lokálny crawling na stránke 'Vytvorenie indexu' a aktivujete 'Do Remote Indexing'-flag. Every page that a remote peer indexes upon this peer's request=='Vzdialené indexovanie'. Kazdá stránka ktorú vzdialený peer pomocou tohoto dotazu zaindexuje is reported back and can be monitored here.==bude spätne hlásená a na tomto mieste zobrazená. \(2\) Index Monitor for Result of Search Queries==(2) Monitoring indexu pre výsledky dotazov vyhladávania This index transfer was initiated by your peer by doing a search query.==Tento index transfer bol iniciovaný odštartovaním vyhladávacieho dotazu. The index was crawled and contributed by other peers.==Index bol crawlovaný inými peermi a dodaný k Vašej dispozícii. Use Case: This list fills up if you do a search query on the 'Search Page'==Prípadová štúdia: Tento zoznam sa vyplní ked odštartujete vyhladávanie na 'Vyhladávacej stránke' \(3\) Index Monitor for Index Transfer.==\(3\) Monitoring indexu pre DHT prenos. The url fetch was initiated and executed by other peers.==Indexácia URL bola odštartovaná a vykonaná inými peermi. These links here have been transmitted to you because your peer is the most appropriate for storage according to==Tieto odkazy boli k Vám prenesené, pretoze Váš peer je podla the logic of the Global Distributed Hash Table.==logiky globálne distribuovanej hash tabulky najvhodnejší na ich ulozenie. Use Case: This list may fill if you check the 'Index Receive'-flag on the 'Index Control' page==Pouzitie: Tento zoznam sa vyplní ak ste aktivovali 'Index Receive' volbu na stráne 'Kontrola indexu' \(4\) Index Monitor for Proxy Indexing==\(4\) Monitorovanie indexu pre indexáciu proxy These web pages had been indexed as result of your proxy usage.==Tieto web stránky boli indexované za pouzitia Vašeho proxy. No personal or protected page is indexed==Ziadne osobné ani chránené stránky nie sú indexované such pages are detected by Cookie-Use or POST-Parameters \(either in URL or as HTTP protocol\)==Takéto stránky sú detekované za pouzitia cookies alebo POST parametrov \(v URL adrese alebo v HTTP protokole\) and automatically excluded from indexing.==a sú z indexovania automaticky vylúcené. Use Case: You must use YaCy as proxy to fill up this table.==Pouzitie: Musite pouzit YaCy ako proxy na vyplnenie tejto tabulky. Set the proxy settings of your browser to the same port as given==V proxy nastaveniach Vaseho browsera nastavte rovnaky port ako je port uvedeny on the 'Settings'-page in the 'Proxy and Administration Port' field.==na stranke 'Nastavenia' v polozke 'Proxy a port administracie'. \(5\) Index Monitor for Local Crawling.==(5) Monitor indexu pre lokalny crawling. These web pages had been crawled by your own crawl task.==Tieto web stranky boli precrawlovane Vasim vlastnym lokalnym crawlom odstartovanym na stranke 'Vytvorenie indexu'. Use Case: start a crawl by setting a crawl start point on the 'Index Create' page.==Pouzitie: Odstartujte crawl tym ze nastavite startovaci bod na stranke 'Vytvorenie indexu'. \(6\) Index Monitor for Global Crawling==(6) Monitor indexu pre globalny crawling These pages had been indexed by your peer, but the crawl was initiated by a remote peer.==Tieto stranky boli zaindexovane Vasim vlastnym peerom, avsak crawl bol vytvoreny inym peerom (vzdialeny crawl). This is the 'mirror'-case of process \(1\).==Toto je opak procesu (1). Use Case: This list may fill if you check the 'Accept remote crawling requests'-flag on the 'Index Crate' page==Pouzitie: Tento zoznam sa vyplni ak aktivujete 'Akceptuj dotazy vzdialeneho crawlingu' na stranke 'Vytvorenie indexu'. The stack is empty.==Zoznam je prazdny. Showing all \#\[all\]\# entries in this stack.==Zobrazuju sa vsetkych #[all]# zaznamov tohoto zoznamu. Showing latest \#\[count\]\# lines from a stack of \#\[all\]\# entries.==Zobrazuju sa posledne #[count]# z celkovo #[all]# zaznamov tohoto zoznamu. "clear list"=="Vymaz zoznam" #Initiator==Iniciator Executor==Vykonavatel Modified Date==Datum poslednej zmeny Words==Slov Title==Nazov #URL==URL "delete"=="zmaz" #------------------------------------------------------- #File: IndexTransfer_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to The local index currently consists of \(at least\) \#\[wcount\]\# reverse word indexes and \#\[ucount\]\# URL references.== Lokalny index momentalne pozostava z (priblizne) #[wcount]# slov a #[ucount]# URL adries. Chunk Size
\(Word Entries\)==Velkost chunku
(zaznamov slov) Words Range==Rozsah slov Transfered Words==Prenesene slova Delete
index true==ano false==nie Selection==Vyber words<==slov< Last Refresh:==Posledna aktualizacia Overwrite IP==prepis IP adresu blank for defaultip==prazdne pre standardnu IP adresu Start/Stop Transfer==Start/Stop prenosu "Start Index Transfer"=="Odstartuj prenos indexu" "Stop Index Transfer"=="Stopni prenos indexu" "Start New Index Transfer"=="Odstartuj novy prenos indexu" #------------------------------------------------------- #File: Language_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Language selection==Vyber jazyka Language selection==Vyber jazyka You can change the language of the YaCy-webinterface with translation files.==Mozete zmenit jazyk YaCy web rozhrania pomocou prekladoveho suboru. Vyberte zvoleny jazyk zo zoznamu. Current language:==Zvoleny jazyk default\(english\)==Predvoleny jazyk (anglictina) Languagefile Author:==Autor jazykoveho suboru: ==Rostislav Svoboda Languages:==Jazyky: Install new language from URL:==Naistaluj novy jazyk: Use this language==Pouzi tento jazyk "Use"==Pouzi "Delete"==Vymaz "Install"==Instaluj Unable to get URL:==Nie je mozne nainstalovat subor z URL adresy: Error saving the language file.==Pri ukladani jazykoveho suboru doslo k chybe. #------------------------------------------------------- #File: Lab.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to YaCy \'\#\[clientname\]\#\': Lab==YaCy '#[clientname]#': Laboratorium The YACY Lab==YaCy Laboratorium This is the place where we try new functions of the YaCy search engine.==Na tomto mieste testujeme nove funkcie YaCy vyhladavaca. All these things here are to be considered as probably unstable, and/or experimental.==Vsetky tieto nove funkcie su v experimentalnej faze a preto mozu byt nestabilne. You may try out these things but please do not care about bugs.==Vsetky nove funkcie mozete samozrejme vyskusat. Pripadnymi chybami sa vsak nemusite zapodievat. The Nastavenia #------------------------------------------------------- #File: Messages_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to >Messages==>Spravy >Date==>Datum >From==>Od >To==>Pre >Subject==>Subjekt >Action==>Akcia From:==Od: To:==Pre: Date:==Datum: Subject:==Subjekt: reply==odpovedaj >delete==>zmaz #------------------------------------------------------- #File: MessageSend_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Send message==Posli spravu #------------------------------------------------------- #File: Network.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Network Overview==Prehlad stavu siete Network Menu==Menu siet Network Overview==Prehlad stavu siete Active Peers==Aktivny peeri Passive Peers==Pasivny peeri Potential Peers==Potencionalny peeri Network Overview==Prehlad stavu siete Active Peers==Aktivny peeri Passive Peers==Pasivny peeri Potential Peers==Potencionalny peeri Manually contacting Peer== Manualne kontaktujuci peer no remote \#\[peertype\]\# peer for this list known==ziadny vzdialeny #[peertype]# nie je znamy alebo online Showing==Zobrazenych je #[num]# zaznamov z celkovo #[total]# peerov. send Message/
show Profile/
edit Wiki==Posli spravu (m)/
Zobraz profil (p)/
Edituj wiki (w) Name==Meno Address==Adresa Hash==Hash Type==Typ Release/
SVN==Verzia YaCy/
SVN Contact==Kontakt Last
videny Location==Miesto Offset==Offset Uptime==Uptime Links==Odkazy RWIs==RWIs Sent
slova Sent
URL adresy Received
Slova Received
URL adresy PPM==PPM Seeds==Seeds Connects
per hour==Spojeni
za hodinu Send message to peer==Posli spravu peerovi View profile of peer==Zobraz profil peera Read and edit wiki on peer==Nacitaj a edituj wiki ineho peera All Peers:==Vsetki peeri: Branch==Typ Peers==peeri All Links==Vsetky odkazy All Words==Vsetky slova Active \(connected Senior and Principal\)==Aktivny peeri (pripopojeni Seniori a Principal-i) Passive \(disconnected Senior and Principal\)==Pasivny peeri (odpojeny Seniori a Principal-i) Potential \(Junior\)==Potencionalny peeri (Juniori) Network Total==Celkovy prehlad siete YaCy Cluster Indexing Speed:==Rychlost YaCy cluster indexu Pages Per Minute \(Accumulated PPM over Active Peers\).==Stranok za minutu (PPM aktivnych peerov) Your Peer:==Vas peer: Version==Verzia Own/Other==Vlastne/Ine Accept Crawl==Akceptuje Crawl Sent
slova Sent
URL adresy Received
Slova Received
URL adresy PPM==PPM Seeds==Seeds Connects
per hour==Spojeni
