/* * YaCy Portalsearch * * @author Stefan Förster (apfelmaennchen) * @version 1.1 * * @requires jquery-1.6.1 * @requires jquery-ui-1.8.13 * @requires jquery-query-2.1.7 * @requires jquery.form-2.73 * @requires jquery.field-0.9.2.min * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * Date: 19-MAY-2011 * */ function statuscheck() { if(load_status < 5) { return; } else { window.clearInterval(loading); yrun(); } } $(document).ready(function() { ynavigators = new Array(); $.ajaxSetup({ timeout: 5000, cache: true }) // apply default properties ycurr = ''; startRecord = 0; maximumRecords = 10; submit = false; yconf = $.extend({ url : '', 'global' : false, theme : 'start', title : 'YaCy Search Widget', logo : yconf.url + '/yacy/ui/img/yacy-logo.png', link : 'http://yacy.net', width : 640, height : 640, position : [150,50], modal : false, resizable: true, show : '', hide : '', load_js : true, load_css : true }, yconf); $('
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" var desc = "Sorry, this should not have happened - please try again!
"; $(title+desc+url).appendTo("#ypopup"); } }); $.getJSON(url, param, function(json, status) { if (json[0]) data = json[0]; else data = json; var searchTerms = data.channels[0].searchTerms; if(ycurr.replace(/ /g,"+") != searchTerms) { return false; } if(clear) { $('#ypopup').empty(); } var total = data.channels[0].totalResults; if(global) var result = 'global'; else var result = 'local'; var count = 0; $.each ( data.channels[0].items, function(i,item) { if (item) { var favicon = ""; var title = ""+item.description+"
"; var date = ""+item.pubDate.substring(0,16); var size = " | "+item.sizename+"
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" var desc = "You could restate your search or release some navigators...
"; $(title+desc+url).appendTo("#ypopup"); } if(clear) { $('#yside').empty(); var query = unescape($("#yquery").getValue()); var yglobal = "local"; var sel_date = ""; var sel_relev = ""; var sel_local = ""; var sel_global = ""; if(query.indexOf("/date") != -1) sel_date = 'checked="checked"'; else sel_relev = 'checked="checked"'; if(global) { sel_global = 'checked="checked"'; yglobal = "global"; } else sel_local = 'checked="checked"'; var ylogo = ""; var ymsg= "Total "+yglobal+" results: "+total; $(""+ylogo+" | "+ymsg+" |
Get results: | ';
var radio2 = 'Sort by: |