/* * (C)2000 by F. Jalvingh, Mumble Internet Services * For questions and the like: fjalvingh@bigfoot.com * * Compression part (C)1996,1998 by Jef Poskanzer . All rights reserved. * * This software is placed in the public domain. You are free to use this * software for any means while respecting the above copyright. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * Optimizations by Jal: * --------------------- * Initial: Coded RLE code for building the 8-bit color table. * 6dec00: Changed code to remove extraneous if's and unrolled some calls. * Replaced color hashtable with local specialized variant. * 7dec00: Made specialized direct buffer access versions for BufferedImage * images.. * */ // very slightly adopted by Michael Christen, 12.12.2007 // - removed unused variables // - replaced old java classes by new one package net.yacy.visualization; import java.awt.Canvas; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.MediaTracker; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.ColorModel; import java.awt.image.DataBuffer; import java.awt.image.DataBufferByte; import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt; import java.awt.image.DataBufferShort; import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel; import java.awt.image.PixelGrabber; import java.awt.image.PixelInterleavedSampleModel; import java.awt.image.Raster; import java.awt.image.SampleModel; import java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; /** *

This class can be used to write an animated GIF file by combining several * images. It is loosely based on the Acme GIF encoder.

* *

The characteristics of the generated Gif 89a image are: *


* * @author F. Jalvingh */ public class AnimGifEncoder { /** The default interlacing indicator */ private boolean m_default_interlace = false; /** The default delay time, */ private final static int m_default_delay = 100; /** Set when looping the set is requested. */ private boolean m_loop = true; /** The outputstream to write the image to. */ private final OutputStream m_os; /** The (current) list of images to embed in the GIF */ private ArrayList m_ima_ar; /** The total width and height of all combined images */ private int m_w, m_h; /** The canvas is used to proprly track images. */ private Canvas m_cv; /** The index for the "transparant" color. -1 if no transparant found. */ private short m_transparant_ix = -1; /** The index (palette table entry #) to use for the NEXT color encountered */ private short m_color_ix; /** The #of bits to use (2log m_color_ix). */ private int m_color_bits; /// Temp optimization inhibition. public boolean m_no_opt; /** * This constructor creates an empty default codec. */ public AnimGifEncoder(final OutputStream os) { m_os = os; } /** * Creates a codec and specify interlace (not implemented yet). */ public AnimGifEncoder(final OutputStream os, final boolean interlace) { m_os = os; m_default_interlace = interlace; } /** *

For animated GIF's the default is to LOOP all images in the GIF file. * This means that after displaying all images in the file the first image * is redisplayed ad infinitum.


To prevent the images from looping call setLoop(false) before calling * the encode() method. *


The current version does not allow the number of repetitions to be * specified. *

*/ public void setLoop(final boolean loop) { m_loop = loop; } /** * Releases ALL cached resources. */ public void flush() { //-- 1. The basic stuff m_ccolor_ar = null; m_cindex_ar = null; m_cv = null; m_ima_ar = null; //-- 2. The compressor. m_curr_pixels = null; htab = null; codetab = null; accum = null; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* CODING: Adding images to combine into the animated GIF... */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Adds the specified image to the list of images. While adding, the * image is converted to pixels; each color is added to the color table * and the resulting 8-bit pixelset is saved. After this call the image * is released, and only the pixelset remains until the encode call is * made. Calling encode will release the pixelset. */ public void add(final Image ima, final int delaytime, final boolean interlace, final int px, final int py) throws IOException { final AnIma ai = new AnIma(); ai.m_delay = delaytime; ai.m_interlace = interlace; ai.m_x = px; ai.m_y = py; //-- Add to the list of images to embed, if(m_ima_ar == null) // First call? { m_ccolor_ar = new int[CHSIZE]; // New colors code table m_cindex_ar = new short[CHSIZE]; m_ima_ar = new ArrayList(10); // Contains all component images, m_cv = new Canvas(); } m_ima_ar.add(ai); //-- Pre-scan the image!! if(! m_no_opt) preCode(ai, ima); // Convert to 8bit and make palette else precodeImage(ai, ima); } /** * Adds the specified image to the list of images. */ public void add(final Image ima) throws IOException { add(ima, m_ima_ar == null ? 