for (final MultiProtocolURI url: outboundLinks) {
final Properties p = alllinks.get(url);
if (p == null) continue;
final String name = p.getProperty("name", ""); // the name attribute
final String rel = p.getProperty("rel", ""); // the rel-attribute
final String text = p.getProperty("text", ""); // the text between the tag
final String urls = url.toNormalform(false);
final int pr = urls.indexOf("://",0);
outboundlinksURLProtocol.add(urls.substring(0, pr));
outboundlinksURLStub.add(urls.substring(pr + 3));
outboundlinksName.add(name.length() > 0 ? name : "");
outboundlinksRel.add(rel.length() > 0 ? rel : "");
outboundlinksText.add(text.length() > 0 ? text : "");
outboundlinksTextChars.add(text.length() > 0 ? text.length() : 0);
outboundlinksTextWords.add(text.length() > 0 ? text.split(" ").length : 0);
" 0 ? " rel=\"" + rel + "\"" : "") +
(name.length() > 0 ? " name=\"" + name + "\"" : "") +
">" +
((text.length() > 0) ? text : "") + "");
ImageEntry ientry = images.get(url);
inboundlinksAltTag.add(ientry == null ? "" : ientry.alt());
if (allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.outboundlinks_tag_txt)) add(doc, YaCySchema.outboundlinks_tag_txt, outboundlinksTag);
if (allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.outboundlinks_protocol_sxt)) add(doc, YaCySchema.outboundlinks_protocol_sxt, protocolList2indexedList(outboundlinksURLProtocol));
if (allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.outboundlinks_urlstub_txt)) add(doc, YaCySchema.outboundlinks_urlstub_txt, outboundlinksURLStub);
if (allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.outboundlinks_name_txt)) add(doc, YaCySchema.outboundlinks_name_txt, outboundlinksName);
if (allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.outboundlinks_rel_sxt)) add(doc, YaCySchema.outboundlinks_rel_sxt, outboundlinksRel);
if (allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.outboundlinks_relflags_val)) add(doc, YaCySchema.outboundlinks_relflags_val, relEval(outboundlinksRel));
if (allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.outboundlinks_text_txt)) add(doc, YaCySchema.outboundlinks_text_txt, outboundlinksText);
if (allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.outboundlinks_text_chars_val)) add(doc, YaCySchema.outboundlinks_text_chars_val, outboundlinksTextChars);
if (allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.outboundlinks_text_words_val)) add(doc, YaCySchema.outboundlinks_text_words_val, outboundlinksTextWords);
if (allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.outboundlinks_alttag_txt)) add(doc, YaCySchema.outboundlinks_alttag_txt, outboundlinksAltTag);
// charset
if (allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.charset_s)) add(doc, YaCySchema.charset_s, document.getCharset());
// coordinates
if (document.lat() != 0.0f && document.lon() != 0.0f) {
if (allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.coordinate_p)) add(doc, YaCySchema.coordinate_p, Double.toString(document.lat()) + "," + Double.toString(document.lon()));
if (allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.httpstatus_i)) add(doc, YaCySchema.httpstatus_i, responseHeader == null ? 200 : responseHeader.getStatusCode());
// fields that were additionally in URIMetadataRow
Date loadDate = new Date();
Date modDate = responseHeader.lastModified();
if (modDate.getTime() > loadDate.getTime()) modDate = loadDate;
int size = (int) Math.max(document.dc_source().length(), responseHeader.getContentLength());
if (allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.load_date_dt)) add(doc, YaCySchema.load_date_dt, loadDate);
if (allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.fresh_date_dt)) add(doc, YaCySchema.fresh_date_dt, new Date(loadDate.getTime() + Math.max(0, loadDate.getTime() - modDate.getTime()) / 2)); // freshdate, computed with Proxy-TTL formula
if (allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.host_id_s)) add(doc, YaCySchema.host_id_s, document.dc_source().hosthash());
if ((allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.referrer_id_txt)) && referrerURL != null) add(doc, YaCySchema.referrer_id_txt, new String[]{ASCII.String(referrerURL.hash())});
//if (allAttr || contains(SolrField.md5_s)) add(solrdoc, SolrField.md5_s, new byte[0]);
if (allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.publisher_t)) add(doc, YaCySchema.publisher_t, document.dc_publisher());
if ((allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.language_s)) && language != null) add(doc, YaCySchema.language_s, language);
if (allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.size_i)) add(doc, YaCySchema.size_i, size);
if (allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.audiolinkscount_i)) add(doc, YaCySchema.audiolinkscount_i, document.getAudiolinks().size());
if (allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.videolinkscount_i)) add(doc, YaCySchema.videolinkscount_i, document.getVideolinks().size());
if (allAttr || contains(YaCySchema.applinkscount_i)) add(doc, YaCySchema.applinkscount_i, document.getApplinks().size());
return doc;
* this method compresses a list of protocol names to an indexed list.
* To do this, all 'http' entries are removed and considered as default.
* The remaining entries are indexed as follows: a list of - entries is produced, where
* is an index pointing to the original index of the protocol entry and
is the protocol entry itself.
* The entry is formatted as a 3-digit decimal number with leading zero digits.
* @param protocol
* @return a list of indexed protocol entries
private static List protocolList2indexedList(List protocol) {
List a = new ArrayList();
String p;
for (int i = 0; i < protocol.size(); i++) {
p = protocol.get(i);
if (!p.equals("http")) {
String c = Integer.toString(i);
while (c.length() < 3) c = "0" + c;
a.add(c + "-" + p);
return a;
* encode a string containing attributes from anchor rel properties binary:
* bit 0: "me" contained in rel
* bit 1: "nofollow" contained in rel
* @param rel
* @return binary encoded information about rel
private static List relEval(final List rel) {
List il = new ArrayList(rel.size());
for (final String s: rel) {
int i = 0;
final String s0 = s.toLowerCase().trim();
if ("me".equals(s0)) i += 1;
if ("nofollow".equals(s0)) i += 2;
return il;
* register an entry as error document
* @param digestURI
* @param failReason
* @param httpstatus
* @throws IOException
public SolrInputDocument err(final DigestURI digestURI, final String failReason, final int httpstatus) throws IOException {
final SolrInputDocument solrdoc = new SolrInputDocument();
add(solrdoc, YaCySchema.id, ASCII.String(digestURI.hash()));
add(solrdoc, YaCySchema.sku, digestURI.toNormalform(true));
final InetAddress address = digestURI.getInetAddress();
if (contains(YaCySchema.ip_s) && address != null) add(solrdoc, YaCySchema.ip_s, address.getHostAddress());
if (contains(YaCySchema.host_s) && digestURI.getHost() != null) add(solrdoc, YaCySchema.host_s, digestURI.getHost());
// path elements of link
if (contains(YaCySchema.url_paths_sxt)) add(solrdoc, YaCySchema.url_paths_sxt, digestURI.getPaths());
if (contains(YaCySchema.url_file_ext_s)) add(solrdoc, YaCySchema.url_file_ext_s, digestURI.getFileExtension());
// fail reason and status
if (contains(YaCySchema.failreason_t)) add(solrdoc, YaCySchema.failreason_t, failReason);
if (contains(YaCySchema.httpstatus_i)) add(solrdoc, YaCySchema.httpstatus_i, httpstatus);
return solrdoc;
standard solr schema