/** * Condenser.java * Copyright 2004 by Michael Peter Christen, mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt am Main, Germany * First released 09.01.2004 at http://yacy.net * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program in the file lgpl21.txt * If not, see . */ package net.yacy.document; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.solr.common.params.MapSolrParams; import net.yacy.cora.document.WordCache; import net.yacy.cora.document.analysis.Classification.ContentDomain; import net.yacy.cora.document.analysis.EnhancedTextProfileSignature; import net.yacy.cora.document.encoding.ASCII; import net.yacy.cora.document.id.AnchorURL; import net.yacy.cora.document.id.MultiProtocolURL; import net.yacy.cora.federate.solr.Ranking; import net.yacy.cora.language.synonyms.SynonymLibrary; import net.yacy.cora.lod.vocabulary.Tagging; import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog; import net.yacy.document.language.Identificator; import net.yacy.document.parser.html.ImageEntry; import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.Word; import net.yacy.kelondro.data.word.WordReferenceRow; import net.yacy.kelondro.util.Bitfield; import net.yacy.kelondro.util.SetTools; public final class Condenser { // this is the page analysis class public final static boolean pseudostemming = false; // switch for removal of words that appear in shortened form public final static int wordminsize = 2; public final static int wordcut = 2; // category flags that show how the page can be distinguished in different interest groups public static final int flag_cat_indexof = 0; // a directory listing page (i.e. containing 'index of') public static final int flag_cat_haslocation = 19; // the page has a location metadata attached public static final int flag_cat_hasimage = 20; // the page refers to (at least one) images public static final int flag_cat_hasaudio = 21; // the page refers to (at least one) audio file public static final int flag_cat_hasvideo = 22; // the page refers to (at least one) videos public static final int flag_cat_hasapp = 23; // the page refers to (at least one) application file //private Properties analysis; private final Map words; // a string (the words) to (indexWord) - relation private final Map> tags = new HashMap>(); // a set of tags, discovered from Autotagging private final Set synonyms; // a set of synonyms to the words private long fuzzy_signature = 0, exact_signature = 0; // signatures for double-check detection private String fuzzy_signature_text = null; // signatures for double-check detection public int RESULT_NUMB_WORDS = -1; public int RESULT_DIFF_WORDS = -1; public int RESULT_NUMB_SENTENCES = -1; public int RESULT_DIFF_SENTENCES = -1; public Bitfield RESULT_FLAGS = new Bitfield(4); private final Identificator languageIdentificator; public Condenser( final Document document, final boolean indexText, final boolean indexMedia, final WordCache meaningLib, final boolean doAutotagging ) { Thread.currentThread().setName("condenser-" + document.dc_identifier()); // for debugging // if addMedia == true, then all the media links are also parsed and added to the words // added media words are flagged with the appropriate media flag this.words = new HashMap(); this.synonyms = new LinkedHashSet(); this.RESULT_FLAGS = new Bitfield(4); // construct flag set for document ContentDomain contentDomain = document.getContentDomain(); if (contentDomain == ContentDomain.IMAGE || !document.getImages().isEmpty()) this.RESULT_FLAGS.set(flag_cat_hasimage, true); if (contentDomain == ContentDomain.AUDIO || !document.getAudiolinks().isEmpty()) this.RESULT_FLAGS.set(flag_cat_hasaudio, true); if (contentDomain == ContentDomain.VIDEO || !document.getVideolinks().isEmpty()) this.RESULT_FLAGS.set(flag_cat_hasvideo, true); if (contentDomain == ContentDomain.APP || !document.getApplinks().isEmpty()) this.RESULT_FLAGS.set(flag_cat_hasapp, true); if (document.lat() != 0.0 && document.lon() != 0.0) this.RESULT_FLAGS.set(flag_cat_haslocation, true); this.languageIdentificator = new Identificator(); // add the URL components to the word list insertTextToWords(new SentenceReader(document.dc_source().toTokens()), 0, WordReferenceRow.flag_app_dc_identifier, this.RESULT_FLAGS, false, meaningLib); Map.Entry