// index.java // ----------------------- // part of the AnomicHTTPD caching proxy // (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de // first published on http://www.anomic.de // Frankfurt, Germany, 2004 // // $LastChangedDate$ // $LastChangedRevision$ // $LastChangedBy$ // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // Using this software in any meaning (reading, learning, copying, compiling, // running) means that you agree that the Author(s) is (are) not responsible // for cost, loss of data or any harm that may be caused directly or indirectly // by usage of this softare or this documentation. The usage of this software // is on your own risk. The installation and usage (starting/running) of this // software may allow other people or application to access your computer and // any attached devices and is highly dependent on the configuration of the // software which must be done by the user of the software; the author(s) is // (are) also not responsible for proper configuration and usage of the // software, even if provoked by documentation provided together with // the software. // // Any changes to this file according to the GPL as documented in the file // gpl.txt aside this file in the shipment you received can be done to the // lines that follows this copyright notice here, but changes must not be // done inside the copyright notive above. A re-distribution must contain // the intact and unchanged copyright notice. // Contributions and changes to the program code must be marked as such. // // You must compile this file with // javac -classpath .:../classes index.java // if the shell's current path is HTROOT import java.io.IOException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import de.anomic.http.httpHeader; import de.anomic.kelondro.kelondroMSetTools; import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSwitchboard; import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSearchQuery; import de.anomic.plasma.plasmaSearchPreOrder; import de.anomic.server.serverCore; import de.anomic.server.serverDate; import de.anomic.server.serverObjects; import de.anomic.server.serverSwitch; import de.anomic.yacy.yacyCore; public class index { public static serverObjects respond(httpHeader header, serverObjects post, serverSwitch env) { final plasmaSwitchboard sb = (plasmaSwitchboard) env; boolean global = (post == null) ? true : post.get("resource", "global").equals("global"); final boolean indexDistributeGranted = sb.getConfig("allowDistributeIndex", "true").equals("true"); final boolean indexReceiveGranted = sb.getConfig("allowReceiveIndex", "true").equals("true"); if (!indexDistributeGranted || !indexReceiveGranted) { global = false; } // case if no values are requested final String referer = (String) header.get("Referer"); if (post == null || env == null) { // save referrer // System.out.println("HEADER=" + header.toString()); if (referer != null) { URL url; try { url = new URL(referer); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { url = null; } if ((url != null) && (serverCore.isNotLocal(url))) { final HashMap referrerprop = new HashMap(); referrerprop.put("count", "1"); referrerprop.put("clientip", header.get("CLIENTIP")); referrerprop.put("useragent", header.get("User-Agent")); referrerprop.put("date", (new serverDate()).toShortString(false)); if (sb.facilityDB != null) try { sb.facilityDB.update("backlinks", referer, referrerprop); } catch (IOException e) {} } } // we create empty entries for template strings final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects(); prop.put("promoteSearchPageGreeting", env.getConfig("promoteSearchPageGreeting", "")); prop.put("former", ""); prop.put("num-results", 0); prop.put("excluded", 0); prop.put("combine", 0); prop.put("resultbottomline", 0); prop.put("count-10", 0); prop.put("count-50", 0); prop.put("count-100", 0); prop.put("count-1000", 0); prop.put("order-ybr-date-quality", plasmaSearchPreOrder.canUseYBR() ? 