// PeerSelection.java // ------------------------------------- // (C) by Michael Peter Christen; mc@yacy.net // first published 05.11.2008 on http://yacy.net // Frankfurt, Germany, 2008 // // $LastChangedDate$ // $LastChangedRevision$ // $LastChangedBy$ // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA package net.yacy.peers.dht; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import net.yacy.cora.date.AbstractFormatter; import net.yacy.cora.document.ASCII; import net.yacy.cora.sorting.ConcurrentScoreMap; import net.yacy.cora.sorting.ScoreMap; import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.Word; import net.yacy.kelondro.index.HandleSet; import net.yacy.kelondro.index.RowSpaceExceededException; import net.yacy.kelondro.logging.Log; import net.yacy.kelondro.order.Base64Order; import net.yacy.kelondro.order.Digest; import net.yacy.kelondro.util.kelondroException; import net.yacy.peers.Network; import net.yacy.peers.Seed; import net.yacy.peers.SeedDB; import net.yacy.peers.operation.yacyVersion; /* * this package is a collection of peer selection iterations that had been * part of yacyPeerActions, yacyDHTActions and yacySeedDB */ public class PeerSelection { public static Seed[] selectClusterPeers(final SeedDB seedDB, final SortedMap<byte[], String> peerhashes) { final Iterator<Map.Entry<byte[], String>> i = peerhashes.entrySet().iterator(); final List<Seed> l = new ArrayList<Seed>(); Map.Entry<byte[], String> entry; Seed s; while (i.hasNext()) { entry = i.next(); s = seedDB.get(ASCII.String(entry.getKey())); // should be getConnected; get only during testing time if (s != null) { s.setAlternativeAddress(entry.getValue()); l.add(s); } } return l.toArray(new Seed[l.size()]); } public static Seed[] selectSearchTargets( final SeedDB seedDB, final HandleSet wordhashes, int redundancy, int burstRobinsonPercent, int burstMultiwordPercent) { // find out a specific number of seeds, that would be relevant for the given word hash(es) // the result is ordered by relevance: [0] is most relevant // the seedcount is the maximum number of wanted results if (seedDB == null) { return null; } // put in seeds according to dht final Map<String, Seed> regularSeeds = new HashMap<String, Seed>(); // dht position seeds Seed seed; Iterator<Seed> dhtEnum; Iterator<byte[]> iter = wordhashes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { selectDHTPositions(seedDB, iter.next(), redundancy, regularSeeds); } //int minimumseeds = Math.min(seedDB.scheme.verticalPartitions(), regularSeeds.size()); // that should be the minimum number of seeds that are returned //int maximumseeds = seedDB.scheme.verticalPartitions() * redundancy; // this is the maximum number of seeds according to dht and heuristics. It can be more using burst mode. // put in some seeds according to size of peer. // But not all, that would produce too much load on the largest peers dhtEnum = seedDB.seedsSortedConnected(false, Seed.ICOUNT); int c = Math.max(Math.min(5, seedDB.sizeConnected()), wordhashes.size() > 1 ? seedDB.sizeConnected() * burstMultiwordPercent / 100 : 0); while (dhtEnum.hasNext() && c-- > 0) { seed = dhtEnum.next(); if (seed == null) continue; if (seed.isLastSeenTimeout(3600000)) continue; if (seed.getAge() < 1) { // the 'workshop feature' Log.logInfo("DHT", "selectPeers/Age: " + seed.hash + ":" + seed.getName() + ", is newbie, age = " + seed.getAge()); regularSeeds.put(seed.hash, seed); continue; } if (Math.random() * 100 + (wordhashes.size() > 1 ? burstMultiwordPercent : 25) >= 50) { if (Log.isFine("DHT")) Log.logFine("DHT", "selectPeers/CountBurst: " + seed.hash + ":" + seed.getName() + ", RWIcount=" + seed.getWordCount()); regularSeeds.put(seed.hash, seed); continue; } } // create a set that contains only robinson peers because these get a special handling dhtEnum = seedDB.seedsConnected(true, false, null, 0.50f); Set<Seed> robinson = new HashSet<Seed>(); while (dhtEnum.hasNext()) { seed = dhtEnum.next(); if (seed == null) continue; if (seed.getFlagAcceptRemoteIndex()) continue; if (seed.isLastSeenTimeout(3600000)) continue; robinson.add(seed); } // add robinson peers according to robinson burst rate dhtEnum = robinson.iterator(); c = robinson.size() * burstRobinsonPercent / 100; while (dhtEnum.hasNext() && c-- > 0) { seed = dhtEnum.next(); if (seed == null) continue; if (seed.isLastSeenTimeout(3600000)) continue; if (Math.random() * 100 + burstRobinsonPercent >= 100) { if (Log.isFine("DHT")) Log.logFine("DHT", "selectPeers/RobinsonBurst: " + seed.hash + ":" + seed.getName()); regularSeeds.put(seed.hash, seed); continue; } } // put in seeds that are public robinson peers and where the peer tags match with query // or seeds that are newbies to ensure that private demonstrations always work dhtEnum = robinson.iterator(); while (dhtEnum.hasNext()) { seed = dhtEnum.next(); if (seed == null) continue; if (seed.isLastSeenTimeout(3600000)) continue; if (seed.matchPeerTags(wordhashes)) { // peer tags match String specialized = seed.getPeerTags().toString(); if (specialized.equals("[*]")) { Log.logInfo("DHT", "selectPeers/RobinsonTag: " + seed.hash + ":" + seed.getName() + " grants search for all"); } else { Log.logInfo("DHT", "selectPeers/RobinsonTag " + seed.hash + ":" + seed.getName() + " is specialized peer for " + specialized); } regularSeeds.put(seed.hash, seed); } } // produce return set Seed[] result = new Seed[regularSeeds.size()]; result = regularSeeds.values().toArray(result); return result; } private static void selectDHTPositions( final SeedDB seedDB, byte[] wordhash, int redundancy, Map<String, Seed> regularSeeds) { // this method is called from the search target computation final long[] dhtVerticalTargets = seedDB.scheme.dhtPositions(wordhash); Seed seed; for (long dhtVerticalTarget : dhtVerticalTargets) { wordhash = FlatWordPartitionScheme.positionToHash(dhtVerticalTarget); Iterator<Seed> dhtEnum = getAcceptRemoteIndexSeeds(seedDB, wordhash, redundancy, false); int c = Math.min(seedDB.sizeConnected(), redundancy); int cc = 2; // select a maximum of 3, this is enough redundancy while (dhtEnum.hasNext() && c > 0 && cc-- > 0) { seed = dhtEnum.next(); if (seed == null || seed.hash == null) continue; if (!seed.getFlagAcceptRemoteIndex()) continue; // probably a robinson peer if (Log.isFine("DHT")) Log.logFine("DHT", "selectPeers/DHTorder: " + seed.hash + ":" + seed.getName() + "/ score " + c); regularSeeds.put(seed.hash, seed); c--; } } } public static byte[] selectTransferStart() { return ASCII.getBytes(Base64Order.enhancedCoder.encode(Digest.encodeMD5Raw(Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()))).substring(2, 2 + Word.commonHashLength)); } public static byte[] limitOver(final SeedDB seedDB, final byte[] startHash) { final Iterator<Seed> seeds = getAcceptRemoteIndexSeeds(seedDB, startHash, 1, false); if (seeds.hasNext()) return ASCII.getBytes(seeds.next().hash); return null; } protected static List<Seed> getAcceptRemoteIndexSeedsList( SeedDB seedDB, final byte[] starthash, int max, boolean alsoMyOwn) { final Iterator<Seed> seedIter = getAcceptRemoteIndexSeeds(seedDB, starthash, max, alsoMyOwn); final ArrayList<Seed> targets = new ArrayList<Seed>(); while (seedIter.hasNext() && max-- > 0) targets.add(seedIter.next()); return targets; } /** * returns an enumeration of yacySeed-Objects that have the AcceptRemoteIndex-Flag set * the seeds are enumerated in the right order according to the DHT * @param seedDB * @param starthash * @param max * @param alsoMyOwn * @return */ public static Iterator<Seed> getAcceptRemoteIndexSeeds(final SeedDB seedDB, final byte[] starthash, final int max, final boolean alsoMyOwn) { return new acceptRemoteIndexSeedEnum(seedDB, starthash, Math.min(max, seedDB.sizeConnected()), alsoMyOwn); } private static class acceptRemoteIndexSeedEnum implements Iterator<Seed> { private final Iterator<Seed> se; private Seed nextSeed; private final SeedDB seedDB; private final HandleSet doublecheck; private