za hodinu Network legend:==Legenda siete: dark font==tmavy font senior/principal peers==Senior/Principal peeri lightred font==svetly font passiv peers \(< 5 hour passiv time\)==pasivny peeri (vyse 5 hodin pasivny) turquoise font==turquoise font junior peers==Junior peeri red point==cerveny bod this peer==Vas peer You are in online mode, but probably no internet resource is available. Please check your internet connection.==Nachadzate sa v online mode, avsak momentalne nie ste pripojeny do internetu. Prosim overte Vase internetove pripojenie. You are either not in online mode or you do not use the proxy option.==Bud nie ste v online mode, alebo nepouzivate proxy nastavenie. 'on-demand - mode', see=='on-demand - mod', pozri here==tu for an installation guide\) or you can go online by activating the permanent online mode.==Mozete sa vsak prejst do online modu tak, ze aktivujete permanentny online mod. To do this, press this button:==Na prechod do online stavu, kliknite prosim na toto tlacitko: "go online"==Online mod #------------------------------------------------------- #File: News.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Network Menu==Menu siete News Overview==Prehlad sprav Incoming News==Prichadzajuce spravy Processed News==Precitane spravy Outgoing News==Odchadzajuce spravy Published News==Zverejnene spravy News Overview==Prehlad sprav This is the YaCyNews system \(currently under testing\).==Toto je YaCy system sprav (momentalne v stave testovania). The news service is controlled by several entry points:==Tento servis sprav je kontrolovany z nasledovnych vstupnych bodov: A crawl start with remote indexing will automatically create a news entry.==Start procesu preliezania (crawl) so vzdialenym indexovanim vytvori automaticky zaznam v spravach. Other peers may use this information to prevent double-crawls from the same start point.==Ostatni peeri mozu pouzit tuto informaciu aby nevytvorili taky isty proces preliezania (crawl) z rovnakym startovacim bodom. A table with recently started crawls is presented on the Index Create - page==Tabulka s prave odstartovanymi procesmi preliezania (crawls) je zobrazena na stranke "Vytvor index". A change in the personal profile will create a news entry. You can see recently made changes of==Zmena v profile sposobi vytvorenie zaznamu v spravach. Posledne vykonane zmeny profile entries on the Network page, where that profile change is visualized with a '\*' beside the 'P' \(profile\) - selector.==v profiloch mozete vidiet na stranke "Siet" kde su tieto profily oznacene hviezdickou '*' vedla 'P' (profil). More news services will follow.==Dalsie sluzby pre spravy budu nasledovat. Above you can see four menues:==V menu mozete vidiet tieto styri zaznami: Incoming News: latest news that arrived your peer.==Prichadzajuce spravy: posledne spravy, ktore obdrzal Vas peer. Only these news will be used to display specific news services as explained above.==Ako bolo vysvetlene vyzsie na zobrazenie specifickych sluzieb sprav budu pouzite len tieto spravy. You can process these news with a button on the page to remove their appearance from the IndexCreate and Network page==Tieto spravy mozete spracovat pomocou tlacitka na stranke. Po ich spracovani budu tieto spravy zo stranok "Vytvor index" a "Stav siete" odstranene. Processed News: this is simply an archive of incoming news that you removed by processing.==Precitane spravy: Toto je jednoduchy archiv obdrzanych sprav, ktore ste odstranili spracovanim. Outgoing News: here your can see news entries that you have created. These news are currently broadcasted to other peers.==Odchadzajuce spravy: Tu vidite spravy, ktore ste vytvorili. Tieto spravy sa prave dorucuju ostatnym peerom. you can stop the broadcast if you want.==Toto dorucovanie mozete kedykolvek zastavit. Published News: your news that have been broadcasted sufficiently or that you have removed from the broadcast list.==Zverejnene spravy: Vase spravy, ktore boli uspesne dorucene alebo ktore ste odstranili zo zoznamu dorucovanych sprav. Originator==Autor Created==Vytvorene Category==Kategoria Received==Obdrzania Distributed==Distribuovane Attributes==Atribut "\#\(page\)\#::Process Selected News::Delete Selected News::Abort Publication of Selected News::Delete Selected News\#\(/page\)\#"==#(page)#::Gewählte News als gelesen markieren::gewählte News Löschen::Breche Verbreitung gewählter News ab::gewählte News Löschen#(/page)# "\#\(page\)\#::Process All News::Delete All News::Abort Publication of All News::Delete All News\#\(/page\)\#"==#(page)#::Markiere alle News als gelesen::Lösche alle News::Breche Verbreitung von allen News ab::Lösche alle News#(/page)# #------------------------------------------------------- #File: PerformanceQueues_p.html Performance Settings of Queues and Processes==Nastavenia vykonu pre cakacie listiny a procesy Scheduled tasks overview and waiting time settings:==Prehlad naplanovanych uloh a nastaveny casov cakania Queue Size==Velkost cakacej listiny >Total==>Celkovo #Block Time== #Sleep Time== #Exec Time== >Cycles==>Cyklov >Idle==>Necinny >Busy==>Cinny Short Mem
Cycles==Kratke pamatove cykly >per Cycle==>za cyklus >per Busy-Cycle==>za cinny cyklus >Memoy Use==>Vyuzitie pamate >Delay between==>Zdrzania medzi >idle loops==>necinne cyckly >busy loops==>cinne cykly Minimum of
Required Memory==Pozadovane minimum pamate Full Description==Pnly popis Submit New Delay Values==Uloz nove hodnoty zdrzani Reset To Default Values==Obnov predvolene nastavenia Changes take effect immediately==Zmenu su okamzite ucinne Indexing Cache Settings:==Nastavenia indexovaceh cache: Words in RAM Cache:==Slov v RAM chache This is the current size of the word cache.==Toto je momentalna velkost cache slov. The smaller this number, the faster the shut-down procedure will be.==Cim mensie cislo, tym bude vypnutie YaCy rychlesie The maximum of this cache can be set below.==Maximalna velkost cache moze byt nastavena nizsie. Maximum URLs currently assigned
to one cached word:==Maximalny pocet URL adries prave priradenych jednemu slovu v cache pamati: This is the maximum size of URLs assigned to a single word cache entry.==Toto je maximalna velkost URL adries ktore su priradene jedinemu slovu v cache slov If this is a big number, it shows that the caching works efficiently.==Ak je to velke cislo, znamena to ze cachovanie pracuje efektivne. Maximum Age of Word in cache:==Maximalny vek jedneho slova v cache: This is the maximum age of a word index that is in the RAM cache in minutes.==Toto je maximalny vek jedneho slova v RAM cache v minutach Minimum Age of Word in cache:==Minimalny vek jedneho slova v cache: This is the minimum age of a word index that is in the RAM cache in minutes.==Toto je minimalny vek jedneho slova v RAM cache v minutach Maximum number of Word Caches, low limit:==Maximalny poces slov v cache, dolna hranica Maximum number of Word Caches, high limit:==Maximalny poces slov v cache, horna hranica This is is the number of word indexes that shall be held in the==Toto je pocet indexov slov ktore by mali byt ram cache during indexing. When YaCy is shut down, this cache must be==v RAM cache pocas indexacie. Ak je YaCy vypnute, tato cache musi byt flushed to disc; this may last some minutes.==ulozena na disk. To moze trvat niekolko minut. The low limit is valid for crawling tasks, the high limit is valid==Dolna hranica plati pre ulohy crawlingu. Horna hranica plati pre for search and DHT transmission tasks.==vyhladavacie ulohy a ulohy DHT prenosu. Enter New Cache Size==Zadajte novu velkost cache Thread pool settings:==Nastavenia threadpool-u maximum Active==max. aktivnych maximum Idle==max. neaktivnych minimum Idle==min. neaktivnych current Active==prave aktivnych current Idle==prave neaktivnych Enter new Threadpool Configuration==Zadajte novu konfiguraciu Threadpool-u Proxy Performance Settings:==Nastavenia vykonu proxy #Online Caution Delay== This is the time that the crawler idles when the proxy is accessed.==Toto je cas pocas ktoreho je crawler neaktivny ked sa pristupuje na proxy. The delay is extended by this time==Normalne zdrzanie bude predlzene o tento cas, each time the proxy is accessed afterwards. This shall improve performance of the proxy throughput.==pri kazdom pristupe na proxy. Toto by malo zlepsit priepustnost proxy. current delta is==Od posledneho pristupu k proxy since last proxy access.==uplynulo. Enter New Parameters==Zadajte nove parametre milliseconds==Millisekundy #------------------------------------------------------- #File: PerformanceMemory_p.html Performance Settings for Memory==Nastavenia vykonu pamate Memory Usage:==Vyuzitie pamate: After Startup==Po starte After Initializations==Po inicializacii before GC==pred GC after GC==po GC >Now==>Teraz before <==pred < Next
