#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%# #%env/templates/submenuConfig.template%#

Dictionary Loader

YaCy can use external libraries to enable or enhance some functions. These libraries are not included in the main release of YaCy because they would increase the application file too much. You can download additional files here.

Geolocalization Geolocalization will enable YaCy to present locations from OpenStreetMap according to given search words.


With this file it is possible to find cities with a population > 1000 all over the world.

not loaded
#(geon0Status)# :: :: #(/geon0Status)#
loaded and activated dictionary file
loading of dictionary file failed: #[error]#
#(/geon0ActionLoaded)# #(geon0ActionRemoved)#::
de-activated and removed dictionary file
cannot remove dictionary file: #[error]#
#(/geon0ActionRemoved)# #(geon0ActionDeactivated)#::
de-activated dictionary file
cannot de-activate dictionary file: #[error]#
#(/geon0ActionDeactivated)# #(geon0ActionActivated)#::
activated dictionary file
cannot activate dictionary file: #[error]#


With this file it is possible to find locations in Germany using the location (city) name, a zip code, a car sign or a telephone pre-dial number.

not loaded
#(geo1Status)# :: :: #(/geo1Status)#
loaded and activated dictionary file
loading of dictionary file failed: #[error]#
#(/geo1ActionLoaded)# #(geo1ActionRemoved)#::
de-activated and removed dictionary file
cannot remove dictionary file: #[error]#
#(/geo1ActionRemoved)# #(geo1ActionDeactivated)#::
de-activated dictionary file
cannot de-activate dictionary file: #[error]#
#(/geo1ActionDeactivated)# #(geo1ActionActivated)#::
activated dictionary file
cannot activate dictionary file: #[error]#