int remaining; private final boolean alsoMyOwn; private acceptRemoteIndexSeedEnum(SeedDB seedDB, final byte[] starthash, int max, boolean alsoMyOwn) { this.seedDB = seedDB; this.se = getDHTSeeds(seedDB, starthash, yacyVersion.YACY_HANDLES_COLLECTION_INDEX, alsoMyOwn); this.remaining = max; this.doublecheck = new HandleSet(12, Base64Order.enhancedCoder, 0); this.nextSeed = nextInternal(); this.alsoMyOwn = alsoMyOwn; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return this.nextSeed != null; } private Seed nextInternal() { if (this.remaining <= 0) return null; Seed s; try { while (this.se.hasNext()) { s = this.se.next(); if (s == null) return null; byte[] hashb = ASCII.getBytes(s.hash); if (this.doublecheck.has(hashb)) return null; try { this.doublecheck.put(hashb); } catch (RowSpaceExceededException e) { Log.logException(e); break; } if (s.getFlagAcceptRemoteIndex() || (this.alsoMyOwn && s.hash.equals(this.seedDB.mySeed().hash)) // Accept own peer regardless of FlagAcceptRemoteIndex ) { this.remaining--; return s; } } } catch (final kelondroException e) { System.out.println("DEBUG acceptRemoteIndexSeedEnum:" + e.getMessage()); Network.log.logSevere("database inconsistency (" + e.getMessage() + "), re-set of db."); this.seedDB.resetActiveTable(); return null; } return null; } @Override public Seed next() { final Seed next = this.nextSeed; this.nextSeed = nextInternal(); return next; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } /** * enumerate seeds for DHT target positions * @param seedDB * @param firstHash * @param minVersion * @return */ protected static Iterator<Seed> getDHTSeeds(final SeedDB seedDB, final byte[] firstHash, final float minVersion) { // enumerates seed-type objects: all seeds with starting point in the middle, rotating at the end/beginning return new seedDHTEnum(seedDB, firstHash, minVersion, false); } protected static Iterator<Seed> getDHTSeeds(final SeedDB seedDB, final byte[] firstHash, final float minVersion, final boolean alsoMyOwn) { // enumerates seed-type objects: all seeds with starting point in the middle, rotating at the end/beginning return new seedDHTEnum(seedDB, firstHash, minVersion, alsoMyOwn); } private static class seedDHTEnum implements Iterator<Seed> { private Iterator<Seed> e; private int steps; private final float minVersion; private final SeedDB seedDB; private boolean alsoMyOwn; private int pass, insertOwnInPass; private Seed nextSeed; private seedDHTEnum(final SeedDB seedDB, final byte[] firstHash, final float minVersion, final boolean alsoMyOwn) { this.seedDB = seedDB; this.steps = seedDB.sizeConnected() + ((alsoMyOwn) ? 1 : 0); this.minVersion = minVersion; this.e = seedDB.seedsConnected(true, false, firstHash, minVersion); this.pass = 1; this.alsoMyOwn = alsoMyOwn; if (alsoMyOwn) { this.insertOwnInPass = (Base64Order.enhancedCoder.compare(ASCII.getBytes(seedDB.mySeed().hash), firstHash) > 0) ? 1 : 2; } else { this.insertOwnInPass = 0; } this.nextSeed = nextInternal(); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return (this.nextSeed != null) || this.alsoMyOwn; } public Seed nextInternal() { if (this.steps == 0) return null; this.steps--; if (!this.e.hasNext() && this.pass == 1) { this.e = this.seedDB.seedsConnected(true, false, null, this.minVersion); this.pass = 2; } if (this.e.hasNext()) { return this.e.next(); } this.steps = 0; return null; } @Override public Seed next() { if (this.alsoMyOwn && ((this.pass > this.insertOwnInPass) || (this.pass == this.insertOwnInPass && this.nextSeed == null) || // Own hash is last in line (this.pass == this.insertOwnInPass && this.nextSeed != null && (Base64Order.enhancedCoder.compare(ASCII.getBytes(this.seedDB.mySeed().hash), ASCII.getBytes(this.nextSeed.hash)) < 0))) ) { // take my own seed hash instead the enumeration result this.alsoMyOwn = false; return this.seedDB.mySeed(); } else { final Seed next = this.nextSeed; this.nextSeed = nextInternal(); return next; } } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } /** * enumerate