<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <jsmoothskeleton> <debug>false</debug> <description>This skeleton wraps console applications. - Standard Input/Output and Error streams are available - If no Java VM is found, it displays a default message. Although it is designed for console application (i.e. launched from the command.com shell prompt), it can launch standard GUI application. In such a case, any output of the java application (from System.out or System.err) is displayed in the a DOS Console. </description> <executableName>consolewrapper.exe</executableName> <resourceCategory>JAVA</resourceCategory> <resourceJarId>102</resourceJarId> <resourcePropsId>103</resourcePropsId> <shortName>Console Wrapper</shortName> <skeletonProperties> <description>When no JVM is found in the target computer, the following message is displayed on the console.</description> <idName>Message</idName> <label>Message</label> <type>textarea</type> <value>This program needs Java to run. Please download it at http://www.java.com</value> </skeletonProperties> <skeletonProperties> <description>The wrapper waits a keypress on the console when the application exits.</description> <idName>PressKey</idName> <label>PressKey</label> <type>boolean</type> <value>0</value> </skeletonProperties> <skeletonProperties> <description>Enable the jsmooth debug traces</description> <idName>Debug</idName> <label>Debug traces</label> <type>boolean</type> <value>0</value> </skeletonProperties> </jsmoothskeleton>