//httpdSoapService.java //------------------------ //part of YaCy //(C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de //first published on http://www.anomic.de //Frankfurt, Germany, 2005 // //this file was contributed by Martin Thelian //last major change: $LastChangedDate$ by $LastChangedBy$ //Revision: $LastChangedRevision$ // //This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or //(at your option) any later version. // //This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //GNU General Public License for more details. // //You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // //Using this software in any meaning (reading, learning, copying, compiling, //running) means that you agree that the Author(s) is (are) not responsible //for cost, loss of data or any harm that may be caused directly or indirectly //by usage of this softare or this documentation. The usage of this software //is on your own risk. The installation and usage (starting/running) of this //software may allow other people or application to access your computer and //any attached devices and is highly dependent on the configuration of the //software which must be done by the user of the software; the author(s) is //(are) also not responsible for proper configuration and usage of the //software, even if provoked by documentation provided together with //the software. // //Any changes to this file according to the GPL as documented in the file //gpl.txt aside this file in the shipment you received can be done to the //lines that follows this copyright notice here, but changes must not be //done inside the copyright notive above. A re-distribution must contain //the intact and unchanged copyright notice. //Contributions and changes to the program code must be marked as such. package de.anomic.soap.services; import org.apache.axis.AxisFault; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import de.anomic.data.wikiCode; import de.anomic.index.indexURL; import de.anomic.net.URL; import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSearchPreOrder; import de.anomic.server.serverObjects; import de.anomic.soap.AbstractService; /** * SOAP Service Class that will be invoked by the httpdSoapHandler * * @author Martin Thelian */ public class SearchService extends AbstractService { /* ================================================================ * Constants needed to set the template that should be used to * fullfil the request * ================================================================ */ private static final String TEMPLATE_SEARCH = "yacysearch.soap"; private static final String TEMPLATE_URLINFO = "ViewFile.soap"; private static final String TEMPLATE_SNIPPET = "xml/snippet.xml"; /** * Constructor of this class */ public SearchService() { super(); // nothing special todo here at the moment } /** * Service for doing a simple search with the standard settings * * @param searchString the search string that should be used * @param maxSearchCount the maximum amount of search result that should be returned * @param searchOrder can be a combination of YBR, Date and Quality, e.g. YBR-Date-Quality or Date-Quality-YBR * @param searchMode can be global or local * @param searchMode the total amount of seconds to use for the search * @param urlMask if the urlMaskfilter parameter should be used * @param urlMaskfilter e.g. .* * @param prefermaskfilter * @param category can be image or href * * @return an xml document containing the search results. * * @throws AxisFault if the service could not be executed propery. */ public Document search( String searchString, int maxSearchCount, String searchOrder, String searchMode, int maxSearchTime, boolean urlMask, String urlMaskfilter, String prefermaskfilter, String category ) throws AxisFault { try { // extracting the message context extractMessageContext(false); if ((searchMode == null) || !(searchMode.equalsIgnoreCase("global") || searchMode.equalsIgnoreCase("locale"))) { searchMode = "global"; } if (maxSearchCount < 0) { maxSearchCount = 10; } if (searchOrder == null || searchOrder.length() == 0) { searchOrder = plasmaSearchPreOrder.canUseYBR() ? "YBR-Date-Quality" : "Date-Quality-YBR"; } if (maxSearchTime < 0) { maxSearchTime = 10; } if (urlMaskfilter == null) { urlMaskfilter = ".*"; } if (prefermaskfilter == null) { prefermaskfilter = ""; } if (category == null || category.length() == 0) { category = "href"; } // setting the searching properties serverObjects args = new serverObjects(); args.put("search",searchString); args.put("count",Integer.toString(maxSearchCount)); args.put("order",searchOrder); args.put("resource",searchMode); args.put("time",Integer.toString(maxSearchTime)); args.put("urlmask",(!urlMask)?"no":"yes"); args.put("urlmaskfilter",urlMaskfilter); args.put("prefermaskfilter",prefermaskfilter); args.put("cat",category); args.put("Enter","Search"); // invoke servlet serverObjects searchResult = invokeServlet(TEMPLATE_SEARCH, args); // Postprocess search ... int count = Integer.valueOf(searchResult.get("type_results","0")).intValue(); for (int i=0; i < count; i++) { searchResult.put("type_results_" + i + "_url",wikiCode.replaceHTMLonly(searchResult.get("type_results_" + i + "_url",""))); searchResult.put("type_results_" + i + "_description",wikiCode.replaceHTMLonly(searchResult.get("type_results_" + i + "_description",""))); searchResult.put("type_results_" + i + "_urlname",wikiCode.replaceHTMLonly(searchResult.get("type_results_" + i + "_urlname",""))); } // format the result byte[] result = buildServletOutput(TEMPLATE_SEARCH, searchResult); // sending back the result to the client return this.convertContentToXML(result); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AxisFault(e.getMessage()); } } /** * @param url the url * @param viewMode one of (VIEW_MODE_AS_PLAIN_TEXT = 1, * VIEW_MODE_AS_PARSED_TEXT = 2, * VIEW_MODE_AS_PARSED_SENTENCES = 3) [Source: ViewFile.java] * @return an xml document containing the url info. * * @throws AxisFault if the service could not be executed propery. */ public Document urlInfo(String urlStr, int viewMode) throws AxisFault { try { // getting the url hash for this url URL url = new URL(urlStr); String urlHash = indexURL.urlHash(url); // fetch urlInfo return this.urlInfoByHash(urlHash, viewMode); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AxisFault(e.getMessage()); } } /** * @param urlHash the url hash * @param viewMode one of (VIEW_MODE_AS_PLAIN_TEXT = 1, * VIEW_MODE_AS_PARSED_TEXT = 2, * VIEW_MODE_AS_PARSED_SENTENCES = 3) [Source: ViewFile.java] * @return an xml document containing the url info. * * @throws AxisFault if the service could not be executed propery. */ public Document urlInfoByHash(String urlHash, int viewMode) throws AxisFault { try { // extracting the message context extractMessageContext(true); if (urlHash == null || urlHash.trim().equals("")) { throw new AxisFault("No Url-hash provided."); } if (viewMode < 1 || viewMode > 3) { viewMode = 2; } String viewModeStr = "sentences"; if (viewMode == 1) viewModeStr = "plain"; else if (viewMode == 2) viewModeStr = "parsed"; else if (viewMode == 3) viewModeStr = "sentences"; // setting the properties final serverObjects args = new serverObjects(); args.put("urlHash",urlHash); args.put("viewMode",viewModeStr); // generating the template containing the url info byte[] result = writeTemplate(TEMPLATE_URLINFO, args); // sending back the result to the client return this.convertContentToXML(result); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AxisFault(e.getMessage()); } } public Document snippet(String url, String searchString) throws AxisFault { try { if (url == null || url.trim().equals("")) throw new AxisFault("No url provided."); if (searchString == null || searchString.trim().equals("")) throw new AxisFault("No search string provided."); // extracting the message context extractMessageContext(false); // setting the properties final serverObjects args = new serverObjects(); args.put("url",url); args.put("search",searchString); // generating the template containing the url info byte[] result = writeTemplate(TEMPLATE_SNIPPET, args); // sending back the result to the client return this.convertContentToXML(result); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AxisFault(e.getMessage()); } } }