start Description==Popis maximum memory that the JVM will attempt to use==maximum pamate pre JVM >Available<==>Dostupna< total available memory including free for the JVM within maximum==celkovo dostupnej pamate vratane volnej pamate pre JVM v ramci maxima >Total<==>Celkovo< total memory taken from the OS==celkove mnozstvo pamate priradenej od operacneho systemu >Free<==>Volna< free memory in the JVM within total amount==volna pamat v JVM v ramci celkovej pamate >Used<==>Pouzitej< free memory in the JVM within total amount==volna pamat v JVM v ramci celkovej pamate Re-Configuration of Startup Paramenters:==Nova konfiguracia startovacich parametrov: Changes take effect after re-start of YaCy==Zmeny sa prejavia az po restarte YaCy RAM Cache for Database Files:==RAM-Cache pre databazove subory: Chunk Size==Velkost chunk-u #Slots== Memory Occupation==Obsadenie pamate Needed
 DB Size== Velkost DB >Empty==>Volna High Prio==Vysoka prioria Medium Prio==Stredna prioria Low Prio==Nizska priorita Used Now==Prave pouzita Assigned Max==Maximalne priradenej Default Max==Maximum standartne Good Max==Dobre maximum Best Max==Najlepsie maximum The Assortment Cluster stores most of the page indexes.==Assortment cluster uklada vacsinu indexov stranok. Flushing speed of the temporary RWI cache depends on the size of this file cache. Increasing the space of this==Rychlost vyprazdnovania pomocnej RWI cache zavisi na velkosti tejto suborovej cache. Zvacsenie tejto cache will speed up crawls with a depth > 3.==cache urychly crawly s hlbkou > 3. #HTTP Response Header== The Response Header database stores the HTTP heades that other servers send when YaCy retrieves web pages==Databaza Response Headerov uklada HTTP headery ktore posielaju ostatne servery ked YaCy obdrzi web stranky during proxy mode, when performing crawls or if it fetches pages for snippet generation.==pocas proxy modu, pri vykonavani crawlov alebo prijati web stranky na generovanie snippetu. Increasing this cache will be most important for a fast proxy mode.==Zvacsenie tejto cache je najpodstatnejsie pre rychly proxy mod. 'loaded' URLs=='nahrate' URL adresy This is the database that holds the hash/url - relation and properties regarding the url like load date and server date.==Toto je databaza obsahujuca vztahy "hash/URL adresa" a ine vlastnosti prinaleziace URL adresam, ako napr. datum nahratia, datum servera atd. This cache is very important for a fast search process.==Tato cache je velmi dolezita pre rychle vyhladavanie. Increasing the cache size will result in more search results and less IO during DHT transfer.==Dosledok zvacsenie tejto cache je viac vysledkov vyhladavania a menej vstupno/vystupnej zataze pocas DHT prenosu. 'noticed' URLs=='zname' URL adresy A noticed URL is one that was discovered during crawling but was not loaded yet.==Znama URL adresa je taka ktora bola objavena pocas crawlingu avsak nebola este nahrata. Increasing the cache size will result in faster double-check during URL recognition when doing crawls.==Erhöhen der Cachegröße resultiert in schnellerer Rücküberprüfung beim Durchführen von Crawls. 'error' URLs=='chybne' URL adresy URLs that cannot be loaded are stored in this database. It is also used for double-checked during crawling.==URL adresy ktore nemozu byt nahrante su ulozene v tejto databaze. Takisto sa pouziva pri dvojnasobnej kontrole pocas crawlingu. Increasing the cache size will most probably speed up crawling slightly, but not significantly.==Zvacsenie tejto cache pravdepodobne jemne zvysi rychlost crawlingu, nie vsak o vela. DHT Control==DHT kontrola This is simply the cache for the seed-dbs==Toto je cache pre seed-dbs active, passive, potential==aktivna, pasivna, potencialna This cache is divided into three equal parts.==Tato cache je rozdelena na 3 rovnako velke casti. Increasing this cache may speed up many functions, but we need to test this to see the effects.==Zvacsenie tejto cache moze zrychlit mnoho funkcii, avsak potrebujeme to otestovat kvoli zisteniu vsetkych dosledkov. >Messages==>Spravy The Message cache for peer-to-peer messages. Less important.==Cache sprav pre peer-to-peer spravy. Nema velky vyznam. The YaCy-Wiki uses a database to store its pages.==YaCy-Wiki pouziva databazu na ukladanie jej stranok. This cache is divided in two parts, one for the wiki database and one for its backup.==Tato cache je rozdelena na dve casti, jednu pre wiki databazu a druhu pre jej backup. Increasing this cache may speed up access to the wiki pages.==Zvacsenie tejto cache moze zvysit rychlost wiki stranok. The News-DB stores property-lists for news that are included in seeds.==Databaza novych sprav (News-DB) uklada zoznamy pre nove spravy ktore sa nachadzaju v seed-och. Increasing this cache may speed up the peer-ping.==Zvacsenie tejto cache moze zrychlit peer-ping. The robots.txt DB stores downloaded records from robots.txt files.==Databaza robots.txt uklada zaznami stiahnute zo suboru robots.txt. Increasing this cache may speed up validation if crawling of the URL is allowed.==Zvacsenie tejto cache moze zvysit rychlost kontroly ak je povoleny crawling URL adries. Crawl Profiles==Profil crawlu The profile database stores properties for each crawl that is started on the local peer.==Databaza profilov uklada vlastnosti pre kazdy crawl odstartovany na lokalnom peeri. Increasing this cache may speed up crawling, but not much space is needed, so the effect may be low.==Zvacsenie tejto cache moze zrychlit crawling, na ten vsak nie je potrebne vela miesta, takze efekt zvysenia bude pravdepodobne nizsky. >Totals==>Celkovo Sum of memory amounts==Suma mnozstiev pamate Re-Configuration:==Nova konfiguracia: "Set"=="Nastav" these
uzivatelom vytvorene
hodnoty all
hodnoty all
mended values==vsetky
hodnoty all
hodnoty #Write Cache Object Allocation:== #now alive in write cache== #currently held in write buffer heap== #------------------------------------------------------- #File: PerformanceSearch_p.html Performance Settings of Search Sequence==Nastavenia vykonu priebehu vyhladavania Timing Settings of Search Sequence==Casove nastavenia priebehu vyhladavania Settings for local search profile:==Nastavenia lokalneho profilu vyhladavania #Entity== #Collection== #Join== #Pre-Sort== #URL Fetch== #Post-Sort== #Filter== #Snippet-Fetch== execution Time==cas vykonavania percentage; sum of this must be 100==percentualne; suma musi davat 100% #result count== #percentage of requested amount== Submit New Profile Values==Uloz nove hodnoty profilu Reset To Default Values==Obnov predvolene hodnoty Your settings are valid and will be used for next search.==Vase nastavenia su platne a budu pouzite pri dalsom vyhladavani Reset to default settings done.==Predvolene nastavenia boli obnovene. Your settings cannot be accepted: sum of execution time percentage is not 100==Vase nastavenia memozu byt akceptovane: suma percentualneho casu vykonavania nie je 100% Timing results of latest search request:==Casove vysledky posledneho vyhladavacieho dotazu: absolute milliseconds==absolutne, v millisekundach absolute amount==absolutna hodnota The network picture below shows how the latest search query was solved by asking corresponding peers in the DHT:==Obrazok siete nizsie ukazuje bol vyrieseny posledny vyhladavaci dotaz u prislusnych peerov v DHT: #------------------------------------------------------- #File: ProxyIndexingMonitor_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Index Monitor for Proxy Indexing==Monitor indexu pre indexaciu proxy This is the control page for web pages that your peer has indexed during the current application run-time==Toto je kontrolna stranke pre web stranky, ktore Vas peer indexoval pocas aktualneho behu aplikacie as result of proxy fetch/prefetch.==ako vysledok proxy vyberu/predvyberu. No personal or protected page is indexed==Osobne a chranene stranky nebudu indexovane those pages are detected by properties in the HTTP header \(like Cookie-Use, or HTTP Authorization\)==taketo stranky su detekovane pomocou vlastnosti (properties) v HTTP hlavicke (headery) stranky (napr. cookies alebo HTTP autorizacia) or by POST-Parameters \(either in URL or as HTTP protocol\)==alebo pomocou POST parametru (napr. v URL adrese alebo v HTTP protokole) and automatically excluded from indexing.==a automaticky z indexovania vylucene. Proxy pre-fetch setting:==Nastavenia indexacie proxy: this is an automated html page loading procedure that takes actual proxy-requested==Toto je automaticka funkcia nahravania web stranok, ktora pouziva prave navstevovane URLs as crawling start points for crawling.==URL adresy ako startovaci bod indexacie. Prefetch Depth==Hlbka predvyberu A prefetch of 0 means no prefetch; a prefetch of 1 means to prefetch all==Hlbke 0 znamena ziaden predvyber. Hlbka 1 znamena predvyber vsetkych embedded URLs, but since embedded image links are loaded by the browser==URL adries ktore sa na konkretnej web stranke vyskytuju. Kedze vsak obrazk su nahravane web browserom this means that only embedded href-anchors are prefetched additionally.==znamena to ze len emdedded href kotvy "" budu dodatocne predvyberane Store to Cache==Uloz do cache It is almost always recommended to set this on. The only exception is that you have another caching proxy running as secondary proxy and YaCy is configured to used that proxy in proxy-proxy - mode.