buildscript { dependencies { classpath "org.mini2Dx:parcl:1.7.1" } } plugins { id 'java' id 'distribution' id 'maven-publish' id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '5.1.0' // uberJar plugin id 'com.github.langmo.gradlensis' version '0.1.0' // NSIS plugin } apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'eclipse' apply plugin: 'application' apply plugin: "org.mini2Dx.parcl" repositories { mavenCentral() } sourceSets { main { java { srcDirs = ['source'] } } test { java { srcDirs = ['test/java'] } } /* htroot { // optional sourceset to have htroot servelets available/visible in development IDE java { srcDirs = ['htroot'] compileClasspath = configurations.compileClasspath + jar.outputs.files } } */ } group = 'net.yacy' version = '1.925' description = 'YaCy Search Server' java.sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 java.targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 mainClassName = "net.yacy.yacy" applicationDefaultJvmArgs = ["-Xmx1024m"] // create property store for filterTokens (here, to make sure it exist) project.ext.filterTokens = new Properties() parcl { exe { exeName = "YaCy" } app { vmArgs = ["-Xmx1g"] appName = "YaCy" icon = "addon/YaCy.icns" applicationCategory = "Search-Engine" displayName = 'YaCy Search Engine' identifier = 'net.yacy' copyright = 'Copyright 2021 Michael Peter Christen et al.' zipName = '' } linux { binName = "YaCy" } } tasks.withType(JavaCompile) { options.encoding = 'UTF-8' } dependencies { // used by YaCy code // implementation project ('libbuild:J7Zip-modified') // support library in libbuild (fyi: downside groovy/gradle use internal *.class instead of *.jar = trouble in task packageDist) // implementation 'net.yacy.extlib:J7Zip-modified:1.02' // alternatively support library from mavenLocal() repo (use publishToMavenLocal in subproject first) implementation fileTree(dir: 'lib', include: 'J7Zip-modified.jar') // switched back to use local lib/jar for this one library (avoiding sub-project execution w/o need) implementation group: 'org.bouncycastle', name: 'bcmail-jdk15on', version: '1.69' implementation group: 'org.apache.commons', name: 'commons-compress', version: '1.21' implementation group: 'commons-fileupload', name: 'commons-fileupload', version: '1.4' implementation group: '', name: 'guava', version: '31.0.1-jre' implementation group: 'com.hazelcast', name: 'hazelcast', version: '4.2' implementation group: '', name: 'icu4j', version: '63.1' implementation group: 'com.twelvemonkeys.imageio', name: 'imageio-bmp', version: '3.3.2' implementation group: 'com.twelvemonkeys.imageio', name: 'imageio-tiff',version: '3.3.2' implementation group: 'net.jthink', name: 'jaudiotagger', version: '2.2.5' implementation group: 'javax.servlet', name: 'javax.servlet-api', version: '3.1.0' implementation group: 'net.sourceforge.jchardet', name: 'jchardet', version: '1.0' implementation group: 'jcifs', name: 'jcifs', version: '1.3.17' implementation group: 'org.eclipse.jetty', name: 'jetty-http', version: '9.4.35.v20201120' implementation group: 'org.eclipse.jetty', name: 'jetty-proxy', version: '9.4.35.v20201120' implementation group: 'org.eclipse.jetty', name: 'jetty-security', version: '9.4.35.v20201120' implementation group: 'org.eclipse.jetty', name: 'jetty-server', version: '9.4.35.v20201120' implementation group: 'org.eclipse.jetty', name: 'jetty-servlets', version: '9.4.35.v20201120' implementation group: 'org.eclipse.jetty', name: 'jetty-util', version: '9.4.35.v20201120' implementation group: 'org.eclipse.jetty', name: 'jetty-webapp', version: '9.4.35.v20201120' implementation group: 'com.jcraft', name: 'jsch', version: '0.1.54' implementation group: 'com.googlecode.json-simple',name: 'json-simple', version: '1.1.1' implementation group: 'org.jsoup', name: 'jsoup', version: '1.14.3' implementation group: 'org.jwat', name: 'jwat-warc', version: '1.1.1' implementation group: 'com.cybozu.labs', name: 'langdetect', version: '1.1-20120112' implementation group: 'com.drewnoakes', name: 'metadata-extractor', version: '2.11.0' implementation group: 'org.apache.pdfbox', name: 'pdfbox', version: '2.0.25' implementation group: 'org.apache.poi', name: 'poi', version: '3.17' implementation group: 'org.apache.poi', name: 'poi-scratchpad', version: '3.17' implementation group: 'org.apache.solr', name: 'solr-core', version: '8.8.1' implementation group: 'org.apache.solr', name: 'solr-solrj', version: '8.8.1' implementation group: 'org.bitlet', name: 'weupnp', version: '0.1.4' // overwrite version for transient dependencies implementation 'org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-client:9.4.35.v20201120' // for solrj testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.13.2' } // exclude some unused/not needed automatic dependency imports configurations.implementation { exclude group: '', module: 'jsr305' exclude group: 'org.eclipse.jetty', module: 