0 : m_default_delay, m_default_interlace, 0, 0); } /** * Adds the specified image to the list of images. */ public void add(final Image ima, final int delay) throws IOException { add(ima, delay, m_default_interlace, 0, 0); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* CODING: I/O to the file - helpers... */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Writes a string as a #of bytes to the output stream. */ private void utStr(final String str) throws IOException { final byte[] buf = str.getBytes(); m_os.write( buf ); } private void utWord(final int val) throws IOException { utByte( (byte) ( val & 0xff)); utByte( (byte) (( val >> 8 ) & 0xff )); } private void utByte(final byte b) throws IOException { m_os.write( b ); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* CODING: Starting the encode process... */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Creates the GIF file from all images added to the encoder. */ public void encode() throws IOException { //-- Check validity, if(m_ima_ar == null || m_ima_ar.size() == 0) throw new IOException("No images added."); //-- Init the compressor's tables htab = new int[HSIZE]; codetab = new int[HSIZE]; accum = new byte[256]; //-- Write the GIF header now, genHeader(); /* * Traverse the data for each image. This determines the actual color * table and the complete output size. */ for (int i = 0; i < m_ima_ar.size(); i++) { final AnIma ai = m_ima_ar.get(i); genImage(ai); ai.m_rgb = null; } genTrailer(); flush(); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* CODING: Color table code & specialized color hashtable. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * This is a hashtable mapping (int, byte). The first int is the actual * color as gotten from the image. The byte is the index color in the * colormap for the entry. * We need to find (byte) by indexing with (int) VERY quicky. * Furthermore we already know that the table will at max hold 256 entries. * * Since all colors >= 0 are transparant, we use (int) = 0 as the empty * case. * * This hashtable uses the same hash mechanism as the LZH compressor: a * double hash without chaining. */ private final static int CHSIZE = 1023; /// The color hashtable's COLOR table (int rcolors) private int[] m_ccolor_ar; /// The color hashtable's INDEX table (byte index) private short[] m_cindex_ar; /** * This retrieves the index for a color code from the color hash. If the * color doesn't exist it is added to the hash table. This uses the double * hash mechanism described above. If this call causes >255 colors to be * stored it throws a too many colors exception. * The function returns the index code for the color. */ private short findColorIndex(final int color) throws IOException { //-- 1. Primary hash.. int i = (color & 0x7fffffff) % CHSIZE; if(m_ccolor_ar[i] == color) // Bucket found? return m_cindex_ar[i]; //-- 2. No match. If the bucket is not empty do the 2nd hash, if(m_ccolor_ar[i] != 0) // Bucket is full? { //-- This was a clash. Locate a new bucket & look for another match! final int disp = CHSIZE - i; do { i -= disp; if(i < 0) i += CHSIZE; if(m_ccolor_ar[i] == color) // Found in 2nd hash? return m_cindex_ar[i]; // Then return it. } while(m_ccolor_ar[i] != 0); // Loop till empty bucket. } //-- 3. Empty bucket found: add this there as a new index. if(m_color_ix >= 256) throw new IOException("More than 255 colors in this GIF are not allowed."); m_ccolor_ar[i] = color; m_cindex_ar[i] = m_color_ix; return m_color_ix++; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* CODING: Optimized pixel grabbers... */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Checks if the image lies in the current complete image, else it extends * the source image. */ private void