==Doporucujeme mat tuto volbu vzdy aktivovanu. Jedinou vynimkou je ak Vam bezi dalsi proxi ako cache a chcete aby YaCy bezalo v mode "od proxy k proxy". Do Remote Indexing==Vzdialene indexovanie If checked, the crawler will contact other peers and use them as remote indexers for your crawl.==Ak je aktivovane, tak crawler bude kontaktovat ine peeri a pouzivat ich ako vzialenych indexatorov pre Vas crawl. If you need your crawling results locally, you should switch this off.==Deaktivujte tuto funkciu ak potrebujete lokalne ulozit vysledky Vaseho crawlingu. Only senior and principal peers can initiate or receive remote crawls.==Len Senior a Principal peeri mozu odstartovat alebo prijat vzdialeny crawl. Please note that this setting only take effect for a prefetch depth greater than 0.==Prosim uvazte ze tieto nastavenia su ucinne len ak je zvolena hlbka predvyberu vacsia ako 0. Proxy generally==Proxy vseobecne Path==Adresar The path where the pages are stored \(max. length 300\)==Adresar kde je ulozena cache (max. 300 znakov) Size==Velkost The size in MB of the cache.==Velkost cache v MB. "Set proxy profile"=="Uloz proxy profil" The file DATA/PLASMADB/crawlProfiles0.db is missing or corrupted.==Subor DATA/PLASMADB/crawlProfiles0.db nebol najdeny alebo je poskodeny. Please delete that file and restart.==Prosim zmazte tento subor a restartujte YaCy. Pre-fetch is now set to depth==Predvyber je nastaveny na hlbku Caching is now \#\(caching\)\#off\:\:on\#\(/caching\)\#.==Ukladamie do chache je momentalne #(caching)#vypnute::zapnute#(/caching)#. Cachepath is now set to \'\#\[return\]\#\'. Please move the old data in the new directory.==Cache sa momentalne nachadza v adresari '#[return]#'. Presunte prosim Vase stare subory do tohoto noveho adresara Cachesize is now set to \#\[return\]\#MB.==Velkost cache je momentalne nastavena na #[return]#MB. Changes will take effect after restart only.==Zmeny budu ucinne az po restarte YaCy. Remote Indexing is now \#\(crawlOrder\)\#off::on==Vzdialene indexovanie je momentalne #(crawlOrder)#vypnute::zapnute An error has occurred:==Nastala chyba: You can see a snapshot of recently indexed pages==Mozete si pozriet 'aktualny snimok' (snapshot) prave zaindexovanych web stranok on the==na Page.==stranke. #------------------------------------------------------- #File: QuickCrawlLink_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to YaCy \'\#\[clientname\]\#\': Quick Crawl Link==YaCy '#[clientname]#''#[clientname]#': Rychly Crawl Link Quick Crawl Link==Rychly Crawl Link Quickly adding Bookmarks:==Rychly Crawl - Zalozky: Simply drag and drop the link shown below to your Browsers Toolbar/Link-Bar.==Kliknite na tahajte (drag and drop) odkaz nizsie do toolbar/linkbaru Vaseho browsera. If you click on it while browsing, the currently viewed website will be inserted into the YaCy crawling queue for indexing.==Ak nan kliknete pocas surfovania, tak bude prave prehliadana stranka pridana na indexaciu do cakacej listine YaCy crawleru. Crawl with YaCy==Crawl s YaCy Title:==Titul: Link:==Odkaz: Status:==Stav: URL successfully added to Crawler Queue==URL adresa bola uspesne pridana do cakacej listiny crawleru. Malformed URL==Chyba v URL adrese Unable to create new crawling profile for URL:==Nie je mozne vytvorit crawling profil pre tuto URL adresu: Unable to add URL to crawler queue:==Nie je mozne pridat URL adresu do cakacej listiny crawleru: #------------------------------------------------------- #File: Settings_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to YaCy \'\#\[clientname\]\#\': Settings==YaCy '#[clientname]#': Nastavenia




This is the configuration page for YaCy. Access to this page should be limited to an administration person only.==Toto je konfiguracna stranka pre YaCy. Pristun na tuto stranku by mal mat iba administrator. To restrict the access to this page, please set an administrator account and password
below.==Na obmedzenie pristupu na tuto stranku vytvorte prosim ucet a heslo pre administratora tu. If you want to restore all settings to the default values,==Ak chcete obnovit povodne nastavenia, but forgot your administration password, you must stop the proxy,==avsak zabudli ste heslo administratora, tak musite YaCy zastavit (prikaz 'stopYaCy.*'), delete the file 'DATA/SETTINGS/httpProxy.conf' in the YaCy application root folder and start YaCy again.==zmazat subor 'DATA/SETTINGS/httpProxy.conf' v domovskom adresary YaCy a YaCy restartovat (prikaz 'startYaCy.*') Administration Account Settings==Nastavenia konta administratora Server Access Settings==Nastavenia pristupu k serveru General Settings==Vseobecne nastavenia System Behaviour Settings==Systemove nastavenia Server Access Settings==Nastavenia pristupu k serveru Seed Upload Settings==Nastavenia seed-uploadu HTTP Networking==Siet HTTP Message Forwarding \(optional\)==Preposielanie sprav (nepovinne) #Remote Proxy \(optional\)==Vzdialene proxy (nepovinne) Content Parser Settings==Nastavenia parsera obsahu Port Forwarding \(optional\)==Port Forwarding (nepovinne) #------------------------------------------------------- #File: Settings_General.inc General Settings==Vseobecne nastavenia Your peer name defines also a new '.yacy' - domain, which can be accessed from every peer running this proxy.==Nazov Vaseho peera vytvara '.yacy' domenu ktora je dosiahnutelna kazdemu uzivatelovi tychto proxy. Using your 'Home Page' and 'File Share' - zones you also have a platform to provide content to your new domain.==Prostrednictvom Vasich zon: 'Domovska stranka' a 'Zdielaj subor' mate tiez platformu na poskytovanie obsahu Vasej novej domeny. staticIP ==statika IP adresa The staticIP can help that your peer can be reached by other peers in case that your==Staticka IP adresa moze pomoct Vasemu peeru pri dosiahnutelnosti z inych peerov v pripade, ze peer is behind a firewall or proxy.==Vas peer je za firewallom alebo inym proxy.. #------------------------------------------------------- #File: Settings_ProxyAccess.inc Server Access Settings==Nastavenia pristupu k serveru These settings configure the access method to your own http proxy and server.==Tieto nastavenia ovplyvnuju pristup na Vas HTTP proxy a HTTP server. Server/Proxy Port Configuration==Konfiguracia porty servera/proxy The socket addresses where YaCy should listen for incoming connections from other YaCy peers or http clients.==Socket-adresy na ktorych by malo YaCy cakat na prichadzajuce spojenia z ostatnych YaCy peerov a http klientov. You have four possibilities to specify the address:==Mate styri moznosti specifikacie adresy: defining a port only==zadanim len portu e.g. 8080==napr. 8080 defining IP address and port==zadanim IP adresy a portu e.g. defining host name and port==zadanim hostname pocitaca a portu e.g. home:8080==napr. home:8080 defining interface name and port==zadanim rozhrania a portu e.g. #eth0:8080==napr.. #eth0:8080 Hint: Dont forget to change your firewall configuration after you have changed the port.==Rada: Nezabudnite zmenit nastavenia firewallu po zmene portu. Proxy and http-Server Administration Port:==Administracny port proxy a HTTP servera: Changes will take effect in 5-10 seconds==Zmeny budu ucinne za 5-10 sekund Server Access Restrictions==Obmedzenia pristupu k serveru You can restrict the access to this proxy/server using a two-stage security barrier:==Pristup k tomuto proxy resp. HTTP serveru mozete obmedzit pouzitym 2-stupnovej bezpecnostnej bariery: define an access domain with a list of granted client IP-numbers or with wildcards==zadajte priestor sietovych domen so zoznamom IP adries povolenych klientov alebo pomocou wildcard znakov define an user account with an user:password - pair==vytvorte uzivatelsky ucet pomocou paru 'uzivatel:heslo' This is the account that restricts access to the proxy function.==Dies sind die Nutzer denen der Zugriff auf die Proxyfunktion gewährt wird. You probably don't want to share the proxy to the internet, so you should set the IP-Number Access Domain to a pattern that corresponds to you local intranet.==Pravdepodobne nechcete na internete zielat Vase proxy, takze by ste mali zvolit IP adresovy priestor tak aby zodpovedal adresam Vaseho intranetu. The default setting should be right in most cases.==Predvolene nastavenia by mali byt vo vacsine pripadov spravne. If you want, you can also set a proxy account so that every proxy user must authenticate first, but this is rather unusual.==Ak chcete mozete tiez vytvorit proxy ucet, takze kazdy uzivatel proxy sa musi najprv prihlasit, co je vsak neobvykle riesenie. IP-Number filter:==Filter IP adries: Use yacy communication==Nutze Remote Proxy für YaCy <-> YaCy Kommunikation Specifies if the remote proxy should be used for the communication of this peer to other yacy peers.==Gibt an, ob der Remote Proxy für Kommunikation zwischen diesem und anderen YaCy-Peers genutzt werden soll. Hint: Enabling this option could cause this peer to remain in junior status.==Hinweis: Dies könnte dazu führen, dass dieser Peer im Junior-Status verbleibt. Use remote proxy for https==Nutze Remote Proxy für HTTPS Specifies if YaCy should forward ssl connections to the remote proxy.