1 : 0); prop.put("order-ybr-quality-date", 0); prop.put("order-date-ybr-quality", 0); prop.put("order-quality-ybr-date", 0); prop.put("order-date-quality-ybr", plasmaSearchPreOrder.canUseYBR() ? 0 : 1); prop.put("order-quality-date-ybr", 0); prop.put("resource-global", ((global) ? 1 : 0)); prop.put("resource-local", ((global) ? 0 : 1)); prop.put("time-1", 0); prop.put("time-3", 0); prop.put("time-6", 1); prop.put("time-10", 0); prop.put("time-30", 0); prop.put("time-60", 0); prop.put("results", ""); prop.put("urlmaskoptions", 0); prop.put("urlmaskoptions_urlmaskfilter", ".*"); return prop; } // SEARCH // process search words final String querystring = post.get("search", ""); if (sb.facilityDB != null) try { sb.facilityDB.update("zeitgeist", querystring, post); } catch (Exception e) {} final TreeSet query = plasmaSearchQuery.cleanQuery(querystring); // filter out stopwords final TreeSet filtered = kelondroMSetTools.joinConstructive(query, plasmaSwitchboard.stopwords); if (filtered.size() > 0) { kelondroMSetTools.excludeDestructive(query, plasmaSwitchboard.stopwords); } // if a minus-button was hit, remove a special reference first if (post.containsKey("deleteref")) { if (!sb.verifyAuthentication(header, true)) { final serverObjects prop = new serverObjects(); prop.put("AUTHENTICATE", "admin log-in"); // force log-in return prop; } final String delHash = post.get("deleteref", ""); sb.removeReferences(delHash, query); } // prepare search order final String order = post.get("order", ""); final int count = Integer.parseInt(post.get("count", "10")); final long searchtime = 1000 * Long.parseLong(post.get("time", "10")); final boolean yacyonline = ((yacyCore.seedDB != null) && (yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed != null) && (yacyCore.seedDB.mySeed.getAddress() != null)); String order1="", order2="", order3=""; if (order.startsWith("YBR")) order1 = plasmaSearchQuery.ORDER_YBR; if (order.startsWith("Date")) order1 = plasmaSearchQuery.ORDER_DATE; if (order.startsWith("Quality")) order1 = plasmaSearchQuery.ORDER_QUALITY; if (order.indexOf("-YBR-") > 0) order2 = plasmaSearchQuery.ORDER_YBR; if (order.indexOf("-Date-") > 0) order2 = plasmaSearchQuery.ORDER_DATE; if (order.indexOf("-Quality-") > 0) order2 = plasmaSearchQuery.ORDER_QUALITY; if (order.endsWith("YBR")) order3 = plasmaSearchQuery.ORDER_YBR; if (order.endsWith("Date")) order3 = plasmaSearchQuery.ORDER_DATE; if (order.endsWith("Quality")) order3 = plasmaSearchQuery.ORDER_QUALITY; String urlmask = ""; if (post.containsKey("urlmask") && post.get("urlmask").equals("no")) { urlmask = ".*"; } else { urlmask = (post.containsKey("urlmaskfilter")) ? (String) post.get("urlmaskfilter") : ".*"; } // do the search plasmaSearchQuery thisSearch = new plasmaSearchQuery(query, new String[]{order1, order2, order3}, count, searchtime, urlmask, referer, ((global) && (yacyonline) && (!(env.getConfig("last-search","").equals(querystring)))) ? plasmaSearchQuery.SEARCHDOM_GLOBALDHT : plasmaSearchQuery.SEARCHDOM_LOCAL, "", 20); final serverObjects prop = sb.searchFromLocal(thisSearch); /* final serverObjects prop = sb.searchFromLocal(query, order1, order2, count, ((global) && (yacyonline) && (!