checkTotalSize(final AnIma ai) { int t; t = ai.m_w + ai.m_x; // Get end-X of image, if(t > m_w) m_w = t; // Adjust complete GIF's size t = ai.m_h + ai.m_y; // Get total height if(t > m_h) m_h = t; // Adjust if higher, } /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* CODING: The precoder translates all to 8bit indexed... */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Traverse this image, and determine it's characteristics. It adds all * used colors to the color table and determines the completed size of * the thing. The image is converted to an 8-bit pixelmap where each pixel * indexes the generated color table. * This function tries to get the fastest access to the pixel data for * several types of BufferedImage. This should enhance the encoding speed * by preventing the loop thru the entire generalized Raster and ColorModel * method.... * All precode methods build a color table containing all colors used in * the image, and an 8-bit "image" containing, for each pixel, the index * into that color table. They also set the transparant color to use. */ private void preCode(final AnIma ai, final Image ima) throws IOException { //-- Call the appropriate encoder depending on the image type. if(ima instanceof BufferedImage) precodeBuffered(ai, (BufferedImage) ima); else precodeImage(ai, ima); } /** * Tries to decode a buffered image in an optimal way. It checks to see * if it knows the BufferedImage type and calls the appropriate quick * decoder. If the image is not implemented we fall back to the generic * method. */ private void precodeBuffered(final AnIma ai, final BufferedImage bi) throws IOException { //-- 1. Handle all shared tasks... ai.m_w = bi.getWidth(); ai.m_h = bi.getHeight(); if(ai.m_h == 0 || ai.m_w == 0) return; checkTotalSize(ai); //-- 2. Optimize for known types... boolean done= false; final int bt = bi.getType(); switch(bt) { case BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED: done = precodeByteIndexed(ai, bi); break; case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_BGR: done = precodeIntPacked(ai, bi); break; case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB: done = precodeIntPacked(ai, bi); break; case BufferedImage.TYPE_USHORT_555_RGB: done = precodeShortPacked(ai, bi); break; case BufferedImage.TYPE_USHORT_565_RGB: done = precodeShortPacked(ai, bi); break; case BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB: done = precodeIntPacked(ai, bi); break; } if(done) return; precodeImage(ai, bi); } private int getBiOffset(final Raster ras, final PixelInterleavedSampleModel sm, final int x, final int y) { return (y-ras.getSampleModelTranslateY()) * sm.getScanlineStride() + x-ras.getSampleModelTranslateX(); } private int getBiOffset(final Raster ras, final SinglePixelPackedSampleModel sm, final int x, final int y) { return (y-ras.getSampleModelTranslateY()) * sm.getScanlineStride() + x-ras.getSampleModelTranslateX(); } /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* CODING: BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED.. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Encodes TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED images. */ private boolean precodeByteIndexed(final AnIma ai, final BufferedImage bi) throws IOException { //-- Get the colormodel, the raster, the databuffer and the samplemodel final ColorModel tcm = bi.getColorModel(); if(! (tcm instanceof IndexColorModel)) return false; final IndexColorModel cm = (IndexColorModel) tcm; final Raster ras = bi.getRaster(); final SampleModel tsm = ras.getSampleModel(); if(! (tsm instanceof PixelInterleavedSampleModel)) return false; final PixelInterleavedSampleModel sm = (PixelInterleavedSampleModel) tsm; final DataBuffer dbt = ras.getDataBuffer(); if(dbt.getDataType() != DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) return false; if(dbt.getNumBanks() != 1) return false; final DataBufferByte db = (DataBufferByte) dbt; //-- Prepare the color mapping final short[] map = new short[256]; // Alternate lookup table for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++) // Set all entries to unused, map[i] = -1; /* * Prepare the run: get all constants e.a. The mechanism runs thru * all pixels by traversing each X scanline, then moving to the next * one. One fun thing: we only have to COPY