# Author: Franz Brauße <mike-nought@gmx.de> # Date: 14.10.2006 # based on the spec-file of 0.48-3 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licens v2 Summary: P2P search engine, web-crawler and proxy Name: yacy Version: @REPL_VERSION@_@REPL_REVISION_NR@ Release: 3 License: GPL Group: Application/Internet Source0: svn://svn.berlios.de/yacy/trunk URL: http://www.yacy.net/yacy/ Requires: bash Requires: sudo Requires: coreutils Requires: util-linux Requires: grep Requires: sed Requires: wget Requires: jre >= 1.4.2 BuildArch: noarch BuildRoot: @REPL_YACY_ROOT_DIR@/RELEASE/BUILD Packager: Franz Brauße <mike-nought@gmx.de> %description YaCy is a Java-based peer-2-peer search engine. It contains a proxy which gathers all the web-pages you retrieve with it. All private data stays private and is not indexed or processed in any way. Furthermore you'll get a individual .yacy-domain which makes you independent of the traditional DNS system. Also included in YaCy is a Wiki, a P2P-message-system, a Blog and a bookmark management system. YaCy can be configured to set special limits for proxy-users i.e. a maximum quota or online-time. %package libx Summary: Addon package containing parsers, etc. License: GPL Group: Application/Internet Requires: yacy %description libx This package contains the following parsers: OpenDocument V2, MimeType, Rich Text Format, Word Document, vCard, rpm, Bzip2, Acrobat Portable Document, RSS/Atom Feed, Zip, tar, Power Point, gzip Additionally it allows port forwarding via secure channel, seed uploading via SCP and provides a SOAP API. # %prep # nothing to be done here, ant already prepared everything nicely for us # %build # ant did this for us as well... such a nice tool %pre # check whether group 'yacy' already exists, if not it will be created #if ! getent group yacy >> /dev/null; then # echo "adding group yacy" # groupadd -r yacy #fi # check whether user 'yacy' already exists, if not it will be created if ! getent passwd yacy >> /dev/null; then echo "adding user yacy" useradd yacy -p `dd count=1 if=/dev/urandom status=noxfer 2> /dev/null | md5sum | cut -c0-15` -r fi %install cd ../.. rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT # define directories yacy will use YACYCDIR="/usr/share/yacy" # all the other shit YACYDDIR="/usr/share/doc/yacy" # documentation YACYLDIR="/usr/lib/yacy" # classes / jars DATADIR="/var/lib/yacy" # DB, SETTINGS, WORK, etc. - all in DATA LOGDIR="/var/log/yacy" # logs of yacy, basically DATA/LOG install -d ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}{$YACYCDIR,$YACYDDIR,$YACYLDIR/libx,$DATADIR,$LOGDIR} # copy all other files cp -r htroot locales ranking skins ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}$YACYCDIR/ cp -r classes lib libx ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}$YACYLDIR/ cp -r doc ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}$YACYDDIR/ cp *.sh build.properties superseed.txt httpd.mime yacy.badwords.example yacy.init yacy.logging yacy.stopwords* yacy.yellow ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}$YACYCDIR/ cp AUTHORS COPYRIGHT ChangeLog gpl.txt readme.txt ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}$YACYDDIR/ install -m 744 *.sh ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}$YACYCDIR/ # start/stop/kill scripts rm -r `find ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/ -type d -name '.svn'` # delete unwanted .svn-folders # location for init-script install -d ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/etc/init.d/ %post # link DATA- and LOG-directories to YaCy-folder ln -s /usr/lib/yacy/classes /usr/share/yacy/classes # classes linken ln -s /usr/lib/yacy/lib /usr/share/yacy/lib # lib linken ln -s /usr/lib/yacy/libx /usr/share/yacy/libx # libx linken ln -s /var/lib/yacy /usr/share/yacy/DATA # DATA linken echo "created link /usr/share/yacy/DATA -> /var/lib/yacy" # user-feedback if [ ! -L /var/lib/yacy/LOG ]; then ln -s /var/log/yacy /var/lib/yacy/LOG # LOG linken echo "created link /var/lib/yacy/LOG -> /var/log/yacy" # user-feedback fi if [ ! -e /var/lib/yacy/SETTINGS ]; then mkdir /var/lib/yacy/SETTINGS; chown yacy /var/lib/yacy/SETTINGS; fi if [ ! -e /etc/yacy ]; then ln -s /var/lib/yacy/SETTINGS /etc/yacy; fi # SETTINGS linken chown yacy -R /var/lib/yacy chown yacy -R /var/log/yacy chmod +x /usr/share/yacy/startYACY.sh chmod +x /usr/share/yacy/stopYACY.sh chmod +x /usr/share/yacy/killYACY.sh ## language check - not wanted #LNG="" #LNT="" #if [ ! -z $LC_TYPE ]; then LNT=${LC_TYPE%_*}; fi #if [ ! -z $LANG ]; then LNT=${LANG%_*}; fi #if [ $LNT == de -o $LNT == it -o $LNT == sk ]; then # translation exists # # test whether settings-directory exists # if [ ! -d /var/lib/yacy/SETTINGS ]; then mkdir /var/lib/yacy/SETTINGS; chown yacy:root /var/lib/yacy/SETTINGS; fi # echo "htLocaleSelection=$LNT.lng" >> /var/lib/yacy/SETTINGS/httpProxy.conf # chown yacy:root /var/lib/yacy/SETTINGS/httpProxy.conf #fi # we need an init-script cat > /etc/init.d/yacy <<EOF #!/bin/sh # YaCy init script # Author: Franz Brauße <mike-nought@gmx.de> # Date: 14.10.2006 # License: Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licens v2 # This file belongs to the YaCy RPM package # TODO # - save PID when started in debug-mode ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: yacy # Required-Start: $network # Required-Stop: $network # Default-Start: 3 5 # Default-Stop: # Description: yacy is a distributed search engine # config-file is /etc/yacy/httpProxy.conf ### END INIT INFO YACY_HOME="/usr/share/yacy" DATA_HOME="/var/lib/yacy" PID_FILE="/var/run/yacy.pid" JAVA=\`which java\ 2> /dev/null\` if [ ! -x "\$JAVA" ]; then echo "The 'java' command is not executable." echo "Either you have not installed java or it is not in your PATH" #Cron supports setting the path in #echo "Has this script been invoked by CRON?" #echo "if so, please set PATH in the crontab, or set the correct path in the variable in this script." if [ \$1 == "stop" -a \$2 == "--force" ]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi fi # get arguments for java if [ -f \$DATA_HOME/SETTINGS/httpProxy.conf ]; then i=\`grep javastart_Xmx \$DATA_HOME/SETTINGS/httpProxy.conf\`; JAVA_MAX="-\${i#javastart_Xmx=}"; i=\`grep javastart_Xms \$DATA_HOME/SETTINGS/httpProxy.conf\`; JAVA_MIN="-\${i#javastart_Xms=}"; fi CLASSPATH="\$YACY_HOME/classes:." for N in \$YACY_HOME/lib/*.jar; do CLASSPATH="\$CLASSPATH:\$N"; done if [ -d \$YACY_HOME/libx ]; then for N in \$YACY_HOME/libx/*.jar; do CLASSPATH="\$CLASSPATH:\$N"; done fi ME=\$0 if [ "\$1" = "restart" ]; then shift \$ME stop \$ME start \$* exit 0 fi WTF=\$1; shift if [ "\$1" == "--max" ]; then JAVA_MAX="-Xmx\$2"; shift; shift; fi if [ "\$1" == "--min" ]; then JAVA_MIN="-Xms\$2"; shift; shift; fi if [ "\$1" == "--nice" ]; then NICE="nice -n \$2"; shift; shift; fi if [ "\$1" == "--debug" ]; then DEBUG="-d"; shift; fi shift cd \$YACY_HOME if [ "\$JAVA_MAX" == "-" ]; then JAVA_MAX=""; fi if [ "\$JAVA_MIN" == "-" ]; then JAVA_MIN=""; fi case "\$WTF" in start) if [ -e \$PID_FILE ]; then echo "YaCy seems to be running. If not, delete the file \$PID_FILE." exit 1 fi echo -n "Starting YaCy... " CMD="sudo -u yacy \$NICE \$JAVA -Djava.awt.headless=true \$JAVA_MAX \$JAVA_MIN -classpath \$CLASSPATH yacy \$* & pid=\\\$!; echo \\\$pid > \$PID_FILE" if [ \$DEBUG ]; then \$CMD else eval \$CMD &> /dev/null fi echo "done" exit 0 ;; stop) echo "Shutting down YaCy, please be patient. Waiting maximal 60 seconds before killing the process... " \$YACY_HOME/stopYACY.sh if [ ! -e \$PID_FILE ]; then echo "PID-file not found: YaCy doesn't appear to be running. You eventually have to kill the process yourself." exit 1 else pid=\`cat \$PID_FILE\` fi i=0 while test -d /proc/\$pid; do sleep 2; i=\$[i+2]; if [ \$i -ge 60 ]; then echo -n "Now killing: "; kill -9 \$pid; echo "done" break; fi done rm \$PID_FILE exit 0 ;; status) echo -n "YaCy is " if [ ! -e \$PID_FILE -o ! -d /proc/`cat \$PID_FILE` ]; then echo -n "not " fi echo "running." exit 0 ;; kill) echo -n "Killing YaCy: " kill -9 \`cat \$PID_FILE\` rm \$PID_FILE echo "done" exit 0 ;; *) echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/yacy {start|restart} [--max RAM] [--min RAM] [--nice LEVEL] [--debug] [YACY_ARGUMENTS]" echo " {stop|kill|status}" echo "" echo " --max RAM[{k|M|G}] Maximum RAM YaCy may use" echo " --min RAM[{k|M|G}] Initial RAM YaCY shall use" echo " --nice LEVEL Enter desired nice-level of YaCy-process" echo " --debug Active mode, process will not be backgrounded" exit 1 ;; esac EOF #chmod +x /etc/init.d/yacy chmod 744 /etc/init.d/yacy %preun if [ -x /etc/init.d/yacy ]; then /etc/init.d/yacy stop --force; fi %postun rm -r /usr/share/yacy rm -r /usr/lib/yacy rm -r /usr/share/doc/yacy if [ -e /etc/init.d/yacy ]; then rm -f /etc/init.d/yacy; fi if [ `getent passwd yacy` ]; then userdel yacy &> /dev/null; fi %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %config %dir /var/lib/yacy/ %dir /var/log/yacy/ %attr (755,root,root) /usr/share/yacy/startYACY.sh %attr (755,root,root) /usr/share/yacy/stopYACY.sh %attr (755,root,root) /usr/share/yacy/killYACY.sh %defattr(644,root,root,755) /usr/share/yacy/* /usr/lib/yacy/lib/* /usr/lib/yacy/classes/* %doc /usr/share/doc/yacy/* %files libx #%dir /usr/lib/yacy/libx /usr/lib/yacy/libx/* #/usr/lib/yacy/classes/de/anomic/plasma/parser/bzip/bzipParser.class #/usr/lib/yacy/classes/de/anomic/plasma/parser/doc/docParser.class #/usr/lib/yacy/classes/de/anomic/plasma/parser/gzip/gzipParser.class #/usr/lib/yacy/classes/de/anomic/plasma/parser/mimeType/mimeTypeParser.class #/usr/lib/yacy/classes/de/anomic/plasma/parser/mimeType/odtDetector.class #/usr/lib/yacy/classes/de/anomic/plasma/parser/mimeType/rssDetector.class #/usr/lib/yacy/classes/de/anomic/plasma/parser/odt/odtParser.class #/usr/lib/yacy/classes/de/anomic/plasma/parser/pdf/pdfParser.class #/usr/lib/yacy/classes/de/anomic/plasma/parser/ppt/pptParser.class #/usr/lib/yacy/classes/de/anomic/plasma/parser/rpm/rpmParser.class #/usr/lib/yacy/classes/de/anomic/plasma/parser/rss/rssParser.class #/usr/lib/yacy/classes/de/anomic/plasma/parser/rtf/rtfParser.class #/usr/lib/yacy/classes/de/anomic/plasma/parser/tar/tarParser.class #/usr/lib/yacy/classes/de/anomic/plasma/parser/vcf/vcfParser.class #/usr/lib/yacy/classes/de/anomic/plasma/parser/zip/zipParser.class #/usr/lib/yacy/classes/de/anomic/server/portForwarding/sch/* #/usr/lib/yacy/classes/de/anomic/server/portForwarding/serverPortForwarding.class #/usr/lib/yacy/classes/de/anomic/server/portForwarding/upnp/* #/usr/lib/yacy/classes/de/anomic/soap/* #/usr/lib/yacy/classes/de/anomic/soap/services/* #/usr/lib/yacy/classes/de/anomic/yacy/seedUpload/* %changelog * Fri Oct 20 2006 Franz Brauße <mike-nought@gmx.de> - added Packager-Tag - marked documentation-files as such - fixed permissions * Sat Oct 14 2006 Franz Brauße <mike-nought@gmx.de> - initial spec file based on yacy-0.48-3.spec - some adaptions for build with ant