<h3>Overview</h3> <p> YaCy-UI is going to be a JavaScript based client for YaCy based on the existing XML and JSON API. YaCy-UI is at most alpha status, as there is still problems with retriving the search results. I am currently changing the backend to a more application friendly format and getting good results with it (I will check that in some time after the stable release 0.7). For now have a look at the bookmarks, performance has increased significantly, due to the use of JSON and Flexigrid! </p> apfelmaennchen <h3>Change Log</h3> <ul> <li>27-01-2009: added two dialogs for managing tags (finally fixed the renameTag() method in bookmarksDB)</li> <li>26-01-2009: reworked search interface, still has timing problems, but now uses yacysearch.json and has full support for flexigrid</li> <li>25-01-2009: bookmark folders sidebar is now directly linked to flexigrid if bookmark tab is selected</li> <li>25-01-2009: successfully migrated bookmark folders to treeview.async mode (==> new json api)</li> <li>11-01-2009: support for new unified bookmark api ==> much improved handling due to json and flexigrid</li> <li>27-09-2008: Enabled edit bookmark and added some more icons to toolbar</li> <li>27-09-2008: Added scrollbar to folder widget</li> <li>27-09-2008: Slightly improved Ajax handling for folder and tag widget</li> <li>23-09-2008: Added bookmark folder widget to sidebar (it uses the xbel.xml with XSLT!</li> <li>21-09-2008: Enabled the new language selection - special thanks to orbiter</li> <li>21-09-2008: Added basic functionallity to add bookmark(s) from search results</li> <li>21-09-2008: Re-design of sidebar search form</li> <li>21-09-2008: Replaced classic search with compare search</li> <li>20-09-2008: Search Results are now shown as flexigrid (same as bookmarks)</li> <li>20-09-2008: Improved add bookmark dialog</li> <li>14-09-2008: Added yacysearch.htm via iframe as 'Classic Search'</li> <li>14-09-2008: Major rework and redesign of YaCy-UI</li> <li>24-08-2008: Updated to jQuery-ui 1.6b</li> <li>28-05-2008: Updated to jQuery 1.2.6 and jQuery-ui 1.5b4</li> <li>18-05-2008: YaCy-UI has basic support for searching Bookmark tags !!</li> <li>17-05-2008: YaCy-Widget: e.g. /yacy/ui/ywidget.html?query=yacy&count=50&offset=0</li> <li>14-05-2008: YaCy-UI now support searching Sciencenet !!</li> <li>12-05-2008: added tagcloud for bookmarks</li> <li>12-05-2008: bookmarks support date and public fields as they have been added to XBEL output.</li> <li>10-05-2008: bookmarks are now retrieved from /api/bookmarks/xbel/xbel.xml and do no longer require a seperate servlet</li> <li>19-04-2008: new double-accordion sidebar menu is up and running (I am open for suggestions on how to populate the menus).</li> <li>19-04-2008: search results are now retrieved from yacysearch.rss (XML) and do no longer need a seperate servlet</li> </ul> <h3>Bug Tracker</h3> <ul> <li>Please report bugs in the official <a href="http://forum.yacy-websuche.de/">YaCy-Forum</a> - thanks!</li> <li>29-09-2008: There seems to be timing problems with the RSS search result. In some cases no result is shown at all, even after a page reload!</li> <li>29-09-2008: <strike>Bookmarks may crash if you create folders like /news and /newspaper with the same beginning! This is a bug in the folder recursion!</strike></li> <li>15-09-2008: <strike>there seems to be a bug with the German translation: the link yacyui-bookmarks.html gets translated into yacyui-Lesezeichen.html :-(</strike></li> <li>12-05-2008: <strike>if you click a tag in the tagcloud, the bookmarks table doesn't update properly and JavaScript returns a 'tabs is undefined' error...</strike></li> <li>10-05-2008: <strike>there is an issue with Firefox 3.0b5 and the jQuery XML parsing of the search result (one symptom is the broken pagination)</strike></li> <li>19-04-2008: <strike>if you open more than one search tab in Firefox 2.x or Safari, only the first result item is shown. I would be greatful for any hint...</strike></li> <li>19-04-2008: <strike>resource types 'sciencenet' and 'bookmarks' doen't work yet. For 'sciencenet' we have to solve the Ajax cross domain restriction.</strike></li> <li>19-04-2008: currently only contentdom="text" is working, all others will fail...</li> <li>19-04-2008: <strike>language selection is not yet supported</strike></li> </ul>