// Network.java // ----------------------- // part of YaCy // (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de // first published on http://www.anomic.de // Frankfurt, Germany, 2004, 2005 // // $LastChangedDate$ // $LastChangedRevision$ // $LastChangedBy$ // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // Using this software in any meaning (reading, learning, copying, compiling, // running) means that you agree that the Author(s) is (are) not responsible // for cost, loss of data or any harm that may be caused directly or indirectly // by usage of this softare or this documentation. The usage of this software // is on your own risk. The installation and usage (starting/running) of this // software may allow other people or application to access your computer and // any attached devices and is highly dependent on the configuration of the // software which must be done by the user of the software; the author(s) is // (are) also not responsible for proper configuration and usage of the // software, even if provoked by documentation provided together with // the software. // // Any changes to this file according to the GPL as documented in the file // gpl.txt aside this file in the shipment you received can be done to the // lines that follows this copyright notice here, but changes must not be // done inside the copyright notive above. A re-distribution must contain // the intact and unchanged copyright notice. // Contributions and changes to the program code must be marked as such. // You must compile this file with // javac -classpath .:../classes Network.java // if the shell's current path is HTROOT import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import de.anomic.http.httpHeader; import de.anomic.http.httpc; import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSwitchboard; import de.anomic.server.serverCodings; import de.anomic.server.serverDate; import de.anomic.server.serverObjects; import de.anomic.server.serverSwitch; import de.anomic.yacy.yacyClient; import de.anomic.yacy.yacyCore; import de.anomic.yacy.yacyNewsPool; import de.anomic.yacy.yacyNewsRecord; import de.anomic.yacy.yacySeed; import de.anomic.yacy.yacyVersion; public class Network { private static final String STR_TABLE_LIST = "table_list_"; public static serverObjects respond(httpHeader header, serverObjects post, serverSwitch switchboard) { plasmaSwitchboard sb = (plasmaSwitchboard) switchboard; final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); // return variable that accumulates replacements final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects(); final boolean overview = (post == null) || (post.get("page", "0").equals("0")); final String mySeedType = yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed.get(yacySeed.PEERTYPE, yacySeed.PEERTYPE_VIRGIN); final boolean iAmActive = (mySeedType.equals(yacySeed.PEERTYPE_SENIOR) || mySeedType.equals(yacySeed.PEERTYPE_PRINCIPAL)); if (overview) { long accActLinks = yacyCore.seedDB.countActiveURL(); long accActWords = yacyCore.seedDB.countActiveRWI(); final long accPassLinks = yacyCore.seedDB.countPassiveURL(); final long accPassWords = yacyCore.seedDB.countPassiveRWI(); long accPotLinks = yacyCore.seedDB.countPotentialURL(); long accPotWords = yacyCore.seedDB.countPotentialRWI(); int conCount = yacyCore.seedDB.sizeConnected(); final int disconCount = yacyCore.seedDB.sizeDisconnected(); int potCount = yacyCore.seedDB.sizePotential(); // final boolean complete = ((post == null) ? false : post.get("links", "false").equals("true")); final long otherppm = yacyCore.seedDB.countActivePPM(); final double otherqpm = yacyCore.seedDB.countActiveQPM(); long myppm = 0; double myqph = 0d; // create own peer info yacySeed seed = yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed; if (yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed != null){ //our Peer // update seed info yacyCore.peerActions.updateMySeed(); long links; long words; try { links = Long.parseLong(seed.get(yacySeed.LCOUNT, "0")); words = Long.parseLong(seed.get(yacySeed.ICOUNT, "0")); } catch (Exception e) {links = 0; words = 0;} // my-info prop.put("table_my-name", seed.get(yacySeed.NAME, "-") ); if (yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed.isVirgin()) { prop.put("table_my-info", 0); } else if(yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed.isJunior()) { prop.put("table_my-info", 1); accPotLinks += links; accPotWords += words; } else if(yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed.isSenior()) { prop.put("table_my-info", 2); accActLinks += links; accActWords += words; } else if(yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed.isPrincipal()) { prop.put("table_my-info", 3); accActLinks += links; accActWords += words; } prop.put("table_my-acceptcrawl", seed.getFlagAcceptRemoteCrawl() ? 