entry; if (indexText) { createCondensement(document.getTextString(), meaningLib, doAutotagging); // the phrase counter: // phrase 0 are words taken from the URL // phrase 1 is the MainTitle // phrase 2 is // phrase 3 is the Document Abstract // phrase 4 is the Document Author // phrase 5 is the Document Publisher // phrase 6 are the tags specified in document // phrase 10 and above are the section headlines/titles (88 possible) // phrase 98 is taken from the embedded anchor/hyperlinks description (REMOVED!) // phrase 99 is taken from the media Link url and anchor description // phrase 100 and above are lines from the text insertTextToWords(new SentenceReader(document.dc_title()), 1, WordReferenceRow.flag_app_dc_title, this.RESULT_FLAGS, true, meaningLib); for (String description: document.dc_description()) { insertTextToWords(new SentenceReader(description), 3, WordReferenceRow.flag_app_dc_description, this.RESULT_FLAGS, true, meaningLib); } insertTextToWords(new SentenceReader(document.dc_creator()), 4, WordReferenceRow.flag_app_dc_creator, this.RESULT_FLAGS, true, meaningLib); insertTextToWords(new SentenceReader(document.dc_publisher()), 5, WordReferenceRow.flag_app_dc_creator, this.RESULT_FLAGS, true, meaningLib); insertTextToWords(new SentenceReader(document.dc_subject(' ')), 6, WordReferenceRow.flag_app_dc_description, this.RESULT_FLAGS, true, meaningLib); // missing: tags! final String[] titles = document.getSectionTitles(); for (int i = 0; i < titles.length; i++) { insertTextToWords(new SentenceReader(titles[i]), i + 10, WordReferenceRow.flag_app_emphasized, this.RESULT_FLAGS, true, meaningLib); } // anchors: for text indexing we add only the anchor description // REMOVED! Reason: // words from the anchor description should appear as normal text in the output from the parser // to flag these words as appearance in dc_description would confuse, since the user expects such word as titles of // pages that are shown in the search result. The words from the URLS should also not appear as part of the index, because they // are not visible in the text and could be used to crate fake-content /* final Iterator> i = document.getAnchors().entrySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { entry = i.next(); if ((entry == null) || (entry.getKey() == null)) continue; insertTextToWords(entry.getValue(), 98, indexRWIEntry.flag_app_dc_description, RESULT_FLAGS, true); } */ } else { this.RESULT_NUMB_WORDS = 0; this.RESULT_DIFF_WORDS = 0; this.RESULT_NUMB_SENTENCES = 0; this.RESULT_DIFF_SENTENCES = 0; } if (indexMedia) { // add anchor descriptions: here, we also add the url components // audio Iterator> i = document.getAudiolinks().entrySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { entry = i.next(); insertTextToWords(new SentenceReader(entry.getKey().toNormalform(true)), 99, flag_cat_hasaudio, this.RESULT_FLAGS, false, meaningLib); insertTextToWords(new SentenceReader(entry.getValue()), 99, flag_cat_hasaudio, this.RESULT_FLAGS, true, meaningLib); } // video i = document.getVideolinks().entrySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { entry = i.next(); insertTextToWords(new SentenceReader(entry.getKey().toNormalform(true)), 99, flag_cat_hasvideo, this.RESULT_FLAGS, false, meaningLib); insertTextToWords(new SentenceReader(entry.getValue()), 99, flag_cat_hasvideo, this.RESULT_FLAGS, true, meaningLib); } // applications i = document.getApplinks().entrySet().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { entry = i.next(); insertTextToWords(new SentenceReader(entry.getKey().toNormalform(true)), 99, flag_cat_hasapp, this.RESULT_FLAGS, false, meaningLib); insertTextToWords(new SentenceReader(entry.getValue()), 99, flag_cat_hasapp, this.RESULT_FLAGS, true, meaningLib); } // images final Iterator j = document.getImages().values().iterator(); ImageEntry ientry; MultiProtocolURL url; while (j.hasNext()) { ientry = j.next(); url = ientry.url(); if (url == null) continue; insertTextToWords(new SentenceReader(url.toNormalform(true)), 99, flag_cat_hasimage, this.RESULT_FLAGS, false, meaningLib); insertTextToWords(new SentenceReader(ientry.alt()), 99, flag_cat_hasimage, this.RESULT_FLAGS, true, meaningLib); } // finally check all words