// kelondroRow.java // (C) 2006 by Michael Peter Christen; mc@anomic.de, Frankfurt a. M., Germany // first published 24.05.2006 on http://www.anomic.de // // This is a part of the kelondro database, // which is a part of YaCy, a peer-to-peer based web search engine // // $LastChangedDate: 2006-04-02 22:40:07 +0200 (So, 02 Apr 2006) $ // $LastChangedRevision: 1986 $ // $LastChangedBy: orbiter $ // // LICENSE // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA package de.anomic.kelondro; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import de.anomic.server.serverByteBuffer; public class kelondroRow { protected kelondroColumn[] row; protected int[] colstart; protected int objectsize; protected Map nickref = null; // a mapping from nicknames to Object[2]{kelondroColumn, Integer(colstart)} public kelondroRow(kelondroColumn[] row) { this.row = row; this.colstart = new int[row.length]; this.objectsize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < row.length; i++) { this.colstart[i] = this.objectsize; this.objectsize += this.row[i].cellwidth(); } } public kelondroRow(String structure) { // define row with row syntax // example: //# Structure=,'=',,,,,,,,,, // parse pivot definition: structure.replace('=', ','); // parse property part definition: int p = structure.indexOf('|'); if (p < 0) p = structure.length(); ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); String attr = structure.substring(0, p); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(attr, ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { l.add(new kelondroColumn(st.nextToken())); } // define columns this.row = new kelondroColumn[l.size()]; this.colstart = new int[row.length]; this.objectsize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) { this.colstart[i] = this.objectsize; this.row[i] = (kelondroColumn) l.get(i); this.objectsize += this.row[i].cellwidth(); } } protected void genNickRef() { if (nickref != null) return; nickref = new HashMap(row.length); for (int i = 0; i < row.length; i++) nickref.put(row[i].nickname(), new Object[]{row[i], new Integer(colstart[i])}); } public int columns() { return this.row.length; } public int objectsize() { return this.objectsize; } public kelondroColumn column(int col) { return row[col]; } public int width(int column) { return this.row[column].cellwidth(); } public int[] widths() { int[] w = new int[this.row.length]; for (int i = 0; i < this.row.length; i++) w[i] = row[i].cellwidth(); return w; } public String toString() { StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(); s.append(row[0].toString()); for (int i = 1; i < row.length; i++) { s.append(", "); s.append(row[i].toString()); } return new String(s); } public Entry newEntry() { return new Entry(); } public Entry newEntry(byte[] rowinstance) { if (rowinstance == null) return null; return new Entry(rowinstance); } public EntryIndex newEntry(byte[] rowinstance, int index) { if (rowinstance == null) return null; return new EntryIndex(rowinstance, index); } public Entry newEntry(byte[] rowinstance, int start, int length) { if (rowinstance == null) return null; return new Entry(rowinstance, start, length); } public Entry newEntry(byte[][] cells) { if (cells == null) return null; return new Entry(cells); } public Entry newEntry(String external) { if (external == null) return null; return new Entry(external); } public class Entry implements Comparable { private byte[] rowinstance; public Entry() { rowinstance = new byte[objectsize]; for (int i = 0; i < objectsize; i++) this.rowinstance[i] = 0; } public Entry(byte[] rowinstance) { if (rowinstance.length == objectsize) { this.rowinstance = rowinstance; } else { this.rowinstance = new byte[objectsize]; int ll = Math.min(objectsize, rowinstance.length); System.arraycopy(rowinstance, 0, this.rowinstance, 0, ll); for (int i = ll; i < objectsize; i++) this.rowinstance[i] = 0; } } public Entry(byte[] rowinstance, int start, int length) { this.rowinstance = new byte[length]; System.arraycopy(rowinstance, start, this.rowinstance, 0, length); for (int i = rowinstance.length; i < objectsize; i++) this.rowinstance[i] = 0; } public Entry(byte[][] cols) { rowinstance = new byte[objectsize]; int ll; for (int i = 0; i < row.length; i++) { if ((i >= cols.length) || (cols[i] == null)) { for (int j = 0; j < row[i].cellwidth(); j++) this.rowinstance[colstart[i] + j] = 0; } else { ll = Math.min(cols[i].length, row[i].cellwidth()); System.arraycopy(cols[i], 