1 : 0); prop.put("table_my-dhtreceive", seed.getFlagAcceptRemoteIndex() ? 1 : 0); prop.put("table_my-rankingreceive", seed.getFlagAcceptCitationReference() ? 1 : 0); myppm = seed.getPPM(); myqph = 60d * seed.getQPM(); prop.put("table_my-version", seed.get(yacySeed.VERSION, "-")); prop.put("table_my-utc", seed.get(yacySeed.UTC, "-")); prop.put("table_my-uptime", serverDate.intervalToString(60000 * Long.parseLong(seed.get(yacySeed.UPTIME, "")))); prop.put("table_my-links", groupDigits(Long.toString(links))); prop.put("table_my-words", groupDigits(Long.toString(words))); prop.put("table_my-sI", groupDigits(seed.get(yacySeed.INDEX_OUT, "0"))); prop.put("table_my-sU", groupDigits(seed.get(yacySeed.URL_OUT, "0"))); prop.put("table_my-rI", groupDigits(seed.get(yacySeed.INDEX_IN, "0"))); prop.put("table_my-rU", groupDigits(seed.get(yacySeed.URL_IN, "0"))); prop.put("table_my-ppm", myppm); prop.put("table_my-qph", Double.toString(Math.round(100d * myqph) / 100d)); prop.put("table_my-totalppm", sb.totalPPM); prop.put("table_my-totalqph", Double.toString(Math.round(6000d * sb.totalQPM) / 100d)); prop.put("table_my-seeds", seed.get(yacySeed.SCOUNT, "-")); prop.put("table_my-connects", groupDigits(seed.get(yacySeed.CCOUNT, "0"))); } // overall results: Network statistics if (iAmActive) conCount++; else if (mySeedType.equals(yacySeed.PEERTYPE_JUNIOR)) potCount++; prop.put("table_active-count", conCount); prop.put("table_active-links", groupDigits(accActLinks)); prop.put("table_active-words", groupDigits(accActWords)); prop.put("table_passive-count", disconCount); prop.put("table_passive-links", groupDigits(accPassLinks)); prop.put("table_passive-words", groupDigits(accPassWords)); prop.put("table_potential-count", potCount); prop.put("table_potential-links", groupDigits(accPotLinks)); prop.put("table_potential-words", groupDigits(accPotWords)); prop.put("table_all-count", (conCount + disconCount + potCount)); prop.put("table_all-links", groupDigits(accActLinks + accPassLinks + accPotLinks)); prop.put("table_all-words", groupDigits(accActWords + accPassWords + accPotWords)); prop.put("table_gppm", otherppm + ((iAmActive) ? myppm : 0)); prop.put("table_gqph", Double.toString(Math.round(6000d * otherqpm + 100d * ((iAmActive) ? myqph : 0d)) / 100d)); // String comment = ""; prop.put("table_comment", 0); if (conCount == 0) { if (Integer.parseInt(sb.getConfig("onlineMode", "1")) == 2) { prop.put("table_comment", 1);//in onlinemode, but not online } else { prop.put("table_comment", 2);//not in online mode, and not online } } prop.put("table", 2); // triggers overview prop.put("page", 0); } else if (Integer.parseInt(post.get("page", "1")) == 4) { prop.put("table", 4); // triggers overview prop.put("page", 4); if (post.containsKey("addPeer")) { // AUTHENTICATE if (!header.containsKey(httpHeader.AUTHORIZATION)) { prop.put("AUTHENTICATE","log-in"); return prop; } final HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put(yacySeed.IP,post.get("peerIP")); map.put(yacySeed.PORT,post.get("peerPort")); yacySeed peer = new yacySeed((String) post.get("peerHash"),map); yacyCore.peerActions.updateMySeed(); final int added = yacyClient.publishMySeed(peer.getAddress(), peer.hash); if (added <= 0) { prop.put("table_comment",1); prop.put("table_comment_status","publish: disconnected peer '" + peer.getName() + "/" + post.get("peerHash") + "' from " + peer.getAddress()); } else { peer = yacyCore.seedDB.getConnected(peer.hash); if (peer == null) { prop.put("table_comment",1); prop.put("table_comment_status","publish: disconnected peer '" + peer.getName() + "/" + post.get("peerHash") + "' from " + peer.getAddress()); } else { prop.put("table_comment",2); prop.put("table_comment_status","publish: handshaked " + peer.get(yacySeed.PEERTYPE, yacySeed.PEERTYPE_SENIOR) + " peer '" + peer.getName() + "' at " + peer.getAddress()); prop.put("table_comment_details",peer.toString()); } } prop.put("table_peerHash",(String) post.get("peerHash")); prop.put("table_peerIP",(String)post.get("peerIP")); prop.put("table_peerPort",(String) post.get("peerPort")); } else { prop.put("table_peerHash",""); prop.put("table_peerIP",""); prop.put("table_peerPort",""); prop.put("table_comment",0); } } else { // generate table final int page = Integer.parseInt(post.get("page", "1")); final int maxCount = Integer.parseInt(post.get("maxCount", "300")); int conCount = 0; if (yacyCore.seedDB == null) { prop.put("table", 0);//no remote senior/principal proxies known" } else { int size = 0; switch (page) { case 1 : size = yacyCore.seedDB.sizeConnected(); break; case 2 : size = yacyCore.seedDB.sizeDisconnected(); break; case 3 : size = yacyCore.seedDB.sizePotential(); break; default: break; } if (size == 0) { prop.put("table", 0);//no remote senior/principal proxies known" } else { // add temporary the own seed to the database if (iAmActive) { yacyCore.peerActions.updateMySeed(); yacyCore.seedDB.addConnected(yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed); } // find updated Information using YaCyNews final HashSet updatedProfile = new HashSet(); final HashMap updatedWiki = new HashMap(); final HashMap updatedBlog = new HashMap(); final HashMap isCrawling = new HashMap(); int availableNews = yacyCore.newsPool.size(yacyNewsPool.INCOMING_DB); if (availableNews > 300) { availableNews = 300; } yacyNewsRecord record; try { for (int c = availableNews - 1; c >= 0; c--) { record = yacyCore.newsPool.get(yacyNewsPool.INCOMING_DB, c); if (record == null) { break; } else if (record.category().equals("prfleupd")) { updatedProfile.add(record.originator()); } else if (record.category().equals("wiki_upd")) { updatedWiki.put(record.originator(), record.attributes()); } else if (record.category().equals("blog_add")) { updatedBlog.put(record.originator(), record.attributes()); } else if (record.category().equals("crwlstrt")) { isCrawling.put(record.originator(), record.attributes().get("startURL")); } } } catch (IOException e) {} boolean dark = true; yacySeed seed; final boolean complete = post.containsKey("ip"); Enumeration e = null; switch (page) { case 1 : e = yacyCore.seedDB.seedsSortedConnected(post.get("order", "down").equals("up"), post.get("sort", yacySeed.LCOUNT)); break; case 2 : e = yacyCore.seedDB.seedsSortedDisconnected(post.get("order", "down").equals("up"), post.get("sort", yacySeed.LASTSEEN)); break; case 3 : e = yacyCore.seedDB.seedsSortedPotential(post.get("order", "down").equals("up"), post.get("sort", yacySeed.LASTSEEN)); break; default: break; } int p; String startURL; Map wikiMap; Map blogMap; String userAgent, location; int PPM; double QPM; long myValue=0, nextValue=0, prevValue=0, nextPPM=0, myPPM=0; Pattern peerSearchPattern = null; if(post.containsKey("search")) { peerSearchPattern = Pattern.compile(post.get("match", ""), Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); } while (e.hasMoreElements() && conCount < maxCount) { seed = (yacySeed) e.nextElement(); if (seed != null) { if(post.containsKey("search")) { Matcher m = peerSearchPattern.matcher (seed.getName()); if (!m.find ()) { continue; } } prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedProfile", 0); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedWikiPage", 0); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedBlog", 0); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_isCrawling", 0); if (conCount >= maxCount) { break; } if (seed.hash.equals(yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed.hash)) { prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_dark", 2); myValue=Long.parseLong(seed.get(yacySeed.LCOUNT, "0")); try{ myPPM=Long.parseLong(seed.get(yacySeed.ISPEED, "0")); }catch(NumberFormatException exception){ myPPM=0; } } else { prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_dark", ((dark) ? 1 : 0) ); dark=!dark; if(myValue==0){ //before myself: better nextValue=Long.parseLong(seed.get(yacySeed.LCOUNT, "0")); try{ nextPPM=Long.parseLong(seed.get(yacySeed.ISPEED, "0")); }catch(NumberFormatException exception){ nextPPM=0; } }else if(nextValue==0){ //after myself: worse prevValue=Long.parseLong(seed.get(yacySeed.LCOUNT, "0")); } } if (updatedProfile.contains(seed.hash)) { prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedProfile", 1); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedProfile_hash", seed.hash); } if ((wikiMap = (Map) updatedWiki.get(seed.hash)) == null) { prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedWiki", 0); } else { prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedWiki", 1); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedWiki_page", (String) wikiMap.get("page")); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedWiki_address", seed.getAddress()); } if ((blogMap = (Map) updatedBlog.get(seed.hash)) == null) { prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedBlog", 0); } else { prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedBlog", 1); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedBlog_page", (String) blogMap.get("page")); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedBlog_subject", (String) blogMap.get("subject")); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_updatedBlog_address", seed.getAddress()); } PPM = seed.getPPM(); QPM = seed.getQPM(); if (((startURL = (String) isCrawling.get(seed.hash)) != null) && (PPM >= 10)) { prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_isCrawling", 1); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_isCrawling_page", startURL); } prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_hash", seed.hash); String shortname = seed.get(yacySeed.NAME, "deadlink"); if (shortname.length() > 20) { shortname = shortname.substring(0, 20) + "..."; } prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_shortname", shortname); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_fullname", seed.get(yacySeed.NAME, "deadlink")); userAgent = null; if (seed.hash.equals(yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed.hash)) { userAgent = httpc.userAgent; } else { userAgent = yacyCore.peerActions.getUserAgent(seed.getIP()); } p = userAgent.lastIndexOf(';'); location = (p > 0) ? userAgent.substring(p + 1, userAgent.length() - 1).trim(): ""; prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_location", location); if (complete) { prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_complete", 1); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_complete_ip", seed.get(yacySeed.IP, "-") ); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_complete_port", seed.get(yacySeed.PORT, "-") ); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_complete_hash", seed.hash); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_complete_age", seed.getAge()); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_complete_CRWCnt", seed.get(yacySeed.CRWCNT, "0")); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_complete_CRTCnt", seed.get(yacySeed.CRTCNT, "0")); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_complete_seeds", seed.get(yacySeed.SCOUNT, "-")); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_complete_connects", groupDigits(seed.get(yacySeed.CCOUNT, "0"))); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_complete_userAgent", userAgent); } else { prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_complete", 0); } if (seed.isJunior()) { prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_type", 0); } else if(seed.isSenior()){ prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_type", 1); } else if(seed.isPrincipal()) { prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_type", 2); } prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_type_url", seed.get("seedURL", "http://nowhere/")); final long lastseen = Math.abs((System.currentTimeMillis() - seed.getLastSeenUTC()) / 1000 / 60); if (page == 2 || lastseen > 1440) { // Passive Peers should be passive, also Peers without contact greater than an day // principal/senior/junior: red/red=offline prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_type_direct", 2); } else { // principal/senior: green/green=direct or yellow/yellow=passive // junior: red/green=direct or red/yellow=passive prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_type_direct", seed.getFlagDirectConnect() ? 1 : 0); } if (page == 1) { prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_acceptcrawl", seed.getFlagAcceptRemoteCrawl() ? 1 : 0); // green=on or red=off prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_dhtreceive", seed.getFlagAcceptRemoteIndex() ? 1 : 0); // green=on or red=off prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_rankingreceive", (seed.getVersion() >= yacyVersion.YACY_ACCEPTS_RANKING_TRANSMISSION) ? 