for missing flag entry final Iterator> k = this.words.entrySet().iterator(); Word wprop; Map.Entry we; while (k.hasNext()) { we = k.next(); wprop = we.getValue(); if (wprop.flags == null) { wprop.flags = this.RESULT_FLAGS.clone(); this.words.put(we.getKey().toLowerCase(), wprop); } } } // extend the tags in the document object with autotagging tags if (!this.tags.isEmpty()) { document.addMetatags(this.tags); } // create the synonyms set if (SynonymLibrary.size() > 0) { for (String word: this.words.keySet()) { Set syms = SynonymLibrary.getSynonyms(word); if (syms != null) this.synonyms.addAll(syms); } } String text = document.getTextString(); // create hashes for duplicate detection // check dups with http://localhost:8090/solr/select?q=*:*&start=0&rows=3&fl=sku,fuzzy_signature_text_t,fuzzy_signature_l,fuzzy_signature_unique_b EnhancedTextProfileSignature fuzzySignatureFactory = new EnhancedTextProfileSignature(); Map sp = new HashMap(); sp.put("quantRate", Float.toString(Ranking.getQuantRate())); // for minTokenLen = 2 the value should not be below 0.24; for minTokenLen = 3 the value must be not below 0.5! sp.put("minTokenLen", Integer.toString(Ranking.getMinTokenLen())); fuzzySignatureFactory.init(new MapSolrParams(sp)); fuzzySignatureFactory.add(text); this.fuzzy_signature = EnhancedTextProfileSignature.getSignatureLong(fuzzySignatureFactory); this.fuzzy_signature_text = fuzzySignatureFactory.getSignatureText().toString(); this.exact_signature = EnhancedTextProfileSignature.getSignatureLong(text); } private Condenser(final String text, final WordCache meaningLib, boolean doAutotagging) { this.languageIdentificator = null; // we don't need that here // analysis = new Properties(); this.words = new TreeMap(); this.synonyms = new HashSet(); createCondensement(text, meaningLib, doAutotagging); } private void insertTextToWords( final SentenceReader text, final int phrase, final int flagpos, final Bitfield flagstemplate, final boolean useForLanguageIdentification, final WordCache meaningLib) { if (text == null) return; String word; Word wprop; WordTokenizer wordenum = new WordTokenizer(text, meaningLib); try { int pip = 0; while (wordenum.hasMoreElements()) { word = (wordenum.nextElement().toString()).toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (useForLanguageIdentification) this.languageIdentificator.add(word); if (word.length() < 2) continue; wprop = this.words.get(word); if (wprop == null) wprop = new Word(0, pip, phrase); if (wprop.flags == null) wprop.flags = flagstemplate.clone(); wprop.flags.set(flagpos, true); this.words.put(word.toLowerCase(), wprop); pip++; this.RESULT_NUMB_WORDS++; this.RESULT_DIFF_WORDS++; } } finally { wordenum.close(); wordenum = null; } } public int excludeWords(final SortedSet stopwords) { // subtracts the given stopwords from the word list // the word list shrinkes. This returns the number of shrinked words final int oldsize = this.words.size(); SetTools.excludeDestructive(this.words, stopwords); return oldsize - this.words.size(); } public Map words() { // returns the words as word/indexWord relation map return this.words; } public List synonyms() { ArrayList l = new ArrayList(this.synonyms.size()); for (String s: this.synonyms) l.add(s); return l; } public long fuzzySignature() { return this.fuzzy_signature; } public String fuzzySignatureText() { return this.fuzzy_signature_text; } public long exactSignature() { return this.exact_signature; } public String language() { return this.languageIdentificator.getLanguage(); } private void createCondensement(final String text, final WordCache meaningLib, boolean doAutotagging) { assert text != null; final Set currsentwords = new HashSet(); String word = ""; String[] wordcache = new String[LibraryProvider.autotagging.getMaxWordsInTerm() - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < wordcache.length; i++) wordcache[i] = ""; String k; Tagging.Metatag tag; int wordlen; Word wsp; final Word wsp1; int wordHandle; int wordHandleCount = 0; final int sentenceHandleCount = 0; int allwordcounter = 0; final int allsentencecounter = 0; int wordInSentenceCounter = 1; boolean comb_indexof = false, last_last = false, last_index = false; final Map sentences = new HashMap(100); if (LibraryProvider.autotagging.isEmpty()) doAutotagging = false; // read source WordTokenizer wordenum = new WordTokenizer(new SentenceReader(text), meaningLib); try { while (wordenum.hasMoreElements()) { word = wordenum.nextElement().toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); if (this.languageIdentificator != null) this.languageIdentificator.add(word); if (word.length() < wordminsize) continue; // get tags from autotagging if (doAutotagging) { for (int wordc = 1; wordc <= wordcache.length + 1; wordc++) { // wordc is number of words that are tested StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (wordc == 1) { sb.append(word); } else { for (int w = 0; w < wordc - 1; w++) { sb.append(wordcache[wordcache.length - wordc + w + 1]).append(' '); } sb.append(word); } String testterm = sb.toString().trim(); //System.out.println("Testing: " + testterm); tag = LibraryProvider.autotagging.getTagFromTerm(testterm); if (tag != null) { String navigatorName = tag.getVocabularyName(); Set tagset = this.tags.get(navigatorName); if (tagset == null) { tagset = new HashSet(); this.tags.put(navigatorName, tagset); } tagset.add(tag); } } } // shift wordcache System.arraycopy(wordcache, 1, wordcache, 0, wordcache.length - 1); wordcache[wordcache.length - 1] = word; // distinguish punctuation and words wordlen = word.length(); if (wordlen == 1 && SentenceReader.punctuation(word.charAt(0))) { // store sentence currsentwords.clear(); wordInSentenceCounter = 1; } else { // check index.of detection if (last_last && comb_indexof && word.equals("modified")) { this.RESULT_FLAGS.set(flag_cat_indexof, true); wordenum.pre(true); // parse lines as they come with CRLF } if (last_index && (wordminsize > 2 || word.equals("of"))) comb_indexof = true; last_last = word.equals("last"); last_index = word.equals("index"); // store word allwordcounter++; currsentwords.add(word); wsp = this.words.get(word); if (wsp != null) { // word already exists wordHandle = wsp.posInText; wsp.inc(); } else { // word does not yet exist, create new word entry wordHandle = wordHandleCount++; wsp = new Word(wordHandle, wordInSentenceCounter, sentences.size() + 100); wsp.flags = this.RESULT_FLAGS.clone(); this.words.put(word.toLowerCase(), wsp); } // we now have the unique handle of the word, put it into the sentence: wordInSentenceCounter++; } } } finally { wordenum.close(); wordenum = null; } if (pseudostemming) { Map.Entry entry; // we search for similar words and reorganize the corresponding sentences // a word is similar, if a shortened version is equal final Iterator> wi = this.words.entrySet().iterator(); // enumerates the keys in descending order wordsearch: while (wi.hasNext()) { entry = wi.next(); word = entry.getKey(); wordlen = word.length(); wsp = entry.getValue(); for (int i = wordcut; i > 0; i--) { if (wordlen > i) { k = word.substring(0, wordlen - i); if (this.words.containsKey(k)) { // update word counter wsp1.count = wsp1.count + wsp.count; this.words.put(k, wsp1); // remove current word wi.remove(); continue wordsearch; } } } } } // store result //this.RESULT_NUMB_TEXT_BYTES = wordenum.count(); this.RESULT_NUMB_WORDS = allwordcounter; this.RESULT_DIFF_WORDS = wordHandleCount; this.RESULT_NUMB_SENTENCES = allsentencecounter; this.RESULT_DIFF_SENTENCES = sentenceHandleCount; } public static Map getWords(final String text, final WordCache meaningLib) { // returns a word/indexWord relation map if (text == null) return null; return new Condenser(text, meaningLib, false).words(); } public static void main(final String[] args) { // read a property file and convert them into configuration lines try { final File f = new File(args[0]); final Properties p = new Properties(); p.load(new FileInputStream(f)); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{\n"); for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++) { sb.append('"'); final String s = p.getProperty("keywords" + i); final String[] l = s.split(","); for (final String element : l) { sb.append(ASCII.String(Word.word2hash(element))); } if (i < 15) sb.append(",\n"); } sb.append("}\n"); System.out.println(sb.toString()); } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { ConcurrentLog.logException(e); } catch (final IOException e) { ConcurrentLog.logException(e); } } }