==Gibt an, ob YaCy SSL-Verbindungen zum Remote Proxy weiterleiten soll. The ip address or domain name of the remote proxy==Die IP-Adresse oder der Domainname des Remote Proxy the port of the remote proxy==Der Port des Remote Proxy no-proxy adresses:==proxylose Adressen: IP addresses for which the remote proxy should not be used==IP-Adressen für die der Remote Proxy nicht genutzt werden soll Changes will take effect immediately.==Änderungen sind sofort wirksam. #------------------------------------------------------- #File: Settings_PortForwarding.inc #check for logical mistakes, unsure about some translations Port Forwarding==Port Weiterleitung You can use a remote server running a ssh demon to forward your server/proxy port.==Sie können einen Remote Server mit einem ssh demon nutzen, um Ihrem Server/Proxy Port weiterzuleiten. This is useful if you want to tunnel throug a NAT/router.==Dies ist nützlich, wenn Sie durch einen NAT/Router tunneln wollen. Alternatively, you can simply set a virtual server port on your NAT/Server to enable connections from outside.==Alternativ können Sie einfach einen virtuellen Server in Ihrem NAT/Router einstellen, um Verbindungen von Außerhalb zu ermöglichen. Enable port forwarding:==Aktiviere Port Weiterleitung: Enabling disabling port forwarding via secure channel.==Aktivieren/Deaktivieren von Port Weiterleitung über sicheren Kanal. Forwarding via proxy:==Weiterleitung über Proxy: Function not available at the moment.==Funktion im Moment nicht verfügbar. You need to install libx to use this feature==Sie m�ssen die libx installieren, um diese Funktionen benutzen zu k�nnen Forwarding port:==Weiterleitender Port The port on the remote server that should be forwarded via the secure channel to the local host.==Der Port des Remote Servers der mittels sicherem Kanal auf den lokalen Host weitergeleitet werden soll. Forwarding host:==Weiterleitender Host Forwarding host port:==Weiterleitender Host Port Forwarding host user:==Weiterleitender Host Nutzer Forwarding host password:==Weiterleitender Host Passwort Changes will take effect immediately.==Änderungen sind sofort wirksam. #------------------------------------------------------- #File: Settings_ServerAccess.inc Server Access Settings==Server Zugangs Einstellungen Here you can restrict access to the server.==Hier können Sie den Zugang zum Server beschränken. By default, the access is not limited, because this function is needed to spawn the p2p index-sharing function.==Standardmäßig ist der Zugang unbeschränkt, da dies notwendig ist um den p2p-indextausch zu ermöglichen. If you block access to your server==Wenn Sie den Zugang zu Ihrem Server blockieren setting anything else than==Einstellen von irgendetwas anderem als then you will also be blocked from using other peers' indexes for search service.==dann werden Sie auch davon ausgeschlossen den Index anderer Peers zur Suche zu verwenden. However, blocking access may be correct in enterprise environments where you only want to index your company's own web pages.==Wie auch immer, in Unternehmensumgebungen kann ein Blockieren richtig sein, wenn Sie nur die Unternehmenseigenen Websites indexieren wollen. ATTENTION: Your current IP is recognized as==ACHTUNG: Ihre aktuelle IP wird als . If the value you enter here does not match with this IP, you will not be able to access the server pages anymore== erkannt. Falls der Wert den Sie hier eingeben nicht auf diese IP zutrifft, werden Sie nicht mehr in der Lage sein diese Seite zu erreichen. IP-Number filter:==IP-Addressfilter: #------------------------------------------------------- #File: Settings_Seed.inc Seed Upload Settings==Seed Upload Einstellungen With these settings you can configure if you have an account on a public accessible==Mit diesen Einstellungen können Sie bestimmen ob Sie einen Account auf einem öffentlich zugänglichen server where you can host a seed-list file.==Server haben, wo Sie eine Seed-Liste bereitstellen können. General Settings:==Allgemeine Einstellungen: If you enable one of the available uploading methods, you will become a principal peer.==Wenn Sie eine der verfügbaren Uploadmethoden aktivieren, werden Sie ein Principal-Peer. Your peer will then upload the seed-bootstrap information periodically,==Ihr Peer wird dann die Seed-Bootstrap Informationen periodisch hochladen, but only if there have been changes to the seed-list.==jedoch nur wenn Änderungen an der Seed-Liste vorgenommen wurden. Upload Method:==Uploadmethode: Retry Uploading==Upload versuchen Here you can specify which upload method should be used.==Hier können Sie auswählen welche Uploadmethode verwendet werden soll. Select 'none' to deactivate uploading.==Verwenden Sie 'none' um den Upload zu deaktivieren. The URL that can be used to retrieve the uploaded seed file, like==Die URL die genutzt werden kann um die hochgeladene Seed-Liste zu erhalten, wie #-------------------------------------------------------- #File: yacy/seedUpload/yacySeedUploadFtp.html Uploading via FTP:==Upload per FTP: This is the account for a FTP server where you can host a seed-list file.==Dies ist der Account für einen FTP-Server, auf dem Sie eine Seed-Liste bereitstellen können. If you set this, you will become a principal peer.==Wenn Sie das tun, werden Sie zum Principal-Peer. Your peer will then upload the seed-bootstrap information periodically,==Ihr Peer wird dann die Seed-Bootstrap Informationen periodisch hochladen, but only if there had been changes to the seed-list.==jedoch nur wenn Änderungen an der Seed-Liste existieren. The host where you have a FTP account, like==Der Host zu Ihrem FTP-Account, wie Path:==Pfad: The remote path on the FTP server, like==Der Remote-Pfad auf dem FTP-Server, wie Missing sub-directories are NOT created automatically.==Fehlende Unterverzeichnisse werden NICHT automatisch erstellt. Your log-in at the FTP server==Ihr Log-in auf dem FTP-Server Password:==Passwort: The password==Das Passwort #-------------------------------------------------------- #File: yacy/seedUpload/yacySeedUploadFile.html Store into filesystem:==Ablegen im Dateisystem: You must configure this if you want to store the seed-list file onto the file system.==Sie müssen diese Einstellungen vornehmen, wenn Sie die Seed-Liste im Dateisystem ablegen wollen. File Location:==Speicherort: Here you can specify the path within the filesystem where the seed-list file should be stored.==Hier können Sie den Pfad im Dateisystem festlegen, in dem die Seed-Liste abgelegt werden soll. #------------------------------------------------------- #File: Settings_MessageForwarding.inc Message Forwarding==Nachrichten Weiterleitung With this settings you can activate or deactivate forwarding of yacy-messages via email.==Mit diesen Einstellungen können Sie die Weiterleitung von YaCy-Nachrichten per E-Mail aktivieren oder deaktivieren. Enable message forwarding:==Aktiviere Nachrichten Weiterleitung: Enabling/Disabling message forwarding via email.==Aktivieren/Deaktivieren der Nachrichten Weiterleitung per E-Mail. Forwarding Command:==Weiterleitungskommando: The command-line program that should be used to forward the message.
e.g.:==Das Kommandozeilenprogramm, das verwendet werden soll um die Nachricht weiterzuleiten.
z.B.: Forwarding To:==Weiterleiten An: The recipient email-address.
e.g.:==Die E-Mail Adresse des Empfängers.
z.B.: Changes will take effect immediately.==Änderungen sind sofort wirksam. #------------------------------------------------------- #File: Settings_Parser.inc Content Parser Settings==Inhalt Parser Einstellungen With this settings you can activate or deactivate parsing of additional content-types based on their MIME-types.==Mit diesen Einstellungen können Sie das Parsen zusätzlicher Dateitypen basierend auf ihren MIME-Typen ermöglichen. For a detailed description of the various MIME-types take a look at==Für eine detailierte Beschreibung der verschiedenen MIME-Typen können Sie einen Blick auf http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/==http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/ werfen. Changes take effect immediately==Änderungen sind sofort wirksam #------------------------------------------------------- #File: SettingsAck_p.html YaCy \'\#\[clientname\]\#\': Settings Acknowledge==YaCy '#[clientname]#': Einstellung Verarbeitung Settings Receipt:==Einstellungen angenommen: No information has been submitted==Es wurden keine Informationen übertragen. Nothing changed==Nichts wurde verändert. Error with submitted information.==Es gab einen Fehler bei der Übertragung der Informationen. Nothing changed.==Nichts wurde verändert. The user name must be given.==Der User Name muss angegeben werden Your request cannot be processed.
Nothing changed.==Ihre Anfrage konnte nicht bearbeitet werden.
Nichts wurde verändert. The password redundancy check failed. You have probably misstyped your password.==Die Passwortüberprüfung schlug fehl. Sie haben sich wahrscheinlich vertippt. Shutting down.