'jetty-alpn-client' exclude group: 'org.eclipse.jetty', module: 'jetty-alpn-java-client' exclude group: 'org.eclipse.jetty', module: 'jetty-alpn-java-server' exclude group: 'org.eclipse.jetty', module: 'jetty-alpn-server' // warning 'Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings' exclude group: 'org.slf4j', module: 'slf4j-log4j12' } // output to lib/yacycore.jar (like with ant with downside by determine class-path) jar { archiveFileName = 'yacycore.jar' destinationDirectory = new File('lib') manifest { attributes( "Main-Class": mainClassName , "Class-Path": configurations.runtimeClasspath.collect { }.join(' ') ) } } shadowJar.zip64 = true // saw build error: Execution failed for task ':shadowJar'. archive contains more than 65535 entries. // mimic current config with dependencies in lib directory // @TODO: maybe removed after complete Gradle migration /** task copyDependenciesToLib(type: Copy) { def destination = project.file("lib") into destination from configurations.compileClasspath eachFile { // prevent overwriting existing files if (it.getRelativePath().getFile(destination).exists()) { it.exclude() } } build.dependsOn(copyDependenciesToLib) } */ // runs the support tool which creates from info of local git repository task runGitComInf(type: JavaExec) { classpath = files('libbuild/GitComInf-all.jar') args = [project.projectDir.getPath(), project.projectDir.getPath() + "/build/tmp/"] mainClass = 'GitComInf' } // prepare from template (needed after commits or new versions) // read values from property file generated by GitComInf tool import task prepYaCyProperties (type: Copy, dependsOn : ['runGitComInf']) { mustRunAfter runGitComInf def propfile = "build/tmp/"; if (project.file(propfile).exists()) { // must check otherwise any action may stop after clean on this error file("build/tmp/").withReader { Properties props = new Properties() props.load(it) project.ext.filterTokens.putAll(props) } } else logger.error("prepYaCyProperties: file " + propfile + " is missing, you should re-run runGitComInf") String fdirname =[0].name + '/net/yacy/peers/operation' copy { from fdirname include('') rename '', '' into (fdirname) filter(, tokens: project.ext.filterTokens) filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: [REPL_VERSION: version, REPL_PKGMANAGER:"false", REPL_RESTARTCMD: "/etc/init.d/yacy restart"]) // gradle.project.version + some defaults from ant } } compileJava.dependsOn(prepYaCyProperties) // must be executed before compile (due to source template filtering) // implement ant task to simulate old Ant build for htroot, // to avoid import of complete build.xml (as currently used) task compileHtrootServlets (dependsOn: ['jar']) { if (buildDir.exists()) { // prevent buildscript failing on prime build with fresh git clone due to javac error during gradle init ant { path(id:'project.class.path') { // place yacycore.jar on classpath (not automatically done) pathelement (location: jar.archiveFile.get()) // construct path elements configurations.compileClasspath.each { pathelement (location: it) } } javac (srcdir:'htroot', excludes:'processing/**', source:java.sourceCompatibility, target:java.targetCompatibility, debug:"true", debuglevel:"lines,vars,source", includeantruntime:"false", encoding:"UTF-8") { classpath (refid:'project.class.path') } } } } // copy additional files into directory used to create distribution archive (distZip/distTar) task copyFilesToDistDir (dependsOn : ['compileJava', 'jar', 'compileHtrootServlets']) { String instDir = "$buildDir/RELEASE/MAIN/" outputs.files fileTree(instDir) copy { from 'addon' into instDir + "addon" } copy { from 'bin' into instDir + "bin" } copy { from 'defaults' into instDir + "defaults" } copy { from 'dictionaries' into instDir + "dictionaries" } copy { from 'examples' into instDir + "examples" } copy { from 'htroot' into instDir + "htroot" } copy { from 'langdetect' into instDir + "langdetect" } copy { from 'lib' include '*.License' into instDir + "lib" } copy { from 'libbuild' exclude '**/build/**' exclude '**/target/**' into instDir + "libbuild" } copy { from 'locales' into instDir + "locales" } copy { from 'skins' into instDir + "skins" } copy { from 'source' into instDir + "source" } copy { from 'vocabularies' into instDir + "vocabularies" } copy { from new File('.') include '*.bat' include '*.sh' include 'gradlew' include 'AUTHORS' include 'COPYRIGHT' include 'NOTICE' include 'readme.txt' include 'ChangeLog' include 'gpl.txt' include 'yacy.yellow' include '*.properties' include 'build.gradle' include 'settings.gradle' include 'build.xml' into instDir } } distZip.dependsOn(copyFilesToDistDir) distTar.dependsOn(copyFilesToDistDir) // declare distribution source directory to be added to archives distributions { main { // Gradle appends always the version to the BaseName so this doesn't work, // legacy archive name must be archieved by file rename // // String Dst = project.ext.filterTokens.get('DSTAMP') // String rNr = project.ext.filterTokens.get('releaseNr') // String branch = project.ext.filterTokens.get('branch') // // distributionBaseName = 'yacy' + branch + '_v' + version + '_' + Dst + '_' + rNr contents { // fyi: content completed by copyFilesToDistDir from 'build/RELEASE/MAIN' } } } // copy runtime dependencies (jar) to the distribution directory task copyDependenciesForDistribution { // do a late copy of dependencies to dist lib directory to not interfere with standard distZip // which includes the lib (and bin) directory by default // actually if copied early (e.g. task copyFilesToDistDir) final Gradle zip/tar archive has all files double in lib dir (believe it or not) String instDir = "$buildDir/RELEASE/MAIN/" copy { // needed for legacy distribution file (task packageDist) - (fyi: gradle.distXxx includes it autom. in dist archive) from configurations.runtimeClasspath into instDir + "lib" } copy { // add own jar (not included automatically) from jar.outputs.files into instDir + "lib" } } // create a legacy distribution zip archive task packageDistZip (type : Zip, dependsOn : ['copyDependenciesForDistribution','copyFilesToDistDir','prepYaCyProperties'] ) { String Dst = project.ext.filterTokens.get('DSTAMP') String rNr = project.ext.filterTokens.get('releaseNr') String branch = project.ext.filterTokens.get('branch') String destName = 'yacy' + branch + '_v' + version + '_' + Dst + '_' + rNr + '.' + archiveExtension.get() archiveFileName = destName destinationDirectory = layout.buildDirectory.dir('distributions') from layout.buildDirectory.dir("RELEASE/MAIN") into 'yacy' } // create a legacy distribution gz/tar archive task packageDistTar (type : Tar, dependsOn : ['copyDependenciesForDistribution','copyFilesToDistDir','prepYaCyProperties']) { compression 'GZIP' String Dst = project.ext.filterTokens.get('DSTAMP') String rNr = project.ext.filterTokens.get('releaseNr') String branch = project.ext.filterTokens.get('branch') String destName = 'yacy' + branch + '_v' + version + '_' + Dst + '_' + rNr + '.tar.gz' // ! Gradle would use ext .tgz (archiveExtension.get()) archiveFileName = destName destinationDirectory = layout.buildDirectory.dir('distributions') from layout.buildDirectory.dir("RELEASE/MAIN") into 'yacy' } // wrapper to create legacy distribution archives task packageDist (dependsOn : ['copyDependenciesForDistribution','packageDistZip','packageDistTar'],group:'distribution') { description 'Create legacy distribution tar.gz and zip archives' // do a late copy of dependencies to dist lib directory to not interfere with standard distZip // which includes the lib (and bin) directory by default (task copyDependenciesForDistribution) // actually if copied early (e.g. in task copyFilesToDistDir) final Gradle zip/tar archive has all files double in lib dir (believe it or not) } // configure Javadoc task tasks.withType (Javadoc) { destinationDir project.file("javadoc") title = "YaCy " + version + " API Documentation" failOnError = false options.addStringOption("encoding","UTF-8" ) // or any reason to keep the old "iso-8859-1" ? classpath = configurations.compileClasspath includes = ['**/*.java'] } // some legacy stuff packaged in separate archive // archive in build/distributions task packagePortalsearch (group:'distribution') { description 'Bundles the javascript portalsearch as *.tar.gz distribution' ant { tar(destfile:'build/distributions/yacy-portalsearch.tar.gz', compression:'gzip', defaultexcludes:'yes', longfile:'fail') { tarfileset (dir:'htroot/portalsearch/', prefix:'yacy/portalsearch/') { include(name:'**/*') } tarfileset (dir:'htroot/jquery/', prefix:'yacy/jquery/') { include(name:'**/*') } tarfileset (dir:"htroot/yacy/ui/img-2", prefix:'yacy/ui/img-2/') { include(name:"magnify.png") include(name:"cancel_round.png") include(name:"stop.png") } } } } // Configuration of gradle-nsis plugin. nsis { // path to the NSIS configuration file configuration = file("${buildDir}/RELEASE/WINDOWS/build.nsi") // folder where the NSIS installer generator is run. All paths // in the NSIS configuration file are relative to this folder. runIn = file("${buildDir}") } // prepare the NSIS build script task prepNsis (type: Copy, dependsOn: ['prepYaCyProperties']) { from projectDir include 'build.nsi' include 'gpl.txt' into 'build/RELEASE/WINDOWS' filter(, tokens: project.ext.filterTokens) filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: [REPL_VERSION: version]) copy { from projectDir include 'gpl.txt' into buildDir } } // wrapper to run prepNsis task before nsis createInstaller, to copy some config files task distWinInstaller (dependsOn:['copyFilesToDistDir','copyDependenciesForDistribution','prepNsis','createInstaller'], group:'distribution') { description 'Creates a Win installer distribution exe file' tasks.findByName('createInstaller').mustRunAfter 'prepNsis' }