YACY Release Road Map

The milestones listed here may change while milestones are reached.
This is just a vision of the possible evolution of the proxy.

0.1 http proxy with cache indexing
    - database
    - caching http proxy
    - search engine on cache entries, implementationb of reverse word indexes ("RWI"'s)
    - http server to access search function
    - proxy configuration through built-in httpd
    - simple prefetch without prefetch schemes
    - firewall for proxy and httpd access protection

0.2 peer fundamentals
    - first information 'ware': seeds, which are peer information records
    - seed categories:
      'junior'       - for peers without server (like 'LO-ID'),
      'senior'       - for peers with server (like 'HI-ID'),
      'principal'    - for senior peers with ftp upload for superseeds lists
    - first p2p protocol commands:
      * 'Hello'      - network bootstraping and seed propagation
      * 'Query'      - for peer information and access granting
      * 'Search'     - global naive search of RWI's throughout 'some' remote (other peer) RWI's 
    - ftp integration for principal peers: to upload seed list-files to dedicated places, listed in superseed-files
    - blacklist distribution

0.3 distributed hash tables for reverse word indexes
    - prefetch schemes and local prefetch execution
    - spider order entry + interface
    - blacklists / hotlists
    - next p2p-command:
      * 'Tell'       - for information wares distribution
    - establishment of the DHT's structure for all information wares
    - performance of search of RWI's using the DHT's
    - more information ware: L-URL's (loaded-url register) and DHT's

0.4 DHT in place
    - all peers shall contibute in DHT transfer
    - search patterns
    - search depth

0.5 advanced search functions
    - scheduled and exceptional ware propagation and distribution
    - next p2p-command:
      * 'Check'       - for L-URL requesting

0.6 gloabl prefetching and global spidering
    - non-proxy mode, using a specialized prefetch schemes for such cases
    - more information wares: P-URL's (prefetch url's, not loaded), deadlinks
    - next p2p-command to support standalone-mode (non-proxy)
      * 'Job'         - requesting of P-URL's
    - global prefetch execution with P-URL's
    - delegated index conjunction
    - delegated description provisioning

0.7 ? split-off of mature code
    - kelondro database
    - httpd/http-proxy
    - plasma indexing/searching
    - p2p-protocol handler

0.8 ? more interfaces
    - konqueror cache access
    - mozilla cache access
    - squid cache access
    - telnet command interface

0.9 ? pre-production release
    - bugfixes for all known bugs
    - user demands integration
    - proprietary functions

1.0 production release