0, rowinstance, colstart[i], ll); for (int j = ll; j < row[i].cellwidth(); j++) this.rowinstance[colstart[i] + j] = 0; } } } public Entry(String external) { // parse external form if (external.charAt(0) == '{') external = external.substring(1, external.length() - 1); String[] elts = external.split(","); if (nickref == null) genNickRef(); String nick; int p; rowinstance = new byte[objectsize]; for (int i = 0; i < elts.length; i++) { p = elts[i].indexOf('='); if (p > 0) { nick = elts[i].substring(0, p).trim(); if (p + 1 == elts[i].length()) setCol(nick, null); else setCol(nick, elts[i].substring(p + 1).trim().getBytes()); } } } public int compareTo(Object o) { if (o instanceof Entry) { return kelondroNaturalOrder.naturalOrder.compare(this.rowinstance, ((Entry) o).rowinstance); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("works only for Entry objects"); } public byte[] bytes() { return rowinstance; } public int columns() { return row.length; } public int objectsize() { return objectsize; } public boolean empty(int column) { return rowinstance[colstart[column]] == 0; } public void setCol(String nickname, char c) { if (nickref == null) genNickRef(); Object[] ref = (Object[]) nickref.get(nickname); if (ref == null) return; rowinstance[((Integer) ref[1]).intValue()] = (byte) c; } public void setCol(String nickname, byte[] cell) { if (nickref == null) genNickRef(); Object[] ref = (Object[]) nickref.get(nickname); if (ref == null) return; kelondroColumn col = (kelondroColumn) ref[0]; setCol(col.encoder(), ((Integer) ref[1]).intValue(), col.cellwidth(), cell); } public void setCol(int column, byte[] cell) { setCol(row[column].encoder(), colstart[column], row[column].cellwidth(), cell); } private void setCol(int encoding, int offset, int length, byte[] cell) { if (cell == null) { while (length-- >= 0) rowinstance[offset + length] = 0; } else { if (cell.length < length) { System.arraycopy(cell, 0, rowinstance, offset, cell.length); while (length-- >= cell.length) rowinstance[offset + length] = 0; } else { System.arraycopy(cell, 0, rowinstance, offset, length); } } } public void setCol(int column, byte c) { rowinstance[colstart[column]] = c; } public void setCol(int column, String cell, String encoding) { if (encoding == null) setCol(column, cell.getBytes()); else try { setCol(column, cell.getBytes(encoding)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void setCol(String nick, String cell, String encoding) { if (encoding == null) setCol(nick, cell.getBytes()); else try { setCol(nick, cell.getBytes(encoding)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void setCol(String nickname, long cell) { if (nickref == null) genNickRef(); Object[] ref = (Object[]) nickref.get(nickname); if (ref == null) return; kelondroColumn col = (kelondroColumn) ref[0]; setCol(col.encoder(), ((Integer) ref[1]).intValue(), col.cellwidth(), cell); } public void setCol(int column, long cell) { // uses the column definition to choose the right encoding setCol(row[column].encoder(), colstart[column], row[column].cellwidth(), cell); } private void setCol(int encoder, int offset, int length, long cell) { switch (encoder) { case kelondroColumn.encoder_none: throw new kelondroException("ROW", "setColLong has celltype none, no encoder given"); case kelondroColumn.encoder_b64e: kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.encodeLong(cell, rowinstance, offset, length); break; case kelondroColumn.encoder_b256: kelondroNaturalOrder.encodeLong(cell, rowinstance, offset, length); break; case kelondroColumn.encoder_bytes: throw new kelondroException("ROW", "setColLong of celltype bytes not applicable"); } } public byte[] getCol(String nickname, byte[] dflt) { if (nickref == null) genNickRef(); Object[] ref = (Object[]) nickref.get(nickname); if (ref == null) return dflt; kelondroColumn col = (kelondroColumn) ref[0]; byte[] cell = new byte[col.cellwidth()]; System.arraycopy(rowinstance, ((Integer) ref[1]).intValue(), cell, 0, cell.length); return cell; } public String getColString(String nickname, String dflt, String encoding) { if (nickref == null) genNickRef(); Object[] ref = (Object[]) nickref.get(nickname); if (ref == null) return dflt; kelondroColumn col = (kelondroColumn) ref[0]; return getColString(col.encoder(), ((Integer) ref[1]).intValue(), col.cellwidth(), encoding); } public String getColString(int column, String encoding) { return getColString(row[column].encoder(), colstart[column], row[column].cellwidth(), encoding); } private