Application will terminate after working off all crawling tasks.==Runterfahren
Die Anwendung wird geschlossen, nachdem alle Crawls abgearbeitet wurden. Your administration account setting has been made.==Ihre Administrator Account Einstellungen wurden gespeichert. Your new administration account name is \#\[user\]\#. The password has been accepted.
If you go back to the Settings page, you must log-in again.==Ihr neuer Administrator Account Name ist #[user]#. Das Passwort wurde akzeptiert.
Wenn Sie zurück zu den Einstellungen gehen wollen, müssen Sie sich neu einloggen. Your proxy access setting has been changed.==Die Proxy Zugangs Einstellungen wurden geändert. Your proxy account check has been disabled, since you did not supply a password.== The new proxy IP filter is set to==Der neue Proxy IP-Filter ist The proxy port is:==Der Proxy Port ist: if you changed the Port or Port Forwarding Settings, you need to restart YaCy.==Wenn Sie den Port oder die Post Weiterleitungs geändert haben, müssen Sie YaCy neu starten. Your proxy access setting has been changed.==Ihre Proxy Zugangs Einstellung wurden geändert. Your new proxy account name is \#\[user\]\#. The password has been accepted.==Ihr neuer Proxy Account Name ist #[user]#. Ihr Passwort wurde akzeptiert. If you open any public web page through the proxy, you must log-in then.== Your server access filter is now set to #[filter]# Auto pop-up of the Status page is now disabled==Das automatisches Pop-Up der Status Seite beim Browserstart ist nun deaktiviert. Auto pop-up of the Status page is now enabled==Das automatisches Pop-Up der Status Seite beim Browserstart ist nun aktiviert. You are now permanently online.==Sie sind nun im permanenten Online Modus. After a short while you should see the effect on the====Nach kurzer Zeit können Sie die Änderungen auf der status page.==Status-Seite sehen. The Peer Name is:==Der Name dieses Peers ist: Your static Ip\(or DynDns\) is:==Ihre statische IP(oder DynDns) ist: Seed Settings changed.\#\(success\)\#::You are now a principal peer.==Seed Einstellungen wurden geändert.#(success)#::Sie sind nun ein Principal Peer. Seed Settings changed, but something is wrong.==Seed Einstellungen wurden geändert, aber etwas war falsch. Seed Uploading was deactivated automatically.==Seed Upload wurde automatisch deaktiviert. Please return to the settings page and modify the data.==Bitte kehren Sie zu den Einstellungen zurück und modifizieren Sie die Daten. The remote-proxy setting has been changed==Die remote-proxy Einstellungen wurden geändert. The new setting is effective immediately, you don't need to re-start. The submitted peer name is already used by another peer. Please choose a different name. The Peer name has not been changed. Your Peer Language is:==Ihre Peer Sprache ist: The submitted peer name is not well-formed. Please choose a different name. The Peer name has not been changed. Peer names must not contain characters other than (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '-', '_') and must not be longer than 80 characters. The new parser settings where changed successfully.==Die neuen Parser Einstellungen wurden erfolgreich gespeichert. Parsing of the following mime-types was enabled: Seed Upload method was changed successfully.==Seed Upload Methode wurde erfolgreich geändert. You are now a principal peer.==Sie sind nun ein Principal Peer. Seed Upload Method:==Seed Upload Methode: Seed File URL:==Seed Datei URL: Your proxy networking settings have been changed.==Ihre Proxy Netzwerk Einstellungen wurden geändert. Transparent Proxy Support is: Connection Keep-Alive Support is: Your message forwarding settings have been changed.==Ihre Nachrichten Weiterleitungseinstellungen haben sich geändert. Message Forwarding Support is:==Nachrichten Weiterleitungs Unterst¨tzung: Message Forwarding Command:==Nachrichten Weiterleitungskommando: Recipient Address:==Empfänger Adresse: Your port forwarding settings have been changed. Port Forwarding Support is: Port Forwarding Port: Port Forwarding Host: Port Forwarding uses proxy: Port Forwarding Settings changed, but something is wrong. Port Forwarding was deactivated automatically. Please return to the settings page and modify the data.==Bitte kehren Sie zu den Einstellungen zurück und modifizieren Sie die Daten. You are now event-based online.==Sie sind nun im aktivitätsbasierten Modus. After a short while you should see the effect on the==Nach kurzer Zeit können Sie die Änderungen auf der You are now in Cache Mode.==Sie sind nun im Cache Modus. Only Proxy-cache ist available in this mode.==Nur der Proxy Cache ist in diesem Modus verfügbar. After a short while you should see the effect on the==Nach kurzer Zeit können Sie die Änderungen auf der You can now go back to the==Sie können nun zurück zu den Settings page if you want to make more changes.==Einstellungen gehen, um weitere Änderungen vorzunehmen. #------------------------------------------------------- #File: Settings_Admin.inc #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Administration Account Settings==Nastavenia konta administratora This is the account that restricts access to this 'Settings' page. If you have not customized it yet, you should do so now:==Toto je konto ktore obmedzuje pristum na tuto stranku 'Nastaveni'. Ak ste toto konte este nevytvorili, mali by ste teraz tak urobit. Account Name:==Nazov konta: Password:==Heslo: Password \(repeat same as above\):==Heslo (zopakujte prosim): value="submit">==value="Uloz"> #------------------------------------------------------- #File: Settings_SystemBehaviour.inc #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to System Behaviour Settings==Systemove nastavenia Auto pop-up of status page on start-up:==Automaticky pop-up stranky stavu pri starte YaCy: "enable"=="aktivuj" "disable"=="deaktivuj" #------------------------------------------------------- #File: simple_search.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to YaCy \'\#\[clientname\]\#\': Search Page==YaCy '#[clientname]#': Vyhladavacia stranka "Search for \#\[former\]\#"=="Hladaj #[former]#" P2P WEB SEARCH==P2P Internetové Vyhladávanie "Search"==Hladaj Max. number of results:==Max. pocet vysledkov: No Results.==Ziadne vysledky. length of search words must be at least 3 characters==Vyhladavane slova musia mat najmenej 3 znaky If you think this is unsatisfactory then you may consider to support==Ak to povazujete za nedostatocne, zvazte podporu the global index by running your own proxy/peer.==globalneho indexu pomocou vytvorenia vlastnych proxy a/alebo peerov. If everybody contributes, the results will get better.==Vysledky vyhladavania sa zlepsia ak bude kazdy prispievat. Other possible reasons for no result:==Dalsie mozne dovody preco ste neobdrzali ziadne vysledku su: The search time was too short. Search again with same query to catch up 'late peers'==Cas vyhladavania bol prilis kratky. Zopakujte vyhladavanie so zvysenym max. casom vyhladavania na ziskanie vysledkov od pomalsich peerov. There is currently no support for german umlaute. Please use ae/oe/ue instead==Diakritika nie je v sucasnosti podporovana. Nahradte prosim znaky s diakritikou zodpovedajucimi znakmi bez diakritiky. Words of length < 3 are not indexed. Please omit such words==Slova s menej ako 3 pismenami nie su indexovane. Prosim vypustite taketo slova. YaCy tries to index singular instead of plural words. Please use the singular form==YaCy indexuje len jednotne cisla slov v indexe. Zadavajte preto prosim slova len v jednotnom cisle. Only complete words are indexed, not parts of words==Len kompletne slova su indexovane, nie casti slov. Don't use stopwords as search words==Prosim nepouzivajte stop-slova vo vyhladavani. During this test phase the reaction time of remote peers is unknown.==Pocas tejto testovacej fazy je reakcny cas vzdialenych peerov neznami. Please repeat your search to see if there are late-responses from remote peers==Prosim opakujte vyhladavanie na ziskanie pripadnej odpovede od pomalych peerov. If you think the information you searched should exist in the global index,==Ak si myslite ze informacie, ktore hladate by sa mali nachadzat v globalnom indexe, then please run your own peer and start a crawl of your wanted information to make it==tak prosim spustite proces preliezania (crawl) zo svojho vlastneho peera, za ucelom spristupnenia available for everyone. Then stay online to support crawls from other peers. Thank you!==tejto informacie aj ostatnym peerom. Zostante prosim online kvoli podpore procesu preliezania (crawls) z ostatnych peerov. Dakujeme! results from a total number of==Vysledkov z celkoveho poctu known links.==znamych odkazov. You can try to==Mozete skusit catch up more links==Zhromazdit viacej odkazov from 'late' peers to enrich this search result.==z pomalych peerov na zlepsenie vysledkov vyhladavania. #------------------------------------------------------- #File: Status.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to System-, Index- and Peer-Status==Stav systemu, indexu a peera Welcome to YaCy!==Vitajte v YaCy! "Restart"=="Restartuj" "Shutdown"=="Vypni" Public System Properties==Vseobecne systemove vlastnosti System version==Verzia systemu the latest public version is==posledna zverejnena stabilna verzia je Click here to==Kliknite download it.==tu, na jej stiahnutie. This peer's address==Adresa tohoto peera #Not assigned==nepriradena enabled==aktivovana Not assigned. The peer must go online to get an address.