// kelondroapTable.java // ----------------------- // (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de // first published on http://www.anomic.de // Frankfurt, Germany, 2005 // last major change: 13.03.2005 // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // Using this software in any meaning (reading, learning, copying, compiling, // running) means that you agree that the Author(s) is (are) not responsible // for cost, loss of data or any harm that may be caused directly or indirectly // by usage of this softare or this documentation. The usage of this software // is on your own risk. The installation and usage (starting/running) of this // software may allow other people or application to access your computer and // any attached devices and is highly dependent on the configuration of the // software which must be done by the user of the software; the author(s) is // (are) also not responsible for proper configuration and usage of the // software, even if provoked by documentation provided together with // the software. // // Any changes to this file according to the GPL as documented in the file // gpl.txt aside this file in the shipment you received can be done to the // lines that follows this copyright notice here, but changes must not be // done inside the copyright notive above. A re-distribution must contain // the intact and unchanged copyright notice. // Contributions and changes to the program code must be marked as such. // this is mainly a convenience class to bundle many kelondroMap Objects package de.anomic.kelondro; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; public class kelondroMapTable { HashMap mTables, tTables, sTables; File tablesPath; public kelondroMapTable(File tablesPath) { this.mTables = new HashMap(); this.tTables = new HashMap(); this.sTables = new HashMap(); this.tablesPath = tablesPath; if (!(tablesPath.exists())) tablesPath.mkdirs(); } public void declareMaps( String tablename, int keysize, int nodesize, char fillChar) throws IOException { declareMaps(tablename, keysize, nodesize, null, null, fillChar); } public void declareMaps( String tablename, int keysize, int nodesize, String[] sortfields, String[] accfields, char fillChar) throws IOException { declareMaps(tablename, keysize, nodesize, sortfields, accfields, fillChar, 0x800, 0); } public void declareMaps( String tablename, int keysize, int nodesize, String[] sortfields, String[] accfields, char fillChar, long buffersize /*bytes*/, long preloadTime) throws IOException { if (mTables.containsKey(tablename)) throw new RuntimeException("kelondroTables.declareMap: table '" + tablename + "' declared twice."); if (tTables.containsKey(tablename)) throw new RuntimeException("kelondroTables.declareMap: table '" + tablename + "' declared already in other context."); File tablefile = new File(tablesPath, "table." + tablename + ".mdb"); kelondroDyn dyn; if (!(tablefile.exists())) tablefile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); dyn = new kelondroDyn(tablefile, buffersize, preloadTime, keysize, nodesize, fillChar); kelondroMap map = new kelondroMap(dyn, sortfields, accfields); mTables.put(tablename, map); } public void declareTree(String tablename, kelondroRow rowdef, long buffersize /*bytes*/, long preloadTime) throws IOException { if (mTables.containsKey(tablename)) throw new RuntimeException("kelondroTables.declareTree: table '" + tablename + "' declared already in other context."); if (tTables.containsKey(tablename)) throw new RuntimeException("kelondroTables.declareTree: table '" + tablename + "' declared twice."); File tablefile = new File(tablesPath, "table." + tablename + ".tdb"); kelondroIndex Tree = new kelondroCache(kelondroTree.open(tablefile, buffersize / 2, preloadTime, rowdef), buffersize / 2, true, false); tTables.put(tablename, Tree); } public synchronized void update(String tablename, String key, Map map) throws IOException { kelondroMap table = (kelondroMap) mTables.get(tablename); if (table == null) throw new RuntimeException("kelondroTables.update: map table '" + tablename + "' does not exist."); if (key.length() > table.keySize()) key = key.substring(0, table.keySize()); table.set(key, map); mTables.put(tablename, table); } public synchronized void update(String tablename, kelondroRow.Entry row /* first element is the unique key = index */) throws IOException { kelondroIndex tree = (kelondroIndex) tTables.get(tablename); if (tree == null) throw new RuntimeException("kelondroTables.update: tree table '" + tablename + "' does not exist."); tree.put(row); tTables.put(tablename, tree); } public synchronized Map selectMap(String tablename, String key) throws IOException { kelondroMap table = (kelondroMap) mTables.get(tablename); if (table == null) throw new RuntimeException("kelondroTables.selectMap: map table '" + tablename + "' does not exist."); if (key.length() > table.keySize()) key = key.substring(0, table.keySize()); return table.get(key); } public synchronized kelondroRow.Entry selectByte(String tablename, String key) throws IOException { kelondroIndex tree = (kelondroIndex) tTables.get(tablename); if (tree == null) throw new RuntimeException("kelondroTables.selectByte: tree table '" + tablename + "' does not exist."); return tree.get(key.getBytes()); } public synchronized kelondroMap.mapIterator /* of Map-Elements */ maps(String tablename, boolean up, boolean rotating) throws IOException { kelondroMap table = (kelondroMap) mTables.get(tablename); if (table == null) throw new RuntimeException("kelondroTables.maps: map table '" + tablename + "' does not exist."); return table.maps(up, rotating); } public synchronized kelondroMap.mapIterator /* of Map-Elements */ maps(String tablename, boolean up, boolean rotating, byte[] firstKey) throws IOException { kelondroMap table = (kelondroMap) mTables.get(tablename); if (table == null) throw new RuntimeException("kelondroTables.maps: map table '" + tablename + "' does not exist."); return table.maps(up, rotating, firstKey); } public synchronized kelondroMap.mapIterator /* of Map-Elements */ maps(String tablename, boolean up, String field) { kelondroMap table = (kelondroMap) mTables.get(tablename); if (table == null) throw new RuntimeException("kelondroTables.maps: map table '" + tablename + "' does not exist."); return table.maps(up, field); } public synchronized Iterator /* of kelondroRow.Entry-Elements */ rows(String tablename, boolean up, boolean rotating, byte[] firstKey) throws IOException { kelondroIndex tree = (kelondroIndex) tTables.get(tablename); if (tree == null) throw new RuntimeException("kelondroTables.bytes: tree table '" + tablename + "' does not exist."); return tree.rows(up, rotating, firstKey); } // if you need the long-values from a row-iteration, please use kelondroRecords.bytes2long to convert from byte[] to long public synchronized void delete(String tablename, String key) throws IOException { kelondroMap table = (kelondroMap) mTables.get(tablename); if (key.length() > table.keySize()) key = key.substring(0, table.keySize()); if (table != null) {table.remove(key); mTables.put(tablename, table); return;} kelondroIndex Tree = (kelondroIndex) tTables.get(tablename); if (Tree != null) {Tree.remove(key.getBytes()); tTables.put(tablename, Tree); return;} throw new RuntimeException("kelondroTables.delete: table '" + tablename + "' does not exist."); } public synchronized long accumulator(String tablename, String field) { kelondroMap table = (kelondroMap) mTables.get(tablename); if (table == null) throw new RuntimeException("kelondroTables.accumulator: map table '" + tablename + "' does not exist."); return table.getAcc(field); } public synchronized int size(String tablename) { kelondroMap table = (kelondroMap) mTables.get(tablename); if (table != null) return table.size(); kelondroIndex Tree = (kelondroIndex) tTables.get(tablename); if (Tree != null) try { return Tree.size(); } catch (IOException e) {return 0;} throw new RuntimeException("kelondroTables.accumulator: table '" + tablename + "' does not exist."); } public void close() throws IOException { Iterator tablesIt = mTables.values().iterator(); while (tablesIt.hasNext()) ((kelondroMap) tablesIt.next()).close(); mTables = null; Iterator TreeIt = tTables.values().iterator(); while (TreeIt.hasNext()) ((kelondroIndex) TreeIt.next()).close(); tTables = null; } }