getDescription() {
return getStringList(CollectionSchema.description_txt);
public static URIMetadataNode importEntry(final String propStr, String collection) {
if (propStr == null || propStr.isEmpty() || propStr.charAt(0) != '{' || !propStr.endsWith("}")) {
ConcurrentLog.severe("URIMetadataNode", "importEntry: propStr is not proper: " + propStr);
return null;
try {
return new URIMetadataNode(MapTools.s2p(propStr.substring(1, propStr.length() - 1)), collection);
} catch (final kelondroException | MalformedURLException e) {
// wrong format
ConcurrentLog.severe("URIMetadataNode", e.getMessage());
return null;
* Format a date using the short day format.
* @param date the date to format. Must not be null.
* @return the formatted date
* @throws NullPointerException when date is null.
private String formatShortDayDate(final Date date) {
String formattedDate;
try {
/* Prefer using first the thread-safe shared instance of DateTimeFormatter */
formattedDate = GenericFormatter.FORMAT_SHORT_DAY.format(date.toInstant());
} catch (final DateTimeException e) {
* Should not happen, but rather than failing it is preferable to use the old
* formatter which uses synchronization locks
formattedDate = GenericFormatter.SHORT_DAY_FORMATTER.format(date);
return formattedDate;
* Parse a date string with the short day format.
* @param dateStr
* a date representation as a String. Must not be null.
* @return the parsed Date or the current date when an parsing error occurred.
private Date parseShortDayDate(final String dateStr) {
Date parsed;
try {
/* Prefer using first the thread-safe shared instance of DateTimeFormatter */
parsed = Date.from(LocalDate.parse(dateStr, GenericFormatter.FORMAT_SHORT_DAY).atStartOfDay()
} catch (final RuntimeException e) {
/* Retry with the old formatter which uses synchronization locks */
try {
parsed = GenericFormatter.SHORT_DAY_FORMATTER.parse(dateStr, 0).getTime();
} catch (final ParseException pe) {
parsed = new Date();
return parsed;
protected StringBuilder corePropList() {
// generate a parseable string; this is a simple property-list
final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(300);
try {
s.append(",referrer=").append(this.referrerHash() == null ? "" : ASCII.String(this.referrerHash()));
//s.append(",md5=").append(this.md5()); // md5 never calculated / not used, also removed from this(prop) 2015-11-27
final char dt = this.doctype();
// if default revert from doctype to mime doesn't match actual mime,
// include mime in the properties
final String mime = this.mime();
if (mime != null) {
final String[] mimex = Response.doctype2mime(null,dt);
if (!mime.equals(mimex[0])) { // include mime if not equal to recalc by dt (to make sure correct mime is recorded)
if (this.word() != null) {
// append also word properties
final String wprop = this.word().toPropertyForm();
/* Add favicon URL with preferred size being 16x16 pixels if known */
if(!this.getIcons().isEmpty()) {
IconEntry faviconEntry = this.getFavicon(new Dimension(16, 16));
if(faviconEntry != null) {
return s;
} catch (final Throwable e) {
return null;
* the toString format to transport the data over p2p connections.
public String toString(String snippet) {
// add information needed for remote transport
final StringBuilder core = corePropList();
if (core == null)
return null;
core.ensureCapacity(core.length() + snippet.length() * 2);
core.insert(0, '{');
return core.toString();
//return "{" + core + ",snippet=" + crypt.simpleEncode(snippet) + "}";
* @return the object as String.