all pixels, since we're * already byte-packed. */ final int endoff = ai.m_w * ai.m_h; // Output image size, final byte[] par = new byte[endoff]; // Byte-indexed output array, int doff = 0; // Destination offset, //-- source int soff = getBiOffset(ras, sm, 0, 0); final byte[] px = db.getData(0); // Get the pixelset, final int esoff = getBiOffset(ras, sm, ai.m_w-1, ai.m_h-1); // calc end offset, final int iw = sm.getScanlineStride(); // Increment width = databuf's width while(soff < esoff) { // For all scan lines, final int xe = soff + ai.m_w; // End for this line while(soff < xe) { // While within this line //-- (continue) collect a run, final int rs = soff; // Save run start final byte rcolor = px[soff++]; // First color while(soff < xe && px[soff] == rcolor) // Run till eoln or badclor soff++; //-- Run ended. Map the input index to the GIF's index, short ii = map[rcolor + 0x80]; if (ii == -1){ // Unknown map? //-- New color. Get it's translated RGB value, final int rix = rcolor & 0xff; // Translate to unsigned int rgb = cm.getRGB(rix); // Get RGB value for this input index, if(rgb >= 0) { // Transparant color? //-- If there is a transparant color index use it... if (m_transparant_ix < 0) { //-- First transparant color found- save it, if(rgb == 0) rgb = 1; // Zero color protection - req'd for hashtable implementation m_transparant_ix = findColorIndex(rgb); } ii = m_transparant_ix; // Use trans color to fill } else { //-- Not transparant, ii = findColorIndex(rgb); // Add RGB value to the index, } map[rcolor + 0x80] = ii; } //-- Always write this run. final int dep = doff + (soff - rs); // End output pos final byte idx = (byte) ii; while(doff < dep) par[doff++] = idx; // Fill output. } //-- Prepare for a new line. soff += iw - ai.m_w; // Increment what's left to next line, } ai.m_rgb = par; // Save created thing return true; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* CODING: BufferedImage.All int packed stuff.. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Encodes INT pixel-packed images. */ private boolean precodeIntPacked(final AnIma ai, final BufferedImage bi) throws IOException { //-- Get the colormodel, the raster, the databuffer and the samplemodel final ColorModel cm = bi.getColorModel(); final Raster ras = bi.getRaster(); final SampleModel tsm = ras.getSampleModel(); if(! (tsm instanceof SinglePixelPackedSampleModel)) return false; final SinglePixelPackedSampleModel sm = (SinglePixelPackedSampleModel) tsm; final DataBuffer dbt = ras.getDataBuffer(); if(dbt.getDataType() != DataBuffer.TYPE_INT) return false; if(dbt.getNumBanks() != 1) return false; final DataBufferInt db = (DataBufferInt) dbt; /* * Prepare the run: get all constants e.a. The mechanism runs thru * all pixels by traversing each X scanline, then moving to the next * one. One fun thing: we only have to COPY all pixels, since we're * already byte-packed. */ final int endoff = ai.m_w * ai.m_h; // Output image size, final byte[] par = new byte[endoff]; // Byte-indexed output array, int doff = 0; // Destination offset, byte ii; //-- source int soff = getBiOffset(ras, sm, 0, 0); final int[] px = db.getData(0); // Get the pixelset, final int esoff = getBiOffset(ras, sm, ai.m_w-1, ai.m_h-1); // calc end offset, final int iw = sm.getScanlineStride(); // Increment width = databuf's width while(soff < esoff) { // For all scan lines, final int xe = soff + ai.m_w; // End for this line while (soff < xe) { // While within this line //-- (continue) collect a run, final int rs = soff; // Save run start final int rcolor = px[soff++]; // First color while(soff < xe && px[soff] == rcolor) // Run till eoln or badclor soff++; //-- Run ended. Map the input index to the GIF's index, int rgb = cm.getRGB(rcolor); // Get RGB value for this input index, if(rgb >= 0) { // Transparant color? //-- If there is a transparant color index use it... if(m_transparant_ix < 0) { //-- First transparant color found- save it, if(rgb == 0) rgb = 1; // Zero color protection - req'd for hashtable implementation m_transparant_ix = findColorIndex(rgb); } ii = (byte)m_transparant_ix; // Use trans color to fill } else { //-- Not transparant, ii = (byte)findColorIndex(rgb); // Add RGB value to the index, } //-- Always write this run. final int dep = doff + (soff - rs); // End output pos while(doff < dep) par[doff++] = ii; // Fill output. } //-- Prepare for a new line. soff += iw - ai.m_w; // Increment what's left to next line, } ai.m_rgb = par; // Save created thing return true; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* CODING: BufferedImage- SHORT type stuff.. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Encodes SHORT pixel-packed images. */ private boolean precodeShortPacked(final AnIma ai, final BufferedImage bi) throws IOException { //-- Get the colormodel, the raster, the databuffer and the samplemodel final ColorModel cm = bi.getColorModel(); final Raster ras = bi.getRaster(); final SampleModel tsm = ras.getSampleModel(); if(! (tsm instanceof SinglePixelPackedSampleModel)) return false; final SinglePixelPackedSampleModel sm = (SinglePixelPackedSampleModel) tsm; final DataBuffer dbt = ras.getDataBuffer(); if(dbt.getDataType() != DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT) return false; if(dbt.getNumBanks() != 1) return false; final DataBufferShort db = (DataBufferShort) dbt; /* * Prepare the run: get all constants e.a. The mechanism runs thru * all pixels by traversing each X scanline, then moving to the next * one. One fun thing: we only have to COPY all pixels, since we're * already byte-packed. */ final int endoff = ai.m_w * ai.m_h; // Output image size, final byte[] par = new byte[endoff]; // Byte-indexed output array, int doff = 0; // Destination offset, byte ii; //-- source int soff = getBiOffset(ras, sm, 0, 0); final short[] px = db.getData(0); // Get the pixelset, final int esoff = getBiOffset(ras, sm, ai.m_w-1, ai.m_h-1); // calc end offset, final int iw = sm.getScanlineStride(); // Increment width = databuf's width while(soff < esoff) // For all scan lines, { final int xe = soff + ai.m_w; // End for this line while(soff < xe) // While within this line { //-- (continue) collect a run, final int rs = soff; // Save run start final short rcolor = px[soff++]; // First color while(soff < xe && px[soff] == rcolor) // Run till eoln or badclor soff++; //-- Run ended. Map the input index to the GIF's index, int rgb = cm.getRGB(rcolor); // Get RGB value for this input index, if(rgb >= 0) // Transparant color? { //-- If there is a transparant color index use it... if(m_transparant_ix < 0) { //-- First transparant color found- save it, if(rgb == 0) rgb = 1; // Zero color protection - req'd for hashtable implementation m_transparant_ix = findColorIndex(rgb); } ii = (byte)m_transparant_ix; // Use trans color to fill } else { //-- Not transparant, ii = (byte)findColorIndex(rgb); // Add RGB value to the index, } //-- Always write this run. final int dep = doff + (soff - rs); // End output pos while(doff < dep) par[doff++] = ii; // Fill output. } //-- Prepare for a new line. soff += iw - ai.m_w; // Increment what's left to next line, } ai.m_rgb = par; // Save created thing return true; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* CODING: The generic Image stuff to translate the GIF */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Using a generic Image, this uses a PixelGrabber to get an integer * pixel array. */ private void precodeImage(final AnIma ai, final Image ima) throws IOException { int[] px; //-- Wait for the image to arrive, MediaTracker mt = new MediaTracker(m_cv); mt.addImage(ima, 0); try { mt.waitForAll(); // Be use all are loaded, } catch(final InterruptedException x) { throw new IOException("Interrupted load of image"); } mt.removeImage(ima, 0); mt = null; //-- Get the images' size & adjust the complete GIF's size, ai.m_w = ima.getWidth(m_cv); ai.m_h = ima.getHeight(m_cv); if(ai.m_h == 0 || ai.m_w == 0) return; checkTotalSize(ai); //-- Grab pixels & convert to 8-bit pixelset. final PixelGrabber pg = new PixelGrabber(ima, 0, 0, ai.m_w, ai.m_h, true); try { pg.grabPixels(); } catch(final InterruptedException x) { throw new IOException("Interrupted load of image"); } px = (int[]) pg.getPixels(); // Get the pixels, translateColorsByArray(ai, px); // Run the translator } /** * For each pixel in the source image, the color is put into the palette * for the combined GIF. The index of the color is then used in the 8-bit * pixelset for this image. */ private void translateColorsByArray(final AnIma a, final int[] px) throws IOException { int off; byte[] par; final int endoff = a.m_w * a.m_h; // Total #pixels in image int rstart, rcolor; // Run data. byte newc; //-- Collect runs of pixels of the same color; then handle them; par = new byte[endoff]; // Allocate output matrix off = 0; // Output offset, while(off < endoff) { //-- Collect the current run of pixels. rstart = off; rcolor = px[off++]; // Get 1st pixel of run, while(off < endoff && px[off] == rcolor) // Fast loop! off++; //-- Translate the color to an index, and handle transparency, if(rcolor >= 0) // Is this a TRANSPARANT color? { //-- If there is a transparant color index use it... if(m_transparant_ix < 0) { //-- First transparant color found- save it, if(rcolor == 0) rcolor = 1; // Zero color protection - req'd for hashtable implementation m_transparant_ix = findColorIndex(rcolor); } newc = (byte)m_transparant_ix; // Set color to fill run with } else { //-- Not transparant- is an index known for this color? final int i = (rcolor & 0x7fffffff) % CHSIZE; if(m_ccolor_ar[i] == rcolor) // Bucket found? newc = (byte)m_cindex_ar[i]; else newc = (byte)findColorIndex(rcolor); // Get color index, } //-- Always fill the run with the replaced color, while(rstart < off) par[rstart++] = newc; //-- This run has been done!! } a.m_rgb = par; // Save completed map; } /** * Generates the color map by using the color table and creating all * rgb tables. These are then written to the output. This gets called when * all images have been added and pre-traversed. */ private void genColorTable() throws IOException { // Turn colors into colormap entries. final int nelem = 1 << m_color_bits; final byte[] reds = new byte[nelem]; final byte[] grns = new byte[nelem]; final byte[] blus = new byte[nelem]; //-- Now enumerate the color table. for (int i = CHSIZE; --i >= 0;) { // Count backwards (faster) if(m_ccolor_ar[i] != 0) { // A color was found? reds[ m_cindex_ar[i] ] = (byte) ( (m_ccolor_ar[i] >> 16) & 0xff); grns[ m_cindex_ar[i] ] = (byte) ( (m_ccolor_ar[i] >> 8) & 0xff); blus[ m_cindex_ar[i] ] = (byte) ( m_ccolor_ar[i] & 0xff ); } } //-- Write the map to the stream, for (int i = 0; i < nelem; i++) { // Save all elements, utByte(reds[i]); utByte(grns[i]); utByte(blus[i]); } } /** * Writes the GIF file header, containing all up to the first image data * structure: color table, option fields etc. */ private void genHeader() throws IOException { // Figure out how many bits to use. if(m_color_ix <= 2) m_color_bits = 1; else if(m_color_ix <= 4) m_color_bits = 2; else if(m_color_ix <= 8) m_color_bits = 3; else if(m_color_ix <= 16) m_color_bits = 4; else m_color_bits = 8; //-- Start with the headerm utStr("GIF89a" ); // Gif89a Header: signature & version //-- Logical Screen Descriptor Block utWord(m_w); // Collated width & height of all images utWord(m_h); final byte b = (byte)(0xF0 | (m_color_bits-1));// There IS a color map, 8 bits per color source resolution. not sorted, utByte(b); // Packet fields, utByte((byte)0); // Background Color Index assumed 0. utByte((byte)0); // Pixel aspect ratio 1:1: zero always works... //-- Now write the Global Color Map. genColorTable(); if (m_loop && m_ima_ar.size() > 1) { //-- Generate a Netscape loop thing, utByte((byte) 0x21); utByte((byte) 0xff); utByte((byte) 0x0b); utStr("NETSCAPE2.0"); utByte((byte) 0x03); utByte((byte) 1); utWord(0); // Repeat indefinitely utByte((byte)0); } } /** * Writes the GIF file trailer, terminating the GIF file. */ private void genTrailer() throws IOException { // Write the GIF file terminator utByte((byte) ';'); } /** * Writes a single image instance. */ private void genImage(final AnIma ai) throws IOException { //-- Write out a Graphic Control Extension for transparent colour & repeat, if necessary, if(m_transparant_ix != -1 || m_ima_ar.size() > 1) { byte transpar; utByte( (byte) '!'); // 0x21 Extension Introducer utByte( (byte) 0xf9); // Graphic Control Label utByte( (byte) 4); // Block Size, if(m_transparant_ix >= 0) { // There IS transparancy? utByte((byte) 1); // TRANS flag SET transpar = (byte) m_transparant_ix; } else { utByte((byte) 0); // TRANS flag CLEAR transpar = 0; } utWord( ai.m_delay ); // Delay time, utByte(transpar); // And save the index, utByte( (byte) 0); } //-- Write the Image Descriptor utByte((byte)','); utWord(ai.m_x); // Image left position, utWord(ai.m_y); // Image right position utWord(ai.m_w); utWord(ai.m_h); // And it's size, utByte((byte) (ai.m_interlace ? 