1 : 0); } else { // Passive, Potential Peers if (seed.getFlagAcceptRemoteCrawl()) { prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_acceptcrawl", 2); // red/green: offline, was on } else { prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_acceptcrawl", 0); // red/red; offline was off } if (seed.getFlagAcceptRemoteIndex()) { prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_dhtreceive", 2); // red/green: offline, was on } else { prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_dhtreceive", 0); // red/red; offline was off } if (seed.getVersion() >= yacyVersion.YACY_ACCEPTS_RANKING_TRANSMISSION && seed.getFlagAcceptCitationReference()) { prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_rankingreceive", 1); } else { prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_rankingreceive", 0); } } if (seed.getFlagAcceptRemoteIndex()) { prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_dhtreceive_peertags", ""); } else { String peertags = serverCodings.set2string(seed.getPeerTags(), ",", false); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_dhtreceive_peertags", ((peertags == null) || (peertags.length() == 0)) ? "no tags given" : ("tags = " + peertags)); } prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_version", yacy.combined2prettyVersion(seed.get(yacySeed.VERSION, "0.1"), shortname)); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_lastSeen", seed.getLastSeenString() + " " + lastseen); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_utc", seed.get(yacySeed.UTC, "-")); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_uptime", serverDate.intervalToString(60000 * Long.parseLong(seed.get(yacySeed.UPTIME, "0")))); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_links", groupDigits(seed.get(yacySeed.LCOUNT, "0"))); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_words", groupDigits(seed.get(yacySeed.ICOUNT, "0"))); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_sI", groupDigits(seed.get(yacySeed.INDEX_OUT, "0"))); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_sU", groupDigits(seed.get(yacySeed.URL_OUT, "0"))); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_rI", groupDigits(seed.get(yacySeed.INDEX_IN, "0"))); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_rU", groupDigits(seed.get(yacySeed.URL_IN, "0"))); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_ppm", PPM); prop.put(STR_TABLE_LIST + conCount + "_qph", Double.toString(Math.round(6000d * QPM) / 100d)); conCount++; } // seed != null } // while if (iAmActive) { yacyCore.seedDB.removeMySeed(); } prop.put("table_list", conCount); prop.put("table", 1); prop.put("table_num", conCount); prop.put("table_total", ((page == 1) && (iAmActive)) ? (size + 1) : size ); prop.put("table_complete", ((complete)? 1 : 0) ); if( (!post.containsKey("order") && !post.containsKey("sort") && !post.containsKey("search")) && page==1){ int percent=(int)((float)(myValue-prevValue)/(float)(nextValue-prevValue)*100); long indexdiff=nextValue-myValue; long ppmdiff=myPPM-nextPPM; prop.put("table_progressbar", 1); //display the bar prop.put("table_progressbar_percent", percent); prop.put("table_progressbar_percent2", 100-percent); if(indexdiff!=0 && ppmdiff!=0) if(ppmdiff<0){ prop.put("table_progressbar_timemessage", 2); }else{ prop.put("table_progressbar_timemessage", 1); prop.put("table_progressbar_timemessage_time", serverDate.intervalToString( (int)((float)indexdiff/(float)ppmdiff)*1000 )); } else prop.put("table_progressbar_timemessage", 0); }else{ prop.put("table_progressbar", 0); //no display } } } prop.put("page", page); prop.put("table_page", page); prop.put("table_searchpattern", post.get("match", "")); switch (page) { case 1 : prop.put("table_peertype", "senior/principal"); break; case 2 : prop.put("table_peertype", "senior/principal"); break; case 3 : prop.put("table_peertype", yacySeed.PEERTYPE_JUNIOR); break; default: break; } } prop.put("table_rt", System.currentTimeMillis() - start); // return rewrite properties return prop; } private static String groupDigits(String sValue) { long lValue; try { if (sValue.endsWith(".0")) { sValue = sValue.substring(0, sValue.length() - 2); } // for Connects per hour, why float ? lValue = Long.parseLong(sValue); } catch (Exception e) {lValue = 0;} if (lValue == 0) { return "-"; } sValue = Long.toString(lValue); String rValue = ""; for (int i = 0; i < sValue.length(); i++) { rValue = sValue.charAt(sValue.length() - i - 1) + (((i % 3) == 0) ? "." : "") + rValue; } return rValue.substring(0, rValue.length() - 1); } private static String groupDigits(long Number) { final String s = Long.toString(Number); String t = ""; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) t = s.charAt(s.length() - i - 1) + (((i % 3) == 0) ? "." : "") + t; return t.substring(0, t.length() - 1); } }