* This e.g. looks like this:
* {hash=jmqfMk7Y3NKw,referrer=------------,mod=20050610,load=20051003,size=51666,wc=1392,cc=0,local=true,q=AEn,dt=h,lang=uk,url=b|aHR0cDovL3d3dy50cmFuc3BhcmVuY3kub3JnL3N1cnZleXMv,descr=b|S25vd2xlZGdlIENlbnRyZTogQ29ycnVwdGlvbiBTdXJ2ZXlzIGFuZCBJbmRpY2Vz}
* and is used in the peer to peer exchange*
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder core = corePropList();
if (core == null) return null;
core.insert(0, '{');
return core.toString();
private int getInt(CollectionSchema field) {
assert !field.isMultiValued();
assert field.getType() == SolrType.num_integer;
Object x = this.getFieldValue(field.getSolrFieldName());
if (x == null) return 0;
if (x instanceof Integer) return ((Integer) x).intValue();
if (x instanceof Long) return ((Long) x).intValue();
return 0;
private Date getDate(CollectionSchema field) {
assert !field.isMultiValued();
assert field.getType() ==;
Date x = (Date) this.getFieldValue(field.getSolrFieldName());
if (x == null) return new Date(0);
Date now = new Date();
return x.after(now) ? now : x;
private Date[] getDates(CollectionSchema field) {
assert field.isMultiValued();
assert field.getType() ==;
Object content = this.getFieldValue(field.getSolrFieldName());
if (content == null) return new Date[0];
if (content instanceof Date) {
return new Date[] {(Date) content};
if (content instanceof List) {
List x = (List) content;
return x.toArray(new Date[x.size()]);
return new Date[0];
private String getString(CollectionSchema field) {
assert !field.isMultiValued();
assert field.getType() == SolrType.string || field.getType() == SolrType.text_general || field.getType() == SolrType.text_en_splitting_tight;
Object x = this.getFieldValue(field.getSolrFieldName());
if (x == null) return "";
if (x instanceof ArrayList) {
ArrayList xa = (ArrayList) x;
return xa.size() == 0 ? "" : xa.get(0);
return (String) x;
private ArrayList getStringList(CollectionSchema field) {
assert field.isMultiValued();
assert field.getType() == SolrType.string || field.getType() == SolrType.text_general;
Object r = this.getFieldValue(field.getSolrFieldName());
if (r == null) return new ArrayList(0);
if (r instanceof ArrayList) {
return (ArrayList) r;
ArrayList a = new ArrayList(1);
a.add((String) r);
return a;
private ArrayList getIntList(CollectionSchema field) {
assert field.isMultiValued();
assert field.getType() == SolrType.num_integer;
Object r = this.getFieldValue(field.getSolrFieldName());
if (r == null) return new ArrayList(0);
if (r instanceof ArrayList) {
return (ArrayList) r;
ArrayList a = new ArrayList(1);
a.add((Integer) r);
return a;
// --- implementation for use as search result ----------
* Initialisize some variables only needed for search results
* and eleminates underlaying fields not needed for search results
* ! never put this back to the index because of the reduced content fields
* @param indexSegment
* @param peers
* @param textSnippet
* @return
public URIMetadataNode makeResultEntry(
final Segment indexSegment,
SeedDB peers,
final TextSnippet textSnippet) {
this.removeFields(CollectionSchema.text_t.getSolrFieldName()); // clear the text field which eats up most of the space; it was used for snippet computation which is in a separate field here
this.alternative_urlstring = null;
this.alternative_urlname = null;
this.textSnippet = textSnippet;
final String host = this.url().getHost();
if (host != null && host.endsWith(".yacyh")) {
// translate host into current IP
int p = host.indexOf('.');
final String hash = Seed.hexHash2b64Hash(host.substring(p + 1, host.length() - 6));
final Seed seed = peers.getConnected(hash);
final String path = this.url().getFile();
String address = null;
if(seed != null) {
final Set ips = seed.getIPs();
if(!ips.isEmpty()) {
address = seed.getPublicAddress(ips.iterator().next());
if (address == null) {
// seed is not known from here
try {
if (indexSegment.termIndex() != null) indexSegment.termIndex().remove(
(path.replace('?', ' ') +
" " +
this.dc_title()), null).keySet()),
} catch (final IOException e) {
indexSegment.fulltext().remove(this.hash()); // clean up
} else {
this.alternative_urlstring = "http://" + address + "/" + host.substring(0, p) + path;
this.alternative_urlname = "http://" + seed.getName() + ".yacy" + path;
if ((p = this.alternative_urlname.indexOf('?')) > 0) this.alternative_urlname = this.alternative_urlname.substring(0, p);
return this;
* used for search result entry
public String urlstring() {
if (this.alternative_urlstring != null) return this.alternative_urlstring;
return this.url().toNormalform(true);
* used for search result entry
public String urlname() {
return (this.alternative_urlname == null) ? MultiProtocolURL.unescape(urlstring()) : this.alternative_urlname;
* used for search result entry
public String title() {
String titlestr = this.dc_title();
// if title is empty use filename as title
if (titlestr.isEmpty()) { // if url has no filename, title is still empty (e.g. "" )
titlestr = this.url() != null ? this.url().getFileName() : "";
return titlestr;
* used for search result entry
public TextSnippet textSnippet() {
return this.textSnippet;
* used for search result entry
public Date[] events() {
return this.datesInContent();
* used for search result entry
public boolean hasTextSnippet() {
return (this.textSnippet != null) && (!this.textSnippet.getErrorCode().fail());
* used for search result entry
public String resource() {
// generate transport resource
if ((this.textSnippet == null) || (!this.textSnippet.exists())) {
return this.toString();
return this.toString(this.textSnippet.getLineRaw());
public int hashCode() {
return this.url().hashCode();