==Nepriradena. Vas pees musi prejst do online modu aby dostal adresu. #--- The peer does not go online until you use the proxy to surf the internet,==Vas peer neprejde do online modu pokym nepouzijete proxy na surfovanie v internete, thus proving that you want to go online.==cim signalizujete ze chcete prejst do online modu. #--- If you don't know how to configure your system to use a proxy,==Navod ako nakonfigurovat system tak aby ste pouzivali proxy, see the .==instalacne instrukcie. #--- Your '.yacy' home at==Vasa YaCy domena je This peer's name==Nazov tohoto peera This peer's statistics==Statistika tohoto peera Unknown==Neznamy Uptime==Uptime Connects ==Spojenia peers/hour==Peerov za hodinu This peer's status==Stav tohoto peera Virgin - You have not published your peer yet, because you have not used the proxy yet. If you configured your browser's proxy settings==Virgin (Panna) - Vas peer je YaCy sieti neznamy, pretoze ste este nepouzili proxy. Ak ste spravne nakonfigurovali proxy nastavenia Vasho web browseru see online: search the internet using the other peers' global index on your own search page. We encourage you to open your firewall for the port you configured \(usually: 8080\), or to set up a 'virtual server' in your router settings \(often called DMZ\). Please be fair, contribute your own index to the global index.==Junior - Vas peer nie je dosiahnutelny z internetu. Mozny dovod tohto stavu je, ze sa nachadzate za firewall-om, NAT alebo routerom. Napriek tomu stavu mozete vyhladavat na internete, vdaka prehladavaniu globalneho indexu ostatnych peerov z Vasej vlastnej vyhladavacej stranky. Doporucujeme Vam otvorit firewall pre port ktory ste zvoli v nastaveniach (obvykle: 8080), alebo vytvorit "virtualny server" vo Vasom routery (casto nazyvanom aj DMZ). Prosim budte ferovy a prispejte Vasim dielom do globalneho indexu! Senior - You are running a server and you support the global internet index, which you can also search yourself. Thank you!==Senior - Mate spusteny YaCy server a prispievate do globalneho indexu, v ktorom mozete takisto vyhladavat. Dakujeme! Principal - You are senior and you publish your seed-list to a public accessible server where it can be retrieved using the URL==Prinzipal - Mate status Seniora a zverejnujete Vas seed-list na verejne dostupnom servery odkial je dostupny pon touto URL adresou: You can of course search the internet using the other peers' global index on your own search page.==Samozrejme mozete vyhladavat na internete v globalnom indexe od ostatnych peerov na Vasej vlastnej vyhladavacej stranke. Other peers==Ostatni peeri other peers online.==online peerov not online==offline Seed server==Seed Server Disabled. To enable this you need a FTP account where you can upload files to a web space. If you do that, you become a YaCy root server. You can configure your account details on the==Deaktivovane. Na aktivaciu potrebujete FTP konto na ktore mozete nahrat subory na web. Ak tak urobite stanete sa YaCy root serverom. Detaily k tomuto FTP kontu mozete nakonfigurovat na Settings page.==stranke nastaveni . Enabled: Updating periodically to server==Aktivovany: Periodicky update voci serveru Enabled: Updating periodically to file==Aktivovany: Periodicky update voci suboru Last upload:==Posledny upload: nline-mode==Online mod You are in Cache-browsing mode.==Nachadzate sa v mode prezeracie cache. Only Website from the Proxycache are accessable.==Pristupne su len stranky z Proxycache. To switch online-mode, press one of the following buttons:==Na prechod do online modu kliknite na jedno z nasledujutich tlacidiel: "event-based Mode"=="aktivitou riadeny mod" "Permanent Mode"=="permanentny mod" You are in event-based online mode.=Nachadzate sa v udalostami riadenom online mode. The YaCy p2p network will boot when you start using the proxy or you switch to permanent mode.==Siet YaCy p2p bude aktivovana po prvom pouziti proxy alebo po prechode do permanentneho modu. Attention: Using the proxy in permanent mode will keep your internet connection online as long as YaCy runs.==Upozornenie: Pri pouziti proxy v permanentnom mode ostavate online po celu dobu behu YaCy. Use this only if you have a flatrate or you have an always-on connection.==Pouzite tento mod len ak mate flatrate pripojenie alebo ste do internetu neustale pripojeny. "Go on-line"=="Prejdi do online modu" "Go to Cache-Mode"=="Prejdi do cache modu" You are in permanent mode. Attention: If you don't have a flatrate or are always-on, you must switch off the proxy to go off-line.==Pracujete v permanentom mode. Upozornenie: Ak nemate flatrate a/alebo nechtece byt trvalo online musite vypnut proxy na prechod do offline modu Last Refresh:==Posledna aktualizacia: Click <==Kliknite < >here<==>tu< to log in as administrator and see full status.==na prihlasenie sa ako administrator a na zobrazenie vsetkych informacii #-------------------------------------------------------- #File: Status_p.inc #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Private System Properties==Sukromne systemove vlastnosti System Resources==Systemove zdroje Processors:==Procesory: Protection==Ochrana Your settings are _not_ protected! Please go to the==Vase nastavenia _nie_su_ chranene heslom Chodte prosim na settings page immediately and set an administration password.==stranku nastaveni a ihned si zvolte heslo. Your settings are protected by a password.==Vase nastavenia su chranene heslom. Peer host==Peer Host Port forwarding host==Port forwarding Host not used==nepouzite broken==prerusene connected==spojene Remote proxy==vzdialene proxy not used==nepouzite Used for YaCy -> YaCy communication:==Pozite pre YaCy -> YaCy komunikacia: Yes==Ano No==Nie Auto-popup on start-up==Auto-Popup pri starte Disabled. To enable this again please use the==Deaktivovane. Na aktivaciu tejto funkcie pouzite prosim Settings page.==stranku nastaveni. Enabled. To disable this please use the==Aktivovane. Na deaktivaciu tejto funkcie pouzite prosim Memory Usage==Spotreba pamate free:==volna: total:==celkova: max:==maximalna: Connections Incoming==Prichadzajuce spojenia Active:==Aktivne: Idle:==Cakajuce: #Max:Max: Indexing Queue==Cakacia listina indexacie Loader Queue==Cakacia listina nahravaca paused==pozastavene Crawler Queues==Cakacia listina crawleru Local Crawl==Lokalne crawlovat Remote triggered Crawl==prichadzajuce vzialene crawly Global Crawl Trigger==odchadzajuce vzialene crawly #Pre-Queueing== local== lokalne #------------------------------------------------------- #File: Steering.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Steering==Ovladanie Steering Receipt:==Navod na ovladanie No information has been submitted==Udaje neboli odoslane Nothing changed==Udaje neboli zmenene Your system is not protected by a password==Vas system nie je chraneny heslom Please go to the Settings page and set an administration password==Chodte prosim do nastaveni a zvolte administratorske heslo. You don't have the correct access right to perform this task.==Nemate prava na spustenie tejto aplikacie. Please log in.==Prosim prihlaste sa. Shutting down.==Vypinanie. Application will terminate after working off all scheduled tasks.==YaCy proxy bude ukonceny po vykonani vsetkych nasledujucich uloh. Then YaCy will restart.==Potom sa YaCy restartuje. You can now go back to the Settings page if you want to make more changes.==Mozete sa vratit na stranku nastavenia ak chcete vykonat viacero zmien. #------------------------------------------------------- #File: User_p.html new User==Novy uzivatel Edit User==Edituj uzivatela Delete User==Zmaz uzivatela Current User:==Aktualny uzivatel: Password:==Heslo: Password\(repeat\):==Heslo(zopakujte): First Name:==Meno: Last Name:==Priezvysko: Address:==Adresa: Rights==Prava Timelimit:==Casovy limit: Time used:==Spotrebovany cas: Save User==Uloz uzivatela User created:==Vytvoreny uzivatel: User changed:==Zmeneny uzivatel: Passwords do not match.==Zadane hesla nie su rovnake. If you want to manage more Users, return to the==Ak chcete spravovat viacerych pouzivatelov, vratte sa spat do user page.==stranky pouzivatelov. #------------------------------------------------------- #File: ViewFile.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to YaCy \'\#\[clientname\]\#\': View URL Content==YaCy '#[clientname]#': Zobraz obsah URL adresy View URL Content==Zobraz obsah URL adresy #URL==URL #Hash==Hash Word Count==Pocet slov Description==Popis Size==Velkost View as:==Zeige als: #Original==Original Plain Text==Plain text Parsed Text==Parsovany text Parsed Sentences==Parsovane vety No URL hash submitted.==Ziadna URL hash nebola odoslana. Unable to find URL Entry in DB==Nebolo mozne najst URL zaznam v databaze. Invalid URL==Neplatna URL Unable to download resource content.==Nebolo mozne stiahnut obsah zdroja. Unable to parse resource content.==Nebolo mozne parsovat obsah zdroja. Plain Resource Content==Cisty obsah zdroja Parsed Resource Content==Parsovany obsah zdroja Parsed Resource Sentences==Parsovane zdrojove vety Original Resource Content==Originalny obsah zdroja #------------------------------------------------------- #File: ViewLog_p.