0x40 : 0)); // Packed fields: interlaced Y/N, no local table no sort, //-- The table-based image data... final int initcodesz = m_color_bits <= 1 ? 2 : m_color_bits; utByte((byte) initcodesz); // Output initial LZH code size, min. 2 bits, genCompressed(ai, initcodesz+1); // Generate the compressed data, utByte((byte) 0); // Zero-length packet (end series) } /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* CODING: Stuff to compress!!! */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* * Most of this compressor code has been reaped from the ACME GifEncoder * package. See there for more details. * This code will be revised for speed in the next release though. */ /** Pixmap from ima currently compressed */ private byte[] m_curr_pixels; /** Current pixel source index in above map */ private int m_px_ix; /** End index within above index. */ private int m_px_endix; private void genCompressed(final AnIma a, final int initcodesz) throws IOException { //-- Set all globals to retrieve pixel data quickly. $$TODO: Interlaced m_curr_pixels = a.m_rgb; m_px_ix = 0; m_px_endix = a.m_w * a.m_h; // Last index, //-- Coder variables. int i, c, ent, disp, hsize_reg, hshift, fcode; //-- Init: the bit-code writer's variables, cur_accum = 0; cur_bits = 0; free_ent = 0; clear_flg = false; maxbits = BITS; // user settable max # bits/code maxmaxcode = 1 << BITS; // should NEVER generate this code a_count = 0; g_init_bits = initcodesz; // Initial #of bits // Set up the necessary values clear_flg = false; n_bits = g_init_bits; maxcode = MAXCODE( n_bits ); ClearCode = 1 << ( initcodesz - 1 ); EOFCode = ClearCode + 1; free_ent = ClearCode + 2; char_init(); hshift = 0; for ( fcode = hsize; fcode < 65536; fcode *= 2 ) ++hshift; hshift = 8 - hshift; // set hash code range bound hsize_reg = hsize; cl_hash( hsize_reg ); // clear hash table output(ClearCode); ent = m_curr_pixels[m_px_ix++]; // Get 1st pixel value, outer_loop: while(m_px_ix < m_px_endix) // While not at end { c = m_curr_pixels[m_px_ix++]; // Get next pixel value, fcode = ( c << maxbits ) + ent; i = ( c << hshift ) ^ ent; // xor hashing if(htab[i] == fcode) { ent = codetab[i]; continue; } else if ( htab[i] >= 0 ) // non-empty slot { disp = hsize_reg - i; // secondary hash (after G. Knott) if ( i == 0 ) // ?? Should be inpossible?? JAL disp = 1; do { if( (i -= disp) < 0 ) i += hsize_reg; if ( htab[i] == fcode ) { ent = codetab[i]; continue outer_loop; } } while ( htab[i] >= 0 ); } output(ent); ent = c; if ( free_ent < maxmaxcode ) { codetab[i] = free_ent++; // code -> hashtable htab[i] = fcode; } else cl_block(); } // Put out the final code. output(ent); outputEOF(); } static final int EOF = -1; // GIFCOMPR.C - GIF Image compression routines // // Lempel-Ziv compression based on 'compress'. GIF modifications by // David Rowley (mgardi@watdcsu.waterloo.edu) // General DEFINEs static final int BITS = 12; static final int HSIZE = 5003; // 80% occupancy // GIF Image compression - modified 'compress' // // Based on: compress.c - File compression ala IEEE Computer, June 1984. // // By Authors: Spencer W. Thomas (decvax!harpo!utah-cs!utah-gr!thomas) // Jim McKie (decvax!mcvax!jim) // Steve Davies (decvax!vax135!petsd!peora!srd) // Ken Turkowski (decvax!decwrl!turtlevax!ken) // James A. Woods (decvax!ihnp4!ames!jaw) // Joe Orost (decvax!vax135!petsd!joe) int n_bits; // number of bits/code int maxbits = BITS; // user settable max # bits/code int maxcode; // maximum code, given n_bits int maxmaxcode = 1 << BITS; // should NEVER generate this code final int MAXCODE( final int n_bits ) { return ( 1 << n_bits ) - 1; } int[] htab; int[] codetab; int hsize = HSIZE; // for dynamic table sizing int free_ent = 0; // first unused entry // block compression parameters -- after all codes are used up, // and compression rate changes, start over. boolean clear_flg = false; // Algorithm: use open addressing double hashing (no chaining) on the // prefix code / next character combination. We do a variant of Knuth's // algorithm D (vol. 3, sec. 6.4) along with G. Knott's relatively-prime // secondary probe. Here, the modular division first probe is gives way // to a faster exclusive-or manipulation. Also do block compression with // an adaptive reset, whereby