String getColString(int encoder, int offset, int length, String encoding) { if (rowinstance[offset] == 0) return null; if (length > rowinstance.length - offset) length = rowinstance.length - offset; while ((length > 0) && (rowinstance[offset + length - 1] == 0)) length--; if (length == 0) return null; try { if ((encoding == null) || (encoding.length() == 0)) return new String(rowinstance, offset, length); else return new String(rowinstance, offset, length, encoding); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return ""; } } public long getColLong(String nickname, long dflt) { if (nickref == null) genNickRef(); Object[] ref = (Object[]) nickref.get(nickname); if (ref == null) return dflt; kelondroColumn col = (kelondroColumn) ref[0]; int colstart = ((Integer) ref[1]).intValue(); return getColLong(col.encoder(), colstart, col.cellwidth()); } public long getColLong(int column) { // uses the column definition to choose the right encoding return getColLong(row[column].encoder(), colstart[column], row[column].cellwidth()); } private long getColLong(int encoder, int offset, int length) { // start - fix for badly stored parameters if ((length >= 3) && (rowinstance[offset] == '[') && (rowinstance[offset + 1] == 'B') && (rowinstance[offset + 2] == '@')) return 0; if ((length == 2) && (rowinstance[offset] == '[') && (rowinstance[offset + 1] == 'B')) return 0; if ((length == 1) && (rowinstance[offset] == '[')) return 0; // stop - fix for badly stored parameters switch (encoder) { case kelondroColumn.encoder_none: throw new kelondroException("ROW", "getColLong has celltype none, no encoder given"); case kelondroColumn.encoder_b64e: // start - fix for badly stored parameters boolean maxvalue = true; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) if (rowinstance[offset + i] != '_') {maxvalue = false; break;} if (maxvalue) return 0; // stop - fix for badly stored parameters return kelondroBase64Order.enhancedCoder.decodeLong(rowinstance, offset, length); case kelondroColumn.encoder_b256: return kelondroNaturalOrder.decodeLong(rowinstance, offset, length); case kelondroColumn.encoder_bytes: throw new kelondroException("ROW", "getColLong of celltype bytes not applicable"); } throw new kelondroException("ROW", "getColLong did not find appropriate encoding"); } public byte getColByte(String nickname, byte dflt) { if (nickref == null) genNickRef(); Object[] ref = (Object[]) nickref.get(nickname); if (ref == null) return dflt; return rowinstance[((Integer) ref[1]).intValue()]; } public byte getColByte(int column) { return rowinstance[colstart[column]]; } public byte[] getColBytes(int column) { byte[] c = new byte[row[column].cellwidth()]; System.arraycopy(rowinstance, colstart[column], c, 0, row[column].cellwidth()); return c; } public String toPropertyForm(boolean includeBraces, boolean decimalCardinal, boolean longname) { serverByteBuffer bb = new serverByteBuffer(); if (includeBraces) bb.append('{'); for (int i = 0; i < row.length; i++) { bb.append((longname) ? row[i].description() : row[i].nickname()); bb.append('='); if ((row[i].celltype() == kelondroColumn.celltype_cardinal) && (decimalCardinal)) bb.append(Long.toString(getColLong(i))); else bb.append(rowinstance, colstart[i], row[i].cellwidth()); if (i < row.length - 1) { bb.append(','); if (longname) bb.append(' '); } } if (includeBraces) bb.append('}'); //System.out.println("DEBUG-ROW " + bb.toString()); return bb.toString(); } public String toString() { return toPropertyForm(true, false, false); } } public final class EntryIndex extends Entry { private int index; public EntryIndex(byte[] row, int i) { super(row); this.index = i; } public int index() { return index; } } public final static void long2bytes(long x, byte[] b, int offset, int length) { for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { b[offset + i] = (byte) (x & 0XFF); x >>= 8; } } public final static long bytes2long(byte[] b, int offset, int length) { if (b == null) return 0; long x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) x = (x << 8) | (0xff & b[offset + i]); return x; } public boolean subsumes(kelondroRow otherRow) { // returns true, if this row has at least all columns as the other row // and possibly some more if (this.objectsize < otherRow.objectsize) return false; for (int i = 0; i < otherRow.row.length; i++) { if (!(this.row[i].equals(otherRow.row[i]))) return false; } return true; } }