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<h2>Online Demo</h2>

<p>Since YaCy is a web-application, you can test it also online!
There are currently a few well-known public installations of YACY that you can use to test the search functions.
You will see there a lot of 'locked' menu's that you can only use if you are the peer-owner.
However, the search function is public.</p>
<p><b>Please respect the search results as a pure proof-of-concept.</b> It's upon <b>you</b> to further enhance the search results by participation in the network with your own peer.</p>
<p>If you use any of the following search peers you must agree that the responsibility for the content of the web pages that these peers find does not belong to the peer-owner but belong to the owner of the web server where any found pages are stored.</p>

<p>Pick one of the following links:
<li><a href="http://yacy.dyndns.org:8000"><b>Michael Christen's Root Peer (Frankfurt, Germany)</b></a></li>
<li><a href="http://www.suma-lab.de:8080"><b>The Search-Engine Lab of the SuMa-eV (Hannover, Germany)</b></a></li>
<li><a href="http://yacy.naggel.info/"><b>Hendrik Richter's PHP interface to his YaCy peer</b></a></li>
<li><a href="http://yacy.guerrier.info/"><b>Olivier Guerrier's Peer (France)</b></a></li>

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