peers that provide remote crawl urls * @param seedDB * @return an iterator of seed objects */ public static Iterator<Seed> getProvidesRemoteCrawlURLs(final SeedDB seedDB) { return new providesRemoteCrawlURLsEnum(seedDB); } private static class providesRemoteCrawlURLsEnum implements Iterator<Seed> { private final Iterator<Seed> se; private Seed nextSeed; private final SeedDB seedDB; private providesRemoteCrawlURLsEnum(final SeedDB seedDB) { this.seedDB = seedDB; this.se = getDHTSeeds(seedDB, null, yacyVersion.YACY_POVIDES_REMOTECRAWL_LISTS); this.nextSeed = nextInternal(); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return this.nextSeed != null; } private Seed nextInternal() { Seed s; try { while (this.se.hasNext()) { s = this.se.next(); if (s == null) return null; if (s.getLong(Seed.RCOUNT, 0) > 0) return s; } } catch (final kelondroException e) { System.out.println("DEBUG providesRemoteCrawlURLsEnum:" + e.getMessage()); Network.log.logSevere("database inconsistency (" + e.getMessage() + "), re-set of db."); this.seedDB.resetActiveTable(); return null; } return null; } @Override public Seed next() { final Seed next = this.nextSeed; this.nextSeed = nextInternal(); return next; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } /** * get either the youngest or oldest peers from the seed db. Count as many as requested * @param seedDB * @param up if up = true then get the most recent peers, if up = false then get oldest * @param count number of wanted peers * @return a hash map of peer hashes to seed object */ public static Map<String, Seed> seedsByAgeX(final SeedDB seedDB, final boolean up, int count) { if (count > seedDB.sizeConnected()) count = seedDB.sizeConnected(); // fill a score object final ScoreMap<String> seedScore = new ConcurrentScoreMap<String>(); Seed ys; long absage; final Iterator<Seed> s = seedDB.seedsSortedConnected(!up, Seed.LASTSEEN); int searchcount = 1000; if (searchcount > seedDB.sizeConnected()) searchcount = seedDB.sizeConnected(); try { while ((s.hasNext()) && (searchcount-- > 0)) { ys = s.next(); if ((ys != null) && (ys.get(Seed.LASTSEEN, "").length() > 10)) try { absage = Math.abs(System.currentTimeMillis() + AbstractFormatter.dayMillis - ys.getLastSeenUTC()) / 1000 / 60; if (absage > Integer.MAX_VALUE) absage = Integer.MAX_VALUE; seedScore.inc(ys.hash, (int) absage); // the higher absage, the older is the peer } catch (final Exception e) {} } // result is now in the score object; create a result vector final Map<String, Seed> result = new HashMap<String, Seed>(); final Iterator<String> it = seedScore.keys(up); int c = 0; while ((c < count) && (it.hasNext())) { c++; ys = seedDB.getConnected(it.next()); if ((ys != null) && (ys.hash != null)) result.put(ys.hash, ys); } return result; } catch (final kelondroException e) { Network.log.logSevere("Internal Error at yacySeedDB.seedsByAge: " + e.getMessage(), e); return null; } } /** * get either the youngest or oldest peers from the seed db. Count as many as requested * @param seedDB * @param up if up = true then get the most recent peers, if up = false then get oldest * @param count number of wanted peers * @return a hash map of peer hashes to seed object */ public static Map<String, Seed> seedsByAge(final SeedDB seedDB, final boolean up, int count) { if (count > seedDB.sizeConnected()) count = seedDB.sizeConnected(); Seed ys; //long age; final Iterator<Seed> s = seedDB.seedsSortedConnected(!up, Seed.LASTSEEN); try { final Map<String, Seed> result = new HashMap<String, Seed>(); while (s.hasNext() && count-- > 0) { ys = s.next(); if (ys != null && ys.hash != null) { //age = (System.currentTimeMillis() - ys.getLastSeenUTC()) / 1000 / 60; //System.out.println("selected seedsByAge up=" + up + ", age/min = " + age); result.put(ys.hash, ys); } } return result; } catch (final kelondroException e) { Network.log.logSevere("Internal Error at yacySeedDB.seedsByAge: " + e.getMessage(), e); return null; } } }