(env.getConfig("last-search","").equals(querystring)))), searchtime, urlmask); */ // remember the last search expression env.setConfig("last-search", querystring); // process result of search prop.put("resultbottomline", 0); if (filtered.size() > 0){ prop.put("excluded", 1); prop.put("excluded_stopwords", filtered.toString()); } else { prop.put("excluded", 0); } if (prop == null || prop.size() == 0) { if (post.get("search", "").length() < 3) { prop.put("num-results", 2); // no results - at least 3 chars } else { prop.put("num-results", 1); //no results } } else { final int linkcount = Integer.parseInt(prop.get("linkcount", "0")); final int orderedcount = Integer.parseInt(prop.get("orderedcount", "0")); final int totalcount = Integer.parseInt(prop.get("totalcount", "0")); if (totalcount > 10) { final Object[] references = (Object[]) prop.get("references", new String[0]); prop.put("num-results", 4); prop.put("num-results_linkcount", linkcount); prop.put("num-results_orderedcount", orderedcount); prop.put("num-results_totalcount", totalcount); int hintcount = references.length; if (hintcount > 0) { if (hintcount > 16) { hintcount = 16; } prop.put("combine", 1); String word; for (int i = 0; i < hintcount; i++) { word = (String) references[i]; if (word != null) { prop.put("combine_words_" + i + "_word", word); prop.put("combine_words_" + i + "_newsearch", post.get("search", "").replace(' ', '+') + "+" + word); prop.put("combine_words_" + i + "_count", count); prop.put("combine_words_" + i + "_order", order); prop.put("combine_words_" + i + "_resource", ((global) ? "global" : "local")); prop.put("combine_words_" + i + "_time", (searchtime / 1000)); } prop.put("combine_words", i); } } } else { if (totalcount == 0) { prop.put("num-results", 3);//long } else { prop.put("num-results", 4); prop.put("num-results_linkcount", linkcount); prop.put("num-results_orderedcount", orderedcount); prop.put("num-results_totalcount", totalcount); } } } if (urlmask.equals(".*")) { prop.put("urlmaskoptions", 0); } else { prop.put("urlmaskoptions", 1); } prop.put("urlmaskoptions_urlmaskfilter", urlmask); if (yacyonline) { if (global) { prop.put("resultbottomline", 1); prop.put("resultbottomline_globalresults", prop.get("globalresults", "0")); } else { prop.put("resultbottomline", 2); } } else { if (global) { prop.put("resultbottomlien", 3); } else { prop.put("resultbottomline", 4); } } prop.put("count-10", ((count == 10)) ? 1 : 0); prop.put("count-50", ((count == 50)) ? 1 : 0); prop.put("count-100", ((count == 100)) ? 1 : 0); prop.put("count-1000", ((count == 1000)) ? 1 : 0); prop.put("order-ybr-date-quality", ((order.equals("YBR-Date-Quality")) ? 1 : 0)); prop.put("order-ybr-quality-date", ((order.equals("YBR-Quality-Date")) ? 1 : 0)); prop.put("order-date-ybr-quality", ((order.equals("Date-YBR-Quality")) ? 1 : 0)); prop.put("order-quality-ybr-date", ((order.equals("Quality-YBR-Date")) ? 1 : 0)); prop.put("order-date-quality-ybr", ((order.equals("Date-Quality-YBR")) ? 1 : 0)); prop.put("order-quality-date-ybr", ((order.equals("Quality-Date-YBR")) ? 1 : 0)); prop.put("resource-global", ((global) ? 1 : 0)); prop.put("resource-local", ((global) ? 0 : 1)); prop.put("time-1", ((searchtime == 1000) ? 1 : 0)); prop.put("time-3", ((searchtime == 3000) ? 1 : 0)); prop.put("time-6", ((searchtime == 6000) ? 1 : 0)); prop.put("time-10", ((searchtime == 10000) ? 1 : 0)); prop.put("time-30", ((searchtime == 30000) ? 1 : 0)); prop.put("time-60", ((searchtime == 60000) ? 1 : 0)); prop.put("former", post.get("search", "")); // 'enrich search' variables prop.put("num-results_former", post.get("search", "")); prop.put("num-results_time", searchtime / 1000); prop.put("num-results_count", count); prop.put("num-results_resource", (global) ? "global" : "local"); prop.put("num-results_order", order); // return rewrite properties prop.put("promoteSearchPageGreeting", env.getConfig("promoteSearchPageGreeting", "")); // adding some additional properties needed for the rss feed String hostName = (String) header.get("Host","localhost"); if (hostName.indexOf(":") == -1) hostName += ":" + env.getConfig("port","8080"); prop.put("rssYacyImageURL","http://" + hostName + "/env/grafics/yacy.gif"); return prop; } }