#%env/templates/metas.template%# #%env/templates/header.template%# #%env/templates/submenuIndexControl.template%#

Index Administration

The local index currently consists of (at least) #[wcount]# reverse word indexes and #[ucount]# URL references


DHT Transmission control:
The transmission is necessary for the functionality of global search on other peers. If you switch off distribution or receipt of RWIs you will be banned from global search.

Index Distribution: This enables automated, DHT-ruled Index Transmission to other peers.
   If checked, DHT-Transmission is enabled even during crawling.
Index Receive: Accept remote Index Transmissions. This works only if you are a senior peer. The DHT-rules do not work without this function.
   If checked, your peer silently ignores transmitted URLs that match your blacklist
Peer Tags: If your peer runs in 'Robinson Mode' (Distribution and Receive off), you probably run YaCy as a search engine for your own search portal. Please describe your search portal with some keywords (comma-separated). This will help to use your peer as search target even if you do not distribute your web index by DHT distribution.
Changes will take effect immediately
#(keyhashsimilar)# ::Sequential List of Word-Hashes:
#{rows}# #{cols}##[wordHash]# #{/cols}#
#{/rows}# #(/keyhashsimilar)# #(urlhashsimilar)# ::Sequential List of URL-Hashes:
#{rows}# #{cols}##[urlHash]# #{/cols}#
#{/rows}# #(/urlhashsimilar)# #(genUrlList)# :: No URL entries related to this word hash #[keyHash]#. :: URL entries related to this word hash #[keyHash]#

#{urlList}# #(urlExists)# #[urlhxValue]# <unresolved URL Hash>
:: #[urlhxValue]# #[urlString]#, pos=#[pos]#
#(/urlExists)# #{/urlList}#
Reference Deletion

  (= delete Word)

delete also the referenced URL itself (reasonable and recommended, may produce unresolved references at other word indexes but they do not harm)

for every resolveable and deleted URL reference, delete the same reference at every other word where the reference exists (very extensive, but prevents further unresolved references)

#(/genUrlList)# #(genUrlProfile)# ::No entry found for URL-hash #[urlhash]# ::
URL String#[urlNormalform]#

 this may produce unresolved references at other word indexes but they do not harm

 delete the reference to this url at every other word where the reference exists (very extensive, but prevents unresolved references)
#(/genUrlProfile)# #[result]# #%env/templates/footer.template%#