## this is a list of all solr keys for the default index 'collection1', the fulltext search index ## this complete list of keys can be changed; the actual schema is stored in: ## DATA/SETTINGS/solr.collection.schema ## the syntax of this file: ## - all lines beginning with '##' are comments ## - all non-empty lines not beginning with '#' are keyword lines ## - all lines beginning with '#' and where the second character is not '#' are commented-out keyword lines ### mandatory values, do not disable them, YaCy won't work without them ## primary key of document, the URL hash, string (mandatory field) id ##url of document, string (mandatory field) sku ## last-modified from http header, date (mandatory field) last_modified ## mime-type of document, string (mandatory field) content_type ## content of title tag, text (mandatory field) title ## the 64 bit hash of the org.apache.solr.update.processor.Lookup3Signature of title, used to compute title_unique_b #title_exact_signature_l ## flag shows if title is unique in the whole index; if yes and another document appears with same title, the unique-flag is set to false, boolean #title_unique_b ## id of the host, a 6-byte hash that is part of the document id (mandatory field) host_id_s ## the md5 of the raw source (mandatory field) md5_s ## the 64 bit hash of the org.apache.solr.update.processor.Lookup3Signature of text_t exact_signature_l ## flag shows if exact_signature_l is unique at the time of document creation, used for double-check during search exact_signature_unique_b ## 64 bit of the Lookup3Signature from EnhancedTextProfileSignature of text_t fuzzy_signature_l ## intermediate data produced in EnhancedTextProfileSignature: a list of word frequencies #fuzzy_signature_text_t ## flag shows if fuzzy_signature_l is unique at the time of document creation, used for double-check during search fuzzy_signature_unique_b ## the size of the raw source (mandatory field) size_i ## fail reason if a page was not loaded. if the page was loaded then this field is empty, string (mandatory field) failreason_s ## fail type if a page was not loaded. This field is either empty, 'excl' or 'fail' failtype_s ## html status return code (i.e. "200" for ok), -1 if not loaded (see content of failreason_t for this case), int (mandatory field) httpstatus_i ## redirect url if the error code is 299 < httpstatus_i < 310 #httpstatus_redirect_s ## number of unique http references, should be equal to references_internal_i + references_external_i references_i ## number of unique http references from same host to referenced url references_internal_i ## number of unique http references from external hosts references_external_i ## number of external hosts which provide http references references_exthosts_i ## depth of web page according to number of clicks from the 'main' page, which is the page that appears if only the host is entered as url clickdepth_i ## needed (post-)processing steps on this metadata set process_sxt ### optional but highly recommended values, part of the index distribution process ## time when resource was loaded load_date_dt ## date until resource shall be considered as fresh fresh_date_dt ## id of the referrer to this document, discovered during crawling referrer_id_s ## the name of the publisher of the document publisher_t ## the language used in the document language_s ## number of links to audio resources audiolinkscount_i ## number of links to video resources videolinkscount_i ## number of links to application resources applinkscount_i ### optional but highly recommended values, not part of the index distribution process ## tags that are attached to crawls/index generation to separate the search result into user-defined subsets collection_sxt ## geospatial point in degrees of latitude,longitude as declared in WSG84, location; this creates two additional subfields, coordinate_p_0_coordinate (latitude) and coordinate_p_1_coordinate (longitude) coordinate_p ## content of author-tag, texgen author ## content of description-tag(s), text description_txt ## the 64 bit hash of the org.apache.solr.update.processor.Lookup3Signature of description, used to compute description_unique_b #description_exact_signature_l ## flag shows if description is unique in the whole index; if yes and another document appears with same description, the unique-flag is set to false, boolean #description_unique_b ## content of keywords tag; words are separated by space keywords ## character encoding, string charset_s ## number of words in visible area, int wordcount_i ## total number of inbound links, int inboundlinkscount_i ## number of inbound links with nofollow tag, int inboundlinksnofollowcount_i ## external number of inbound links, int outboundlinkscount_i ## number of external links with nofollow tag, int outboundlinksnofollowcount_i ## number of images, int imagescount_i ## response time of target server in milliseconds, int responsetime_i ## all visible text, text text_t ## additional synonyms to the words in the text synonyms_sxt ## h1 header h1_txt ## h2 header h2_txt ## h3 header h3_txt ## h4 header h4_txt ## h5 header h5_txt ## h6 header h6_txt ### optional values, not part of standard YaCy handling (but useful for external applications) ## ip of host of url (after DNS lookup), string #ip_s ## tags of css entries, normalized with absolute URL #css_tag_sxt ## urls of css entries, normalized with absolute URL #css_url_sxt ## number of css entries, int #csscount_i ## urls of script entries, normalized with absolute URL #scripts_sxt ## number of entries in scripts_sxt, int #scriptscount_i ## noindex and nofollow attributes ## from HTML (meta-tag in HTML header: robots) ## and HTTP header (X-Robots-Tag property) ## coded as binary value: ## bit 0: "all" contained in html header meta ## bit 1: "index" contained in html header meta ## bit 2: "follow" contained in html header meta ## bit 3: "noindex" contained in html header meta ## bit 4: "nofollow" contained in html header meta ## bit 8: "all" contained in http header X-Robots-Tag ## bit 9: "noindex" contained in http header X-Robots-Tag ## bit 10: "nofollow" contained in http header X-Robots-Tag ## bit 11: "noarchive" contained in http header X-Robots-Tag ## bit 12: "nosnippet" contained in http header X-Robots-Tag ## bit 13: "noodp" contained in http header X-Robots-Tag ## bit 14: "notranslate" contained in http header X-Robots-Tag ## bit 15: "noimageindex" contained in http header X-Robots-Tag ## bit 16: "unavailable_after" contained in http header X-Robots-Tag #robots_i ## content of tag, text #metagenerator_t ## internal links, only the protocol inboundlinks_protocol_sxt ## internal links, the url only without the protocol inboundlinks_urlstub_txt ## external links, only the protocol outboundlinks_protocol_sxt ## external links, the url only without the protocol outboundlinks_urlstub_txt ## all text/words appearing in image alt texts or the tokenized url images_text_t ## all image links without the protocol and '://' images_urlstub_sxt ## all image link protocols images_protocol_sxt ## all image link alt tag images_alt_sxt ## size of images:height images_height_val ## size of images:width images_width_val ## size of images as number of pixels (easier for ranking than using with and height) images_pixel_val ## number of image links with alt tag #images_withalt_i ## binary pattern for the existance of h1..h6 headlines, int #htags_i ## url inside the canonical link element, string #canonical_s ## flag shows if the url in canonical_t is equal to sku, boolean #canonical_equal_sku_b ## link from the url property inside the refresh link element, string #refresh_s ## all texts in