// CrawlProfile.java // ------------------------ // part of YaCy // (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net // first published on http://www.anomic.de // Frankfurt, Germany, 2004 // // $LastChangedDate$ // $LastChangedRevision$ // $LastChangedBy$ // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA package de.anomic.crawler; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.yacy.cora.document.ASCII; import net.yacy.cora.services.federated.yacy.CacheStrategy; import net.yacy.kelondro.data.meta.DigestURI; import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.Word; import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log; import net.yacy.kelondro.order.Base64Order; import net.yacy.kelondro.order.Digest; public class CrawlProfile extends ConcurrentHashMap implements Map { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5527325718810703504L; public static final String MATCH_ALL_STRING = ".*"; public static final String MATCH_NEVER_STRING = ""; public static final Pattern MATCH_ALL_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(MATCH_ALL_STRING); public static final Pattern MATCH_NEVER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(MATCH_NEVER_STRING); // this is a simple record structure that hold all properties of a single crawl start public static final String HANDLE = "handle"; public static final String NAME = "name"; public static final String START_URL = "startURL"; public static final String DEPTH = "generalDepth"; public static final String RECRAWL_IF_OLDER = "recrawlIfOlder"; public static final String DOM_MAX_PAGES = "domMaxPages"; public static final String CRAWLING_Q = "crawlingQ"; public static final String PUSH_SOLR = "pushSolr"; public static final String INDEX_TEXT = "indexText"; public static final String INDEX_MEDIA = "indexMedia"; public static final String STORE_HTCACHE = "storeHTCache"; public static final String REMOTE_INDEXING = "remoteIndexing"; public static final String XSSTOPW = "xsstopw"; public static final String XDSTOPW = "xdstopw"; public static final String XPSTOPW = "xpstopw"; public static final String CACHE_STRAGEGY = "cacheStrategy"; public static final String FILTER_URL_MUSTMATCH = "generalFilter"; // for URLs public static final String FILTER_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH = "nevermatch"; // for URLs public static final String FILTER_IP_MUSTMATCH = "crawlingIPMustMatch"; public static final String FILTER_IP_MUSTNOTMATCH = "crawlingIPMustNotMatch"; public static final String FILTER_COUNTRY_MUSTMATCH = "crawlingCountryMustMatch"; private Pattern urlmustmatch = null, urlmustnotmatch = null, ipmustmatch = null, ipmustnotmatch = null; /** * Constructor which creates CrawlPofile from parameters. * @param name name of the crawl profile * @param startURL root URL of the crawl * @param urlMustMatch URLs which do not match this regex will be ignored * @param urlMustNotMatch URLs which match this regex will be ignored * @param depth height of the tree which will be created by the crawler * @param recrawlIfOlder documents which have been indexed in the past will * be indexed again if they are older than the time (ms) in this parameter * @param domMaxPages maximum number from one domain which will be indexed * @param crawlingQ true if URLs containing questionmarks shall be indexed * @param indexText true if text content of URL shall be indexed * @param indexMedia true if media content of URL shall be indexed * @param storeHTCache true if content chall be kept in cache after indexing * @param remoteIndexing true if part of the crawl job shall be distributed * @param xsstopw true if static stop words shall be ignored * @param xdstopw true if dynamic stop words shall be ignored * @param xpstopw true if parent stop words shall be ignored * @param cacheStrategy determines if and how cache is used loading content */ public CrawlProfile( final String name, final DigestURI startURL, final String urlMustMatch, final String urlMustNotMatch, final String ipMustMatch, final String ipMustNotMatch, final String countryMustMatch, final int depth, final long recrawlIfOlder /*date*/, final int domMaxPages, final boolean crawlingQ, final boolean indexText, final boolean indexMedia, final boolean storeHTCache, final boolean remoteIndexing, final boolean xsstopw, final boolean xdstopw, final boolean xpstopw, final CacheStrategy cacheStrategy) { super(40); if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) { throw new NullPointerException("name must not be null or empty"); } final String handle = (startURL == null) ? Base64Order.enhancedCoder.encode(Digest.encodeMD5Raw(name)).substring(0, Word.commonHashLength) : ASCII.String(startURL.hash()); put(HANDLE, handle); put(NAME, name); put(START_URL, (startURL == null) ? "" : startURL.toNormalform(true, false)); put(FILTER_URL_MUSTMATCH, (urlMustMatch == null) ? CrawlProfile.MATCH_ALL_STRING : urlMustMatch); put(FILTER_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH, (urlMustNotMatch == null) ? CrawlProfile.MATCH_NEVER_STRING : urlMustNotMatch); put(FILTER_IP_MUSTMATCH, (ipMustMatch == null) ? CrawlProfile.MATCH_ALL_STRING : ipMustMatch); put(FILTER_IP_MUSTNOTMATCH, (ipMustNotMatch == null) ? CrawlProfile.MATCH_NEVER_STRING : ipMustNotMatch); put(FILTER_COUNTRY_MUSTMATCH, (countryMustMatch == null) ? "" : countryMustMatch); put(DEPTH, depth); put(RECRAWL_IF_OLDER, recrawlIfOlder); put(DOM_MAX_PAGES, domMaxPages); put(CRAWLING_Q, crawlingQ); // crawling of urls with '?' put(INDEX_TEXT, indexText); put(INDEX_MEDIA, indexMedia); put(STORE_HTCACHE, storeHTCache); put(REMOTE_INDEXING, remoteIndexing); put(XSSTOPW, xsstopw); // exclude static stop-words put(XDSTOPW, xdstopw); // exclude dynamic stop-word put(XPSTOPW, xpstopw); // exclude parent stop-words put(CACHE_STRAGEGY, cacheStrategy.toString()); } /** * Constructor which creats a CrawlProfile from values in a Map. * @param ext contains values */ public CrawlProfile(final Map ext) { super(ext == null ? 1 : ext.size()); if (ext != null) putAll(ext); } /** * Adds a parameter to CrawlProfile. * @param key name of the parameter * @param value values if the parameter */ public final void put(final String key, final boolean value) { super.put(key, Boolean.toString(value)); } /** * Adds a parameter to CrawlProfile. * @param key name of the parameter * @param value values if the parameter */ public final void put(final String key, final int value) { super.put(key, Integer.toString(value)); } /** * Adds a parameter to CrawlProfile. * @param key name of the parameter * @param value values if the parameter */ public final void put(final String key, final long value) { super.put(key, Long.toString(value)); } /** * Gets handle of the CrawlProfile. * @return handle of the profile */ public String handle() { final String r = get(HANDLE); //if (r == null) return null; return r; } /** * Gets the name of the CrawlProfile. * @return name of the profile */ public String name() { final String r = get(NAME); if (r == null) return ""; return r; } /** * Gets the root URL of the crawl job. * @return root URL */ public String startURL() { final String r = get(START_URL); return r; } /** * Gets the regex which must be matched by URLs in order to be crawled. * @return regex which must be matched */ public Pattern urlMustMatchPattern() { if (this.urlmustmatch == null) { final String r = get(FILTER_URL_MUSTMATCH); if (r == null || r.equals(CrawlProfile.MATCH_ALL_STRING)) { this.urlmustmatch = CrawlProfile.MATCH_ALL_PATTERN; } else { this.urlmustmatch = Pattern.compile(r); } } return this.urlmustmatch; } /** * Gets the regex which must not be matched by URLs in order to be crawled. * @return regex which must not be matched */ public Pattern urlMustNotMatchPattern() { if (this.urlmustnotmatch == null) { final String r = get(FILTER_URL_MUSTNOTMATCH); if (r == null || r.equals(CrawlProfile.MATCH_NEVER_STRING)) { this.urlmustnotmatch = CrawlProfile.MATCH_NEVER_PATTERN; } else { this.urlmustnotmatch = Pattern.compile(r); } } return this.urlmustnotmatch; } /** * Gets the regex which must be matched by IPs in order to be crawled. * @return regex which must be matched */ public Pattern ipMustMatchPattern() { if (this.ipmustmatch == null) { final String r = get(FILTER_IP_MUSTMATCH); if (r == null || r.equals(CrawlProfile.MATCH_ALL_STRING)) { this.ipmustmatch = CrawlProfile.MATCH_ALL_PATTERN; } else { this.ipmustmatch = Pattern.compile(r); } } return this.ipmustmatch; } /** * Gets the regex which must not be matched by IPs in order to be crawled. * @return regex which must not be matched */ public Pattern ipMustNotMatchPattern() { if (this.ipmustnotmatch == null) { final String r = get(FILTER_IP_MUSTNOTMATCH); if (r == null || r.equals(CrawlProfile.MATCH_NEVER_STRING)) { this.ipmustnotmatch = CrawlProfile.MATCH_NEVER_PATTERN; } else { this.ipmustnotmatch = Pattern.compile(r); } } return this.ipmustnotmatch; } /** * get the list of countries that must match for the locations of the URLs IPs * @return a list of country codes */ public String[] countryMustMatchList() { String countryMustMatch = get(FILTER_COUNTRY_MUSTMATCH); if (countryMustMatch == null) countryMustMatch = ""; if (countryMustMatch.length() == 0) return new String[0]; String[] list = countryMustMatch.split(","); if (list.length == 1 && list.length == 0) list = new String[0]; return list; } /** * Gets depth of crawl job (or height of the tree which will be * created by the crawler). * @return depth of crawl job */ public int depth() { final String r = get(DEPTH); if (r == null) return 0; try { return Integer.parseInt(r); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { Log.logException(e); return 0; } } public CacheStrategy cacheStrategy() { final String r = get(CACHE_STRAGEGY); if (r == null) return CacheStrategy.IFEXIST; try { return CacheStrategy.decode(Integer.parseInt(r)); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { Log.logException(e); return CacheStrategy.IFEXIST; } } public void setCacheStrategy(final CacheStrategy newStrategy) { put(CACHE_STRAGEGY, newStrategy.toString()); } /** * Gets the minimum age that an entry must have to be re-crawled. * @return time in ms */ public long recrawlIfOlder() { // returns a long (millis) that is the minimum age that // an entry must have to be re-crawled final String r = get(RECRAWL_IF_OLDER); if (r == null) return 0L; try { final long l = Long.parseLong(r); return (l < 0) ? 0L : l; } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { Log.logException(e); return 0L; } } public int domMaxPages() { // this is the maximum number of pages that are crawled for a single domain // if -1, this means no limit final String r = get(DOM_MAX_PAGES); if (r == null) return Integer.MAX_VALUE; try { final int i = Integer.parseInt(r); if (i < 0) return Integer.MAX_VALUE; return i; } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { Log.logException(e); return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } } public boolean crawlingQ() { final String r = get(CRAWLING_Q); if (r == null) return false; return (r.equals(Boolean.TRUE.toString())); } public boolean pushSolr() { final String r = get(PUSH_SOLR); if (r == null) return true; return (r.equals(Boolean.TRUE.toString())); } public boolean indexText() { final String r = get(INDEX_TEXT); if (r == null) return true; return (r.equals(Boolean.TRUE.toString())); } public boolean indexMedia() { final String r = get(INDEX_MEDIA); if (r == null) return true; return (r.equals(Boolean.TRUE.toString())); } public boolean storeHTCache() { final String r = get(STORE_HTCACHE); if (r == null) return false; return (r.equals(Boolean.TRUE.toString())); } public boolean remoteIndexing() { final String r = get(REMOTE_INDEXING); if (r == null) return false; return (r.equals(Boolean.TRUE.toString())); } public boolean excludeStaticStopwords() { final String r = get(XSSTOPW); if (r == null) return false; return (r.equals(Boolean.TRUE.toString())); } public boolean excludeDynamicStopwords() { final String r = get(XDSTOPW); if (r == null) return false; return (r.equals(Boolean.TRUE.toString())); } public boolean excludeParentStopwords() { final String r = get(XPSTOPW); if (r == null) return false; return (r.equals(Boolean.TRUE.toString())); } public static long getRecrawlDate(final long oldTimeMinutes) { return System.currentTimeMillis() - (60000L * oldTimeMinutes); } }