the code table is cleared when the compression // ratio decreases, but after the table fills. The variable-length output // codes are re-sized at this point, and a special CLEAR code is generated // for the decompressor. Late addition: construct the table according to // file size for noticeable speed improvement on small files. Please direct // questions about this implementation to ames!jaw. int g_init_bits; int ClearCode; int EOFCode; // Output the given code. // Inputs: // code: A n_bits-bit integer. If == -1, then EOF. This assumes // that n_bits =< wordsize - 1. // Outputs: // Outputs code to the file. // Assumptions: // Chars are 8 bits long. // Algorithm: // Maintain a BITS character long buffer (so that 8 codes will // fit in it exactly). Use the VAX insv instruction to insert each // code in turn. When the buffer fills up empty it and start over. int cur_accum = 0; int cur_bits = 0; static int masks[] = { 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0003, 0x0007, 0x000F, 0x001F, 0x003F, 0x007F, 0x00FF, 0x01FF, 0x03FF, 0x07FF, 0x0FFF, 0x1FFF, 0x3FFF, 0x7FFF, 0xFFFF }; void output(final int code) throws IOException { cur_accum |= ( code << cur_bits ); cur_bits += n_bits; while( cur_bits >= 8 ) { //-- Expanded char_out code accum[a_count++] = (byte) cur_accum; if ( a_count >= 254 ) flush_char(); //-- End of char_out expansion cur_accum >>= 8; cur_bits -= 8; } // If the next entry is going to be too big for the code size, // then increase it, if possible. // $$Rewrote if (JAL) if(clear_flg) { maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits = g_init_bits); clear_flg = false; } else if(free_ent > maxcode) { ++n_bits; if (n_bits == maxbits) maxcode = maxmaxcode; else maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits); } } /** * Removed from output() above to skip an extra IF in the main loop. Must * be called instead of calling output(EOFCode). */ private void outputEOF() throws IOException { output(EOFCode); // Actually output the code //-- At EOF, write the rest of the buffer. while( cur_bits > 0) { //-- Expanded char_out. accum[a_count++] = (byte) cur_accum; if ( a_count >= 254 ) flush_char(); //-- End of char_out expansion cur_accum >>= 8; cur_bits -= 8; } flush_char(); } // Clear out the hash table // table clear for block compress void cl_block() throws IOException { cl_hash( hsize ); free_ent = ClearCode + 2; clear_flg = true; output(ClearCode); } // reset code table void cl_hash( final int hsize ) { for(int i = hsize; --i >= 0;) htab[i] = -1; } // GIF Specific routines // Number of characters so far in this 'packet' int a_count; // Set up the 'byte output' routine void char_init() { a_count = 0; } // Define the storage for the packet accumulator byte[] accum; // Add a character to the end of the current packet, and if it is 254 // characters, flush the packet to disk. void char_out(final byte c) throws IOException { accum[a_count++] = c; if ( a_count >= 254 ) flush_char(); } // Flush the packet to disk, and reset the accumulator void flush_char() throws IOException { if( a_count > 0) { m_os.write( a_count ); m_os.write( accum, 0, a_count ); a_count = 0; } } // test method for ymage classes public static void main(final String[] args) { System.setProperty("java.awt.headless", "true"); final RasterPlotter m = new RasterPlotter(200, 300, RasterPlotter.MODE_SUB, "FFFFFF"); RasterPlotter.demoPaint(m); final File file = new File("/Users/admin/Desktop/testimage.gif"); OutputStream os; try { os = new FileOutputStream(file); final AnimGifEncoder age = new AnimGifEncoder(os); age.add(m.getImage()); age.add(m.getImage()); age.encode(); os.close(); } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } class GifColorEntry { /** The actual RGB color for this entry */ public int m_color; /** The colortable [palette] entry number for this color */ public int m_index; public GifColorEntry(final int col, final int ix) { m_color = col; m_index = ix; } }; class AnIma { /** This-image's interlace flag */ public boolean m_interlace; /** This-image's delay factor */ public int m_delay; /** This-image's source and destination within the completed image */ public int m_x, m_y; /** This image's width and height */ public int m_w, m_h; /** This-image's 8-bit pixelset. It indexes the m_color_ar table. */ public byte[] m_rgb; };