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Lines==Riadkov reversed order==v prevratenom poradi "refresh"==aktualizuj #------------------------------------------------------- #File: ViewProfile.html #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Remote Peer Profile==Profil vzdialeneho peera Remote Peer Profile:==Profil vzdialeneho peera: Wrong access of this page==Nespravny pristup na tuto stranku The requested peer is not known or a potential peer, what means the peer's profile can't be fetched, because he is behind a firewall.==Pozadovany peer je neznamy alebo je to potencionalny peer, co znamena ze jeho profil nemoze byt nahrany, pretoze je za firewall-om The peer==Peer is not online.==nie je online. This is==Toto je profil peera s nazvom: 's Profile:== Name==Meno Nick Name==Prezyvka Homepage==Domovska stranka eMail==eMail ICQ==ICQ Jabber==Jabber Yahoo!==Yahoo! MSN=MSN Comment==Komentar #------------------------------------------------------- #File: Wiki.html yacyWiki==YaCyWiki Changes will be published as announcement on YaCyNews==Zmeny budu zverejnene pomocou oznamov na YaCyNews-och #----------------------------------------------------------- #File: yacysearch.html Result Page==Stranka vysledkov P2P WEB SEARCH==P2P Internetové Vyhladávanie "Search"=="Hladaj" "delete"=="zmaz" The following words are stop-words and had been excluded from the search:==Nasledujuce slova su stop-slova a do vyhladavania neboli zahrnute No Results.==Ziadne vysledky length of search words must be at least 3 characters==dlzka vyhladavaneho slova musi byt najmenej 3 znaky If you think this is unsatisfactory then you may consider to support the global index by running your own proxy/peer.==Ziadne vysledky. Zvazte podporu globalneho indexu pomocou proxies/peerov ak to povazujete za nedostatocne. If everybody contributes, the results will get better.==Vysledky vyhladavania sa zlepsia ak bude kazdy prispievat. Other possible reasons for no result:==Dalsie mozne dovody preco ste neobdrzali ziadne vysledku su: The search time was too short. Search again with same query to catch up 'late peers'==Cas vyhladavania bol prilis kratky. Zopakujte vyhladavanie so zvysenym max. casom vyhladavania na ziskanie vysledkov od pomalsich peerov. There is currently no support for german umlaute. Please use ae/oe/ue instead==Diakritika nie je v sucasnosti podporovana. Nahradte prosim znaky s diakritikou zodpovedajucimi znakmi bez diakritiky. Words of length < 3 are not indexed. Please omit such words==Slova s menej ako 3 pismenami nie su indexovane. Prosim vypustite taketo slova. YaCy tries to index singular instead of plural words. Please use the singular form==YaCy indexuje len jednotne cisla slov v indexe. Zadavajte preto prosim slova len v jednotnom cisle. Only complete words are indexed, not parts of words==Len kompletne slova su indexovane, nie casti slov. Don't use stopwords as search words==Prosim nepouzivajte stop-slova vo vyhladavani. During this test phase the reaction time of remote peers is unknown.==Pocas tejto testovacej fazy je reakcny cas vzdialenych peerov neznami. Please repeat your search to see if there are late-responses from remote peers==Prosim opakujte vyhladavanie na ziskanie pripadnej odpovede od pomalych peerov. If you think the information you searched should exist in the global index,==Ak si myslite ze informacie, ktore hladate by sa mali nachadzat v globalnom indexe, then please run your own peer and start a crawl of your wanted information to make it==tak prosim spustite proces preliezania (crawl) zo svojho vlastneho peera, za ucelom spristupnenia available for everyone. Then stay online to support crawls from other peers. Thank you!==tejto informacie aj ostatnym peerom. Zostante prosim online kvoli podpore procesu preliezania (crawls) z ostatnych peerov. Dakujeme! results from==vysledkov z ordered links of a total number of==z celkovo najdenych known.==znamych odkazov. Catch up more links==Zhromazdit viacej odkazov from 'late' peers.==z pomalych peerov. Topwords \(to refine search\):==Top-slova (na zjemnenie vyhladavania): You can enrich the search results by using the 'global' option==Zapnutim nastavenia 'global' mozete zvysit pocet vysledkov This will search also other YaCy peers==takto budu prehladavani aj ostatni YaCy peeri. You cannot get global search results because you are not connected to another YaCy peer.==Nemozete ziskat vysledky globalneho vyhlavania, pretoze nie ste pripojeny k ziadnemu inemu YaCy peerovi. To connect you must first use the proxy.==na pripojenie musite najprv pouzit proxy. See here for an==Tu najdete installation guide==instalacnu prirucku Alternatively, you can run the proxy in permanent online mode, which also grants global search.==Alternativne mozete nechat bezat proxy permanentne v online mode. Tento mod garantuje globalne vyhladavanie. To do this, press this button:==Kliknite prosim na nasledujuce tlacitko na prechod do online modu: "go online"==pripoj online you must also switch to online mode==najprv sa vsak musite prepnut do online modu \(by using the proxy\) to contribute to the global index.==(v ktorom pouzivate proxy) aby ste mohli prehladavat globalny index. The global search resulted in \#\[globalresults\]\# link contributions from other YaCy peers.==Globalne vyhladavanie obsahuje #[globalresults]# vysledkov, ktore boli vytvorene za prispenia ostatnych peerov. YaCy is a GPL'ed project==YaCy ist ein GPL Projekt with the target of implementing a P2P-based global search engine.==mit dem Ziel eine globale P2P-basierte Suchmaschine zu realisieren. Architecture \(C\) by Michael Peter Christen==Architektur (C) von Michael Peter Christen #-------------------------------------------------------- #File: env/templates/simpleheader.template #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Project Home==Domovská stránka Help / Wiki==Pomoc / Wiki Peer Owner Profile==Profi vlastníka peera #-------------------------------------------------------- #File: env/templates/header.template #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to YaCy - Distributed Web Indexing - Administration==YaCy - Indexovanie Distribuovaného Internetu - Administrácia Global Index==Globálny index Crawler Control==Kontrola crawleru Local Proxy==Lokálne proxy Communication / Publication==Komunikácia / Publikácia Peer Control==Správa peera The Project==Projekt Search Page==Vyhladávacia stránka Detailed Search==Detailné vyhladávanie >Bookmarks==>Zálozky >Help==>Pomoc Index Create==Vytvorenie indexu Index Control==Kontrola indexu #Index Monitor==Index Monitor #Blacklist==Blacklist Proxy Indexing==Indexácia proxy #Cache Monitor==Cache Monitor #Cookie Monitor==Cookie Monitor #Home Page==Domovská stránka File Share==Zdielanie súborov #Wiki==Wiki >Messages==>Správy Basic Configuration==Základné nastavenia Advanced Settings==Pokrocilé nastavenia #Status==Stav >Network==>Siet #News==News #Log==Log #Performance==Výkon >Connections==>Spojenia #Skins==Vzhlad Project Home==Domovská stránka Project News==Nové English Forum==Anglické fórum #Deutsches Forum==Nemecké fórum Download YaCy==Stiahni YaCy #YaCy Wiki==YaCy Wiki >Contact==>Kontakt #-------------------------------------------------------- #File: env/templates/submenuConfig.template Peer Configuration Menu==Konfigurácia menu peera Basic Configuraton==Základné nastavenia >Language==>Jazyk Peer Profile==Profil Interface Skins==Nastavenie vzhladu >Advanced==>Pokrocilé nastavenia #-------------------------------------------------------- #File: env/templates/submenuCookie.template #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Cookie Menu==Cookie Menu Incoming Cookies==Prichadzajuce cookies Outgoing Cookies==Odchadzajuce cookies #-------------------------------------------------------- #File: env/templates/submenuIndexControl.template #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Index Control Menu==Menu spravy indexu #Index Administration==Administracia indexu #Index Import==Import indexu #Index Transfer==Prenos indexu #-------------------------------------------------------- #File: env/templates/submenuIndexCreate.template #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Index Creation Menu==Menu vytvorenia indexu Control Queues==Kontrola cakacej listiny WWW Crawl Queues==Cakacia listina WWW crawlu Media Crawl Queues==Cakacia listina Media crawlu #Crawl Start==Start crawlu >Indexing==>Indexovanie >Loader==>Nahravac >Local==>Lokal #Global==Global >Overhang==>Overhang >Images==>Obrazky >Movies==>Filmy >Music==>Hudba #-------------------------------------------------------- #File: env/templates/submenuPerformance.template #Completely translated. If you find any untranslated string in the webinterface, send it to Performance Menu==Menu vykonu Queues Performance Settings==Cakacia listina nastaveny vykonu Memory Settings for Database Caches==Nastavenia pamate databazovej cache Timing Settings for Search Sequence==Nastavenia casu pre vyhladavaciu sekvenciu #-------------------------------------------------------- #File: htdocsdefault/dir.html YaCy: Public Files==YaCy: Verejne subory Public File Directory==Adresar verejneho suboru value="\#\[peername\]\#'s Console"==value="#[peername]#s konzola" Welcome! You are identified and authorized as==Vytajte! Ste identifikovany a autorizovany ako #-------------------------------------------------------- #File: htdocsdefault/welcome.html YACY: Default Page for Individual Peer Content==YACY: Standartna stranaka pre individualny obsah peera Individual Web Page==Vlastna web stranka Welcome to your own web page
in the YaCy Network==Vytajte na Vasej vlastnej web stranke v