A vocabulary is used to produce search navigation entities. A search navigation is what you see at the right column at the side of a search results where it is possible to reduce the set of result entries with given restrictions. A vocabulary is a restriction where the search results are restricted to entries which have a specific tag in the subject metadata that corresponds to the vocabulary restriction. The restriction is expressed with a set of synonyms for the tag in a property-like file. Such files are activated if they are present in the folder DATA/DICTIONARIES/autotagging/ at start-up time and the vocabulary files must be named with a '.vocabulary' extension. Vocabulary files are similar to property-files with these rules rules: - the key represents the vocabulary term (this is what you see in the navigation) - a value is a list of synonyms for the vocabulary term - a term is always self-referencing (the term is also a synonym for the term) - a value may be omitted (a self-referencing-only vocabulary) The format of a vocabulary file is: each line has the format <print-name>[=<synonym>{','<synonym>}*] or the line starts with a '#' for comment lines The subdirectories of this directory contains example-vocabularies for specific languages. Vocabularies work best if the vocabulary is expressed in the same language as the documents are that are indexed. A vocabulary can be activated by doing: - copy the vocabulary from the <lang>/ subdirectory to DATA/DICTIONARIES/autotagging/ - restart - do an indexing of the web-pages. Vocabularies cannot be applied to already indexed web pages because tags are only generated during the parsing process