package de.anomic.plasma; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.TreeSet; import de.anomic.crawler.AbstractImporter; import de.anomic.crawler.Importer; import de.anomic.index.indexContainer; import de.anomic.index.indexRWIEntry; import de.anomic.index.indexRWIRowEntry; import de.anomic.index.indexURLReference; import de.anomic.server.serverDate; public class plasmaDbImporter extends AbstractImporter implements Importer { /** * the source word index (the DB to import) */ private final plasmaWordIndex importWordIndex; /** * the destination word index (the home DB) */ protected plasmaWordIndex homeWordIndex; private final int importStartSize; private String wordHash = "------------"; long wordChunkStart = System.currentTimeMillis(), wordChunkEnd = this.wordChunkStart; String wordChunkStartHash = "------------", wordChunkEndHash; private long urlCounter = 0, wordCounter = 0, entryCounter = 0, notBoundEntryCounter = 0; public plasmaDbImporter(final plasmaWordIndex homeWI, final plasmaWordIndex importWI) { super("PLASMADB"); this.homeWordIndex = homeWI; this.importWordIndex = importWI; this.importStartSize = this.importWordIndex.size(); } /** * @see Importer#getJobName() */ public String getJobName() { return this.importWordIndex.getLocation(true).toString(); } /** * @see Importer#getStatus() */ public String getStatus() { final StringBuffer theStatus = new StringBuffer(); theStatus.append("Hash=").append(this.wordHash).append("\n"); theStatus.append("#URL=").append(this.urlCounter).append("\n"); theStatus.append("#Word Entity=").append(this.wordCounter).append("\n"); theStatus.append("#Word Entry={").append(this.entryCounter); theStatus.append(" ,NotBound=").append(this.notBoundEntryCounter).append("}"); return theStatus.toString(); } public void run() { try { importWordsDB(); } finally { this.globalEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); //; } } /** * @see Importer#getProcessingStatusPercent() */ public int getProcessingStatusPercent() { // thid seems to be better: // (this.importStartSize-this.importWordIndex.size())*100/((this.importStartSize==0)?1:this.importStartSize); // but maxint (2,147,483,647) could be exceeded when WordIndexes reach 20M entries //return (this.importStartSize-this.importWordIndex.size())/((this.importStartSize<100)?1:(this.importStartSize)/100); return (int)(this.wordCounter)/((this.importStartSize<100)?1:(this.importStartSize)/100); } /** * @see Importer#getElapsedTime() */ public long getEstimatedTime() { return (this.wordCounter==0)?0:((this.importStartSize*getElapsedTime())/this.wordCounter)-getElapsedTime(); } public void importWordsDB() { this.log.logInfo("STARTING DB-IMPORT"); try { this.log.logInfo("Importing DB from '" + this.importWordIndex.getLocation(true).getAbsolutePath() + "'"); this.log.logInfo("Home word index contains " + homeWordIndex.size() + " words and " + homeWordIndex.countURL() + " URLs."); this.log.logInfo("Import word index contains " + this.importWordIndex.size() + " words and " + this.importWordIndex.countURL() + " URLs."); final HashSet<String> unknownUrlBuffer = new HashSet<String>(); final HashSet<String> importedUrlBuffer = new HashSet<String>(); // iterate over all words from import db //Iterator importWordHashIterator = this.importWordIndex.wordHashes(this.wordChunkStartHash, plasmaWordIndex.RL_WORDFILES, false); Iterator<indexContainer> indexContainerIterator = this.importWordIndex.indexContainerSet(this.wordChunkStartHash, false, false, 100).iterator(); while (!isAborted() && indexContainerIterator.hasNext()) { final TreeSet<String> entityUrls = new TreeSet<String>(); indexContainer newContainer = null; try { this.wordCounter++; newContainer =; this.wordHash = newContainer.getWordHash(); // loop throug the entities of the container and get the // urlhash final Iterator<indexRWIRowEntry> importWordIdxEntries = newContainer.entries(); indexRWIEntry importWordIdxEntry; while (importWordIdxEntries.hasNext()) { // testing if import process was aborted if (isAborted()) break; // getting next word index entry importWordIdxEntry =; final String urlHash = importWordIdxEntry.urlHash(); entityUrls.add(urlHash); } final Iterator<String> urlIter = entityUrls.iterator(); while (urlIter.hasNext()) { if (isAborted()) break; final String urlHash =; if (!importedUrlBuffer.contains(urlHash)) { if (unknownUrlBuffer.contains(urlHash)) { // url known as unknown unknownUrlBuffer.add(urlHash); notBoundEntryCounter++; newContainer.remove(urlHash); continue; } // we need to import the url // getting the url entry final indexURLReference urlEntry = this.importWordIndex.getURL(urlHash, null, 0); if (urlEntry != null) { /* write it into the home url db */ homeWordIndex.putURL(urlEntry); importedUrlBuffer.add(urlHash); this.urlCounter++; if (this.urlCounter % 500 == 0) { this.log.logFine(this.urlCounter + " URLs processed so far."); } } else { unknownUrlBuffer.add(urlHash); notBoundEntryCounter++; newContainer.remove(urlHash); continue; } //} else { // already known url } this.entryCounter++; } // testing if import process was aborted if (isAborted()) break; // importing entity container to home db if (newContainer.size() > 0) { homeWordIndex.addEntries(newContainer); } // delete complete index entity file this.importWordIndex.deleteContainer(this.wordHash); // print out some statistical information if (this.entryCounter % 500 == 0) { this.log.logFine(this.entryCounter + " word entries and " + this.wordCounter + " word entities processed so far."); } if (this.wordCounter%500 == 0) { this.wordChunkEndHash = this.wordHash; this.wordChunkEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long duration = this.wordChunkEnd - this.wordChunkStart; this.log.logInfo(this.wordCounter + " word entities imported " + "[" + this.wordChunkStartHash + " .. " + this.wordChunkEndHash + "] " + this.getProcessingStatusPercent() + "%\n" + "Speed: "+ 500*1000/duration + " word entities/s" + " | Elapsed time: " + serverDate.formatInterval(getElapsedTime()) + " | Estimated time: " + serverDate.formatInterval(getEstimatedTime()) + "\n" + "Home Words = " + homeWordIndex.size() + " | Import Words = " + this.importWordIndex.size()); this.wordChunkStart = this.wordChunkEnd; this.wordChunkStartHash = this.wordChunkEndHash; } } catch (final Exception e) { this.log.logSevere("Import of word entity '" + this.wordHash + "' failed.",e); } finally { if (newContainer != null) newContainer.clear(); } if (!indexContainerIterator.hasNext()) { // We may not be finished yet, try to get the next chunk of wordHashes final TreeSet<indexContainer> containers = this.importWordIndex.indexContainerSet(this.wordHash, false, false, 100); indexContainerIterator = containers.iterator(); // Make sure we don't get the same wordhash twice, but don't skip a word if ((indexContainerIterator.hasNext())&&(!this.wordHash.equals(( { indexContainerIterator = containers.iterator(); } } } this.log.logInfo("Home word index contains " + homeWordIndex.size() + " words and " + homeWordIndex.countURL() + " URLs."); this.log.logInfo("Import word index contains " + this.importWordIndex.size() + " words and " + this.importWordIndex.countURL() + " URLs."); } catch (final Exception e) { this.log.logSevere("Database import failed.",e); e.printStackTrace(); this.error = e.toString(); } finally { this.log.logInfo("Import process finished."); if (this.importWordIndex != null) try { this.importWordIndex.close(); } catch (final Exception e){} } } }